Responding To Literature Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays Fifth Edition" We
Responding To Literature Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays Fifth Edition" We
Responding To Literature Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays Fifth Edition" We
There are six parts in this chapter. They are background of the study,
problems of the study, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and
Literature is the expression of life in the world of truth and beauty; it is the
writer record of man’s spirit of the thought, emotion, and expression. Literature is
reflection from real life. There are many kinds of literary works, such as poems,
novels, essays, and plays. Novel is one of literary work which gives pleasure to
the reader. Novel can take the readers to a certain situation, place or periods that
occur in the story of novel. Through the series of events and conflicts experienced
by the characters, the readers seem to enter the character’s life in the novel. At the
end of the novel, the readers can discover meaning, messages or values which are
revealed in the novel, like what is said by Elayne Mercier in Stanford’s (2005:2)
read literature to find the beauty of words of great writers. Literature teaches us
the truth about our lives. We learn good values from literature like Shakespeare”.
The study of literature also can be used for promoting interesting language
skills. Teaching literature can improve reading fluency through the expansion of
In the other hand, the novel’s writers have their own interest in writing.
The writers write novel in a certain theme, because they want to expose something
interested of the theme. Jane Austen is one of the novelist who does that. She
wants to expose an issue through her novel entitled Pride and Prejudice.
Pride and Prejudice tells about social issues and feminism. Austen holds
feminist views and uses the novel to show her opinion about women’s issues. Jane
Austen is a briliant and talented author. The characters, plot, and dialogue in her
novel are reflect her beliefs. Her novels are interesting and meaningful. After
reading her novel, the reader can obtain important values that reflect her ideas
about life. It gives a spirit and enrich the reader’s understanding about the power
Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice reveals about women’s fight againts
the male dominated society, enjoys great popularity around the world also the
nature of the merriage at that time, criticizes marriage based on wealth, and
suggests equal marriage between men and women. Elizabeth is the protagonist
character of the novel and the second daughter in the Bennet family. She is smart,
bravery, independence and feminist which make her different than other women
in her society. As the main character, Elizabeth faces many problems in her life.
She must not only face her mother, a distant father, two younger sisters which
dont like her, several antagonistic females, she must also overcome her own
mistaken impressions of Darcy, which initially lead her to reject his proposals of
marriage. It can be proven by the statements which are given by Samantha Yung
Kah Khei (2011) says that, “ Such portrayal of equality has been reflected by
heroine of Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet, leading to one of the factors of
not”. The language, story and messages contained in this novel make me eager
Kuntik Ismiati (2012), has studied about An Analysis of Conflicts of The Main
Character in Thomas Hardy’s The Return On The Native. In this study, she finds
out the conflicts of the main character and also finds the character of the main
conflict. And for the character, she found two kinds of character, they are major
and minor character. Another research, Yuni Riyanti (2007), that conducted the
study about character of the main character, Morrie Schwartz, presented in Mitch
Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie. She had found the characteristic, characterization,
and self actualization of Morrie Schwartz. She found that Morrie Schwartz’s
through another’s opinion view, his speech, his thought, his past life, and his
reaction toward every situation. While, the self actualization was revealed through
The Main Character Conflict in the First Series of Harry Potter and the Soccere’s
also had found the character of the main character and the minor character. Here,
the researcher analyze the different topic with the previous study, they are the
characteristic of the main character and feminism portrayed in the main character.
The novel used in this study also differs from the previous study. Therefore, this
Feminism of this novel is the issues that the writer interested in. the writer
is also interested in studying Elizabeth Bennet character. From this study, the
writer shows the issues and the characters explored in this novel, so the readers
B. Problems of Study
1. What are the characters of the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, presented in
2. How does the main character, Elizabeth, reveal feminism in the novel?
Based on the problem of study above, the aims of this paper are:
The result of this study is expected to be useful in several ways. This study
gives significance for the researcher to understand and provides more knowledge
about feminism. This study may be expected to give significant to the future
and Prejudice, by providing preliminary study . This study may make readers
realize that one’s right is not based on the gender or belief and make them more
aware that all people are born to be free and equal. The writer hopes that this
study can give contribution to the improvement of knowledge for the readers
especially for English education student of the State College for Islamic Studies
(STAIN) Tulungagung.
