Grade 12 3rd Round History Model Examination
Grade 12 3rd Round History Model Examination
Grade 12 3rd Round History Model Examination
Instruction:- There is only one best answer for each item and write the letter
of your choice on the answer sheet .
1. One of the Italian nationalists believe that the unification of Italy could not be achieved
without driving the Austrians out of the Italian peninsula, so who supported this policy?
A. Victor Emanuel II C. Giuseppe Mazzini
B. Count Camillo Cavour D. Giuseppe Garribaldi
2. One of the following was an action that led to the direct beginning of the American Civil
war of 1861-1865?
A. The election of Abraham Lincoln
B. The economic development of South America
C. The political instability of North American
D. The election of colonel Jefferson Davis
3. The shewan kingdam first began to establish independent foreign relation with France
and Britain during the regin of?
A. Negas Kiristors C. Haile Melekot
B. Menelik II D. Sahale Sellassie
4. The liberation struggle of the Balkan people and the great power politics that
accompanied it was one aspect of the so called?
A. Nationalism C. Eastern Question
B. Multi-national Empire D. Balkan region
5. The French policy of colonial Administration in Africa came to be known as “direct
rule”, this policy was designed by the French colonial minister known as?
A. L Frederick Lugard C. Tony bilier
B. Albert sarrout D. Peter the Great
6. In which of the following theory, Empire states are seen as institutions created by God,
and the emperors are regarded as god‟s own representatives or created by God?
A. Democratic government C. Parliamentary government
B. Divine right theory D. Presidential government
7. Which of the following countries used the theory of “Oriental-despotism” in the origin of
ancient state formation?
A. Kush and Meroe C. Carthage and Phoenicians
B. Greeks and Rome D. Egypt and Mesopotamia
8. The Council of Treat was?
A. Reform within the protestant churches
B. Council of the protestant leaders
C. The Reform within the catholic Churches
D. The agreements between Protestants and catholic churches.
9. To resists from the surrounding Oromo pressure the Harar city was surrounded by the
stone wall since the reign of?
A. Ahmed Gragn C. Emir ali Dawud
B. Emir Nur D. Ahmed Ibrahim
10. One of the French philosopher believed that “Republic” was the best form of government
and he also believed in democracy?
A. Rousseau C. Voltaire
B. Denis Dedirot D. Montesque
11. The long distance trade of 19th c could be said to have a negative impact of Ethiopia,
A. It closely connected different nation of the regions.
B. The development of market towns
C. It was dominated by the Muslim merchants
D. It attracted foreign enemies like Egypt and Italy.
12. Poncet was?
A. A Scottish traveler who came in to Ethiopia in 1768
B. A missionary who arrived in Ethiopia in the 15th c.
C. A Jesuit missionary who converted suyenyous to Catholicism
D. A French physician who arrived in Ethiopia during the region of Iyasu the Great.
13. In the year 476 A.D, the West Roman Empire was came to an end because of?
A. Division of the empire in to West and East
B. The empire came under the control of Germanic tribes
C. The expansion of Christianity to the empire.
D. The civil war with in the Roman Empire
C. A statement that defends orthodox from the Jesuit missionaries.
D. A Diplomatic letter to the England Queen Victoria
20. The back ground for the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade had been set up by one of
the following factor?
A. The Spain conquest of Africa
B. The voyage of Christopher Columbus to the new Continent, American in 1492.
C. The discovery of new sea route to India
D. The decline of trade over the world.
21. In 1517, the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt came to an end as the result of?
A. The expansion of Ottoman Turkey to Egypt
B. the rise of Mohammed Ali to power
C. the rise of Funji sultanate from the South
D. the introduction of Christianity to Egyp
22. According to the Ancient legend, Rome was founded by?
A. The Trojan prince named Aeneas
B. An Etruscan king named Lucius
C. the two princes of Rome Romulus and Remus
D. the price of Ancient Greece
23. During the pax-Romana of Ancient Roman Empire, which one of the following is not true?
A. trade was flourished in Rome
B. Rome established strong defence system
C. Art and literature were showed growth in Rome
D. The Roman Empire was divided in to West and East
24. One of the following Roman emperor, made Christianity became the official religion of
the whole Roman empire?
A. Constantine I C. Julius Caesar
B. Theodosius D. Alexus
25. Which one of the following is true under the Oromo peoples traditional system of
Administration known as the Gada system?
