Helukabel 1DB 33054 en
Helukabel 1DB 33054 en
Helukabel 1DB 33054 en
6/10 kV, 12/20 kV, 18/30 kV
XLPE-insulated, Cu-conductor, single core, screened, longitudinally and crosswise watertight,
Installation primarily for power utility grids and in cable ducts, outdoors, underground and in water, and also on pallets for manufacturing plants,
switchgear and power stations. The resistant Al/PE-laminated sheathing acts as a cross water barrier. It inhibits the diffusion of water. In case of
sheathing damage, water impact is contained at the flaw. The cable can be severely mechanically stressed during installation and operation. The PE
sheathing is not flame-retardant to DIN EN 60332-1-2. The internal conductive layer between conductor and VPE insulation and the adherent external
conductive layer on the VPE insulation guarantees a design with high operational safety and no partial discharge.
Part no. No.cores x Operation Nominal Insulation Screen Sheath Outer Ø Cop. Weight AWG-No.
cross-sec. voltage voltage thickness cross-sec. thickness app. mm weight app. kg / km
mm² max. kV mm mm² Nominal kg / km
33054 1 x 35 rm / 16 12 6 / 10 3,4 16 2,5 28,0 518,0 860,0 2
33055 1 x 50 rm / 16 12 6 / 10 3,4 16 2,5 30,0 662,0 1000,0 1
33056 1 x 70 rm / 16 12 6 / 10 3,4 16 2,5 32,0 854,0 1350,0 2/0
33057 1 x 95 rm / 16 12 6 / 10 3,4 16 2,5 33,0 1094,0 1680,0 3/0
33058 1 x 120 rm / 16 12 6 / 10 3,4 16 2,5 34,0 1334,0 2070,0 4/0
33059 1 x 150 rm / 25 12 6 / 10 3,4 25 2,5 36,0 1723,0 2350,0 300 kcmil
33060 1 x 185 rm / 25 12 6 / 10 3,4 25 2,5 38,0 2059,0 2710,0 350 kcmil
33061 1 x 240 rm / 25 12 6 / 10 3,4 25 2,5 40,0 2587,0 3260,0 500 kcmil
27.09.2016 / Dimensions and specifications may be changed without prior notice.
38049 1 x 300 rm / 25 12 6 / 10 3,4 25 2,5 42,0 3163,0 3850,0 600 kcmil
38050 1 x 400 rm / 35 12 6 / 10 3,4 35 2,5 46,0 4234,0 4740,0 750 kcmil
38051 1 x 500 rm / 35 12 6 / 10 3,4 35 2,5 49,0 5194,0 5800,0 1000 kcmil
38052 1 x 630 rm / 35 12 6 / 10 3,4 35 2,5 51,0 6442,0 7120,0 1250 kcmil
38053 1 x 35 rm / 16 24 12 / 20 5,5 16 2,5 33,0 518,0 1020,0 2
33066 1 x 50 rm / 16 24 12 / 20 5,5 16 2,5 35,0 662,0 1170,0 1
33067 1 x 70 rm / 16 24 12 / 20 5,5 16 2,5 36,0 854,0 1470,0 2/0
33083 1 x 95 rm / 16 24 12 / 20 5,5 16 2,5 38,0 1094,0 1860,0 3/0
33069 1 x 120 rm / 16 24 12 / 20 5,5 16 2,5 39,0 1334,0 2260,0 4/0
33070 1 x 150 rm / 25 24 12 / 20 5,5 25 2,5 41,0 1723,0 2550,0 300 kcmil
33071 1 x 185 rm / 25 24 12 / 20 5,5 25 2,5 43,0 2059,0 2920,0 350 kcmil
33072 1 x 240 rm / 25 24 12 / 20 5,5 25 2,5 45,0 2587,0 3490,0 500 kcmil
33073 1 x 300 rm / 25 24 12 / 20 5,5 25 2,5 47,0 3163,0 4090,0 600 kcmil
33074 1 x 400 rm / 35 24 12 / 20 5,5 35 2,5 50,0 4234,0 5010,0 750 kcmil
33075 1 x 500 rm / 35 24 12 / 20 5,5 35 2,5 54,0 5194,0 6090,0 1000 kcmil
38054 1 x 630 rm / 35 24 12 / 20 5,5 35 2,5 55,0 6442,0 7440,0 1250 kcmil
N2XS(FL)2Y 6/10 kV, 12/20 kV, 18/30 kV
XLPE-insulated, Cu-conductor, single core, screened, longitudinally and crosswise watertight,
Part no. No.cores x Operation Nominal Insulation Screen Sheath Outer Ø Cop. Weight AWG-No.
cross-sec. voltage voltage thickness cross-sec. thickness app. mm weight app. kg / km
mm² max. kV mm mm² Nominal kg / km
34312 1 x 50 rm / 16 36 18 / 30 8 16 2,5 36,0 662,0 1400,0 1
38055 1 x 70 rm / 16 36 18 / 30 8 16 2,5 40,0 854,0 1710,0 2/0
38056 1 x 95 rm / 16 36 18 / 30 8 16 2,5 42,0 1094,0 2110,0 3/0
38057 1 x 120 rm / 16 36 18 / 30 8 16 2,5 44,0 1334,0 2520,0 4/0
38058 1 x 150 rm / 25 36 18 / 30 8 25 2,5 45,0 1723,0 2830,0 300 kcmil
34313 1 x 185 rm / 25 36 18 / 30 8 25 2,5 47,0 2059,0 3210,0 350 kcmil
38059 1 x 240 rm / 25 36 18 / 30 8 25 2,5 49,0 2587,0 3790,0 500 kcmil
34314 1 x 300 rm / 25 36 18 / 30 8 25 2,5 52,0 3163,0 4430,0 600 kcmil
34315 1 x 400 rm / 35 36 18 / 30 8 35 2,5 55,0 4234,0 5390,0 750 kcmil
38060 1 x 500 rm / 35 36 18 / 30 8 35 2,5 58,0 5194,0 6500,0 1000 kcmil
38061 1 x 630 rm / 35 36 18 / 30 8 35 2,5 60,0 6442,0 7870,0 1250 kcmil
Dimensions and specifications may be changed without prior notice. (RQ03)
27.09.2016 / Dimensions and specifications may be changed without prior notice.