In this research, the scope of the research is limited to the analysis of the
novel written by Jane Austen entitles Pride and Prejudice. Focuses of this study
are analysing the character of the main character and analysing feminism
1. Character
Characters are the person represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are
and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their
distinctive ways of saying it the diallogue and from what they do the action.
In this study, character refers to the figure in the novel. The writer chooses
the character of Elizabeth in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice because the writer
2. Feminism
social theory which have the purpose is to obtain women right”. According to
Ritzer (2004:448) says that “Feminism is kind of critical social theory which
Theory states that feminism incorporates both doctrines of equal rights of women
transformation which aims to create a world for women beyond simple social
equality. She also states that “Certain terms in contemporary theory, such as work,
family, patriarchy, and sexuality, are used to sum up the basis experiences of
“Feminism is women's assertion of their equality with men and their demand for
access to those roles and positions of public life traditionally regarded as the
province of men”. In this study, the writer presents feminism as a way to obtain
Review of related literature presents five main parts. They are review of
theories that related to the topic of the study include literature, novel, character
A. Literature
“Literature is simply another way, we can experience the world around us through
our imagination”. Literature is related with art, which the author uses poetic
imaginative and artistic qualities”. Wellek and Warren (1990:3) also agree with
the opinion above, they state “Literature is a creative activity and an art”.
various experiences and give us much more. The subject of literature is taken
from real life. Reading a literary work means knowing more about life. The reader
can reach the message, idea or value from the literary work which they read or
learn pragmatically. Lukens (2003:9) describes “Literature at its best gives both
pleasure and understanding. It explores the nature of human beings, the condition
of humankinds”.
There are many kinds of literary work, such as poem or poetry, short story,
novel or prose, drama or playlist, and etc. reading a literary work is a process
interaction between the author and the reader. An author have the message to the
reader through literary. The author expresses what he has experienced and seen in
his life. They expect that the readers can get the value or message after read and
B. Novel
Novel is one of literary work. Novel attracts the attention and the interest
like to read a novel. Language in the novel facilitates the readers in understanding
length in which characters and actions representative of real life are portrayed in a
plot of more or less complexity”. A novel describes the stories of the characters in
a context that set in a logical sequence. With the narrative technique, novel can
depict real picture of the story. From the depiction, the reader can visualize the
Novel almost like short story, but novel is longer. According to Reader
and Woods (1987:6) state, “Fictitious prose narrative of volume length portraying
characters and actions representative of real life in continuous plot”. A novel can
depict the characters, events, conflicts that reflect the real life in sequence of plot.
Positive criticism comes from James Ramsay (2013) in his article Pride
and Prejudice: The Classic Jane Austen Novel is Not Just for Girls, he criticizes:
Pride and Prejudice is valuable because it’s a book for reading people read
people. As is still the case today, this is particularly difficult for men,
whose narratives are culturally dominant enough that we don’t feel the
need to decipher anything —we just expect that our perceptions match
reality. And this is why boys ought to read Jane Austen. Women have
made it clear enough where we are and where we need to go. It’s our
imperative to pay attention.
This article proves that Pride and Prejudice is great novel for everyone to read.
Stanislaw Lem (2005) in his essay My Essay on Pride and Prejudice says:
The novel follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, and her
middleclass family living in 19th century England. Elizabeth, unlike her
younger sisters, is quite quick-witted but perhaps is too judgmental and
relies very heavily on her first impressions of people; this is clearly
evident after her first meeting with Mr. Darcy.
He means that Elizabeth is a woman that difference with the other. She has many
characters that will reflect her feminism. Benna Crawford (1999) also comments
for the character of Elizabeth on her essay, Essay topics on “Pride and
Elizabeth is driven by her own romantic notions and by a bright mind that
is more independent than is typical for the time she lives in. Charlotte is
older, plainer, less gifted and far more pragmatic. Through marriage
Charlotte will acquire a secure place in society. Elizabeth seems to fear
that a secure place in society will bury her alive.