A. the transfer of political power was hereditary
B. the Abba-dullas were leading the people
C. Absolute power was exercised by the Abba-Bokkus
D. The council of elders were leading the Oromo nations.
26. As the result of England‟s Glorious Revolution the monarchy of the English Were?
A. must be Roman catholic church
B. had belong to the Tudor dynasty
C. ruled in the name of parliament and peoples
D. ruled by the divine rights
27. When we say that, by 1907 Europe was divided in to two armed camps, was?
A. the bourgeoisie and the proletariat
B. the socialist power and capitalist power
C. the imperialist and their colonies
D. the triple entente and the Triple Alliance
28. All, but one of the following was the consequences of the Oromo population movements
of 16th c?
A. the rises of feudal Oromo states
B. cultural assimilation of Oromo with others
C. Consolidation of the Geda system
D. Religious intermingle of the Oromo with other peoples
29. The Enlightenment thinkers generally believed that?
A. power of human reasoning is less important
B. they supported the religious persecution
C. accepted scientific explanations of the universe than revelation
D. Accepted dogmas not based on reason
30. Which one of the following events led for the out break of French Revolution in 1789?
A. the abolition of the old feudal privileges
B. the meeting of the estate General
C. the storming of the Bastille Royal prison
D. the execution of Lonis XVI by the guillotine
31. An Italian astronomer and physist, who propounded the law of falling bodies and greatl
improved the telescope was?
A. William Harvey B. Galileo Galilei C. N Copernicus D. Robert Boyle
32. The kingdom which found to the east of Baro and West of Gojeb Rivers or to the West of
Keffa kingdom was known as?
A. The kingdom of Sheka C. the kingdom of Gibe
B. The kingdom of Yem D. the kingdom of Dewaro
33. During the second World War, for about seven months after the polish surrender there
was no real fighiting on the western front. This period has been termed as ?
A. The „phony‟ war B. Sitzkreig C. the sitting war D. All of the above
34. In August 1940, the Battle of Britain was?
A. the battle in which “RAF” was smashed by „Luft waffe‟
B. the battle in which Britain defeated by the Germans
C. it is the war that Germany had won air supremacy of the British
D. it is the war in which “Luftwaffe” was un able to paralyze production and break the
morale of British peoples.
35. “Lebensraum” was?
A. German invasion of the Great Britain
B. It was the war strategy of Hitler over the France.
C. the war strategy of Britain over Germany
D. the plan of Hitler to seek living space for German settlers in the vast soviet Territory
of soviet Russia.
36. The most important factor that led to the final decline of Aksumite power in economy
and politics was?
A. loss of control over the Red sea trade
B. Out break of insurrection in South Arabia
C. the beginning of revolt in Agaw territory
D. the Beja peoples invasions
37. Renaissance scholars in Northern and Western Europe were interested in applying
humanistic method to the study of Christianity. These scholars became known as?
A. Christian humanists C. Italian poets
B. Play writers D. Comedians
38. In the Reformation period, the doctrine of Justification by faith, that means faith alone
ensures salivation was developed by?
A. The Holy roman Emperor C. John calvin
B. Martin Luther D. John knox
39. The immediate cause of the First World War was
A. military alliance
B. industrial revolution
C. the assassination of franz Ferdinand of Austria
D. Militarism and arms race
40. One of the following was not the great achievements of Queen Elizabeth I of England
from 1558-1603?
A. the reestablishment of the Church of England
B. the Golden Age of English History
C. Great trade companies were developed
D. England los a great sea battle against Spain
41. One of the following England king had parliament pass a law declaring that the king, not
the pope was supreme head of the Church in England?
A. Hennery VIII C. Elzabeth I
B. James VI D. Heneny VII
42. Which one of the following was not the aftermath of the Hundred years was (1337-
1453) between England and France?
A. The was weakened the power of nobility of both countries
B. strengthened centralized government in both countries
C. decline of feudalism and the rise of French unity
D. the war broke out between Britain and France
43. One of the following rulers did much to encourage exploration during Europeans
expansion overseas?
A. prince Henery of Portugal C. Henery V of England
B. Emperor otto II of Austria D. Federik William of Prussia
44. On the eve of the sixteenth century movement, the Oromo peoples were Organized in to
two separate confederacies known as?
