CredTrans MemAid p471 p544 Done
CredTrans MemAid p471 p544 Done
CredTrans MemAid p471 p544 Done
2. Unilateral contract – once the subject matter has As to Whether it is Made on a Double/Single
been delivered, it creates obligations on the part Name Paper
of only one of the parties (i.e. borrower) (DE Always on a double Always on a single
LEON, supra at 7). name paper (one on name paper (one on
which two signatures which no other
Cause or Consideration: appear with both indorsement, other
1. As to borrower – the acquisition of the thing parties liable for than the signature of
2. As to lender – the right to demand its return or its payment). the maker appears.
equivalent (Ibid). As to Repayment of Discount
Loan v. Credit The discount does not
Loan Credit have to be repaid
Contract for the Ability of a person to Loan must be paid (Herrera v. Petrophil
delivery by one party borrow money or things back. Corp., G.R. No. L-
and receipt of other by virtue of the trust or 48349, December 29,
party of a given sum of confidence reposed by 1986).
money, or other the lender so that he will (DE LEON, supra at 8-9)
Exception: Consumable goods may be the subject OBLIGATIONS OF THE BAILEE (TR-OLDEO)
matter of commodatum if the purpose of the contract Principal Obligations: (TR)
is not the consumption of the object as when it is 1. Take care of the thing with diligence of a good
merely for exhibition (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1936). father of a family (CIVIL CODE, Arts. 1163); and
2. Return the IDENTICAL thing loaned upon
Illustration: expiration of the term or upon the
If consumable goods are loaned only for purposes of accomplishment of the purpose (CIVIL CODE,
exhibition, or when the intention of the parties is to Art. 1933).
lend consumable goods and to have the very same
goods returned at the end of the period agreed Other Obligations: (OLDEO)
upon, the loan is commodatum and not mutuum 1. Pay for the Ordinary expenses for the use and
(Producers Bank of the Phils. v. CA, G.R. No. preservation of the thing loaned (CIVIL CODE,
115324, February 19, 2003). Art. 1941);
Bailor need not be the owner of the thing loaned Reason: The bailee is supposed to return the
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 1938) identical thing (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1933).
It is sufficient that the bailor has:
1. Possessory interest; or 2. Liability for Loss due to fortuitous event (CIVIL
2. The right to use which he may assert against the CODE, Art. 1942);
bailee or third persons but not the rightful owner
(e.g. lessee, usufructuary) (DE LEON, at 17).
b. If the bailee commits any act of ingratitude 3. Be Liable to the bailee for damages for known
specified in Article 765: hidden flaws (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1951).
i. Bailee should commit some offenses
against the person, honor or property of the Requisites: (FHANS)
bailor, or of his wife or children under his a. Existence of Flaw or defect;
parental authority; b. The flaw or defect is Hidden;
ii. Bailee imputes to the bailor any criminal c. The bailor is Aware thereof;
offense, or any act involving moral turpitude, d. Bailor does Not advise the bailee of the same;
even though he should prove it, unless the and
crime or the act has been committed against e. The bailee Suffers damages by reason of said
the bailee himself, his wife or children under flaw or defect.
his authority; and
iii. Bailee unduly refuses the bailor support If the above requisites concur, the bailee has the
when the bailee is legally or morally bound right of retention for damages (CIVIL CODE, Art.
to give support to the bailor (CIVIL CODE, 1944).
Art. 1948).
The bailor is made liable for his bad faith (DE
Reason: Like a donation, commodatum is LEON, supra at 30-31).
essentially gratuitous (DE LEON, supra at 28).
a. For breach of obligations consisting of loan or Factors That he Monetary Board Consider in
forbearance of money, interest due shall be Fixing The Maximum Rates or Rates of Interest:
that stipulated in writing. Interest due shall 1. The existing economic conditions in the country
itself earn legal interest from the time it is and the general requirements of the national
judicially demanded. economy;
2. The supply of and demand for credit;
b. In the absence of stipulation, the rate of 3. The rate of increase in the price levels; and
interest shall be 6% per annum, computed 4. Such other relevant criteria as the Monetary
from default, (i.e., judicial or extrajudicial Board may adopt (P.D. 116, Sec. 6).
demand) subject to the provisions of Art. 1169
of the Civil Code); Notably, however, it was BSP Circular No. 416, July
29, 1974, which increased the interest to be
c. For breached obligations not consisting of imposed on judgments involving forbearance of
loan or forbearance of money, interest on credit from 6% under Art. 2209 to 12%. Originally,
amount of damages awarded may be Art. 2209 only made mention of a 6% rate and not
imposed at the discretion of the court at the 12%. The Supreme Court also already took notice of
rate of 6% per annum. No interest shall be Circular 799, which revised the interest rate for loan
adjudged on unliquidated claims or damages, or forbearance of money, goods or credit, to 6%,
except when or until demand can be and even applied the same in rulings subsequent to
established with reasonable certainty. the circular‟s issuance (S.C. Megaworld
Construction and Development Corporation v.
i. Where demand is established with Parada, G.R. No. 183804, September 11, 2013;
reasonable certainty, interest begins to run Nacar v. Gallery Frames, supra)
from time claim is made
judicially/extrajudicially; In Advocates for Truth in Lending, Inc., v. Bangko
Sentral Monetary Board, G.R. No. 192986, January
ii. When certainty cannot be reasonable 15, 2013, the Supreme Court affirmed the authority
established at the time demand is made, of the BSP Monetary Board (“BSP-MB”) to set
interest runs from date judgment of the court interest rates and to issue and enforce circulars
is made, at which time quantification of when it rules that the BSP-MB may prescribe the
damages may be deemed to have been maximum rates of interest for all loans or renewals
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE = [principal + interest + Answer: Divide the amount of interest by the
interest on interest] – partial payments made actual amount received by the borrower.
