Lesson Plan 2 - Completed

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STEM 434/534 Lesson Planning Template Spring 2021

(Complete answers in Purple font)

Living Systems and
Name: Grace Kopf Grade: 1st grade
Brief Lesson Description: In this lesson the students will investigate and understand the structures of plants
perform specific functions. This lesson plan is going to happen over a two-day time period.

The students will learn and understand the structure of the plants and what specific
Specific Learning Outcomes:
functions they perform.
How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)
This lesson plan will allow students to have different roles when identifying the structures of plants and
what specific function they perform. For example, if a student likes to study leaves, then that student will
be able to talk about and identify that part of the plant and what specific function that part performs.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:
Prior to instruction the students will need to know what a plant is and have somewhat of an idea about the
parts on plants. The students will also use their prior knowledge from the SOL 1.4 section a.
Science VA SOL Health VA SOL NGSS (You may have to look to a different
Living Systems and Processes Advocacy and Health grade level for the connection)
1.4 The student will Promotion LS1-2.
investigate and 1.3 The student will identify Develop and use a model to
understand that specific rules and practices describe the function of a cell as
plants have basic life to promote personal safety a whole and ways the parts
needs and functional and socially responsible contribute to the function.
parts that allow them behaviors.
to survive. Key ideas m) Demonstrate effective
include listening skills.
b.) structures of plants perform
specific functions;
Science & Engineering Practices: (You must tie engineering practices into your plan)
For Science and Engineering practices the students will be put into small groups and they will be using
either Legos or blocks to build their own plant. The group of students will have enough Legos or blocks to
build the plant big enough to see the detail of the plant. The students must also tie in the structures of the
plant. During this the students are able to have fun with this and come up with their own creative example.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Some possible preconceptions/misconceptions could be that students will mix up some of the parts that
structure the plants. Another misconceptions might be the specific functions and the students mix those up
with the different parts on the plant.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: (Discrepant events are awesome to use
At the beginning of the lesson the teacher will show the class two different types of plants, just so the
students are able to see that not all plants look the same. The teacher will ask the students “What
differences do you see between these two plants?” The teacher will allow enough time for the students to
answer. Once the students have answered that question, the teacher will then ask the students some
questions that determine their prior knowledge.
 What is a plant?
 What do you see on these plants?
 Do you know the structure of the plant?
 Why do plants have leaves and what do they do?
 Why do plants have stems and what do they do?
 Do the plants have roots and if so, what does it do?
Once all most of the students have answered the questions, the teacher should direct the student’s attention
to the front of the room where a video will be played at plants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
After the video is done playing the teacher will ask the students to reflect on what they learned from this
video on a sheet of paper. Were their answers the same or different before watching the video. The
students will also write out something that they video taught them that they did not know already. After
the students have wrote down their reflection, the teacher will break the students into their groups.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:

The teacher will place the students into groups of four, and the activity that they will be completing will
be placed in front of them. The activity that the students will be completing is acting out different parts of
a plant. The group of students will be provided a laptop, so they are able to do research on plants, and the
functions of the plants. The group of students will be able to work together to figure out what student will
be acting out a certain part of the plant, and one or two students might have two parts which is fine.
However, the teacher should tell the students that the parts they do need to act out is the leaves, roots,
flower, and stems. The students are able to add in other parts and functions of a plant if they want to. Once
the students have done their research and figured out what student is playing which role of the plant, they
will begin to start acting out their roles. Then once each student has got their role down, they will bring all
of the roles together to make a small “play” about plants and their structures. Once the group is done, they
will then raise their hands so the teacher can come over and see what they have come up with. After the
teacher has seen what the students have come up with, he/she will direct the students to get a big blank
piece of paper, and some markers. The teacher will tell the students to draw a big picture of a plant, label
the structures, and write a sentence on the function of the part of the plant. Next to the part that the
students are acting out they should write their names, so the class knows which part they are acting out.
Once the students have completed their drawing, they will go up to the front of the room and hang up their
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:
When the student’s groups are done putting to together their “play” and creating their posters they will go
back to their seats. One student from each group will then come up to the front of the room and explain to
their classmates what they have come up with for their “play”, and then the rest of the group will come up
and preform their “play.” While the different groups are doing this the other students will take out a sheet
of paper and write down what they liked about the “play” and something that they were a little confused
on. Once the group finished their “play” they will then direct the student’s attention to the drawing that
they drew and discuss each. Once each group has gone, they will then return to their seats and answer the
following questions.
 How did you determine what students acted out what role?
 Do you understand the functions of plants? If so explain.
 What do you think is the most important function of a plant?
 What is something new that you learned about plants?
Once the students have answered the questions the teacher will be able to see if the students understand
the different functions, and the different parts of plants. For students who have high-incidence disabilities
they will be able to pick the part that they want to act out and what is most comfortable to them. For ELL
learners they will have a sheet describing the activity in their native language, and a list of vocabulary
words in their native language as well. For gifted learners, they will be able to take their answers to the
questions to a further step in which they feel comfortable in doing. They will also be able to use the
vocabulary words to write a short story about plants, the plant structure, and the plant function.
Gifted learners will also be given the opportunity to make their own poster drawing with more detail.
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
For elaborate I would have the students in their groups make an anchor chart. The chart must include a
title, and three sections. The three sections are organism, structure and functions. Under each section they
will need to fill out what they believe fit under those section using their prior knowledge and what they
have learned. Once the students have filled out their anchor chart, they will then show the teacher what
they have come up with, the teacher will review the chart, and let the group of students know if there is
anything that needs to be fixed.

Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):

The students will be completing a 3-2-1 method. The student will list three things that they have learned,
two things that they found interesting, and one thing that they still have a question on.
Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric):
The students will be writing a short report on plants, their structures and functions. The report should be a
well written paragraph or even longer. In the report the students must hit every key topic and idea that
they have learned from this lesson plan.
Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
 Students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders): Students
with special needs will
be able to pick their part of acting out their role in the “play.” These students are also able to ask
for help from their group and from the teacher.
 ELL: ELL students will have a sheet describing the activity in their native language, and a list of
vocabulary words in their native language as well.
 Gifted learners: For gifted learners, they will be able to take their answers to the questions to a further
step in which they feel comfortable in doing. They will also be able to use the vocabulary words to
write a short story about plants, the plant structure, and the plant function.
Gifted learners will also be given the opportunity to make their own poster drawing with more
detail. When the gifted learners are making their posters, they are able to add more information
about plants if they have knowledge on it.
 IEP and 504: I would make sure to follow all of the accommodations for the IEP and 504 students.
Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:
 How will you evaluate your practice?
The teacher will evaluate if the students have not only an understanding of a plant, but the specific
structures that go along with it.
 Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson?
The learner might struggle in finding resources that give them an idea on how to act out parts of a
plant. Also, the student might struggle in remembering which function helps a certain part of the
plant to perform.
 How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning?
I believe that this lesson can be strengthen for improved student learning by possibly allowing the
students to grow their own plants, see the structure grow, and see what the functions are doing
while the plant is growing.
 Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced?
I do not believe that this lesson reflected culturally sustaining pedagogies, but it can be enhanced by
allowing the students to research different plants from outside of the country.
Materials Required for This Lesson/Activity
Quantity Description Potential Supplier (item #) Estimated Price
2 plants 2 different types of plants Grocery store, Lowes, Home Depot $38
A roll Blank white poster Arts and craft store, or through the $10-15

Possible Points A range10-9 B range 8-7 C range 6-5 D range 4-3 F range 2-0
3-2-1 method The student The student The student The student The student did
wrote down wrote down wrote down started to write not write down
exactly three three things that three things that down three anything but
things that they they learned, they learned, things they one of the three
learned, two two things they one thing they learned, one steps that they
things they found found thing they were supposed
found interesting and interesting but found to do.
interesting, and one thing they did not write interesting, and
one thing they still have a down a one question
still have a question about. question that that they might
question about. The student did they might still still have but
The students not go much had. This was did not finish it.
also took their further. very little work.
time to do it.
The student
also exceeded
Report The student The student The student The student The students
completed the completed the began to write wrote down a just wrote down
report and report but down their few bullets a few ideas, had
added nothing ideas for the points but did no sentences,
additional everything was report but did not have and did not start
information that in complete not write in a enough the paragraph.
made their sentences. complete information for
report stronger. paragraph. a paragraph to
be written.

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