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1997-2001 H-D Touring Models Installation Instructions: 1997-01 Models Require Belt Upgrade

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December 2013

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Table of Contents
Unpacking Kit
Preparing Motorcycle
Installing Lehman Swingarm
Top Motor Mount Link
Carrier and Pulleys
Installing Differential
Belt Tensioning and Tracking
Brake Systems
Installing Lehman Frame and Suspension
Installing Exhaust
Lights and Wiring
Neck Race Preload
Motor Mounts
General Information
Replacement Parts
Renegade Torque Specifications
Final Trike Inspection

*Notes before starting conversion

*For 1997-01 models, the standard Lehman Renegade conversion will not accommodate the
original 1-1/2” final drive belt. The following belt replacement is required to properly complete
the Renegade installation.

Model Belt Required H-D part number

FLH 1997-01 1-1/8" width, 139 tooth 40024-04

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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This is the safety alert symbol. When you see this

symbol on your machine or in this manual, be alert
to the potential for personal injury. Your safety is

SAFETY ALERT WARNING indicates a potential hazard
that may result in severe injury or death to the operator, by-
stander or person (s) inspecting or servicing the vehicle.

Indicates a potential hazard that may result in minor per-
sonal injury or damage to the vehicle.

CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken
to avoid vehicle damage or property damage.

NOTE provides key information by clarifying instructions.

IMPORTANT provides key reminders during disassembly,
assembly and inspection of components.

Throughout these instructions “Front” or “Forward” refers to the front of the bike. The front of any com-
ponent is the end which faces toward the front of the bike. The “Left” and “Right” hand sides refer to the
position of the parts as viewed by a rider sitting on the seat, facing forward.

NOTE: The symbol HD refers to Harley Davidson. The symbol LH refers to left-hand side while seated
on the bike. The symbol RH refers to the right-hand side while seated on the bike.

These instructions do not include information, specifications, or procedures relating to the motorcycle
itself. For this information, refer to the factory service manual.

The information in these instructions is provided to Lehman Trike dealers. It is proprietary to Lehman
Trikes, Inc. and provided solely for use by dealers. Any unauthorized duplication or distribution is a vio-
lation of international copyright law.

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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General Safety Information

This kit is designed to be installed by a competent technician. Improper installation can affect
the safe operation of your trike, which could also result in serious injury or death. Make sure you
have a complete understanding of the work to be preformed. Unqualified installers are urged to
have the unit installed by a trained technician.

• Always protect yourself when the vehicle is in the air. Make sure the vehicle is properly supported
anytime you use a hoist or jack.
• Always use the proper tools.
• Protect your eyes by using proper safety glasses or goggles.
• Read through the installation instructions before you begin. Make sure you have all the proper tools,
parts and skill set to perform the installation safely and completely.

NOTE: Compliance with national (DOT-USA, MOT-Canada), State, Provincial, and local vehicle is
standards is the responsibility of the installer. Installation of the parking brake and grab handles
is necessary to achieve compliance with DOT/MOT.

ARB Label Confirmation– California Kits

Fig. 1
1. See Fig. 1. California Air Resource Board (ARB) certification
label must be affixed on all swingarms for kits sold into Califor-
2. Label should be placed on left side of swingarm 1/2” from rear
3. Make sure label correlates with correct model year.

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Unpacking the Kit
The crate contains the following:

• Body
• Differential with brakes
• Tires mounted on rims
• Boxed swingarm
• Lehman frame
• Hardware box containing smaller parts and bolt bags
• Warranty Book
• Owner’s Manual
• Packing/parts list