A. Mecha and Tulama C. Barentu and Borana
B. Guji and Borana D. Karayu and Hambana
45. The war that ended the Glorious days of Athens and a factor for the rise of Spartans was?
A. Peloponnesian war C. Trojan war
B. Punic war D. hundred years war
46. Christian Topography was?
A. the land formation of the christian territory
B. a manual that tells us about the Aksumite politics, Economics, and social
C. was written by unknown author
D. was written in the 1st c A.D
47. One of the following was true regarding the “Scientific Socialism” of Karl Marx of 19th c
A. He supported the series of struggles between the working and the ruling classes.
B. Taught that capitalism is more advantage for working lass.
C. Common ownership of the means of production is no important.
D. He advocated economic privilege of the capitalists.
48. The National Assembly of French Nation since June 17,1789, of French Revolution
indicated that?
A. Representatives of the 1st estate
B. Representatives of the 3rd estate
C. Delegators of the more privilege group
D. Representatives of French feudal class
49. “Active citizens” of September 1791, of the French revolution was?
A. The educated group of French citizens
B. The revolutionary party in French
C. The social class who had enough property
D. A social class who actively participated in the revolution
50. The Napoleonic law Code was important; because, it
A. Enabled Napoleon to remain on power
B. Guaranteed freedom of speech and of the press
C. Established a single set of laws for all France
D. Made Protestantism the official religion of France
51. In the context of Africa resistance, the term “Ethiopianism‟ refers to the
A. Sense of nationalism of Ethiopia
B. African independence in religion
C. Ethiopians Victory over the fascist (at ADWA)
D. The domination of Ethiopians over Africa
52. During his regin, Lej-Iyasu established a system of auditing government property and
formed a municipal police nicknamed known as
A. Leba –shay C. Quragna
B. Terunbule D. Mehal-sefari
53. The origin of the idea of pan-Africanism was
A. American and Caribbean C. Europe and America
B. Africa and Europe D. Asia and Africa
54. The most famous slogan in the months of April 1917 of Russian socialist Revolution was
A. The Edict of Emancipation C. long live to Lenin
B. “All powers to the Soviet” D. all powers to the tzarist government
55. One of the following statements is true regarding to the Russians civil war of the 1918-1921?
A. The Red-Russians were supported by Americans.
B. the white Russian were pro-Bolshviks.
C. The white Russians were defeated by the Reds.
D. The Red Russians were the social groups that affected by the socialist revolution
56. Which was not true about Harar Emirate?
A. The prosperous trade and the spread of Islam among the Oromos and Somalis
increased Harar hegemony
B. The Harar Emirate controlled the trade b/n the Northern Somali coast and the
Ethiopia interior
C. The Emirs of Harar continued their seclusion policy even after the wave of Oromo
expansion subsided
D. Harar broke its tributary relation with Ausa when Emir Ali Dawod came to power
E. None
57. The United Kingdom of Italy was first proclaimed
A. After the restoration of Rome in 1870
B. After Garibaldi brought the two Scillies to Italy
C. After the restoration of Venetia to Italy
D. Immediately after the two battles of 1859
58. The reason why Cavour took piedmont in the Crime war of 1854-1856 against Russia was