Escalation Clause must have de-escalation 2. Unilateral – when gratuitous because only the
clause depositary has an obligation.
Escalation clauses refer to stipulations allowing an 3. Bilateral – if with compensation because it gives
increase in the interest rate agreed upon by the rise to obligations on the part of both the
contracting parties (Juico v. China Banking Corp., depositary and depositor (DE LEON, supra at
G.R. No. 187678, April 10, 2013). 110).
2. If the depositary is incapacitated, he does not Person to Whom the Thing Must Be Returned:
incur the obligation of a depositary. However, he 1. Depositor, his heirs and successors, or the
is liable to: person who may have been designated in the
a. Return the thing deposited while still in his contract (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1972);
possession; or
b. Pay the depositor the amount by which he Note: If there are two or more persons each
may have benefited himself with the thing or claiming to be entitled to a thing, the depositary
its price subject to the right of any third person can file an action to compel the depositors to
who acquired the thing in good faith, in which interplead among themselves (RULES OF
case the depositor may only bring an action COURT, Rule 62, Sec. 1).
Exception: Depositary can only commingle if the Obligation 8: To be liable for loss through
articles are: fortuitous event: (SUDA)
1. Same kind and quality; and 1. If Stipulated;
2. There is no contrary stipulation. 2. If he Uses the thing without the depositor's
If commingling is allowed, each depositor shall be 3. If he Delays its return; and
entitled to each portion of the entire mass as the 4. If he Allows others to use it, even though he
amount deposited by him bears to the whole. himself may have been authorized to use the
same (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1979).
If the articles deposited, belonging to different
depositors, are not of the same kind and quality, it is Obligation 9: Liability when the thing deposited
the duty of the depositary to keep them separate or is delivered closed and sealed
at least identifiable (DE LEON, supra at 132). 1. To return the thing deposited in the same
Obligation 7: Not to make use of the thing 2. To pay for damages should the seal or lock be
deposited unless authorized (CIVIL CODE, Art. broken through his fault, which is presumed
1977). unless proven otherwise; and
3. To keep the secret of the deposit when the seal
General Rule: Deposit is not for the use but for the or lock is broken with or without his fault (CIVIL
safekeeping of the subject matter. Unauthorized use CODE, Art. 1981).
by the depositary would make him liable for
damages (DE LEON, supra at 133). Reason: Without the rule, irresponsible depositaries
Exceptions: may violate their trusts with impunity.
1. Even without the express permission of the
depositor when the preservation of the thing The depositary is authorized to open the thing
deposited requires its use; or deposited, which is closed and sealed, when there
Note: It must be used only for that purpose. a. Presumed authority, such as if the key has
been delivered to him; or
2. When expressly permitted by the depositor. b. Necessity to do so as when the instructions
of the depositor as regards the deposit cannot
The permission to use is not presumed except when be executed without opening the box or
such use is necessary for the preservation of the receptacle (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1982).
thing deposited and the burden is on the depositary
Note: Suretyship involves two (2) relationships: A surety, however, is not released by a change in
1. The principal relationship between the obligee the contract which does not have the effect of
and the obligor; and making its obligation more onerous (Intra-Strata
2. The accessory relationship between the principal Assurance Corp. vs Republic of the Philippines,
debtor (obligor) and the surety (DE LEON, supra G.R. No. 156571, July 9, 2008).
at 229).
Effect when a Party Binds Himself Solidarily 3. Liability arises only if principal debtor is held
If a person binds himself solidarily with the principal liable;
debtor, the contract is called suretyship and the If the principal debtor and surety are held liable,
guarantor is called a surety. their liability to pay the creditor would be solidary
but the nature of the surety‟s undertaking is such
In a solidary obligation, a solidary debtor is himself a that it does not incur liability unless and until the
principal debtor. Hence, a solidary debtor cannot be principal debtor is held liable (Government of the
considered a guarantor of his co-debtor. Whenever Philippines v. Tizon, G.R. No. L-22108, August
applicable, the provisions on guaranty (CIVIL 30, 1967).
CODE, Arts. 2047 to 2048) shall also apply to
suretyship. Note: The creditor may sue the principal debtor
and any of the sureties separately or together
However, it is also possible for a guarantor to bind (NASSCO v. Torrento, G.R. No. L-21109, June
himself solidarily with the principal debtor without 26, 1967).
affecting the nature of the contract (DE LEON, supra
at 231). In the absence of collusion, the surety is bound
by a judgment against the principal debtor even
Thus, if the party does not intend to convert himself though he was not a party to the proceedings.
into a principal debtor but merely constitute himself The nature of its undertaking makes it privy to all
as a guarantor although binding himself solidarily proceedings against its principal (Finman
with him, action may be brought against him outright General Assurance Corp. v. Salik, G.R. No.
by reason of the said solidarity but he retains his 84084, August 20, 1990).
character as a guarantor and all the rights inherent
in a guarantor by reason of payment by him (Ibid.) 4. Surety is not entitled to the benefit of exhaustion;
Note: It is not necessary, however, that the Note: The guarantor of a guarantor shall enjoy the
debtor be judicially declared insolvent or benefit of excussion, both with respect to the
bankrupt. guarantor and to the principal debtor (CIVIL
CODE, Art. 2064).
b. When the debtor has Absconded, or cannot
be sued within the Philippines unless he has 2. Benefit of Division
left a manager or representative (CIVIL Should there be several guarantors of only one
CODE, Art. 2059 (4)); debtor and for the same debt, the obligation to
answer for the same is divided among all (CIVIL
Note: The creditor is not required to go after a CODE, Art. 2065).
debtor who is hiding or cannot be sued in our
courts, and to incur the delays and expenses General Rule: Joint liability.
incident thereto (DE LEON, supra at 282).
c. In case of Insolvency of the debtor (CIVIL a. When solidarity is expressly stipulated; and
CODE, Art. 2059 (3)); b. If any of the circumstances enumerated in Art.
