Sample Behavior Contract

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Sample Behavior Contract

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Sample Behavior Contract:

Effective Dates: From 10/20/99 to 12/20/99

Mrs. Jones, the teacher, will give Ricky a sticker to put on his 'Classroom Hero' chart
each time he does one of the following:

turns in completed homework assignment on time

turns in morning seatwork assignments on time and completed
works quietly through the morning seatwork period (from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m.)
without needing to be approached or redirected by the teacher for being off-task
or distracting others

When Ricky has collected 12 stickers from Mrs. Jones, he may choose one of the
following rewards:

10 minutes of free time at the end of the day in the classroom

10 minutes of extra playground time (with Mr. Jenkins' class)
choice of a prize from the 'Surprise Prize Box'

Bonus: If Ricky has a perfect week (5 days, Monday through Friday) by earning
all 3 possible stickers each day, he will be able to draw one additional prize from
the 'Surprise Prize Box'.

Penalty: If Ricky has to be approached by the teacher more than 5 times during a
morning period because he is showing distracting behavior, he will lose a chance
to earn a 'Classroom Hero' sticker the following day.

The student, Ricky, helped to create this agreement. He understands and agrees to the
terms of this behavior contract.

Student Signature: ___________________________________

The teacher, Mrs. Jones, agrees to carry out her part of this agreement. Ricky will
receive stickers when be fulfills his daily behavioral goals of completing homework and
classwork, and will also be allowed to collect his reward when he has earned enough
stickers for it. The teacher will also be sure that Ricky gets his bonus prize if he earns

Teacher Signature: ___________________________________

The parent(s) of Ricky agree to check over his homework assignments each evening to
make sure that he completes them. They will also ask Ricky daily about his work
completion and behavior at school. The parent(s) will provide Ricky with daily
encouragement to achieve his behavior contract goals. In addition, the parent(s) will
sign Ricky's 'Classroom Hero' chart each time that he brings it home with 12 stickers on

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Sample Behavior Contract

Parent Signature: ___________________________________

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