A. Due to hostilities over the black sea with Russia
B. To gain or to win great powers politics recognition
C. Due to hostilities over holy places
D. Due to Russia intervention in Northern Italy
59. The main objective of the Tripartite Treaty of 1906 was
A. To avoid possible conflict of interest among the signatory powers in Ethiopia
B. To block economic penetration of Germany in Ethiopia
C. To arrange peaceful transfer of power in Ethiopia following the death of Menelik
D. A and B
E. All
60. Which of the following was not true about the battle of Embabo
A. It was fought b/n Menelik and Negus Teklehaymanot of Gojam
B. It speeded up the expansion of Menelik
C. It was fought with the consent of Empero Yohannes
D. It was fought over the control of resourceful areas in South-Western region
E. All
61. Church-state conflict seemed to be exacerbated under the reign of Tewodros II due to
A. Evangelization of Catholicism
B. Tewodros II was quiet bent to European artisanship & ignored Orthodox church.
C. When Tewodros broke the tradition of exemption of church land from tax
D. The contact b/n Tewodros II and European missionaries
62. The battle of Assam was fought b/n
A. Kassa Hailu and kassa mirdhe
B. Kassa Mircha and Tekl Giyorgis
C. Tekle Haymanot and Menelik
D. Dejach Wube, Wahshume Gobeze
63. Italian subversive activities over Tigrean chief‟s doomed to failure in 1890s due to
A. The reduction of Colonial budget,
B. Ras Mengesha and Ras Alula renewed their allegation to Emperor Menelik in 1894.
C. With the abrogation of the Wuchale Treaty
D. Change of government in Italy led by Crispi
E. Incessant peasant revolt.
64. Mazzini prepared a significant role and organized the young Italy movement with the
ambition to create
A. A democratic republic of Italy
B. A military dictatorship
C. A constitutional monarchy
D. Autocracy
65. Tewoderos II inaugurated modern period in Ethiopia by introducing
A. A policy of political reunification
B. Political fragmentation
C. Reform with in the Orthodox church
D. Modernization E. A and D
66. The Egyptian invasion through the port of Tajura was led by
A. Mohammed Ranf pasha
B. Ratib Pasha
C. Werner Munziger
D. Attendrop
67. Which of the following gave their movement to religious dimensions in the fight against
colonial expansion
A. The mahadist Sudhan B. The maji- Maji uprising
C. The Ashanti of Ghana D. A and B
68. Under Diarchy period 1917-1930 in Ethiopia supporters of Empress Zewditu were
A. The enlightened feudalists
B. Traditionalists and conservatives
C. Young educated groups
D. The progressives and commercial groups all.
E. All
69. Which of the following is a correct list of central powers in the First World War
A. France, Britain, Russia Italy
B. Germany- Austria- Hungary. Ottoman Turkey, Bulgaria
C. Italy, Bulgaria. USA, Japan
D. Britain, France, USA. Japan
70. The nationalism of the Balkans and the Eastern Question were closely associated with
A. Germany and France
B. Rumania and Switzerland
C. The unification of Italy
D. The decline of the ottoman Empire
71. Which was not true about Leache Treaty of 1878?
A. Menelike dropped the title of king of kings
B. Menelik agreed to pay annual tribute to Emperor Yohannes
C. Menelik was allowed to have an independent treaty with foreigners
D. Both Yohannes and Menelik agreed to help each other against common enemy?
E. None
72. One of the following was not a major development that manifested following the illness
of Emperor Menelik (1906)