2059 of the Civil Code should take place (DE
Note: It is not necessary that the debtor be LEON, supra at 288).
judicially declared insolvent or bankrupt, but
the insolvency or inability to pay must be Note: The guarantor is not required to point out
actual (DE LEON, Credit Transactions, supra the property of his co-guarantors since their
at 282). obligation with respect to each other is not
subsidiary but direct. It does not depend as to their
d. The guarantor has expressly Renounced it solvency, although if one of them should turn out
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 2059 (1)); to be insolvent, his share has to be borne by the
others (Id. at 290).
Reason: the benefit of excussion is a
personal right recognized in a guarantor. Its 3. Right to Contribution of Guarantor Who Pays
waiver is valid. if There is a Solidary Liability
General Rule: May demand of each of the
e. If he has bound himself Solidarily with the others the share which is proportionally owing
debtor (CIVIL CODE Art. 2059 (2));
If he fails to give such notice and the debtor Article 2066 v. Article 2071
repeats payment, the guarantor can only collect Art. 2066 Art. 2071
from the creditor and the guarantor has no cause As to Purpose
of action against the debtor for the return of the Provides for the
amount paid by guarantor even if the creditor enforcement of the Provides for his
should become insolvent (DE LEON, supra at rights of the guarantor protection before he
299). or surety against the has paid but after he
debtor after he has paid has become liable.
Exception: The guarantor can still claim the debt.
reimbursement from the debtor in spite of lack of
notice if the following conditions are present: (PIG) As to Nature of action
a. Guarantor was Prevented by fortuitous event Gives a right of action Protective remedy
to advise the debtor of the payment; after payment which is before payment. This
b. The creditor becomes Insolvent; and a substantive right. remedy is preliminary.
c. The guaranty is Gratuitous (Ibid.). (DE LEON, supra at 301-302).
The guarantor is subrogated by virtue of the 2. If the creditor voluntarily Accepts immovable or
payment to the rights of the creditor, not those of other properties in payment of the debt, even if
the debtor. he should afterwards lose the same through
eviction or conveyance of property (CIVIL
A guarantor cannot exercise the right of CODE, Art. 2077);
redemption of his principal with respect to real
property belonging to the latter which was sold Effect of Eviction: Revival of principal
by virtue of writ of execution issued upon same obligation, not the guaranty (DE LEON, supra at
payment (Urrutia & Co. v. Moreno, G.R. No. L- 314).
8147, October 26, 1914).
3. Whenever by some Act of the creditor, the
If the guarantor paid a smaller amount by virtue guarantors, even though they are solidarily
of a compromise, he cannot demand more than liable, cannot be subrogated to the rights,
what he actually paid. mortgages and preferences of the former (CIVIL
CODE, Art. 2080);
Note: The benefit of subrogation cannot be
invoked in cases where the guarantor has no Note: “Act” should include “inaction.”
right to be reimbursed (DE LEON, supra at 295).
4. For the same Causes as all other obligations
As long as consent to the guaranty was obtained, under Art. 1231 (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2076);
right of subrogation is absolute even if the debtor a. Payment or Performance;
refuses the subrogation (5 PARAS, supra at b. Loss of the thing due;
1043). c. Condonation or Remission of the debt;
d. Confusion or Merger of the rights of the
Guarantor of third person not present at the creditor and debtor;
request of another e. Compensation; and
The guarantor who satisfies the debt may demand f. Novation
payment from:
a. The person who requested him to be a Other causes: Annulment, Rescission,
guarantor; or Fulfillment of a Resolutory Condition, and
b. The debtor (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2072). Prescription.
5. When principal obligation is Extinguished; and
Effects of Compromise
A compromise between the creditor and the 6. Extension granted to the debtor by the creditor
principal debtor benefits the guarantor but does not without the consent of the guarantor (CIVIL
prejudice him. CODE, Art. 2079).
Note: Mere failure on the part of the creditor to
That which is entered into between the guarantor demand payment after the debt has become due
and the creditor benefits but does not prejudice the does not of itself constitute any extension of time
principal debtor (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2063). (Hongkong & Shanghai Bank v. Aldecoa & Co,
G.R. No. L-8437, March 23, 1915).
Reason: A contract binds only the parties thereto
and not third persons, but if the same can benefit Reason: The guarantor would not be prejudiced
the guarantor or debtor as it is in the nature of a since his recourse would be to avail himself of
stipulation in favor of a third person, the guarantor or the right granted under Article 2071 of the Civil
debtor may accept unless it has been revoked Code (5 PARAS, supra at 1057).
before acceptance (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1311)
Such delay, however, extinguishes the
Guaranty being accessory and subsidiary, it is also a. When the delay is for such length of time as to
terminated when the principal obligation is allow prescription of the action to enforce
extinguished DE LEON, supra at 310). payment; and
2 2
b. When upon maturity, the guarantor requires
Causes: (RA CE ) the creditor to enforce payment against the
1. Release in favor of one of the guarantors, debtor, but the creditor fails to act and the
without the consent of the others, benefits all to debtor subsequently becomes insolvent (5
TOLENTINO, supra at 529).
(DE LEON, supra at 506-507) A contract wherein the debtor delivers to the creditor
or to a third person a movable (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Pledge v. Chattel Mortgage under Article 1484 2094) or document evidencing incorporeal rights
Pledge Chattel Mortgage (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2095) for the purpose of securing
As to Subject Matter fulfillment of a principal obligation with the
Pledge may be Chattel mortgage may understanding that when the obligation is fulfilled,
constituted over any be constituted only over the thing delivered shall be returned with all its fruits
personal property. the personal property and accessions (DE LEON, supra at 330).
sold in installments.
