ProcessDefinitionDocument Template
ProcessDefinitionDocument Template
ProcessDefinitionDocument Template
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
Document History 1.0 Author Name Client org AP-SME Created document v 1.0
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose of the document 4
1.2 Objectives 4
1.3 Process key contacts 4
1.4 Minimum Pre-requisites for automation 5
2. As IS process description 5
2.1 Process Overview 5
2.2 Applications used in the process 5
2.3 As IS Detailed Process map 6
2.4 Additional sources of process documentation 7
3. To BE Process Description 8
3.1 TO BE Detailed Process Map 8
3.1.1 Change/Improvement details 8
3.1.2 Areas already automated 9
3.2 In Scope for RPA 9
3.3 Out of Scope for RPA 9
3.4 Business Exceptions Handling 9
3.4.1 Known Exceptions 9
3.4.2 Unknown Exceptions 10
3.5 Application Error and Exception Handling 10
3.5.1 Know Errors or Exceptions 11
3.5.2 Unknow Errors and Exceptions 11
4. Other Requirements and Observations 12
5. Document Approval 12
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
1. Introduction
The document describes the sequence of steps performed as part of the business process, the
conditions and rules of the process prior to automation and how they are envisioned to work after
automating it, partly or entirely. This specifications document serves as a base for developers,
providing them the details required for applying robotic automation to the selected business
1.2 Objectives
The business objectives and benefits expected by the Business Process Owner after automation of
the selected business process are:
{replace the below bullet points that serve as example, with the specific, SMART objectives and benefits expected after automation }
➢ Reduce processing time per item by 80 %. The duration to process an invoice in AS IS state is
7 minutes.
➢ Monitoring of xyz sub activities
The Process Owner is expected to review it and provide signoff for accuracy and completion of the
steps, context, impact and complete set of process exceptions.
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
production m
2. As IS process description
2.1 Process Overview
General information about the process selected for RPA prior to automation.
# Item Description
4 Process short description PDF invoices sent by email are posted in SAP for later payment.
(operation, activity,
9 Peak period (s) End of month, usually from 20th to 28th day of each month
11 Level of exception rate ~20% exceptions (incomplete invoice details, unreadable data
on the invoice etc)
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
13 Output data Invoice posted in SAP. Confirmation email. Processed email
moved to process folder.
14 Dependencies n/a
(upstream, downstream)
*Add more table rows if necessary to include relevant data for the automation process. No fields should be left empty. Use “n/a” for the
items that don`t apply to the selected business process.
This chapter depicts the AS IS business process in detail to enable the developer to build the
automated process.
{Detailed process map to be added here, with input/output flow at each stage. Divide the process into stages if required (for better
Add the AVG TAT (Average Turn Around Time) for each key transaction/ activity. Use the “Short description of key process steps” . More
detailed information can be documented in a separate table and/or documented and embedded in this document/ Section.
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
{Fill in the table below with a short description of the process steps presented in the AS IS diagram}.
2 Pick new email, check the email for attachment and available information
3 If the PDF attachment is missing, reply to email requesting for the PDF to
be sent attached
7 If the vendor doesn`t exist, send email to request for vendor entry to be
9 After the invoice is processed, send an email notification that the action is
If there is additional material created to support the process automation please mention it here,
along with the supported documentation provided.
Video Recording of the process Insert link to the video Date and time of the
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
[Mandatory] recording and provide recording.
access to the video.
Insert additional relevant
List of supporting documents Embed documents List here all the templates,
mapping tables, list of URLS
that are provided as
supporting info for
Standard Operating Procedure (s) Insert link to the standard Insert any relevant comments
operating procedure
related to the process in
Other documentation Insert link to any other Insert any relevant comments
relevant process
documentation (L4, L5
process description, fields
mapping files etc)
*Add more table rows to reflect the complete documentation provided to support the RPA process.
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
3. To BE Process Description
This chapter highlights the expected design of the business process after automation.
{Fill in the table below with a legend of the process steps and symbols presented in the TO BE diagram}.
Step number in the process. Referred in the details or Exceptions and Errors table
Important aspects to be mentioned: what is the initiative, expected outcome, expected completion
date, contact person for details, and if will impact the current automation request.
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
The activities OUT of scope of RPA, are listed here. Mention of the changes/ improvement
opportunities identified for automation are out of scope for this automation iteration.
The Business Process Owner and Business Analysts are expected to document below all the business
exceptions identified in the automation process. These can be classified as:
Known Unknown
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
3.4.1 Known Exceptions
The table below reflects all the business process exceptions captured during the process evaluation
and documentation. These are known exceptions, met in practice before. For each of these
exceptions, define a corresponding expected action that the robot should complete if it encounters
the exception.
Invoice Fields missing send email for additional details: Reply email
2 mandatory Step # 3 or incomplete:
details are “Hello,
missing or Company name The product details mentioned in the invoice are
incomplete incomplete or missing. Please check the invoice details
Invoice date
(unidentifiable) and re-send the correct invoice.
Invoice Thank you”
Tax Rate
Total amount
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
- send an email notification at [insert full name, function and email
address] with the original email and error message screenshot attached.
Technology/ Experienced previously, action plan New situation never encountered before,
or workaround available for it. or may happened independent of the
applications used in the process.
For each of these errors or exceptions, define a corresponding expected action that the robot
should complete if it is encountered.
1 Email stops Any step when Error message Wait for application to respond.
responding working with
outlook. Most Retry.
frequent when
opening Close application and run the
attachments. sequence again.
Insert more table rows if necessary to capture all the exceptions in a comprehensive list.
- send an email notification at [insert full name, function and email
address] with the original email and error message screenshot attached.
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0
4. Other Requirements and Observations
Include below any other relevant observations you consider needed to be documented here.
5. Document Approval
This document requires serial approval (sign off) from the roles defined in the table below.
Changes to the requirements must be documented in an updated version (i.e v 2.0) and requires a new
signature flow.
Process Name - Process Definition Document v 1.0