Fig. 1

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LS2009– 1997-2001 SWINGARM


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Preparing Motorcycle
The following instructions are a guide to preparing the motorcycle to accept the Lehman Trike Conver-
sion Kit. This will assist you in removing the necessary parts to install the kit.
1. Note motorcycle year, model and serial number, as well as Lehman serial number, located
inside body, on left-side of swingarm and on warranty registration form in owner’s manual.
2. Make sure motorcycle is standing straight up and handlebars are centered. Support motorcycle un-
der rear of transmission so it is straight up and down and handlebars are straight. The front forks or
handlebars should be anchored to hold bike.
Use a small spirit level on rear wheel or disc brake to stand bike straight up. Any movement of
handlebars will move bike off level. Locate reference point on bike frame that is level and check
it frequently.
3. Remove seat and save mounting screw.
4. Disconnect battery.
Always disconnect negative battery cable first. If positive cable should contact a grounded ob-
ject while negative cable is installed, resulting sparks may cause an explosion.
5. Remove tour pack. Save mounting bar, spacers and hardware for rear hole.
6. Raise motorcycle lift to working height.
7. Remove side stand mounting bolt and separate side stand from bracket.
8. Remove passenger footboards. Save boards and hardware for re-installation.
9. Remove side covers.
10. Remove rear side cover grommets from motorcycle for use with Lehman side cover mounts.
11. Remove saddlebags (if equipped).
12. Remove mufflers and saddlebag mounts. Keep all muffler mounting hardware including rubber iso-
lators located in saddlebag mounts. These parts will be re-used.
13. Remove rear heat shields from exhaust pipes and loosen head pipe bolts.
14. Remove carriage bolt from lower RH exhaust bracket and save bolt.
15. Support bike on center stand.
16. Disconnect airlines from shocks and remove shocks. Stand shocks upright to prevent oil leaks.
Save air valve plate and discard original shock mounting bolts.
17. Remove rear fender. Save two front mounting bolts. Save turn signal lights and fender mounting
hardware, including stud plate for grab rail. These parts will be re-used.
18. Remove brake line from caliper and remove caliper.
19. Remove clip from rear axle and remove axle nut with 36mm socket. Axle can now be removed.
20. Remove rear wheel assembly.
21. Support transmission from below with jack and padded block.
22. Remove pivot shaft nut from LH side of bike. Remove two swingarm brackets. Tap shaft out of
swingarm and remove from RH side. Swingarm may now be removed.
23. For 1997-2001 models, fuel tank must be removed. Refer to HD service manual for procedure.

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Installing Lehman Swingarm
Note: If all original components of H-D swingarm are in good working order, they may be re-
1. Press bearing assemblies out of H-D swingarm using appropriate press collar or socket. Refer to
HD service manual.
Note: Make sure there is no dirt or powder coat material in bearing bore where bearing is to be
2. Press bearings into Lehman swingarm following H-D service manual procedure. Bearings should
bottom out on stop in Lehman swingarm collar.
Note: Refer to H-D service manual for swingarm installation procedures and torque specifica-
tions for specific model of motorcycle.
3. Install Lehman swingarm with word “TOP” (stamped into swingarm collar) facing upward. Use Loc-
tite 242 on threads. Torque rear swingarm (fork) pivot shaft to 45 ft.-lbs.
4. Re-install rear swingarm (fork) brackets. Apply Loctite 242 and torque bolts to 42 ft.-lbs.
5. Be sure swingarm moves freely up and down with no side to side movement. Light resistance is

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Top Motor Mount Link Fig. 1
1. Before loosening lock nuts for original top motor mount
link, measure length from center to center of bolt holes.
2. Remove OEM top motor mount link.
3. Adjust Lehman stabilizer link (Fig. 1) to achieve same
length as OEM motor mount link.
4. See Fig’s. 2 & 3. Position top reinforcement plates
(LB1040) and side plates (LP1200) against frame and out-
line around them.
5. See Fig’s. 2 & 3. Sand or grind frame to bare metal finish
inside outline where brackets will fit. A slightly rough sur-
face is desirable.
Note: Use a generous amount of glue (Loctite 330) to fill between bracket and frame. Apply glue
to plate and spray activator onto glue rather than frame.
Fig. 2

Fig. 3

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6. See Fig. 4. Install 3/8” x 2” bolt, and flat washer through brackets (LB1040) frame shim washers
and lock nut. Use 2-3 “C” clamps to hold bracket to frame. Use 1 “C” clamp to hold side reinforce-
ment plates (LP1200) to frame
7. Allow adhesive to cure for 24 hours.
8. Installation may proceed while glue cures.
9. Attach link assembly to upper frame mounting bracket.