As to Remedy in case of Default Nature:
Pledgee may cause the The vendor-mortgagee It is a real contract which requires delivery for its
sale under Article 2112 may foreclose the perfection (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1316).
of the Civil Code when chattel mortgage on the
the pledgor failed to thing sold, if one has An agreement to pledge only gives rise to a
satisfy the principal been constituted, personal action between the contracting parties
obligation. should the vendee‟s (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2092).
failure to pay covers
two (2) or more Special Requisites:
installments. (In addition to the common essential requisites
As to Deficiency of Proceeds under Article 2085 of the Civil Code):
If there is a deficiency, If there is a deficiency, 1. Necessity of Delivery
creditor is not entitled there can be no action Possession of the thing pledged must be
to recover against the purchaser transferred to the creditor or a third person by
notwithstanding any to recover any unpaid agreement (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2093).
stipulation to the balance. Any
contrary. agreement to the Absent delivery, the creditor acquires no right to
the property, because pledge is merely a lien
Type of Delivery Depends Upon the Peculiar Extent of pledge: Unless stipulated otherwise,
Nature of the Thing Pledged: pledge extends to the fruits, interests or earnings of
a. Actual delivery – actual possession of the the thing (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2102).
property pledged. A mere symbolic delivery is
not sufficient, e.g. animal (Id. at 360). Pledge v. Dacion en Pago
b. Constructive delivery – symbolical transfer of In case of doubt as to whether a transaction is a
the goods (e.g. keys to a house, a car, or a pledge or a dation in payment, the presumption is in
warehouse). favor of a pledge, the latter being the lesser
transmission of rights and interests (The Manila
Whether or not a symbolic or constructive Banking Corp. v. Teodoro, G.R. No. L-53955,
delivery is sufficient to validate a pledge would January 13, 1989).
depend on the peculiar nature of the thing
pledged (Ibid.). Rights of the Pledgor: (D-BAA)
1. To Demand return in case of reasonable grounds
2. Subject Matter to fear destruction or impairment of the thing
All movables which are within the commerce of without the pledgee‟s fault, subject to the duty of
men, provided they are susceptible of replacement (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2107);
possession (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2094) and
incorporeal rights evidenced by documents of
title, in which case, the instruments proving the Two (2) Remedies Granted to the Pledgor:
right pledged shall be delivered to the creditor, a. To demand the return of the thing pledged
and if negotiable, must be endorsed (CIVIL upon offering another thing in pledge; or
CODE, Art. 2095). b. Cause the same to be sold at a public sale.
3. Effectivity Against Third Persons Note: The pledgee‟s right to have the thing sold
The description of the thing pledged and the at public sale granted under Art. 2108 of the
date must appear in a public instrument to bind Civil Code is superior to the right granted under
third persons, but not for the validity of the Art. 2107 of the Civil Code.
contract (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2096).
Object of the Requirement: To forestall fraud i. Pledgor has reasonable grounds to fear the
because a debtor might attempt to conceal his destruction or impairment of the thing
property by simulating a pledge (DE LEON, at pledged;
363). ii. No fault on the part of the pledgee;
iii. Pledgor offers another thing which is of the
Note: The execution of a public instrument same kind and quality as the former;
serves as a deterrent because the pledgor iv. Pledgee does not choose to exercise his
maybe held criminally liable for perjury right to cause the thing to be sold at public
(REVISED PENAL CODE, Art. 182). auction (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2108); and
v. Pledgee advised the pledgor without delay.
Kinds of Pledge
1. Conventional or Voluntary – created by contract 2. To Bid and be preferred at the public auction
2. Legal – created by operation of law (Examples: (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2113);
Arts. 546, 612, 1731, 1914, 1994 and 2004 of 3. To Alienate the thing pledged provided the
the Civil Code) (DE LEON, supra at 330) pledgee consents to the sale (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Characteristics: 4. To Ask that the thing pledged be deposited in
1. Real contract – it is perfected by the delivery of any of the following cases:
the thing pledged; a. If the creditor uses the thing without authority or
2. Accessory contract – it has no independent misuses the thing, he may deposit the thing
existence of its own. It cannot exist without a judicially or extrajudicially (CIVIL CODE, Art.
valid contract; 2104); or
3. Unilateral contract – obligation is solely on the b. If the thing is in danger of being lost or impaired
part of the creditor to return the thing subject because of negligence or willful act of the
thereof upon the fulfillment of the principal pledgee, he may deposit the thing with a third
obligation; and person (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2106).
Exception: Pledgor is allowed to substitute the Note: The deposit referred to here is an instance
thing pledged which is in danger of destruction of necessary deposit (5 PARAS, supra at 1101).
or impairment with another thing of the same
kind and quality (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2107). 3. Not to Deposit the thing with a third person
unless so stipulated (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2100);
2 2 3
Rights of the Pledgee (D-SBC -BA R OPS) 4. Responsibility for Acts of agents and employees
1. Option to Demand replacement or immediate as regards the thing (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2100);
payment of the debt in case of deception as to 5. To Advise pledgor of danger to the thing;
substance or quality (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2109); 6. To Advise pledgor of the result of the public
auction (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2116); and
Note: Remedies are alternative. 7. To Return the thing upon payment of debt.
Real Mortgage v. Pacto de retro sale Basis: Mirror Doctrine – the rule that all persons
Real Mortgage Pacto de Retro dealing with the property covered by a Torrens
As to Nature of Contract Certificate of Title as buyers or mortgagees are not
Made as a security Not a contract of security required to go beyond what appears in the face of
As to Transfer of Ownership the title.
