Portfolio Return & Risk
Portfolio Return & Risk
Portfolio Return & Risk
What is a Portfolio?
Portfolio theory asserts that investors always try to maximize his expected
return in a given level of risk or minimize investment risk in a given level of
expected return.
Stock-A ER SD
A 12% 8%
B 10% 12%
C 15% 18%
D 7% 9%
b. Risk neutral/indifferent
c. Risk averse……those who avoid the risk. If you are rewarded for the risk, then you
will accept the risk.
Stock ER SD
A 10% 8%
B 15% 10%
C 18% 15%
Cov(D,E) = σ σ ρ D E DE
ρ DE = Correlation
ρ = +1 to -1
(a+b)2= (Wa)2* a2 + (Wb)2*b2 +2*(Wa)*(Wb)*Cov(a,b)
A+ B= COV(A,B)
Standard Deviation Standard Deviation
Stock-A Stock-B
Year of Stock-A of Stock-B [Ai - E(RA)] [Bi - E(RB)]
(Ai) (Bi)
= [Ai - E(RA)]2 = [Bi - E(RB)]2
2015 10 10 (10 - 20)2 = 100 (10 - 23)2 = 169 (10 - 20)*(10 - 23)= 130
2016 15 20 (15 - 20)2 = 25 (20 - 23)2 =9 (15 - 20)*(20 - 23) = 15
2017 20 35 (20 - 20)2 =0 (35 - 23)2 = 144 (20 - 20)*(35 - 23) = 0
2018 25 20 (25 - 20)2 = 25 (20 - 23)2 =9 (25 - 20)*(20 - 23) = -15
2019 30 30 (30 - 20)2 = 100 (30 - 23)2 = 49 (30 - 20)*(30 - 23) = 70
Total = 200
Expected Return 20% 23%
Standard Deviation 7.91% 9.75%
Formula of Covariance
= 200/5
= 40
Formula of Correlation
ρ = -1 to +1
Cov(A,B) = σA*σB*ρAB
Q-1: Suppose σA = 15%, σB= 20% if the covariance between two stock is 250, what is the
correlation coefficient between two stock?
The correlation coefficient between two stock is ρAB = COV(A,B) / σA* σB
= 250 / (15*20)
= 250/300
= 0.83
Q-2: Suppose σA = 10%, σB= 15% if the correlation coefficient between two stock is -0.75, what is
the covariance between two stock?
= -112.5
σ2 = (0.50)2 *(7)2 + (0.50)2* (10)2 + 2*0.50*0.50*7*10*1
σ2 = 12.25 + 25 + 35
σ2 = 72.25
σ = √ 72.25
σ = 8.50%
σ = 7.40%
σ = 6.10%
σ = 4.44%
σ = 1.5%
Result Summary
Stock Expected Return Standard Deviation Weights
Debt (D) 10% 7% 0.50
Equity (E) 20% 10% 0.50
Home Work
The following information is related to Stock-D and Stock-E:
Stock Expected Return Standard Deviation
Debt 10% 7%
Equity 20% 10%
The correlation coefficient between two stocks is -1. In the following weights, calculate
the portfolio expected rate of return and standard deviation.
1 0 1 20% 10%
2 0.20 0.80
3 0.40 0.60
4 0.50 0.50
5 0.60 0.40
6 0.80 0.20
7 1 0 10% 7%