TheDayYouWereBorn 10DayMasters

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This E-Book aims to answer the following
· What has the element of the day that you
were born on got to do with your
· How do the 5 element personality differ?


Knowing Yourself And Your Personality (Traits)

1. What has Nature/ Dates got to do with our Personality?............3

2. Opposites Attract (Yin & Yang)……………………………………..6

3. The Day You Were Born (Yang & Yin Wood)……………………...9

4. What Keeps YOU MOTIVATED? (Yang & Yin Fire)……………..14

5. What Helps You Build Trust? (Yang & Yin Earth)………………17

6. Just Do It! (Yang & Yin Metal)………………………………………20

7. Flexibility – The Modern Day Value (Yang & Yin Water)……….22

Article 1 : What has Nature/ Dates got to do with our Personality?

I was pleasantly surprised recently to come across a thesis written by a group of students
from the National University of Singapore – Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics)
titled “ Deriving the Eight Characters1” as part of a project from their GEM (General
Education Module).
In the document, they wrote that ancient Chinese originally utilized this system to keep track
of dates and the system can be traced back to about 4,000 years ago.
In my previous article ‘What has Nature got to do with our Personality and Health?’, I wrote
about the concept of “Yin and Yang” and the “5 elements” as the basis in Chinese studies
related to Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Chinese Metaphysical Science.

 Yin and Yang Balance

◦ Yin represent inactivity, femininity, coldness, compression, darkness, and

submission and the Moon.
◦ Yang represent activity, movement, masculinity, expansion, heat and the Sun
◦ This duality must be in balance or else disease of the mind, personality and
body will occur.

 Five Elements
◦ Earth, Metal, Water, Wood & Fire

Thus, going back to the above title, what has nature or the ancient Chinese way of tracking
dates got to do with our personality or characteristics? The question can be answered by
the way the ancient dates are recorded, they are recorded in accordance to the 5 elements
with both the Yin and Yang perspective.

So where do the Five Elements exist in nature? The Answer - It is everywhere. The Wood
element can be represented by trees, living plants – where we see the nurturing behaviour of
a tree – providing shade and habitat for others. The Fire element: the Sun and light –
providing warmth and direction in darkness. The Earth element: Mother Earth and fertile soil
– providing the numerous food source, minerals and opportunities for human kind. The Metal
element: the minerals, steel, iron-ore and precious metals mined and utilized by mankind.
The Water element: Ocean, water ways, rain and mist that has provided mankind’s early
means of transport, trading and nourishment for the plants and living things on earth.

In understanding our personality through the ‘8Characters’ or Bazi system, we utilize the
Five Elements to understand the characteristics, motivations and interaction style of each
person. The different profiles in the Bazi personality profiling system2 approach life, interact
with others and are motivated in different ways. Similar to the Big Five Personality traits3
described in modern psychology, Bazi studies classify personalities into:

 5 elements (Metal-Factual, Water-Flexibility, Wood-Nurturing, Fire-Passion and


 Combining the 5 elements with the Yin and Yang perspective, we have 10 different
day elements that each person can be born on:

o Yang Wood, Yin Wood

o Yang Fire, Yin Fire
o Yang Earth, Yin Earth
o Yang Metal, Yin Metal
o Yang Water, Yin Water

In the next few articles, I will go into more detail on the differences in characteristics and
motivations of individuals born on different day elements or traditionally, we call it “Day
Master”, as the element of the day that we are born on influences our perception of the
world; how we are motivated; how we interact with others and is a crucial component on how
we would make choices and take actions.

Thank you for taking time to read my post as I embark on the quest to simplify and explain
the principles of this 2000-year-old metaphysical study on human behaviour.

You can click here to find out your day element. For more information and details about the

2000-year-old Bazi metaphysical study, visit:

By Janet Yung

Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser,

1. National University of Singapore – Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) :
GEM 1506K: Heavenly Mathematics -. Highlights of Cultural Astronomy. Grp : 73.
Grp members: Chen Jiahui. Cheong Hui Sian. Koh Chiat Hua Lydia ..., Oct 2015

2. Terms used from Joey Yap’s Bazi Profiling System

3. Costa, P.T.,Jr. & McCrae, R.R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-
R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological
Assessment Resources.