Good character will be one determinant for the quality of novel. Character and
characterizations are elements of the story that can’t be eliminated. With character
and characterization, the story becomes more real and more alive. Gordon and
We know that novel also one of fiction work, but it can’t deny that there are many
novel based on true story. From Jane and Karen above, we can know that
we know from the words we read on the page”. Another opinion comes from
are another element of fictional vital to the enjoyment of a story”. Reader and
In story of the novel, there are minimal two kinds of character that can be
seen in the story. They are main or major character and supporting or minor
character. A major character is the central figures or the focus of the story.
Usually, major character emerged from the beginning to the end of the story. On
the other hand, minor character or supporting character is a character that only
sympathize, while the antagonist is the character with whom the protagonist is in
Character also can be classified into two categories, namely flat character
characters that become the main or the mayor character and the flat characters
the author does to bring a character to life, to provide the reader with a sense of
imagine what kind of person the character is. Barnet (1988:746) says,
say, by what the others say about them, and by setting in which they move”.
characterization divided into two ways, they are direct and indirect
another character looks like or what kind of person he or she is”. Whereas indirect
author attempts to make the characters understandable and the readers can know
what kind of person the character is. They are personal description, character seen
However, the writer only chooses five procedures to understand the character
of Elizabeth Bennet so the writer can get the clue to find the characterization of
1. Character as seen by another: the author describes the character through the
2. Speech: the author can give the readers an insight into the character of one of
3. Reactions: the author can give a clue to a person’s character by letting the
readers know how that person reacts to various situations and events.
5. Thoughts: the author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person is
thinking about.
D. Theory of Feminism
“Women and men should have equal opportunities, that women should not
be discriminated againts based on their gender, and that women and men should
get equal pay for equal work, chances are she will say yes and so will most men”,
the pain of childbirth and even risked their lives it. Friedan (1963:75) states that “I
never knew a woman, when I was growing up, who used her mind, played her
own part in the world, and also loved, and had children”.
This situation reversed because people believe that women are weak
creatures. They consider that woman can work a little and unable to work hard
like a man. Montagu (1953:23) says that” in almost every society there is a belief
that men are superior and women are inferior, women also think that belief is
right, because it believes as what really happens”. This view can’t be supposed as
(2004:163) state that men are more competent, good orientation, strong, active,
This condition is unfair for women, also portray that there is gender
discrimination in the past. It happens from the generation to the next until they
realize their injustice. It encourages the emergence a belief called feminism. The
right with men in many aspects, such as politic, social, economy and culture.
Rosenstand (2006:567) says that “the principle of equality does not imply that
everyone is the same, but that everyone should be treated as equals unless special
circumstances apply
terms of gender, race, class, sexual and also how to change it. Women are weaker
There are three waves of feminist movement. The first, the second wave
and the third wave of feminism. Rosenstand (2006:575) states that “the first wave
generally refers to the feminist movement in Europe and the United States from
its early beginning the seventeenth century to the accomplishment of its most
Philcer and Whelehan (2004:53) say that “In Britain, the origins of first
wider sections of the (male) population. He also states that “This early feminism
was concerned with the education and employment rights of women and with
improving the legal rights of married women (Philcer and Whelehan, 2004:53).
There are four genres in this period. They are Liberal feminism, Radical
feminism, Socialist feminism, and Marxist feminism. The second wave feminism
begins on 1960. According to Ratna (2005:223), the second wave has bring out
two genres, they are existential feminism which explains and rejects the presence
which focusing on the disparity of men and women. While the third wave in the
early 1990. This wave brings four genre, they are postmodern feminism,
There are many perspectives about feminism. The writer presents four
1. Liberal Feminism
intensity for the equality rights in occupation or education. The feminist believe
that democracy is naturally adaptable to equality for the women and men. Every
human being is created with the same rights and every woman must have the same
2. Radical Feminism
This type of feminism spreads out in the United States since 1960s-1970s.
They consider that both women and men must be educated to see the tradition as
3. Marxist Feminism
Marxist feminism is growing up in the second wave during late 1960s and
structural elements that determine the quality and nature of our experience.