Fig. 4

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10. Link should run horizontal to motorcycle. Be sure to shim both sides of link end with supplied shims
and use OEM spacer (Fig.’s 4 & 5).
11. Tighten all bolts to factory torque specs (frame-22 ft.-lbs., engine-33 ft.-lbs.)
12. Check for any interference of motorcycle parts (wire harnesses, air hoses, etc.).
13. Reroute any wire harnesses around or behind bracket. The coil wire on a fuel-injected model will
run over top edge of bracket.
Note: Make sure harnesses are not pinched when fuel tank is reinstalled.

Fig. 5

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Head Bolts and Front Motor Mount

FLH Head Bolts

1. Remove existing 3/8” bolt, lock washer and flat washer that holds engine stabilizer bracket to en-
2. Apply blue Loctite 242 to threads of 3/8” x 1 1/4” hex flange-locking bolt.
3. Assemble bolt, spacer (LS1189) and external tooth lock washer in appropriate order.
4. Torque bolt to 42 ft.-lbs.
5. Reinstall gas tank according to H-D service manual once top motor mount glue is fully cured.
FLH Lower Engine Mount Bolt
1. Remove 3/8” bolt; lock washer and flat washer that holds engine stabilizer to engine.
2. Apply blue Loctite 242 to threads of 3/8” x 1 1/2” hex flange-locking bolt.
3. Install 3/8” x 1 1/2” flanged bolt and original washer. Torque bolt to 42 ft.-lbs.
4. On same bolt, install 3/8” supplied locknut and torque to 38 ft.-lbs.
5. Remove bolt, lock washer and flat washers that hold stabilizer to frame.
6. Apply Loctite to supplied 3/8” x 1 1/2” flanged head bolt. Install supplied bolt with original flat wash-
ers to frame. Torque bolt to 42 ft.-lbs.
7. Remove front engine mount; apply Loctite to threads and re-install nut. Torque bolt to 45-54 ft.-lbs.

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Fig. 1
Differential Installation
1. See Fig. 1. Attach LH adapter plate (LP1038) to
swingarm as shown. Leave hardware loose.
2. See Fig. 2. Attach RH adapter plate to swin-
garm as shown with park brake bracket mounted
to lower holes. Leave hardware loose.
3. See Fig. 1 and 2. Install 3/8” nut to adjuster bolt
and thread into adapter plate from backside. Run
bolt completely into adapter plate.

Fig. 2

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4. See Fig. 3 and 4. Loosely install hardware to Fig. 3
pinch blocks before installing differential to

Fig. 4

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5. Support swingarm with jack stands. Fig. 5
6. See Fig. 5. With differential assembly on lift,
slide belt over LH axle tube and against center Remove plates
7. See Fig. 5. Set differential assembly on swin-
garm adapter plates. Slide differential as far
forward as possible. Set jack stands under
axle tubes.
8. Tighten pinch block hardware just enough to
allow differential to slide on swingarm adapter
9. See Fig. 5. Remove upper, lower and rear
housing plates.
10. See Fig. 6. Carefully slide belt over pulley.
Fig. 6
Reinstall housing plates with original hardware us-
ing Loctite 242. Install all hardware before tighten-
ing. Torque hardware to 17 ft. lbs