Article 2 : Opposites Attract - Knowing yourself and your personality traits

Happiness and Sadness; Success and Failure; Light and Darkness; Night and Day;
Male and Female; Brightness and Shadow; Yin and Yang

All these pairs of words will have no meaning without the existence or knowledge of the
other. With the existence of sadness, we are in search of happiness, without the experience
of failure, we will not be able to appreciate the sweetness of success. Without the dark of
night, we will not look as much forward to the brightness of the day. Similarly, without the
loss of someone or something we love, we will never learn to fully appreciate what we
currently have. In nature and our life experience, the existence of the opposites generate
attraction for each other bringing out the intrinsic balance that all of us seek whether in our
work, family or love life.

It is also intriguing to note that ancient Chinese started to observe the same when they
discovered the concept of Yin and Yang. In fact, the Yin-Yang symbol was derived through
the measurement of the sun’s shadows in an attempt to record dates1 4000 years ago as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 1 – Yin-Yang Symbol was formed with the measurement of Sun’s shadow when
ancient Chinese recorded dates. As expounded in the thesis by National University of
Singapore – Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) : GEM 1506K: Heavenly
Mathematics -. Highlights of Cultural Astronomy. Grp: 73. Grp members: Chen Jiahui.
Cheong Hui Sian. Koh Chiat Hua Lydia 1

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America
In their studies and observation of nature and its characteristics vis-à-vis that when the Sun
is strong (more Yang) or weak (more Yin); or when the Moon is strong (more Yin) or weak
(more Yang), the ancient Chinese were able to explore the concept of “Yin and Yang”
This forms the basis of Chinese studies which is now commonly referred to in Traditional
Chinese Medicine and Chinese Metaphysical Science - the theory of the Opposites – Sun vs
Moon, Daylight vs Night time, Male vs Female, Expansion vs Contraction, Heat vs Cold.
However as alluded above, where there are opposites, there will be an inherent need to find
a balance as well.
Likewise, when studying our personality using the ‘8Characters’ or Bazi system, besides
utilizing the Five Elements, it is crucial to understand the Yin and Yang nature of each
element influencing our characteristics, motivations and interaction style.
In the video-link below, I explain how the Yin and Yang nature of the elements affect us. For
instance, a person with more Fire (yang) element will tend to be more optimistic whereas
someone who’s chart has more Water (yin) element will be more pessimistic. In addition, in

my experience, couples and friends are attracted to each other as one needed more
optimism whilst the other needed to feel more grounded, reinforcing the notion that
opposites attract, whilst looking for that balance.
As a recap:

 The 5 elements (Metal-Factual, Water-Flexibility, Wood-Nurturing, Fire-Passion and

 Combining the 5 elements with the Yin and Yang perspective, we have 10 different
day elements that each person can be born on:
o Yang Wood, Yin Wood
o Yang Fire, Yin Fire
o Yang Earth, Yin Earth
o Yang Metal, Yin Metal
o Yang Water, Yin Water

I am re-attaching this video link, where I have more details on the concept of Yin and Yang
and how it influences our characteristics.

Coming next in the pipeline of articles, I will share the characteristics and motivations of
each of the individuals born on the day influenced by the different elements mentioned
above or traditionally, we call it “Day Master”. The different element of the day that we are
born on, whether it is Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and their Yin and Yang nature,
influences our perception of the world; how we are motivated; how we interact with others
and is a crucial component on how we would make choices and take actions.

You can click here to find out your day element. For more information and details about the

2000-year-old Bazi metaphysical study, visit:

By Janet Yung

Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser

4. National University of Singapore – Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) :
GEM 1506K: Heavenly Mathematics -. Highlights of Cultural Astronomy. Grp : 73.
Grp members: Chen Jiahui. Cheong Hui Sian. Koh Chiat Hua Lydia ...
eight_characters.pdf, Oct 2015

Article 3 - The Day You Were Born - Knowing Yourself And Your Personality (Traits)



“My chart looks bad, right?” a new client lamented in despair the moment we shook hands
and made short introductions. “For this session to work for you, it is critical that you do not
let your emotions or pessimism dominate your thinking,” I replied. “Remember, whatever the
mind constantly thinks about, it will affect our perceptions, choices, decisions and
consequently our actions.”