Pilcher and Whelehan (2004:50) state that “changes in women’s social conditions
with the overthrow of industrial capitalism and changing relations of the worker to
the means of production”. They consider that changes of women’s social are from
(1979:202) states that “Marxist feminists attack the prevailing capitalistic system
4. Socialist Feminism
women that are independent of class status. Tuana and Tong (1995:262) say:
socialist feminist claim that the labor of women, in the domestic realm
serves not only the interests of specific families but also the interests of
capitalism in that the family reproduces the attitudes and capabilities
needed to enter into the wage labor force.
The socialist feminism’s purpose is to construct the society in order to get equality
in gender.
In this study, the writer presents some researchers who discussed and
subjected to the same work on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and other
Ismiati (2012), has studied about An Analysis of Conflicts of The Main Character
in Thomas Hardy’s The Return On The Native. In this study, she finds out the
conflicts of the main character and also finds the character of the main character.
She found two kinds of character, they are major and minor character. Another
research, Riyanti (2007), that conducted the study about character of the main
She found that Morrie Schwartz’s characteristics are open minded, helpful, strong,
The Main Character Conflict in the First Series of Harry Potter and the Soccere’s
also had found the character of the main character and the minor character.
study of the use of satire to express feminism in the novel Pride and Prejudice.
She said that satire played an important role in the expression of feminism in
This could be contributed to the influence of Austen’s life over her works,
as her liberal manner of living a life of spinsterhood and writing to support
herself had been said to be mannerism close to that of feminist, which
were emulated by her heroines, particularly her favourite, Elizabeth
Bennet, who had been said to be most alike to herself.
This opinion may prove that Elizabeth is main character in Pride and Prejudice
In this thesis, the writer is going to reveal that Elizabeth, the main
chapter consists of four parts. The first part discusses research design. The second
part presents data and data source. The third part tells about data collection. The
A. Research Design
its natural setting”. Chreswell (2011) says “Qualitative research is the research
using library research. The writer used the library research in gathering the data of
the research which aims to collect data from written source books that would be
and detail so that someone who has not experienced it can understand it.
method. In literary work, especially from the novel, the reader can interpret many
elements in the novel, such as character, plot, theme, setting and etc. from the
series of events and conflicts of the characters, the readers seem to enter the
character’s life in the novel. The reader’s can discover the messages which reveal
in the novel.
This study deals with descriptive way to analyze the data. It is intended to
describe the character and feminism portray of the main character, Elizabeth
The qualitative inquirer deals with data that are in the form of words,
rather than numbers and statistic. The data collected are the subjects
and so on.
Based on the study above, the writer applies the feminist approach to deal
with the feminism portrayed in Elizabeth character in Pride and Prejudice. The
research. Data is an important element for research study. It can be the evidences
The source of data is the source where the data was obtained. The source
of data can be divide into two kinds, primary and secondary data. Ary et al
(1985:332) states, “If a document is written by someone who has had firsthand
The primary data for the analysis was taken from the novel Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen, while the secondary data was derived from other sources, such as
books, internet, and other which could be fully supported the study, and were
secondhand description written by someone who may have heard about an event
C. Data Collection
most common data collection methods used in qualitative research are (1)
observation (participant and non participant) (2) interviewing, and (3) document
analysis focusing on analyzing and interpreting recorded material within its own
context. It is used to discover the description of data from the primary and
secondary data which are relevant with the research. In the same book, Ary et al
(2002:435) says, “Qualitative researchers may also use written documents to gain
1. Reading the novel to gain deeper understanding about the story of the
of the analysis.
4. Selecting and picking the data up which related with the problems.
D. Data Analysis
The last method in this chapter is data analysis which the writer do after
the data, information and some theories that related to the study are collected. Ary
because typically the researcher faces massive amounts of field notes, interview
interview transcript, field notes, and other materials that the researcher
In this study, descriptive method is used to analyze the qualitative data through
After reading the novel, the writer tries to find the character of the
main character Elizabeth Bennet. The writer was find Elizabeth character
comment, thought. And then the writer identifying kids of character which
Elizabeth has.
After the writer was find the character of the main character
There are two main parts that are analysed in this chapter. The first part is
Elizabeth character’s presented in the novel. The second part is how the character,
A. Finding
Data 1.1
Chapter 1 (Page 8)
‘What nonsense! Lizzy is not a bit better than the others. She is not half
prefer her.’
