PDF Evidencia 5 Summary Export Import Theory v2 1
PDF Evidencia 5 Summary Export Import Theory v2 1
PDF Evidencia 5 Summary Export Import Theory v2 1
Actividad de aprendizaje 15
Export-Import Theory 1
Ownership s tructure
Belay, S. (2009). Export-Import Theory, Practices, and Procedures. (2a ed.). New York: Routledge.
Sole proprietorships
What legal form affords the most advantageous tax treatment for
the business concern and individual entrepreneurs?
2. EsEula rbeosrpee ucntivao l i stiag ndifeic vaodcoa ebnu lianrgiolé sso. bre el
texto, mínimo de 15 palabras y escriba
Advantages: a condition giving a greater Ventajas:. una condición que
chance of success. brinda mayores posibilidades de
Applied: That puts effort, interest and éxito.
perseverance in the accomplishment of a Aplicado: Que pone esfuerzo, interés y
work or in the development of an activity, constancia en la realización de un trabajo o
especially in the study. en el desarrollo de una actividad, en
Attorney: Person legally authorized to especial en el estudio.
advise and defend the rights and interests Abogado: Persona legalmente autorizada
of another person in legal matters. para asesorar y defender los derechos e
intereses de otra persona en materia
Busines: the activity of buying and jurídica.
selling goods and services. Negocio: la actividad de comprar y
Disadvantages:. a condition or vender bienes y servicios.
situation that causes problems, especially Desventajas: una condición o situación
one that causes something or someone to que causa problemas, especialmente una
be less que causa que algo o alguien sea menos
successful than other things or people exitoso que otras cosas o personas.
Income: money that is earned from doing Ingresos: dinero que se gana haciendo
work or received from
trabajo o recibido de inversiones.
investments Judgment: the ability to Juicio: la capacidad de formar opiniones
form valuable opinions and make good
valiosas y tomar buenas decisiones.
Little: That has a smaller size than normal. Pequeño: Que tiene un tamaño menor de
lo normal.
Loans: an amount of money that is Prestamos: una cantidad de dinero que se
borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be toma prestado, a menudo de un banco, y
paid back, usually together with an extra que debe devolverse, generalmente junto
amount of money that you have to pay as a con una cantidad adicional de dinero que
charge for borrowing. debe pagar como cargo por el préstamo:.
Loss: the fact that you no longer Pérdidas: el hecho de que ya no tienes
have something or have less of algo o tienes menos
something Proprietorships: Propietarios: Derecho de propiedad, en el
Propertyrights derecho, el dominio o propiedad, es el
In the right, the domain or property, is the poder directo e inmediato sobre un objeto o
direct and immediate power over an object bien, por la que se atribuye a su titular la
or good, by which is attributed to its owner capacidad de disponer del mismo, sin más
the ability to dispose of it, without further limitaciones que las que imponga la ley.
limitations than those imposed by law.
Because of the unlimited liability it is recommended to choose a
good insurance to avoid personal financial ruin.
In the following section you read about sole proprietorships: a
company that is owned and operated by one person.
One advantage is, that it is easy to maintain and organize because
the registration procedures are cheap and require almost no governmental
approval at all.
The owner has total control over the finances and other assets.
Compared to other forms it is lowly regulated by government.
As a sole proprietor you pay less taxes.
Because of the unlimited liability it is recommended to choose a
good insurance to avoid personal financial ruin.
Criterios de evaluación
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