There is no transfer of Transfers ownership
ownership provided there is This doctrine presupposes, however, that the
delivery mortgagor, who is not the rightful owner of the
As to Transfer of Possession property, has already succeeded in obtaining a
Generally, there is no Generally, there is Torrens Title over the property.
transfer of possession transfer of possession
The doctrine does not apply to a situation where the
title is still in the name of the rightful owner and the
As to Divisibility mortgagor is different from the person pretending to
be the owner. The mortgagee shall not be
Indivisible Redemption can be
considered an innocent mortgagee for value and the
partial (CIVIL CODE,
registered owner will not lose his title (Ereña v.
Arts. 1612 and 1613)
Querrer-Kauffman, G.R. No. 165853, June 22,
As to Subject Matter
Applies only to real Applies to real and
property personal property Diligence Required of a Mortgagee-Bank
If the mortgagee is a bank or a financing institution,
EFFECTS OF MORTGAGE the general rule that a purchaser or mortgagee of
1. It creates a real right. The mortgage directly and land is not required to look further than what
immediately subjects the property upon which it appears on the face of the Torrens Certificate of
is imposed, whoever the possessor may be, to Title does not apply (Premier Development Bank v.
the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security CA, G.R. Nos. 128122, 128184 & 128229, March
it is constituted (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2126). 18, 2005).
Until discharged upon payment of the obligation, It is settled that banks, their business being
it follows the property wherever it goes and impressed with public interest, are expected to
subsists notwithstanding changes of ownership exercise more care and prudence than private
(DE LEON, supra at 399). If the mortgagor sells individuals in their dealings, even those involving
the mortgaged property, the property remains registered lands (Philippine Trust Company v. CA,
subject to the fulfillment of the obligation secured G.R. No. 150318, November 22, 2010).
by it (Bonnevie v. CA, G.R. No. L-49101,
October 24, 1983). To be considered a mortgagee in good faith, a bank
should diligently conduct an investigation of the land
2. It creates merely an encumbrance. A mortgage offered as collateral. This is especially applicable in
is merely a security for a debt and an cases where the subject land was not mortgaged by
encumbrance upon the property. It does not the owner. Failure to exercise such diligence shall
extinguish the title of the debtor who remains the not entitle the bank to protection under the law
owner (i.e. his right to dispose) (McCullough v. (Arguelles v. Malarayat Rural Bank, Inc., G.R. No.
Veloso & Serna, G.R. No. L-21455, April 5, 200468, March 19, 2014).
Mortgagee Creditor v. Judgment Creditor
The only right of a mortgagee in case of non- A mortgagee-creditor is not synonymous to a
payment of a debt secured by a mortgage would judgment creditor. While the law expects a
be to foreclose the mortgage and have the mortgagee-creditor to inquire as a reasonably
encumbered property sold to satisfy outstanding prudent man would regarding the encumbrances on
indebtedness (Guanzon v. Argel, G.R. No. L- the property in question, no such knowledge is
27706, June 16, 1970). imputed to a judgment creditor who merely seeks
the satisfaction of the judgment awarded in his favor
DOCTRINE OF MORTGAGEE IN GOOD FAITH (DSM Construction & Development Corp. v. CA,
A mortgagee has a right to rely in good faith on the G.R. No. 166993, December 19, 2005).
certificate of title of the mortgagor of the property
Effect of an Invalid Mortgage Further, Act No. 3135 has no requirement for the
The principal obligation, which it guarantees, is not determination of the mortgaged properties‟ appraisal
rendered null and void. The principal obligation value (Sycamore Ventures Corp. v. Metropolitan
matures and becomes demandable in accordance Bank & Trust Co., G.R. No. 173183, November 18,
with the stipulation pertaining to it. 2013).
What is lost is the right to foreclose the mortgage
(DE LEON, supra at 398). Effect of Premature Foreclosure
The foreclosure of a mortgage prior to the
Aliens as Creditor Mortgagee mortgagor's default on the principal obligation is
A mortgage may be constituted in favor of aliens as premature, and should be undone for being void and
creditor mortgagee because it does not involve a ineffectual.
transfer of property but merely a lien on the
property. The mortgagee who has been meanwhile given
possession of the mortgaged property by virtue of a
The alien mortgagee may also foreclose the writ of possession issued to it as the purchaser at
mortgage and bid in the auction sale. However, if he the foreclosure sale may be required to restore the
is adjudged the buyer, he is mandated to dispose possession of the property to the mortgagor and to
the property within five (5) years pursuant to pay reasonable rent for the use of the property
R.A. 4882. during the intervening period (DBP v. Guariña
Agricultural and Realty Development Corp, G.R. No.
Foreclosure 160758, January 15, 2014).
It is the remedy available to the mortgagee by which
he subjects the mortgaged property to the 2W: Who may Exercise
satisfaction of the obligation to secure that for which The right of foreclosure cannot be exercised by any
the mortgage was given (DE LEON, supra at 413). person other than the creditor-mortgagee or his
assigns (Borromeo v. CA, G.R. No. 169846, March
It is a proceeding to terminate the rights of the 28, 2008).
mortgagor on the property.