(This is her mother expression when her father preferring Lizzy was
Data 1.2
Chapter 1 (Page 8)
‘They are all silly and ignorant, like other girls, said he. ‘But Elizabeth is
(The first opinion consider that Lizzy is intelligent women is come from
Data 1.3
‘Elizabeth listened silently, but she was not sure. She had a quicker and
stronger intelligence than her sister. She did not really like
Mr.Bingley’s sisters. They could be very good humoured when they were
pleased, but they were proud and conceited*. Being handsome, well
educated and wealthy, they had always lived among other wealthy and
well born people. Therefore they thought themselves better than others.’
Data 1.4
“Perhaps that is not possible for anyone but my object in life has been to
Data 1.5
‘He has been unlucky to lose your friendship.’ replied Elizabeth, ‘and he is
‘I remember hearing you say Mr.Darcy, that you hardly ever forgave
anybody. I suppose you are very careful about starting any resentment.’
‘I am’
‘People who never change their opinion must be sure they are right in the
first place.’
Data 1.6
‘You must decide for yourself. If you think the misery of disappointing his
sisters is greater than the happiness of being his wife, then of course you
(The idea of Elizabeth to Jane about Jane’s relationship with Mr. Bingley
Data 1.7
they could not have a share of amusements, because their elder sisters do
not marry early. The youngest has the same right to the pleasure of youth
as the oldest. If she were kept back it would not improve sisterly
Data 1.8
Elizabeth was distressed. She felt that she had no business at Pemberley.
occurred to her. It would be dreadful! She blushed at the very idea. At last,
though her aunt praised the beauty of the house and its grounds, she
decided to go only if she found that the family were absent from
Mr.Darcy’s house)
Data 1.9
‘Yes, and heard it before. But the knowledge that his mother and her aunt
wished him to marry Miss De Bourgh will certainly not keep me from
him. If Mr.Darcy does not wish it himself, why can he not make his own
Data 2.1
‘If he cannot see how she feels about him, then he must be more stupid
than I am!’
Data 2.2
‘How silly you are!’ cried her mother. ‘You will covered with mud when
‘I shall be fit to see Jane – which is all I want. It is only three miles. I shall
(It was Elizabeth did when he knew that Jane was very ill in Mr.Bingley’s
Data 2.3
Data 2.4
they could not have a share of amusements, because their elder sisters do
not marry early. The youngest have the same right to the pleasure of youth
as the oldest. If she were kept back it would not improve sisterly
Elizabeth was the first person who had ever dared to teased her
Data 2.5
‘you mean to frighten me, Mr.Darcy, by coming like this to hear me. But I
(It was Elizabeth expression when she was playing the piano after having
Data 2.6
‘in such cases it is, I believe the custom to express thanks for the feelings
of the gentleman, even when one does not share them. If I could feel
gratitude I would now thank you. But I cannot – I have never desired your
goof opinion, and you have certainly given it most unwillingly. I am sorry
hope it will not last long. The pride which you tell me, has long prevented
you speaking to me, can easily overcome your affection for me after this
Data 2.7
‘From the very beginning, from the very first moment that I met you, your
immovable dislike. After I had known you a month I felt that you were the
Data 2.8
‘I thank you for my share of the favour.’ Said Elizabeth, ‘but I do not
(It was Elizabeth reaction when her sister, Lydia brag herself because she
Data 2.9
‘And I shall certainly never give it. I shall not be frightened into anything
your interference in his affairs. But you certainly have no right to interfere
in mine.’
avoid Mr.Darcy)
Data 3.1
Elizabeth was really anxious to see her sister. The carriage was being
(Elizabeth would visit her sister, Jane, after receiving a letter informed
Data 3.2
Data 3.3
She could do no work at all, and she decided soon after breakfast to give
Data 3.4
Mrs.Gardiner’s house and she thought that his behavior was different with
Data 3.5
which is unpleasant.’
Data 3.6
from Longbourn.’
Data 3.7
your goodness, I can never can have your happiness. No, no,
felt touched to Elizabeth because she could not find her companion yet.)