This was part of a conversation I had during a recent consultation. The client has a stronger

Water element (positive: intuitiveness, flexibility and wisdom; negative: pessimism, suspicion

and nervousness) in his chart affecting his outlook in life. We are all born with a certain set

of characteristics, some more positive, some more negative, some more sociable, and

others who are not so.

From the popularity of the concept and practice of Mindfulness to the age-old wisdom given

above, there is no short of advise that it is important to be self-aware to succeed especially

in this 21st century knowledge economy. Through self-awareness, you are better able

to manage your thoughts and consequently your decisions, actions and communication style

with others. However, this is not easy as:


As promised in my previous articles, this week we will begin to explore the characteristics

and motivations for each of us influenced by the different elements in our charts, especially

the element of the day that we were born on or traditionally, we call it - “Day Master”.

The different element of the day that we were born on, whether it is Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal,

Water and their Yin and Yang nature, influences our perception of the world; how we are

motivated; how we interact with others, and is thus a crucial component affecting how we

make choices and take actions.

How are the elements of dates recorded in Chinese history connected to personality


Through the years, when the ancient Chinese recorded dates, besides utilizing the elements

of the dates to differentiate one date from another, they observed that they could utilize

these dates to interpret how a year would be economically for the state - fruitful crop

harvests or natural disasters for the year.

In addition, they observed that they could utilize the dates that individuals were born on to

understand their characteristics and life experience. Thus, in selecting a life partner, it was

very common for the birth date of the couple involved to be checked especially for the

female party as she must meet certain criteria, for instance: submissive, diplomatic, ability to

have children, etc.

As the Chinese saying goes: 女怕嫁错郎, 男怕入错行. In English, it means women in

traditional China are afraid of marrying the wrong man while men are afraid of embarking on

the wrong career. In those days, as there was no way to know the character of a potential

wife or daughter-in-law beforehand (especially when women with proper upbringing are not

supposed to go out-doors and socialize) the ancient Chinese could only rely on a recorded

system in their culture to determine partner suitability and compatibility.

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Thus, the characteristics of to-be wives or husbands are checked thoroughly particularly for

those who were from wealthy families to ensure the “perfect” match or what the parents

deemed appropriate in terms of behaviour of the incoming family member.

After more than 2000 years, this same system is still being utilized today but its applications

have been modernized to look more at understanding one’s characteristics and inborn talent

that can be developed further to maximize our potential. In the case of my client mentioned

above, this exercise will help him to understand himself and his characteristics better such

that he is able to utilize the positive traits of his character and manage the negative aspect to

advance his career and achieve success and happiness in life.

Let us now look at how the individual dates translate into the different elements. For e.g.

based on the 10,000 year calendar, this is how the “8 Characters” or Bazi chart of a person

born on 27 Jun, 1973 at 1.30pm, looks like:

Figure 1 – 4 Pillars or 8 Characters Chart. (Bazi – Chinese translation for 8 Characters Chart)

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In ancient Chinese tradition, as not all are literate, pictures or the Chinese characters are

often utilized to depict the various elements that constitute a day. Noticed under the Year

column, it has Yin Water Ox; the Month column – Yang Earth Horse; the Day column – Yang

Wood Horse and the Hour column – Yin Metal Goat, making up the 4 pillars or since there

are 8 Chinese characters, this chart is also referred to the “Eight Characters” or “Four Pillars”

chart. The 12 animals or commonly known as horoscopes are utilized to group the different

elements together for easy reference. From the figure above, you can see that for the

animal or horoscope Ox, there are Earth, Metal and Water elements within.