Install belt

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Belt Tensioning and Tracking
1. Center differential to motorcycle frame– this is Fig. 1
critical for proper belt tensioning. Make sure
distance is within 1/16” from side to side.
2. See Fig. 1. Level swingarm to motorcycle frame.
This will help achieve proper ride height. With
standard shocks, measure 12” from inner boss
against center section to center of upper motor- 12”
cycle frame.
3. See Fig. 2. Using adjusters, push differential
assembly back until belt has about 3/8” slack
with 10 lbs. pressure at midpoint of bottom run.
Measure between adapter plates and pinch
blocks to ensure that distances are equal.
4. Rotate pulleys forward for at least 3 revolutions Fig. 2
of rear pulley by pulling backwards on bottom
run of belt. Pull belt straight back to get an accu-
rate reading. Check that belt is running about
0.030” from flange on rear pulley. Tap differen-
tial left or right to achieve this reading. Belt may
ride next to flange as long as it’s not trying to
Drive belt deflection
5. Tighten socket head screws (8) that hold adapter
plates to swingarm and torque to 35 ft. lbs.
6. Once tracking is obtained, re-check belt tension. Raise and lower differential assembly slowly with a
jack while checking belt tension. When tightest position is located, apply 10 lbs. force at midpoint of
lower strand of belt. Correct deflection is 5/16” - 3/8”.
7. Increase or reduce belt deflection by turning adjuster screw on each side in or out an equal number
of turns.
8. Look along top of belt to check belt alignment on front pulley. There should be about 0.030” clear-
ance between pulley flange and belt. If adjustment is required, loosen cap screws that hold adapter
plate to swingarm and tap differential housing with rubber mallet in desired direction. Check rear
alignment and belt tension again if adjustment is required.

Note: If necessary, apply chalk to edge of belt to aid in getting proper clearance between belt and
pulley flanges. If visible clearance cannot be obtained, be sure belt is not climbing up the side of
pulleys or squeaking as belt is rotated.

9. After all adjustments are made, tighten adjuster lock nuts and tighten pinch block bolts. Tighten
pinch blocks in a crosswise pattern. Go over both sides at least 2 times to seat blocks over pins.
Torque bolts to 25 ft. lbs.

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Disc Brakes Fig. 1

CAUTION: Brakes are a critical safety compo- OEM line

nent of the trike. Verify all brake components
have been properly installed before test riding.
Improper brake operation could result in death
or serious injury. Do not allow dirt or debris to
enter master cylinder reservoir. Brake pads will
need to be seated in during initial test ride.

Brake System
1. See Fig. 1. Attach brass tee to differential Spacer
brace using the following hardware.
• (1) Brass Tee– CF5105
Fig. 2
• (1) Spacer– S001530
• (2) 1/4” x 1-3/4” Hex Bolt– CB1100 Install brake lines to LH/RH calipers
• (2) 1/4” Flat Washers– CW2005
• (2) 1/4” Lock Nut– CN3042
2. See Fig. 1. Install original brake line from
master cyclinder and rear braided lines to
brass tee using the following hardware. Torque
banjo bolt to 16 ft. lbs.
• (1) Banjo Bolt– S002022
• (2) Banjo Washers- GC6002
• (2) 45” M10 Braided Line– S001976
3. See Fig. 2. Install (2) braided brake lines to
rear calipers as shown. Torque bolts to 16 ft.
• (2) M10 Banjo Bolt– CB6001
• (4) M10 Banjo Washers- GC6002
4. Secure brake lines to swingarm with cable ties.

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Note: Be sure you have correct model year res- Fig. 3
ervoir extension pack before proceeding
Supplied screws
(Reminder: packs are labeled 1997-2007 and
2008+). 1997-99 models do not require an exten-
5. See Fig. 3. Remove original master cylinder
reservoir cap screws and discard. Install exten-
sion to master cylinder with new extension
screws. Do not over tighten extension
Note: Verify all brake lines and hardware are tight
Screw extensions
before bleeding system.
6. Add brake fluid (refer to OEM reservoir cap for
Fig. 4
brake fluid requirements) to brake system and
work brakes to fill lines.
Secure to bracket
7. Remove rubber caps on bleeder valves. Install
clear brake bleeder hose over bleeder valve on
8. Pump brake pedal to build pressure.
9. While holding the brake pedal, open bleeder
valve to release pressure and remove air from
system. Repeat bleeding on both calipers until
fluid is solid without bubbles in bleeder hose.
10. Tighten bleeder valves and check for leaks.
11. Install master cylinder reservoir cap with new
Attach cable
screws. Do not over tighten cap screws.