Data 3.8
Data 4.1
(It was Elizabeth did, when she knew that her sister, Jane was sick)
Data 4.2
Data 4.3
(It was Mr.Bingley opinion about Elizabeth after Miss Bingley criticize
Data 4.4
Chapter 25 (Page94)
Data 4.5
(Elizabeth got a letter from Jane, asked about Lydia’ goings with
Data 4.6
Data 4.7
(The expression of Elizabeth when she knew that Jane had proposed by
Data 4.8
(It was happened when Lady Catherine de Bourgh visited Elizabeth house
Data 5.1
that you do not think that I came this way to ask for a partner!’
of the dance, but in vain. Elizabeth was determined not to dance. Nor
Data 5.2
covered with mud when you get there. You will not be
fit to be seen.
(It was Elizabeth did, when she knew that her sister, Jane was sick)
Data 5.3
Data 5.4
Data 5.5
not last long. The pride which, you tell me, has long
This part presents analysis the result of the research. The analysis is given
based on the research finding, the character of Elizabeth Bennet and feminism
There are many aspects in a novel. Character is the one of the important
interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities
that are expressed in what they say (dialogue) and what they do (action). As the
first step, the writer will analyze the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, in Pride
and Prejudice. Elizabeth has a big role in developing the story of Pride and
bravery, sharp tongue, independence, and feminist views Elizabeth shares make
her a totally different young woman than other women of her society. Lizzy’s
Based on the research finding above, the writer found 9 data which can
Lizzy is the second daughter of Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet. Physically, she is
not beautiful enough, but she is her father’s favorite daughter. Mr. Bennet loves
Elizabeth is a kind of smart and intelligent woman that different with the
other women in her era.From the data 1.2, it is known that intelligent is the
character of Elizabeth and her father admit it. His father was convinced that
Elisabeth has an intelligent thought which distinguished her with other women at
the time. In the other hand, Elizabeth had a quicker intelligence than her sister. It
showed when they met their new neighbors, Bingley’s family. She has a different
view with Jane. In the first meeting, she was able to guess and feel if Bingley’s
sisters did not like with their arrival except Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth asked to Jane,
Elizabeth’s intelligent also reflects on her dialogue with Mr. Darcy. Based
on the data 1.4, actually these words intended to criticize Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth
recognized that Mr.Darcy is an intelligent man, but she was very hated him
because of his pride. Her opinion was shows us for her strength intelligent and
personalities. She is able to push Mr. Darcy in awkward situation (see on data
thought. We can found it in data 1.6 which shows her idea made Jane happier
than before. It can raise Jane wishes towards Mr. Bingley and she hoped that the
impression of Miss Bingley was wrong. Data 1.7, Elizabeth has the ability to
understand the problem in depth and think about the solutions. On the other hand,
she can answer the question with the rational and obvious reasons. It reflected on
From the author explanation shows that Elizabeth could anticipate her
meeting with Mr.Darcy when she visited the residence of Mr.Darcy at Pemberly
with her aunt and her uncle. She was looking for an idea that her meeting with Mr.
Darcy did not happen because she will feel embarrassed due to misunderstandings
that occur between them before. Elizabeth always concerned with the situation
and the people around her. As intelligent woman, she also concerned with herself.
She always concerned with everything happened in her life (see on data 1.8).
Intelligent can’t be separated from Elizabeth, but she also has another
character that will be find in the novel. One of the other characters is bravery and
sharp tongue. This character is very significant in the novel. Almost the whole
part of the story in the novel, we can find her bravery and her sharp tongue.
The first data used which can prove that Elizabeth is bravery and sharp
tongue woman is her conversation with Charlotte Lucas about Jane’s feeling
towards Mr. Bingley (see on data 2.1), she dared to speak the truth although her
words sometimes sound harsh and could offend the others feeling. But her bravery
in conveying her opinion or idea is very impress and impressed that she is an
honest woman also. Elizabeth’s bravery reflects when she knew that Jane was
very ill, and she wants to visit her. She did not care if it was far away and alone.