In the above example, the person is born on the day of the Yang Wood element. Pictorially,

the Yang Wood element is represented by a “tree” - as depicted in the Figure 1.

Day Element/ Master : Yang Wood (Jia)

Key Characteristics : Straight Forward, Determined and Kind.

How did we derive the characteristics of Yang Wood? If you observe any tree, it usually

grows upright and steadily towards the sun, thus a person born on the day of Yang Wood

will naturally have a personality that is straightforward, reliable and supportive.

As the Wood element also represents growth, Yang Wood people are naturally productive as

thinkers and advisors. Their progress, however, is not that noticeable to others, just like the


However, being straight and set in their ways (you wouldn’t see a tree bending in its growth

to avoid colliding onto the roof), they can be inflexible and conservative in their approach

towards life at times. As such, it can be quite difficult to persuade or change them, and this

may then stifle their progress.

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Day Element/ Master : Yin Wood (Yi)

Key Characteristics : Tactful, Mild and Adaptable

Similarly, like pretty flowers, Yin Wood individuals are gentle and elegant. Mostly attractive in

appearance, they are appreciative of the finer things in life. Another pictorial representation

of Yin Wood is grass or the creeper plant such as a money plant, thus a person born on the

day of Yin Wood is flexible and adaptive to different environments. They know how to

survive in much the same way as the bamboo bends with the wind without breaking. At the

same time, their non-committal stand - as they switch sides to their advantage - may make

them seem unsteady and inconsistent.

Corresponding to the nature of vines climbing with the help of support, the Yin Wood

personality type can become overly dependent on others and with other's perception that

they tend to leverage on other people to get ahead in their lives, they can also be perceived

as scheming and manipulative.

You can click here to find out your day element. For more information and details about the

2000-year-old Bazi metaphysical study, visit:

By Janet Yung

Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser

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Article 4: What Keeps YOU MOTIVATED? - Knowing Yourself And Your Personality

“I’m really passionate about what I do and will do what I can to be in the forefront of….” my
business associate carried on enthusiastically over dinner last night.

Passion, a smile that lit up your face; light at the end of the tunnel…all these refer to the
element of fire in a person’s make-up in personality studies in the 2000-year-old Chinese
metaphysical study of Bazi.

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” –Steve Jobs

As the above quotes show, without the “Fire” in us, it is difficult to wake up every single day
going through the grind of the day, keeping us motivated to achieve the next milestone when
there are obstacles or challenges along the way. The Water element (link to previous
article) gives us the influence of intuitiveness and insights but may bring about a pessimistic

On the other hand, the Fire element provides us with the drive, passion and optimistic
outlook but may bring about a situation where we become too impatient for things to get
going or the inability to say “No”, increasing the likelihood of an undelivered promise. Again,
an equilibrium needs to be struck for a balanced and effective approach for success and
happiness in life.

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What are the characteristics of individuals born on the day of the Fire element?

Day Master : Yang Fire (BING)

Key Characteristics : Open, Helpful and Routine-driven.

A Yang Fire person radiates warmth and friendliness like the far-reaching rays of the sun.
They are usually spontaneous and sociable personalities who love to be able to influence
others. Like the sun that rises every morning, the Yang Fire personality type is consistent,
loyal and performs well with routine. At the same time, this also makes them resistant to
change and they tend to take a longer time to adjust to new concepts.

Day Master : Yin Fire (DING)

Key Characteristics : Focus, Gentle and Meticulous.

Yin Fire individuals are warm and attractive - they tend to bring out the best in other people.
They are also generous with their time and energy for their family and friends. However, just
like the candle, they can be fickle-minded and emotionally insecure. When the Yin Fire
personality type is too engrossed in igniting the proverbial fire in others, they can neglect
their own well-being. As a result, they may end up burnt out and de-motivated

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For more insights on the characteristics of the Yang and Yin Fire personalities, you can

check out this 2-min video:

You can click here to find out your day element. For more information and details about the

2000-year-old Bazi metaphysical study, visit:

By Janet Yung

Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser

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Article 5: What Helps You Build Trust? - Knowing Yourself And Your Personality
It was a tough week, my mum had been in and out of hospital over the last couple of weeks,
and my siblings and I were taking turns to watch over her…somehow we knew we could rely
on one another to get through these tough times…

TRUST, dependence, approachability, stability and the following quotes are often associated
with the element of earth in one’s personality based on the 2000-year-old Chinese
metaphysical study of Bazi.