Park Brake Assembly

1. See Fig. 4. Install park brake cable to caliper
brackets. Secure cable to bracket with cir-clip
provided on cables.

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2. See Fig. 5. Remove snap ring from one side of Fig. 5
large clevis pin on brake lever. Hold park brake
lever on its side and push release button at end
of park brake lever to allow clevis pin to slide out.
3. See Fig. 5.Place park brake lever within park
brake bracket, ensuring ratchet is secure on
cross brace. Attach with large clevis pin.
4. See Fig. 5. Attach park brake cable pulling
bracket to brake lever using small clevis pin and
cotter pin.
• (1) Cable Pulling Bracket– LB1294
• (1) Clevis Pin– CC3106
• (1) Cotter Pin- CC4017 Fig. 6
5. See Fig. 6. Route left park brake cable above
differential and under motorcycle frame, attach- Left park brake cable
ing cable ties to cable and frame, and install in
left hole in handle mount.
6. See Fig. 7. Route right park brake cable up
around axle and forward to right hole in handle
7. See Fig. 7. Secure both cables to upper rear
pinch block with clamp (GC0108).
8. See Fig. 8. Secure cable retaining nuts to handle
mount with 7/8” wrench. Fig. 7
9. Check for tire clearance.
Cable routing
10. See Fig. 8. Thread one 5/16” NF nut onto each
brake cable. Place threaded end of brake cables
through holes in cable bracket. Thread second
nut onto each brake cable.
11. Adjust park brake cables at handle to engage at
3–4 clicks.
Note: Take up slack in cables before tightening
ends to ensure good adjustment range with
threaded end of brake cables. Attach clamp

Fig. 8

Cable retaining nuts

Adjuster nuts

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Installing Lehman Frame and Fig. 1
1. See Figs. 1-3. Install frame plates to H-D frame with (2) Front bolt on each side
5/16” X 1 1/2” bolts, flat washers (if necessary, between
frame plate and motorcycle frame) and lock nuts for
front hole only. Rear bolt will be used with imitation
fender. Do not tighten bolts.
Note: See Fig. 1. Front bolt on each side will install
from inside with head of bolt toward middle of trike.
This provides clearance between fender and bolt.
2. Set frame in place and install (2) 1/2” X 1 1/2” bolts, flat
Rear bolt on each side
washers and lock washers, through front holes of trike
frame and into original shock mount on H-D frame.
Fig. 2
3. See Fig. 2 and 3. Attach frame plates (LB1220) to Leh-
man frame plate using 5/16” X 1” bolts, flat washers and a
lock nuts.
4. See Fig. 2. Level Lehman frame to H-D frame. Frames
should be parallel with each other. Tighten all bolts when
level. Torque front 1/2” bolts to 78 ft.-lbs. Torque all
frame plate bolts to 19 ft. lbs. Level frame Frame plate
5. See Fig. 3. Lower differential and install 1/2” X 2 1/4”
bottom shock bolt through lower shock eye and thread it
into shock plate. Use (1) washer under head of bolt.
Torque bolt to 40 ft.-lbs. and secure bolt with lock nut.
Note: Do not install flat washer under lock nut.
6. See Fig. 3. Raise differential and install top of shock using 1/2” X 2 1/4” bolt, lock washers and (1)
washer under head of bolt. Shock should run parallel to frame tube when viewed from rear. Torque
shock bolts to 40 ft.-lbs. Fig. 3

