2014 Course Outline MIS-453
2014 Course Outline MIS-453
2014 Course Outline MIS-453
A: General Information
B: Academic Content
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senior management and the ability to draft appropriate reports for technical professionals to build
Course objectives:
Describe the process of decision-making processes in organizations
Discuss systems and techniques used to analyze organizational data and operational strategy
Week 9-10 Data Mining for Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing
Lab 2
Business Performance Management
Week 11-12
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Test 2
Week 13-14
Revision Case Studies
Week 15
Final Exam
University timetable
The changes to the above schedule will be announced by the lecturer during the lectures
D: Course Resources
Textbook: Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, by Efraim Turban, Ramesh
Sharda and Dursun Delen, Published by: Pearson Education; 9th edition (2011)
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Course Website: To be advised
E: Assessment
Assessment Overview
Assessment Item Due Date Weighting
Test 1 Week 8 20%
Test 2 Week 14 20%
Case Study & Participation Session 15 20%
Examination As per KAU Timetable 40%
Final Examination
This will be a closed book examination and will be for duration of two hours based on
multiple choice as well as descriptive questions. The examination will be conducted as per
the university examination schedule.
F: Additional Requirements
Attendance Requirements
This course will be delivered on campus with weekly lecture sessions. Anybody
abstaining for more than 20% or more than two lectures on non-medical reasons
will be given a DN grade. Attendance is also an important factor for class
performance assessment
Additional Information
o Announcements made in the class are deemed to be made to all students
enrolled in the unit
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o Any student having difficulty understanding this handout should contact the
lecturer for clarifications.
o For all enquiries, students should contact the lecturer
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