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Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology Software Engineering Department Fall 2020 Software Quality Engineering (SWE-305) Assignment 2

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Fall 2020
Software Quality Engineering (SWE-305)
Assignment 2
Semester: VI Batch: 2018
Due Date: 16/09/2020 Max Marks (5)

 Log in to VLE System
 Read All the instructions carefully before attempting the Assignment.
 You can either download the Assignment Question paper or solve it directly on VLE
 This is Group based Assignment (2 students per group).
 Attempt the Assignment on a word processing application (e.g. MS Word), handwritten
will not accepted. Screenshots of Handwritten assignments are also not allowed.
 Submit your assignment using a PDF file format only. Any other format will not be
 All Assignments must be submitted through VLE only and no other medium (like email,
WhatsApp etc.) and on due date will be accepted. Late assignments will be granted a
cutoff date. Assignments submitted later than the cutoff date will not be accepted and will
automatically be awarded 0 Marks
 It is recommended that assignments must be attempted on A4 size pages.
 The students should develop the plan by themselves. DO NOT copy the content from any
external source like the Internet, article, blog, etc. You can use these sources for reference
purposes and developing an understanding but copy pasting is strictly not advised.
 Any two or assignment which are copied will be awarded 0 Marks to all the candidates.

Consider your own Virtual learning environment (VLE) portal employed by the university as an example.
You are required to prepare a quality plan for a similar software like VLE. The quality plan should have
following information as mandatory mentioned in the points below. For your reference a document named
IEEE Template for Quality Plan has been attached. You are required to read the document carefully and
prepare your quality plan accordingly.
 Quality goals
 Lists of reviews, tests, and other scheduled V&V activities
 Problem reporting and corrective actions
 Tools, techniques, and Methodologies
 Test Cases for individual model for the Similar project just like VLE.
 Screenshots of your own VLE dashboard or any other page must be evident in your
assignment highlighting your name.

IEEE Template for Quality Plan is attached in the file.

Group Member’s Name:

 Asma Mansoor
 Ayesha Faraz
Connect (Virtual Learning Environment)

A Connect (virtual learning environment) refers to a system that offers educators digitally-based solutions
aimed at creating interactive, active learning environments. VLEs can help professors create, store and
disseminate content, plan courses and lessons and foster communication between student and professor (in
the form of e-mails and discussions), even in real-time.

There is always scope of Connect Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) those who learning from outsides
taking degrees from outsides the world.

If we talk about on the current situation of world it has very high scope in all over the world due to this big
tragedy of COVID-19 pandemic, due to high lose in the term of education, because its lockdown in all over
the world, student’s careers has a big full stop.

In this situation it has very much scope in all over the world.

A Connect (virtual learning environment) is an online-based platform that offers students and professors
digital solutions that enhance the learning experience. Unlike a virtual classroom, which is meant to replicate
and replace the physical classroom environment for distance learners, a Connect virtual learning
environment (or VLE) harnesses technology to supplement an in-class experience, with, for example, digital
communication, interaction and quizzes or polls run through the VLE.


To interconnect with the student In every critical situation, where else you are in world you take classes
from there with modern technology, there is zero percent chance of loses in the sector of education, just
because of Connect Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) via technologies.

 Quality Goals:
These are the very important and essential points which team focuses to develop their software to make
their product valuable high in market.
There are three points which are following:

1. Identify Quality Views/Attributes:

This product has all the features which are required by customer. Customer want a VLE (Virtual Learning
Environment) for school going students. Mostly school going students study under the guidance of their
parents or any other tuition teacher at home. This VLE supports all these aspects. Developers, quality
assurance team and testers keep these points highlighted that parent’s involvement is also very important in
that software. This is the high need of customer that student performance and activities should be checked
by any guardian. In last ten years’ digital world progress a lot. Scientists make new inventions on regular
basis, smartphones become common.
These types of applications and websites are also created to make learning easy. But these are not much in
use before pandemic but after this pandemic people bound in their houses and whole world get stop. But
because of technology things become easy. “WORK FROM HOME” new slogan introduces. Teacher
thought if we can work at home so why not our students study from home. So this type of software gets in
demand from customers and every school want that type of software. There is a huge scope of this software
because not only during pandemic but after this it is also useful because not just for online classes it also
share many things we can share electronic books, notes many much interesting activities for little one’s
2. Select Direct Quality Measurement:
This application is very much reliable. Safety and security is also a concern of application. It is powerful
and flexible also it connects scales of any size of schools. It is user friendly application.