3W: What is its Extent
Note: A mortgage-creditor has a single cause of General Rule: Foreclosure must be limited to the
action against a mortgage-debtor, which is to amount mentioned in the mortgage document
recover the debt, but he has the option of either: (Landrito, Jr., v. CA, G.R. No. 133079, August 9,
1. Filing a personal action for the collection of a 2005).
sum of money; or
2. Instituting a real action to foreclose on the Exception:
mortgage security. If from the four corners of the instrument the intent
to secure future and other indebtedness can be
If he elects to foreclose, he may yet to file an gathered (Sps. Cuyco v. Sps. Cuyco, G.R. No.
independent civil action for recovery of whatever 168736, April 19, 2006).
deficiency may remain (Tanchan v. Allied Banking
Corp., G.R. No. 164510, November 25, 2005). Note: A mortgagee has no right to include in the
foreclosure mortgage any unpaid loan separately
The 3Ws and 1H of Foreclosure secured by a chattel mortgage, a contract distinct
from the real estate mortgage (Rural Bank of
1W: When to Exercise Toboso, Inc. v. Agtoto, G.R. No. 175697, March 23,
When the principal obligation is not paid when due. 2011).
(Commodity Financing Co., Inc. v. Jimenez, G.R.
No. L-31384, June 29, 1979). In case of deficiency, the debtor is required to pay
the same even after foreclosure.
Foreclosure is also valid when the debtor has
violated the terms and conditions of the mortgage
Notices are given to secure bidders and to Note: Surplus money arising from a sale of real
prevent a sacrifice of the property (Sps. Suico v. property like land under foreclosure stands in the
Philippine National Bank, G.R. 170215, August same place of a land with respect to liens thereon or
28, 2007). vested right therein. They are constructively, at
The suspension of the implementation of the writ Petition for Annulment of Foreclosure
of possession is not allowed after the Proceedings
redemption period (Id. at 480). This petition contests the presumed right of
ownership of the buyer in a foreclosure sale and
Note: After consolidation of title in the puts in issue such presumed right of ownership
purchaser‟s name for failure of the mortgagor to while an ex parte petition for issuance of a writ of
redeem the property, the purchaser‟s right to possession is non-litigous proceeding.
possession ripens into the absolute right of a
confirmed owner. Filing of a petition for nullification of foreclosure
proceedings with motion for consolidation is not
At that point, the issuance of writ of possession, allowed as it will render nugatory the presumed right
upon proper application and proof of title, to a of ownership, as well as the right of possession, of a
purchaser in a extrajudicial sale becomes merely buyer in a foreclosure sale (DE LEON, supra at
a ministerial function, unless it appears that the 482).
property is in possession of a third party claiming
a right adverse to that of the mortgagor (Rural
Bank of Sta. Barbara v. Centeno, G.R. No.
200667, March 11, 2013).
3. Amount of principal and interest must be An antichresis is also indivisible in nature (CIVIL
specified in writing (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2134); and CODE, Art. 2090).
3. Description of the property as would enable the Stipulation Including After-Acquired Property
parties or other persons to identify the same It is valid and binding where the after-acquired
after reasonable investigation and inquiry property is:
(Saldana v. Phil. Guaranty Co. Inc., G.R. No. L- 1. In renewal of or in substitution for goods on
13194, January 29, 1960); hand; or
2. Purchased with the proceeds of the sale of such
4. Accompanied by an affidavit for the purpose of goods (Torres v. Limjap, G.R. No. 34385,
transforming an already valid mortgage to a September 21, 1931).
“preferred mortgage” (Cebu International
There must be a proceeding such as an insolvency It is clear under Article 2237 of the Civil Code that in
proceeding wherein the creditors can file their case of conflict, it is the Civil Code that prevails (5
claims. The right becomes significant only after the PARAS, Special Contracts, supra at 1369).
properties of the debtor have been inventoried and
liquidated, and the claims of the various creditors The applicable law is R.A. 10142, known as the
have been established (Barretto v. Villanueva, G.R. Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010.
No. 14038, December 29, 1962; Philippine Savings
Bank v. Lantin, G.R. No. L-33929, September 2, The Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act
1983; Development Bank of the Philippines v. (FRIA) OF 2010 (R.A. 10142)
NLRC, G.R. No. 86932, June 27, 1990). The FRIA, an act providing for the rehabilitation or
liquidation of financially distressed enterprises and
Reason: Prior to the proceedings, the debtor has no individuals, which lapsed into law on July 18, 2010,
way of ascertaining who the creditors are, and has superseded the former Insolvency Law or Act No.
no liquidated property out of which he can pay them. 1956, as amended.
Note: The insolvency of the husband does not have Note: Claim is limited to the value of the
the effect of dissolving the conjugal partnership or movable.
the absolute community (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2238).
The property must be in the possession of the
Rule on Co-Ownership debtor.
If there is co-ownership and one of the co-owners is
an insolvent debtor, his undivided share or interest If debtor has sold the property and the price
in the property shall be possessed by the assignee has been unpaid, lien may be enforced on the
in insolvency proceedings because it is part of his price.
assets (DE LEON, supra at 544).
Instances When Right to Claim is NOT Lost:
Note: This article refers to co-ownership other than a. Immobilization of the thing by destination,
that of conjugal partnership or absolute community provided that it has not lost its form,
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 2239). substance and identity.
b. When the thing, together with other property,
Duty to set apart exempt properties under the was sold for a lump sum, provided that the
FRIA: price thereof can be determined
It shall be the duty of the court, upon petition and proportionally.
after hearing, to exempt and set apart, for the use
and benefit of the said insolvent, such real and 4. Credits guaranteed with pledge or mortgage;
personal property as is by law exempt from Note: If the contract is a pledge, it must be
execution, and also a homestead (FRIA, Sec. 130). embodied in a public instrument. If chattel
mortgage, it must be registered with the
Rule Involving Property Held in Trust Chattel Mortgage Registry.
Property held in trust by the insolvent debtor should
be excluded from insolvency proceedings (CIVIL 5. Credits for the making, repairs, safekeeping or
CODE, Art. 2240). preservation of the property;
6. Claims for laborer‟s wages on the work done
Reason: The trustee is not the owner of the trust on the property;
property (DE LEON, supra at 544). This applies only to personal, not to real
property (5 PARAS, supra at 1374).
