Lesson Plan 2 - Completed
Lesson Plan 2 - Completed
Lesson Plan 2 - Completed
The students will learn and understand the structure of the plants and what specific
Specific Learning Outcomes:
functions they perform.
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)
This lesson plan will allow students to have different roles when identifying the structures of plants and
what specific function they perform. For example, if a student likes to study leaves, then that student will
be able to talk about and identify that part of the plant and what specific function that part performs.
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some possible preconceptions/misconceptions could be that students will mix up some of the parts that
structure the plants. Another misconceptions might be the specific functions and the students mix those up
with the different parts on the plant.
Possible Points A range10-9 B range 8-7 C range 6-5 D range 4-3 F range 2-0
3-2-1 method The student The student The student The student The student did
wrote down wrote down wrote down started to write not write down
exactly three three things that three things that down three anything but
things that they they learned, they learned, things they one of the three
learned, two two things they one thing they learned, one steps that they
things they found found thing they were supposed
found interesting and interesting but found to do.
interesting, and one thing they did not write interesting, and
one thing they still have a down a one question
still have a question about. question that that they might
question about. The student did they might still still have but
The students not go much had. This was did not finish it.
also took their further. very little work.
time to do it.
The student
also exceeded
Report The student The student The student The student The students
completed the completed the began to write wrote down a just wrote down
report and report but down their few bullets a few ideas, had
added nothing ideas for the points but did no sentences,
additional everything was report but did not have and did not start
information that in complete not write in a enough the paragraph.
made their sentences. complete information for
report stronger. paragraph. a paragraph to
be written.