Lab # 12: Access Control List Access Control List
Lab # 12: Access Control List Access Control List
Lab # 12: Access Control List Access Control List
Suppose we want to allow only one host address blocking all others. To meet
with this requirement, we need to create two ACL conditions.
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Extended ACLs (100 – 199 and 2000 - 2699)
Over the time security becomes more challenging. To mitigate current security threats, advance
filtering is required. Extended ACLs takes this responsibility. Extended ACLs can filter a
packet based on its sources address, destination address, port number, protocol and much more.
Extended Access List is an extension to the standard ACL. It equips the network administrator
with greater authority to control network’s security. Along with Extended ACL, we will use a
RIP running topology.
• Use the access-list global configuration command to create an entry in an Extended ACL.
• Use the interface configuration command to select an interface to which to apply the ACL.
• Use the ip access-group interface configuration command to activate the existing ACL on an
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An extended ACL gives you much more power than just a standard ACL. Extended IP ACLs
check both the source and destination packet addresses. They can also check for specific
protocols, port numbers, and other parameters, which allow administrators more flexibility and
access-list Main command
access-list-number Identifies the list using a number in the ranges of 100–199 or 2000–
permit | deny Indicates whether this entry allows or blocks the specified address.
source-wildcard The operator can be lt (less than), gt (greater than), eq (equal to), or neq
and destination- (not equal to). The port number referenced can be either the source port
wildcard or the destination port, depending on where in the ACL the port number
is configured. As an alternative to the port number, well-known
application names can be used, such as Telnet, FTP, and SMTP.
established For inbound TCP only. Allows TCP traffic to pass if the packet is a
response to an outbound-initiated session. This type of traffic has the
acknowledgement (ACK) bits set. (See the Extended ACL with the
Established Parameter example.)
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Before we configure Extended Access list you should cram up some important port
With Access Lists you will have a variety of uses for the wild card masks, but typically For you
should be able to do following:
You are the network administrator at ABC Company. Your company hired a new employee
and gave him a pc your company's critical record remains in So you are
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asked to block the access of from While must be able to connect
with other computers of network to perform his task.
As we are configuring extended access list. With extended access list we can filter the packed
as soon as it is generated. So, we will place our access list on F0/0 of Router1841 the nearest
port of
To configure Router:
R1#configure terminal
R1(config)#access-list 101 deny ip host
R1(config)#access-list 101 permit ip any any
R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
R1(config-if)#ip access-group 101 in
Verify by doing ping from to It should be request time out. Also, ping other
computers of network including ping should be successfully.
Do it Yourself
Now we will block the from gaining access on the network ( if you are doing
this practical after configuring pervious example don't forget to remove the last access list 101.
With no access-list command. Or just close the packet tracer without saving and reopen it to be
continue with this example.)
Verify by doing ping from to and Request should time out. Also,
ping computers of other network. ping should be successfully.
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Student’s lab is configured on the network of While management's system remains in
the network of You are asked to stop the lab system from gaining access in
management systems.
Now we will block the network of from gaining access on the network ( if
you are doing this practical after configuring pervious example don't forget to remove the last
access list 101. With no access-list command. Or just close the packet tracer without saving
and reopen it to be continue with this example.)
Verify by using command ping from and to and It should
say request timed out. Also ping computers of other network. ping should be successfully.
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4. Application based Extended Access list
In pervious example, we filter ip based traffic. Now we will filter application based traffic. To
do this practical either create a topology as shown in figure and enable telnet and http and ftp
service on server or download this pre-configured topology and load it in packet tracer.
The established keyword is an advanced feature that will allow traffic through only if it sees
that a TCP session is already established. A TCP session is considered established if the three-
way handshake is initiated first. This keyword is added only to the end of extended ACLs that
are filtering TCP traffic.
You can use TCP established to deny all traffic into your network except for incoming traffic
that was first initiated from inside your network. This is commonly used to block all originating
traffic from the Internet into a company's network except for Internet traffic that was first
initiated from users inside the company. The following configuration would accomplish this for
all TCP-based traffic coming in to interface serial 0/0/0 on the router:
R1(config)#access-list 101 permit tcp any any established
R1(config)#interface serial 0/0/0
R1(config-if)#ip access-group 101 in
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Although the access list is using a permit statement, all traffic is denied unless it is first
established from the inside network. If the router sees that the three-way TCP handshake is
successful, it will then begin to allow traffic through.
To test this access list double click on any pc from the network and select web Brower.
Now give the ip of web server. It should successfully access the web page. Now go to and open command prompt. And ping or any pc from the network the
it will request time out.
We host our web server on But we do not want to allow external user to ping our server
as it could be used as denial of services. Create an access list that will filter all ping requests
inbound on the serial 0/0/0 interface of router2.
To test this access list ping from to it should be request time out. Now open
the web browser and access it should be successfully retrieve
For security purpose, you don’t want to provide telnet access on server despite your own system.
Your system is Create an extended access list to prevent telnet traffic that originates
from the subnet of to server.
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R1(config)#access-list 104 permit tcp host eq 23
R1(config)#access-list 104 deny tcp eq 23
R1(config)#access-list 104 permit ip any any
R1(config)#interface fast 0/1
R1(config-if)#ip access-group 104 in
Do it Home
1. Network to host
Block all traffic to from the Network of To accomplish this write an
extended access list.
Verify using ping from and to It should request time out. Also, ping
computers of another network. ping should be successfully.
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