3. Assess Quality Expectations vs cost:

If you want a best result you should have not compromise in quality. In market products sold on the basis
of quality. If customer wants quality so cost automatically increase. I think it is a good deal because if your
product is high in quality it automatically grabs attention in market. Vle should have good quality, good
response time because when student or parents or teachers use it they want accuracy and fast result if this is
not there they get irritated and leave the product and go somewhere else. This product gives best quality.

A modern learning environment requires more than just investments in physical assets. Although the of the
modern learning environment is still emerging, a consensus is already forming around best practices, which
include a commitment to student-centered learning and professional development for educators.

It will perform a task which has dashboard on their site every student has their own course details
Assignments, Quizzes, & also a book of every course. calendar of classes, school maps, rewards, messaging,
behavior Management & many other features.

Its responsibilities include its responsiveness its speed on sites that student should not faces any kind of
difficulties during exam ties while uploading exams sheets, while perform Quizzes & assignments uploading,
& all the work done by responsible ways.

 Lists of reviews, tests, and other scheduled V&V activities:

1. Gary from Destination CA / Institute of Accounting Science: “Fantastic value”

2. Dionnis from King’s Christian School: “Great features, great solution, great value!”

3. Anonymous: “Digital trails are easier to follow than hidden paper”

4. Paul from Nadeen School: “Converted from a hater to a lover!”

5. Louise from Hare Krishna School: “The Classe365 platform has been a great asset to our school

6. Kushal from Lotus Petal Foundation: “Great work Team Classe365”

7. Emeka from Boston University College of Engineering: “This is a very innovative software that is

really needed now in modern day schools.”
8. Carlos from Global Business Community: “GREAT ACADEMIC TOOL”

To maintain the accessibility of testing we can use the multiple testing techniques which is essential for the
testing of any software testing.

1. Basic Functionality Testing

2. Code Review
3. Static Code analysis
4. Unit Testing
5. Single User Performance Testing

V&V Activities:
Verification & validation is playing most important part in software development for the accurate software.it
is important because these both are independent procedures that are used together for checking that a
product, service, or system meets requirements and specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.

Verification: Are we building a product right?

Validation: Are we building a right Product?

Some are the activities are given below.

Activities involved in verification:

Verification is the process of checking that a software achieves its goal without any bugs.
1. Inspections
2. Reviews
3. Walkthroughs
4. Desk-checking

Activities involved in validation:

Validation is the process of checking whether the software product is up to the mark or in other words
product has high level requirements.
1. Black box testing
2. White box testing
3. Unit testing
4. Integration testing

 Problem reporting and corrective actions

There are problems we reporting in software may errors or many errors but still we have to overcome it
sometimes software is bugs free but very perfect software also have a minor bugs an all so in this Modern
Learning Environment we have problems that may be site portal may be hang student don’t reach the site
cause of many people usages, so we have to overcome it.

This all problems occurs cause of developer & then tester who had made this software. Developer don’t see
that properly & tester don’t check it properly

The solution or correct action for this is to before the release of software tester should check it properly again
& again & take a demo of it at once.
 Tools, techniques, and Methodologies

The industrial SQA tools which we used in this is, one of the most popular SQA tools, the McCabe™ IQ
software package, was selected this for our project which may uses for study cases as an software quality
assurance. This industrial tool became available for students under the free-license agreement with the
McCabe™ University Program.

The main goal of labs and homework assignments is to introduce software quality metrics and help us to
build our individual skills of code analysis, testing, and redesign to improve code quality and  enable possible
reuse in other projects.

The first set of lab and homework assignments & a recorded lectures deals with implementation of the
structured testing methodology offered by McCabe, The approach is based on graph-theoretical complexity-
measuring techniques in code studies and control of program complexity During lectures, the instructor
provided an overview of the graph-based complexity metrics and the results of his systematic metric analyses
of software for two industrial networking projects Following the lab assignments, students explored the
McCabe™ IQ tool and used it to perform metric analyses of several codes by applying cyclomatic
complexity (v), essential complexity (ev), module design complexity, system design complexity, and system
integration complexity metrics in order to understand the level of complexity of a code module's decision
 Test Cases for individual model for the Similar project just like VLE.
 Screenshots of your own VLE dashboard or any other page must be
evident in your assignment highlighting your name.

Our Name Dashboard:

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