Three (3) General Categories of Credit
1. Special preferred credits listed in Articles 2241 Note: The laborer must have been employed
and 2242; by the owner of the goods, not by the
2. Ordinary preferred credits listed in Article 2244; contractor (Bautista v. Auditor General, G.R.
and No. L-6799, June 29, 1955).
3. Common credits (non-preferred) under Article
2245 (Republic v. Peralta, G.R. No. L-56568, 7. Expenses of salvage upon the goods
May 20, 1987). salvaged;
8. Credits between the landlord and tenant from
First Category: Special Preferred Credits their contract on the share of each in the fruits
or harvest;
A. With Reference to Specific Movable Property 9. Price of the contract of transportation and
Under Art. 2241 of the Civil Code: incidental expenses on the goods carried,
1. Duties, taxes and fees due to the government; until their delivery and thirty (30) days
Note: The tax must be due on the movable. 10. Credits for lodging and supplies furnished to
travelers by hotel keepers on the movables
2. Claims from misappropriation, breach of trust, belonging to the guest as long as such
malfeasance of public officer; movables;
Note: The acquisition must have been in Note: This applies so long as movables are in
performance of official functions and the the hotel. This does not apply to money
property must still be in the hands of the loaned to guests.
public official. If it is sold to a purchaser for
B. With Reference to Specific Immovable Art. 110 of the Labor Code also moved up the
Property under Art. 2242 of the Civil Code: claims for unpaid wages (and other monetary
1. Taxes due upon land or building; claims) of laborers or workers of insolvent to
first priority (Ibid.).
Note: This pertains to real property taxes.
Thus, capital gains tax is NOT covered The use of the phrase “first preference” in
because it is a tax on income and not on the Article 110 of the Labor Code indicates that
property itself. what it intends to modify is the order of
preference found in Article 2244 of the Civil
2. Unpaid price of the real property; Code, which relates to property of the insolvent
that is not burdened with liens or
Note: The law makes no distinction between encumbrances created or recognized by
registered and unregistered vendor‟s lien. Articles 2241 and 2242 of the Civil Code (Id.).
Hence, any lien of this kind enjoys the
preference credit status (DE LEON, supra at Bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings are
549). necessary for the operation of the preference
accorded to workers under Art. 110 of the
3. Claims of laborers and other workmen Labor Code (Development Bank of the
engaged in the construction, re-construction Philippines v. NLRC, G.R. Nos. 82763-64,
or repair of buildings, canals and other works; March 19, 1990).
4. Claims of furnishers of materials used in
works mentioned in No. 3; Reason: The reason behind the necessity for
5. Mortgage credits; a judicial proceeding or a proceeding in rem is
to bind all interested parties (DE LEON, supra
Note: Mortgage MUST have been registered at 563).
in the Registry of Property. A recorded
mortgage credit is superior to an unrecorded 2. Funeral expenses for the debtor, or his children
unpaid vendor‟s lien (De Barreto v. under parental authority who have no own
Villanueva, GR No. L-14938, January 28, property, upon court approval;
1961). 3. Expenses during the last illness of debtor or of
his/her spouse and children under parental
6. Expenses for the preservation and authority, if they have no own property;
improvement of real property when the law 4. Compensation due the laborers or their
authorizes reimbursement; dependents under laws providing for indemnity;
7. Credits annotated in the Registry of Property
The order of preference is first, in favor of credits Nature of Claims or Credits in Article 2244 of the
evidenced by a final judgment (should they have Civil Code (Ordinary Preferred Credits)
been the subject of litigation), and secondly, in In contrast with Articles 2241 and 2242 of the Civil
favor of credits evidenced by a public instrument, Code, Article 2244 creates no liens on determinate
the preference among the two kinds of credits property which follow such property. What Article
being determined by priority of dates (Rizal Surety 2244 creates are simply rights in favor of certain
and Insurance Co. v. Dela Paz, G.R. No. L-6463, creditors to have the cash and other assets of the
May 26, 1954). insolvent applied in a certain sequence or order of
priority (Republic v. Peralta, supra).
Statutory Preference NOT Applicable to the
Government Refectionary Credit
Art. 2244, particularly Par. (14)(a) thereof, is not Indebtedness incurred in the repair or reconstruction
applicable to obligations of the State as it is a of something previously made, such repair or
recognized doctrine that the State is always reconstruction being made necessary by the
solvent (Araneta v. Hon. Gatmaitan, G.R. Nos. L- deterioration or destruction of the thing as it formerly
8895 and L-9191, April 30, 1957). existed (Director of Public works v. Sing Juco, G.R.
No. L-30181, July 12, 1929). They include new
Note: The order of preference in Article 2244 of the constructions (Luzon Lumber & Hardware Co. v.
Civil Code is very important. The order of Quiambao & RFC, G.R. No. L-5638, March 30,
preference here, however, does not refer to specific 1954).
real or personal property. It refers to other property
(5 PARAS, supra at 1381). Two-Tier Order of Preference
1. First tier – includes only taxes, duties and fees
Third Category: Common Credits due on a specific movable or immovable
Any other claims or credits other than those property; and
mentioned in Articles. 2241, 2242 and 2244 of the 2. Second tier – All other special preferred (non-
Civil Code. There is no order of preference among tax) credits. These credits are to be satisfied
common creditors. They share whatever is left in pari passu and pro rata, out of any residual
Pay No. 1 credit in Art. 2241 of the Civil Code, Movable Properties
and if two or more credits in Art. 2241 concur; Mercedes-Benz 3,000,000
apply proceeds of sale pro rata, (pari passu) to Cash 2,000,000
the credits applying Arts. 2246 and 2247 of the Receivables 2,000,000
Civil Code.