“You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust
enough.” Frank Crane

“If you have three people in your life that you can trust, you can consider yourself the luckiest
person in the whole world.” Selena Gomez

Learning to trust is one of life's most difficult tasks. But in the last few weeks, it dawned on me
that if we live life thinking that the world is always cheating on us, we will be missing that
wonderful feeling of trust in someone (or something). With trust, the foundation of human
relationships are built, and only with this, love can flourish and we can be on our way to

“It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to
trust.” Samuel Johnson

The earth element in our Bazi charts is a crucial element for our search for harmony and
happiness in our lives. Just like Mother Earth, this element brings about stability, trust and is
the foundation for all of us to feel secure and grounded.

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If your Bazi chart lacks the earth element or is full of the water element, you usually will not
trust too easily and may prefer to “drift” rather than be with your loved ones as you will feel
“tied down” with too many strings attached.

“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot
trust, neither can we find love or joy.” Walter Anderson

As with all other things, too much of a good thing can be bad for us. Thus, if we trust too much,
without double-checking the source, we may become gullible. Too much stability may bring
about the unwillingness to change or what others may perceive as being too obstinate or

Here’re more on the characteristics of individuals born on the day of the Earth element:

Day Master : Yang Earth (Wu)

Yang Earth is similar to the earth of mighty
mountains, solid rocks and massive boulders
Characteristic: Stable, Trustworthy, Perseverant

Yang Earth personalities exhibit sheer stability thus offering those around them a sense of
security and reliability. Just like the dam that mitigates flooding from a swollen river, the
Yang Earth type is able to withstand a tremendous amount of emotional and psychological
pressure. However, they may also hold back their own inner thoughts and feelings (similar
to the treasures within the mountain) and have difficulty expressing themselves and may be
perceived to procrastinate and have an unwillingness to change once their minds are made

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Day Master : Yin Earth (Ji)
Yin earth can be represented by the earth of the
fields which grow plants and paddy.

Characteristic: Resourceful, Gentle, Nurturing

Similar to Mother Earth’s productive soil, the Yin Earth personality is creative and full of
ideas. They are nurturing, resourceful, forgiving and multi-talented and are willing to explore
new horizons in life. However, others may take their kind-heartedness as being gullible and
as they are more accommodating of others' weaknesses and mistakes, they may be over
comprising and thus are not as decisive when it comes to tough decisions.

For more insights into the characteristics of the Yang and Yin Earth personalities, you can
check out this 2-min video:

You can click here to find out your day element. For more information and details about the

2000-year-old Bazi metaphysical study, visit:

By Janet Yung

Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser

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Article 6: Just Do It! Know Yourself and Be Successful
- Knowing Yourself And Your Personality (Traits)

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the
action steps.”

The famous slogan “Just Do It”, systems, structures and organized implementation usually
refer to the Metal element in the 2000-year-old Asian Personality Profiling System – Bazi.

Similar to steel assemblies that usually provide the structure of a building, the metal element
in us normally gives us the framework for how things should happen, the impetus to take action
and for some of us, in a very organized and systematic way. However, if taken to an extreme
and everything has to go by the book, it becomes stifling, rigid and can deplete creative energy.

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do!

The following is a summary of the characteristics of individuals born on the day of the Metal

Day Master : Yang Metal (Geng)

Key Characteristics : Loyal, Competitive and Strong-willed

The Yang Metal personality (just like the stainless steel structures) is usually straightforward,
tough, hardworking, and are able to withstand adversity. They are also fiercely loyal and
altruistic. They are action-oriented but can be deemed too domineering and rigid.