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7. See Fig. 4. Lower portion of frame braces will at- Fig. 4
tach to welded tabs on motorcycle frame above
swingarm. Braces are bolted to outside of motor-
cycle frame.
8. Top end of frame braces are not factory-drilled.
Braces should line up with hole in frame ahead of
top square tube.
9. Clamp top of frame braces to outside of Lehman
frame and drill through braces using a 3/8” drill bit.
Bolt together with 3/8” x 1 1/4” bolts, flat washers
and lock nut.
10. Use new air line to connect shocks to valve.
11. See Fig. 5. Air valve plate for front and rear Fig. 5
shocks must be relocated. Recommended loca-
tion is on right side of trike behind top bolt on
electronic control module. Re-route air lines to fit.
12. Charge system with air @ 20 psi and check for
leaks with soapy water.
13. A plastic imitation fender is used to mount seat
and grab handle. Imitation fender will use original
motorcycle fender mounting hardware. Front of
imitation fender mounts in same location as origi-
nal fender. Rear of imitation fender mounts to
rear holes on motorcycle frame using 5/16” x 1
1/2” bolts.
Note: To meet DOT and MOT requirements one of the following must be installed- stock grab
handles, stock grab strap or Lehman-supplied grab handles.
14. Attach grab handle to imitation fender using 1/4” X 1” bolts, 1/4” fender washers and original
flanged nuts.
• (1) Grab Handle– LH1026
• (2) 1/4” x 1” Bolts– CB1085
• (2) 1/4” Fender Washers– CW2108
• (2) OEM Flange Nuts

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Installing Exhaust
1. See Fig. 4. Install mufflers to Lehman frame using original mounting hardware. Make sure mufflers
are level before making final cuts to exhaust pipes.
Note: Some adjustment may be required to get pipes even and level. DO NOT CUT TOO MUCH
2. See Fig. 3. For RH exhaust, cut 2 1/2” from end of Fig. 1
head pipe.
3. See Fig. 1. For LH exhaust, cut 6 1/8” up on outside
radius of head pipe. This pipe may need to be tilted
downward to achieve proper angle with muffler.
4. See Fig. 2. Cut 1 3/4” off back of Lehman-supplied
LH drop pipe (LP1350).
5. See Fig. 2. Cut 5 1/2” off back of Lehman-supplied
RH drop pipe (LP1351).
6. Trim heat shields as needed for proper fitment. LH Drop pipe
7. Fasten exhaust clamps to joint using 5/16” X 1 1/4”
NF Gr. 8 bolt and 5/16” NF Gr. 8 nut. Position clamp
Fig. 2
so they do not squeeze a slit open on sides and
clamp opening does not line up with slits in pipe. LP1350/1351
Note: Pipe length may need to be adjusted accord-
ing to the following:
• With or without light bar
• Rare occurrences of body alignment

Fig. 3
RH Drop pipe

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Fig. 4

Item Part # Qty. Desc.

0 Oem Part
1 1 Right Exhaust Pipe
2 1 Left Exhaust Pipe
3 GC1001 2 Exhaust Clamp
4 CB1164 2 5/16” x 1 1/4” NF Gr. 8 Bolt
5 CN3009 2 5/16” NF Gr. 8 Bolt

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Lights and Wiring Fig. 1
Caution: Use care with painted surfaces
1. See Fig. 1. Drill 15/16” hole for turn signal on flat
below taillight. Center turn signal with inside edge
of taillights. Mount H-D turn signals using original
bolts with supplied washers (CW2001).
NOTE: Do not over tighten taillight mounting hard-
ware. Damage to housing may occur.
2. See Fig 2. Mount taillight assemblies to body with Mount signal
gaskets. Attach ground wire to stud with flange to body
nut after taillight mounting hardware is installed.
• (2) Taillight Assembly-S002204
Fig. 2
• (2) Gaskets– BG0200
• (4) 1/4” Flat Washer– CW2006
Attach ground wire to stud
• (4) Lock washer– Provided with light
• (4) Nut– Provided with light
• (2) 1/4” Flange Nut– CN3007
3. See Fig’s 3 & 4. If required- Install female terminals
and male connectors to taillight wiring Use appropriate
tool for crimping terminals to wires. (Mac Tools–
4. See Fig’s 3 & 4. Inspect crimps before installing into
connector. Distortion should be minimal.
Fig. 3
Female Terminal
Insulation crimp