A. Power struggle within the palace of Menelik
B. The revival of regional challenge to the throne
C. The revival of colonial ambition over Ethiopia
D. The signing of the tripartite powers treaty
E. The setting up of council of ministers by Menelik
73. What circumstances led the Egyptians to seek diplomatic alliance with Ethiopia in 1880s.
A. The British occupation of Egypt in 1882
B. The rise of a religious revivalist and nationalist movement in Sudan
C. The emperor Yohannes
D. The battle of Gundet and Gura which responsible for the grave consequence of Egypt
E. A and B
74. The author of the two Amharic books Atse Menelik ena Ethiopia and Mengist ean Yehizb
Astedador in 1912,1919 was –
A. Afowirk Gebre Eyesus
B. Gebere Hiywot Baykedagn
C. Heruy wolde Selassie
D. Takala- Hawaryat
75. Lij Iyasu began to exercise power
A. Even before the death of the regent
B. After the death of the regent Ras Bitwaded Tessema
C. After the removal of Empress Taytu from government work
D. After the death of Emperor Menelik in 1913
76. According to the bicameral parliament of 1931 constitution chamber of deputies were
A. By upper Nobilities
B. By local notables from among local Fendal lord
C. Universal adult suffrage
D. By the emperor
77. The reason why the British invited Italy to occupy Massawa in 1885 was
A. To prevent Egyptian Occupation of Massawa
B. To prevent Ottoman Turkey expansion in Ethiopia and the horn
C. To prevent French expansion in the Red sea coast
D. B and C E. None
78. The second Balkan war in 1913 was caused over
A. The division of Macedonia C. The division of Albania
B. The division of Bosnia D. The division of Libya
79. Which European power were limited to Europe in the competition for prestige
recognition and position by the turn of the 19th century
A. Britain and France
B. Germany and Italy
C. Russia and Austria- Hungary
D. Austria and Turkey
80. Which was not true about the Berlin conference 1884-1885?
A. Legalized the partition of Africa
B. Declared effective occupation before fresh annexation
C. The Congo free state was the first to gain international recognition
D. None
81. From which country the first training officers of the Holeta Military Academy recruited
A. Russia B. France C. Bulgaria D. Sweden
82. The most serious Threat to shoan nobility and Menelik‟s old officials under the regin of
Lij Iyasu was
A. Lij Iyasu‟s Liberal policy towards the Ethiopian Muslims
B. The coronation of his father as Negus of Wollo and Tigrai
C. The introduction of separate education department
D. The appointment of his friends to key position
83. What intensified the partition of Africa after 1882?
A. The British takeover of Egypt in 1882
B. The opening of Suez Canal in 1869
C. The involvement of two European powers Germany
D. A and C E. All
84. The British envoy portal mission in Nov, 1887 proposed
A. A war indemnity for Italy
B. Official Ethiopian apology for Alula‟s attack
C. Cession of occupied coastal regions to Italy
D. All
85. The Bulgarian Atrocities by Turkish army in 1876 resulted
A. The London conference
B. The Russo- Turkish war
C. The Balkan league
D. Paris peace treaty
86. The formation of Balkan league in 1910 was precipitated by
A. Annexation of Bosnia- Herzegovina by Austria- Hungary in 1908
B. Rise of Yong Turkish movement
C. Franco- German Alliance
D. A and B
E. All
87. Which was not true about the Treaty of Addis Ababa in October 1896
A. Italy recognized the independence of Ethiopia
B. Italy agree to pay an indemnity to Ethiopia
C. Ethiopia agreed to continuation of Italian colonial control over Eritrea
D. Ethiopia agreed for the release of Italian prisoners
E. The abrogation of the treaty of Wuchale
88. By the Wewett Treaty of 1884
A. Ethiopia gained access to import Fireams through Massawa
B. Ethiopia produced two mortal foreign enemies
C. British showed her diplomatic honesty to Ethiopia following Egyptian departure from
occupied regions of Ethiopia
D. All
89. The Treaty that was signed between Menelik and Antoneli of Italy in October 1883 was
A. Hewet Treaty
B. Treaty of friendship and commerce
C. Treaty of Wuchale
D. Convention of neutrality
90. The countries that deeply involved in the Eastern Questions were
A. Britain, France, Austria
B. Britain, Russia, Austria
C. Russia, France, Austria
D. Austria, Turkey, Britain
91. Which of the following has nothing to do with the unification of Germany
A. The Vienna congress of 1815
B. Nationalism
C. Zolleverin
D. Thousands (the Redshirts)
E. None
92. In which of the following wars, Bismark isolated the Austrians from the German affairs?
A. Danish war C. Austro-Prussian war
B. Crimean war D. Franco- Prussian war
93. Since American civil war, Abraham Lincoln issued the proclamation that allowed all
citizens including the freed slaves to own plots of land for personal use is known as?
A. Emancipation proclamation C. Abolition
B. Homestead law D. Declaration of independence
94. During the medieval period, the lord kept part of the land of the manor under his own
direct control. This piece of land is known as?
A. Coloni B. demense C. manor D. Serf
95. The lowest and most numerous group of nobles that constituted the bulk of the feudal
armies of the medieval Europe were called?
A. Serfdom C. Knights
B. Castles D. Feudalism
96. To realize the German unification otto Van Bismark waged awar against France in
1870/71, at the battle of?
A. Seden C. mangenta and salferino
B. Sadowa D. Waterloo
97. One of the following is not among the Characteristics of capitalist economy and society
which distinguish it from other systems?
A. land is an absolute private property
B. lending money at interest
C. a market economy
D. free labor services
98. The main causes for the movement of the Oromo peoples of the 16th c was?
A. To expand their language C. to control trade routes
B. Population pressure D. for market place
99. One of the following organ of the League of nation was the most decisive of the League
and dealt with issues related to peace and security of the member Nations which one is it?
A. General Assembly C. Secretariat
B. Permanent Court of justice D. Security Council
100. Of the following battles, which one is the first serious blow to Italian colonial advance
in Ethiopia?
A. the battle of Amba Alage C. the battle of Maqale
B. the battle of Dogali D. the battle of Anchem