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Day Master : Yin Metal (Xin)
Key Characteristics : Elegant, Creative and Polite
Similar to fine jewellery, the Yin Metal personality is elegant, sophisticated and covets
attention as much as flattery. They enjoy being in the limelight and the focus of a party.
However, they tend to shy away from hands-on work.

For more insights into the characteristics of the Yang and Yin Metal personalities, you can

check out this 2-min video:

You can click here to find out your day element. For more information and details about the

2000-year-old Bazi metaphysical study, visit:

By Janet Yung

Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser

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Article 7: Flexibility – The Modern Day Value : Know Yourself and Be Successful
- Knowing Yourself And Your Personality (Traits)

“The stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while bamboo or willow survives by bending with the
Bruce Lee

“Flexibility makes a building stronger, imagine what it can do to your soul.”

Carlos Barios

Freedom, wisdom and flexibility are the words associated with the Water element in the time
tested Asian Personality Profiling system of Bazi. Just like mist, clouds, river or ocean, it is
not possible to restrict the movement of those born on the day of the Water element or those
who have plenty of water element within their Bazi charts. If one has lots of water element
within their charts, it is important that they are involved in a career role that allows them the
flexibility of decision and action. However, similar like the mist and ocean, it is at times
difficult to see through the minds and thinking of these folks.

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The following is a summary of the characteristics of individuals born on the day of the Water

Day Master : Yang Water (Ren)

Key Characteristics : On the move, Determined and a Strategist
As a Yang Water personality, you are intelligent, adaptive, extroverted and usually on the
move. Besides being gifted with exceptional learning ability, you are adventurous, and is
virtually unstoppable once you set your mind on a task! However like the tides, emotionally,
you will have your highs and lows. Another image is that of Rivers, which are constantly
moving, and also impatient. Like the ocean which creates the Tsunami, a pent up Yang
water element personality will sweep up everything in its way.

Day Master : Yin Water (Gui)

Key Characteristics : Calm, Influential and Adaptable

The key qualities of a Yin Water personality include being wise, perceptive, quick witted, and
creative just like the rain that nourishes the plants and all other life forms on earth. On the
other hand, similar to the drifting mist in the mountains or the floating clouds in the sky, they
can be elusive, making it difficult for others to figure out what they are thinking and they can
suddenly turn moody, just like the mood of the skies.

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For more insights into the characteristics of the Yang and Yin Water personalities, you can
check out this 2-min video:

With this article, I’ve completed all the five elements (foundation of all metaphysical studies
including Traditional Chinese Medicine) that a person can have within our charts. Here is a
summary chart that shows the five elements and their corresponding characteristics.

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You can click here to find out your day element. For more information and details about the

2000-year-old Bazi metaphysical study, visit:

Look out for the next in the series of articles on Bazi in our E-book compilation, this

compilation will be on our preferred approach to work as well as our interaction style with

others (Structure).

By Janet Yung

Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser

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Janet Yung
Feng Shui & Bazi Consultant. Author. Harmony Adviser

Under the tutelage of Grand Master Lillian Too, Janet Yung graduated with top distinctions from the
Grand Master’s certified Feng Shui Programmes - Master Practitioners Course (MPC)
and Master Consultants Course (MCC). She also holds a Distinction in Diploma, from the Mastery
Academy of Chinese Metaphysics - Joey Yap’s Bazi Mastery Series.

A former corporate high-flyer, Janet was the Director of Sales & Marketing in a Fortune 500 company
before pursuing Feng Shui full-time. Combining more than two decades of corporate experience with
her Feng Shui and Bazi knowledge, Janet is known for her thought leadership in
customizing workplace harmony and business success training and consultancy that span
across private and listed companies.

In 2012, Janet authored her first book “Being Happy & Successful at Work and in Your Career”.
Following its success, in 2015, Janet published two more titles in the “Being Happy and Successful”
series – “Managing Yourself and Others” and “The Entrepreneur in You” (e-book).

A Bachelor of Business Administration graduate from the National University of Singapore, Janet is a
frequent invited speaker for companies, individuals and the media on the basic concepts of
the 2000 year-old metaphysical study.

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