She traveled only on foot without a carriage with her. Her bravery grew after
knowing that Jane was sick. She did not care about her mother’s prohibition (see
on data 2.2).
Elizabeth bravery also found when she rejected two proposal, they are
from Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy. Based on data 2.3, Elizabeth firmly refused.
Although Mr.Collins is the heir of her house but she could not deceiving herself
that she dislike Mr.Collins. From the data 2.6, Elizabeth also dared to refuse
Mr.Darcy’s proposal. Although Mr.darcy is a rich and esteemed man, it did not
change her assumption that Mr.Darcy is an arrogant. And her reason for her
refusal of Mr. Darcy’s proposal, she openly speaks against Mr.Darcy and reveals
why she did not like him and once again brave to reject his proposal outright (see
on data 2.7)
Besides that, her bravery is shown when she has a dialogue with Lady
almost everyone no exception her cousin, Mr.Collins, who always revere her on
the good side. But it does not matter for Elizabeth. She did not care about the
honour of Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Based on data 2.4, Her courage to speak
did not see when she spoke, where she spoke and with whom she spoke. She
dared to say like that to Lady Catherine De Bourgh, which is a noble, wealthy,
honorable and respected woman during this time. Another is on the data 2.9.
her sisters. That is her remarks for her sisters, Lydia. Elizabeth considered that
Lydia’s behavior had blackened her family by run away with Wickham. Elizabeth
could not hide her disappointment at his sister, Lydia (see on data 2.8).
Independence. The first evidence is when she wants to visit Jane in Mr. Bingley’s
She did not rely on vehicles or help from the others. On her initiative, she visited
Jane by herself. From Data 3.2, she directs the activities of her life to achieve the
goals. She took the decision and run with a conscious and responsible.
Elizabeth also good in organize and maintain herself that shown her
independence. Based on data 3.3, Elizabeth could organize and maintain herself.
She also keeps her body and health care. Another is seen on data 3.4, Elizabeth
could manage and maintain herself in every situation and condition. Elizabeth was
an independent woman that she did not need any help from her sister, Jane to find
her life companion. She can manage and maintain herself to find it (see on data
Elizabeth has a high confidence, steady and firm. She could not be
affected by other easily. And another person also recognized her confidence that is
Miss Bingley’s opinion (see on data 3.5). Elizabeth’s independent also shows
when she reduces her dependence separately from others rely more on her own
strength. She tried to make her calm by herself (see on data 3.6)
Based on data 3.8, which shows Elizabeth can set a picture of her life that
she wanted. She dare to take a decision quickly and accurately. She considered the
woman who has a very important role in a family. Love between family members
is a very necessary factor, as well as Elizabeth. She loved her family so much.
On data 4.1, data 4.2, data 4.3 show that Elizabeth was really love her family,
especially for Jane. From three data above reflected that how big Elizabeth’s love
for her family. She was really anxious when she know that Jane was very ill in
Mr. Bingley’s house. She cannot used the carriage to go there, then she decided to
walk. She went alone, quickly crossing field after field. She did not care about
Elizabeth affection also addressed for Lydia, the other sister. Elizabeth
very worried to Lydia that was going to Mrs.Forster house alone. Because
Elizabeth know that Lydia’s behavior was not as good as her or Jane. She did not
anything happen on Lydia. Elizabeth was worried Lydia’s ignorance, because she
knew that Mr.Wickham was not a good man. She worried that undesirable thing
will happen to Lydia. Although Lydia did not submit to her but she is still her
family that must be loved (see on data 4.4 and data 4.5).
Elizabeth was very care for her beloved parents and sisters. Based on data
4.6 which shows Elizabeth’s response to compose her father. She did not want
anything happen to her father due to Lydia. Elizabeth was very fond of her father.