Total value of assets 10,000,000
2. For immovables and real rights – Sell
immovable and real right and determine if LIABILITIES
proceeds of sale are sufficient to cover the Real Estate Taxes 2,000,000
special preferred credits in Art. 2242 of the Unpaid purchase price 2,000,000
Civil Code. on the Mercedez-Benz
Exclude all other credits to the extent of the Unpaid wages of 1,000,000
value of immovables and real rights to which Laborers
preference refers. Unpaid duties on car 2,000,000
Funeral expenses of 1,000,000
Pay No. 1 in Art. 2242 of the Civil Code, if two deceased child
or more credits mentioned in Art. 2242 of the Unpaid income tax 1,000,000
Civil Code concur; apply proceeds of sale pro Unsecured credits of X 2,000,000
rata, (pari passu) to the credits applying Arts. and Y (P1,000,000
2248 and 2249 of the Civil Code. each)
Negotiorum Gestio v. Implied Agency Note: The responsibility of two or more officious
Negotiorum Gestio Implied Agency managers shall be solidary, unless the
management was assumed to save the things
As to Necessity of Authorization or business from imminent danger (CIVIL
The agent is actually CODE, Art. 2146, Par. 2); and
authorized to assume
Gestor should never the agency by virtue of 5. The officious manager shall be liable for any
have been authorized in the acts of the owner or fortuitous event:
any manner. by virtue of his silence, a. If he undertakes risky operations which the
inaction, or his failure to owner was not accustomed to embark upon;
repudiate the agency. b. If he has preferred his own interest to that of
the owner
As to Necessity of Neglect or Abandonment c. If he fails to return the property or business
Business or property Neglect or after demand by the owner;
should be neglected or abandonment is not d. If he assumed the management in bad faith
abandoned. necessary. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2147)
e. Except when the management was assumed
to save the property or business from
Note: So long as the owner does not know that imminent danger –
another is acting on his behalf without authority, i. If he is manifestly unfit to carry the
negotiorum gestio exists, but once he becomes management;
aware of such fact and still he does not repudiate ii. If by his intervention he prevented a more
the acts of the agent, the quasi-contract ceases to competent person from taking up the
exist. It has become an implied agency. management (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2148).
Responsibilities of the Officious Manager: Responsibilities of the Owner:
1. Continue taking charge of the agency or The owner of the property shall be liable for
management until the termination of the affairs obligations incurred in his interest, and shall
and its incidents, but he may require the owner, reimburse the officious manager for the necessary
if the latter is in a position to do so, to substitute and useful expenses and for damages, which the
the officious manager (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2144); latter may have suffered in the performance of his
duties in the following instances:
2. Perform his duties with all the diligence of a 1. When the owner of the property or business
good father of a family, and pay the damages enjoyed the advantages of the officious
which through his fault or negligence may be management although it may not have been
suffered by the owner of the property or expressly ratified by him (CIVIL CODE, Art.
business under management, but the courts 2150, Par. 1).
may however, increase or moderate the 2. When the management has for its purpose the
indemnity according to the circumstances of prevention of an imminent and manifest loss,
each case (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2145);
3. When the person obliged to support an orphan, 12. When a third person was constrained to pay the
or an insane or an indigent person unduly taxes of another (CIVIL CODE, Art. 2175).
refuses to give support to the latter, a third
person furnishes the support (CIVIL CODE, Art. Note: The foregoing provisions are mere
2166); illustrations of other specific cases of quasi-
contracts; the enumeration has no preclusive effect
Note: As distinguished from Article 2164 of the on possible other instances.
Civil Code, the obligor in the article unduly
refuses to support the persons referred to
therein (5 PARAS, supra at 1168).
Exception: Exception:
Bailor may Pledgor may
demand return or demand return
its temporary use when there is
if he should have danger of
urgent need of destruction or
the thing, or if the impairment of
bailee commits the thing,
any acts of without the
fault of the
Arts. 2105 and
As to Modes of Extinguishment
Upon the death Upon Upon the loss Upon Upon Upon Upon payment of the Upon Upon payment
of either the payment or or destruction termination of extinguishmen fulfillment of principal obligation fulfillment of of the principal
bailee or bailor, performance, of the thing litigation or t of the the principal (CIVIL CODE, Art. the principal obligation
unless by condonation deposited, upon order of obligation of obligation or by 1231). obligation or (CIVIL CODE,
stipulation the or remission, return of the the court the debtor, the destruction by the Art. 1231).
commodatum is merger, thing, (CIVIL CODE, and for the of the thing; destruction of
transmitted to the compensation novation, Art. 2007). same causes upon return of the thing
heirs of either or , merger, as all other the thing (CIVIL CODE,
both parties novation, expiration of obligations; if pledged to the Art. 1231; DE
(CIVIL CODE, annulment, the term, the creditor pledgor or LEON, supra
Art. 1939; DE rescission, fulfillment of voluntarily owner; upon a at 507).
LEON, supra at fulfillment of a the resolutory accepts statement in
18). resolutory condition, immovable or writing by the
condition, annulment, other property pledgee that
prescription rescission in payment of he renounces
(CIVIL CODE, debt; upon or abandons
Art. 1231). In case of release of the the pledge;
gratuitous guarantor by sale of the
deposit, upon the creditor; thing pledged
the death of upon the grant extinguishes
either the of extension to the principal
depositor or the debtor by obligation
depositary the creditor (CIVIL CODE,
(CIVIL CODE, without the Arts. 2110,
Arts. 1995, consent of the 2111, and
and 1231; DE guarantor; 2115; DE
LEON, supra when the LEON, supra
at 153). guarantors, at 373, 374,
through some and 507).
act of the