BS5400-1 1988-Steel, Concrete & Composite Bridges (Part 1)
BS5400-1 1988-Steel, Concrete & Composite Bridges (Part 1)
BS5400-1 1988-Steel, Concrete & Composite Bridges (Part 1)
UDC 624.21.01
BS 5400-1:1988
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
2.1 Loads 1
2.2 Strength of materials 1
2.3 Design values 1
2.3.1 Design loads 1
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 2-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
© BSI 12-1998 i
BS 5400-1:1988
BS 5400 is a document combining codes of practice to cover the design and
construction of steel, concrete and composite bridges and specifications for the
loads1), materials and workmanship. It is based on the principles of limit state
design outlined in ISO 2394 “General principles for the verification of the safety
of structures”. It comprises the following:
— Part 1: General statement;
— Part 2: Specification for loads;
— Part 3: Code of practice for design of steel bridges;
1) Throughout BS 5400 external forces applied to the structure and imposed deformations such as
those due to changes in temperature will be referred to as “loads” or “loading”; the stress
resultants in the structure arising from its response will be referred to as “load effects”.
2) Withdrawn.
ii © BSI 12-1998
BS 5400-1:1988
Objective of BS 5400
The aim of BS 5400 is the achievement of acceptable levels of probability in order
that the structure being designed will not become unfit for the use for which it is
required, i.e. that it will not reach limit state during its design life. It specifies
certain design requirements and a coherent set of partial safety factors for
bridges in the UK3), which combine to provide what is considered to be an
acceptably low probability of attaining the limit states given in clause 3.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the executions
of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 2-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 6, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
For bridges to be designed to other load specifications, see clause 10.
BS 5400-1:1988
1 Scope 2.3.2
design load effects
This Part of BS 5400 is a statement of the general
concepts embodied in other Parts of the standard. It the design effects, S*, are obtained from the design
describes the application of the limit state principles loads by the relation
adopted and includes sections on analysis and
foundation design, both of which are common to all S* = gf3 (effects of Q*)
forms of bridge construction.
= gf3 (effects of gfL Qk)
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this Part of
BS 5400 are listed on the inside back cover. where
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 2-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
2 Definitions
gf3 is a factor that takes account of inaccurate
For the purposes of this British Standard the assessment of the effects of loading,
following definitions and explanations of terms unforeseen stress distribution in the
apply. structure, and variations in dimensional
2.1 accuracy achieved in construction
Values of gf3 are given in Parts 3, 4, 5 and 9
the loads to be considered in determining the load
Where linear relationships can be assumed between
effects, S, on the structure are specified in Part 2
loading and load effects, S* can be determined from
and are described throughout as nominal loads. For
certain loads statistical distributions are available S* = (effects of gf3 gfL Qk)
and for these a return period of 120 years has been 2.3.3
adopted. Where such distributions are not available design resistance
nominal values, based on judgement and the design resistance, R*, may be defined as
experience, are given, and these are considered to
approximate to a 120-year return period 1 fk
R* = ---------- function ---------
2.2 g m2 g m1
strength of materials if the function is linear and involves a single value
where statistical data are available on the strength of gm2, this may be expressed as
of materials, characteristic values are given in the
1 - ---------
R * = --------- 1 - function ( f ) = -------
1 function ( f )
appropriate Parts of this standard. Where such data k k
g m2 g m1 gm
are not available, nominal values are given to be
used as characteristic values in all the computations where
2.3 Design values
2.3.1 fk is the characteristic (or nominal) strength of
design loads the material;
the design loads, Q*, are determined from the gm is a reduction factor specified in the
nominal loads, Qk, according to the relation relevant parts of this standard
Q* = gfL Qk gm = function (gm1 gm2)
where gfL is a factor given in Part 2 for each load where
gfL = function (gf1 gf2)
where gm1 is intended to cover the possible reductions
in the strength of the materials in the
gf1 takes account of the possibility of structure as a whole as compared with the
unfavourable deviation of the loads from characteristic value deduced from the
their nominal values; control test specimen;
gf2 takes account of the reduced probability gm2 is intended to cover possible weaknesses of
that various loadings acting together will all the structure arising from any cause other
attain their nominal values simultaneously than the reduction in the strength of the
materials allowed for in gm1, including
manufacturing tolerances.
© BSI 12-1998 1
BS 5400-1:1988
4) Clearly the consequences of failure of one large bridge such as a suspension bridge will be greater than that of one small
bridge. A greater number of smaller bridges are constructed, however, and in the absence of empirical data it is assumed that for
the sum of the consequences the risks are broadly the same.
2 © BSI 12-1998
BS 5400-1:1988
© BSI 12-1998 3
BS 5400-1:1988
7.2.3 Plastic methods. The term “plastic method” 7.3.2 Serviceability limit state. Load effects under
denotes a method of analysis in which part or all of each of the prescribed design loadings appropriate
a material in the section or sections of a structural to the serviceability limit state should, where
member is assumed to have reached yield point relevant, be calculated by elastic methods. Linear
under the applied loading. This results in the methods may be used when these are based on the
possibility of “plastic hinges” or “yield lines” being section properties assumed in 7.3.1, provided that
formed in the structure where yielding has taken changes in geometry do not significantly influence
place. the load effects. Non-linear methods may be adopted
7.2.4 Conditions for plastic methods or with appropriate allowances for loss of stiffness due
to cracking, creep or other predictable deformation
4 © BSI 12-1998
BS 5400-1:1988
In estimating deflections during erection and on The mathematical idealization of the structure
first loading of a welded steel structure, the should reflect the nature of its judged response. The
relaxation of welding residual stress in regions of boundaries assumed in such idealization should
applied tensile stress, as defined in Part 3, should be either simulate accurately the stiffness of adjacent
taken into account. parts or be sufficiently remote from the part under
7.4 Analysis of sections consideration for the stresses in it to be insensitive
to the boundary assumptions.
7.4.1 Ultimate limit state. Methods used to calculate
If, for the sake of convenience, any part of the
the ultimate resistance in bending, axial force,
structure is ignored in the analysis, it should be
shear or torsion should provide estimates of
examined to determine whether the behaviour of
Licensed Copy: Giorgio Cavalieri, ALSTOM, 2-Mar-01, Uncontrolled Copy. © BSI
5) Theinfluence of shear lag may be deemed to be allowed for in the calculation of the properties of the cross sections for stress
analysis when using the appropriate effective widths prescribed in Parts 3, 4 and 5.
© BSI 12-1998 5
BS 5400-1:1988
6 © BSI 12-1998
BS 5400-1:1988
Publications referred to
BS 5400-8, Recommendations for materials and workmanship, concrete, reinforcement and prestressing
BS 5400-9, Bridge bearings.
BS 5400-9.1, Code of practice for design of bridge bearings.
BS 5400-9.2, Specification for materials, manufacture and installation of bridge bearings.
BS 5400-10, Code of practice for fatigue.
BS 8004, Code of practice for foundations.
6) Withdrawn.
7) Referred to in the foreword only.
© BSI 12-1998
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