As well as to her mother, when Lady Catherine de Bourgh visited Elizabeth house
at Longbourn to warn Elizabeth for avoiding Mr.Darcy, Elizabeth did not want to
make her mother worried if she asked the truth, because Lady Catherine De
Bourgh was insult her and also her family (see on data 4.8).
second problem formulation, the writer analyzes the development of the female
that time a view was developed, English society based on money, property and
social status. In Pride and Prejudice described that a nobleman or high social
status are those who own the land or the landlords classes as well as professionals
such as doctors, clergy, and lawyers. Industrialization has developed at that time,
but the most influential sector is land ownership. Consequently the English culture
in a family. The role of woman began to change. The position of woman was
this novel, the main character, Elizabeth shows the different view of what is
society’s view and expectation about woman. At that time, woman as an asset to
gain greater wealth and depend on a great marriage. Elizabeth can turn those
views and prove that she can change the image into an intelligent, bravery and
independence woman.
Feminisme had shown by Elizabeth when she refused the invitation of Sir
William which to dance with Mr.Darcy. She emphatically rejected because she
did not like Mr.Darcy’s arrogance. Whereas a party is a great event for women to
attract and acquire a rich husband. They show themselves as much as possible to
attract the men, and one of the ways is dancing. But Elizabeth dared to waste that
opportunity (see on data 5.1). On the other hand, Elizabeth’s courage and
strength can be equated with men. She dared to do something that maybe men
were rarely willing to do it. She can stand by herself without a man’s help (see on
data 5.2), she decided to walk and went alone crossing field after field.
Mr.Darcy at Mr. Bingley’s house (see on data 5.3). The conversation shows that
feminism is owned Elizabeth. She has the same opportunity with Mr.Darcy to
argue or defend herself. Elizabeth is very good at arguing and the way of thinking
equal with men. Whereas at the time, a woman educational arguably low. Only
the rich and nobles family who send their daughters, while most women were self
educated at home.
Elizabeth’s bravery rejected Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy’s proposal also
shown that she is a feminist. Based on data 5.4, Elizabeth showed the different
images of what’s society view and expectation about woman. Where a woman is
very crave for a rich and noble men for happiness in their life. Elizabeth dared to
reject Mr.Collin who is her father’s heir. Because of the legal heirs which
organized the family wealth will be passed on sons or brothers. If she accepted
Mr.Collins proposal, she would be happy materially. Elizabeth did not think about
that, there was no love for Mr.Collins. Besides that Elizabeth was courage to
reject another proposal which come from Mr.Darcy and once again changed
public’s opinion about the marriage of a woman with a rich man. Mr. Darcy is a
wealthy gentleman with an income exceeding £10,000 a year and the proprietor of
Pemberley, a large estate in Derbyshire, England. He was a man dreams for every
woman at that time. Elizabeth was not concerned with his wealth, she was
From the evidences above, it can be concluded that the type of feminism
views that the women’s problems within the framework of capitalism’s critique.
relations of the worker to the means of production”. Woman status was change
because of the concept of personal wealth (private property), like landed gentry
Chapter five presents the conclusion of the thesis and provides the
A. Conclusion
Character, Eizabeth Bennet, in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice”. The writer
quicker intelligence than her sister. Elizabeth has the ability to understand
complex concepts and understand relationships. She was able to understand the
problem in depth and think about the solutions. She always concerned with
everything happened in her life. On the other hand, she can answer the question
truth although her words sometimes sound harsh and could offend the others
feeling. But her bravery in conveying her opinion or idea is very impress and
directs the activities of her life to achieve the goals. She took the decision and run
with a conscious and responsible. Elizabeth could organize and maintain herself.
She also keeps her body and health care. Her independent shows when she
reduces her dependence separately from others rely more on her own strength.
Elizabeth is A Family lover. Everything she did for her family without
intelligent woman. She is also independent and confident woman, although it was
hard during her period. Elizabeth portrayed the Marxism feminism. She showed
the different images of what’s society view and expectation about woman. Where
a woman is very crave for a rich and noble men for happiness in their life.
Elizabeth proves that she can gain happiness in her life. In the novel, it is
described that at the end of the novel, she can live with her husband, Mr.Darcy
B. Suggestion
many aspects of life that we can get by analyzing the novel, such as marriage,
The study on this novel will open the opportunities for the next
researchers to conduct further analysis on the future. This will enrich the future
researcher field of study, especially when it comes to feminism topic. For the
reader it is hoped that it can give significant reference to enrich the understanding
of character in literary work and also about feminism. The study of literature can
character hopefully can give significant reference for the teacher in teaching
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