Wire core crimp

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5. See Fig. 5. Install license plate bracket to door with Fig. 5
1/4” x 1” bolts, washers, lock nuts and rubber wash-
Install rubber washers
ers. Use rubber washers between bracket and
between bracket and door
door. Install U-nuts to bracket
• (2) 1/4” x 1” Button head bolt (CB1086)
• (2) 1/4” Rubber washer (FG1002)
• (2) 1/4” Flat washer (CW2005)
• (2) 1/4” Lock nut (CN3040) U-nut
• (2) 1/4” U-nut (CN3301) Install wire through lower hole
6. See Fig. 6. Install license plate light and support
plate to bracket using (2) 1/4” x 1 bolts.
See Fig. 5. Run wiring through lower hole in door . Fig. 6

• (1) License plate light (S001469)

• (1) Support plate (S001601)
• (2) 1/4” x 1 Button head bolt (CB1086)
• (2) M6 Flat washer- CW2175
7. See Fig. 6. Install lower license plate mounting
hardware into place on support bracket using 1/4”
x .50” bolts and (2) lock nuts
• (2) 1/4” x .50 Button head bolt (CS4032)

(2) 1/4” Lock nut (CN3040)
8. Solder and heat shrink light wiring to trunk wiring
harness. Attach wire as follows-
• White wire on light to Black wire on trunk
•Gray wire on light to Red wire on trunk
9. Seal wiring through door with silicone (Ultra Black).

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Fig. 1
Renegade Wiring Harness Taillight connector
1. See Fig.’s 1-2. Attach wiring harness to body
clips on underside of body.
2. Connect 8 position connector on wiring harness
(Fig. 3) to OEM harness, located under rider Light bar
seat at rear of OEM frame. connector
on RH side

Body clips

Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Body clip 8-position connector on wiring harness-main

License plate connector

6-position connector on wiring harness for trailer

3. See Fig.’s 4-5. Before connectinglicense plate and light bar (optional) to harness, terminals and
connectors will need to be installed to each before connecting to wiring harness. Use appropriate
tool for crimping terminals to wires. (Mac Tools– TCT1028, Blue Point– PWC47 or H-D 41609).
4. See Fig. 5. Inspect crimps before installing into connector. Distortion should be minimal.

Fig. 4 Fig. 5

Insulation crimp

Male terminal

Wire core crimp

Female terminal

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Fig. 5
6 position connector for
License plate connector-

Right brake

8 position connector
under seat-GH0023-1 Left brake Right turn signal-
light-GH0023-4 GH0023-4
Included in bag

Left turn signal-

Light bar-

Fig. 6
Wiring Diagram Orange/White


Purple Black



1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Body Installation Fig. 1

1. See Fig. 1. Bolt side cover bracket to body using LH Side

1/4” X 1” button head bolts and 1/4” flat washers cover bracket
on outside of body. Use 1/4” fender washers and
1/4” lock nuts on inside of fender.
2. Route emergency trunk release cable along H-D
frame and secure behind LH side cover.
3. Set body roughly in place on trike frame.
4. See Fig. 2. Attach side covers to frame and body
in following order:
• Lower pin, then upper pin into side cover
Fig. 2
• Upper forward pin into motorcycle frame
4. Center body from side-to-side and front-to-back
using a carpenter square against tire. Make sure
side covers have an even gap on both sides and
do not rub on body.
5. From underside of body, drill a 1/4” hole in body
through each of four mounting tabs. Keep hole
centered in slot of each of tabs.
6. Fasten body to Lehman frame as follows: Head of
bolt will be inside trunk.
Side cover installed
• (4) 1/4” x 1-1/2” Button Head Bolts- CS4031
• (4) 1/4” x 1 1/4” Fender Washers- CW2108 Fig. 3
• (4) Foam Sealing Washers- FG1002
• (4) 1/4” Flat Washers- CW2007
• (4) 1/4” Lock Nuts- CN3041
7. See Fig. 5. Install upper body braces (LB1235) by at-
taching slotted side on top of Lehman frame using the
following hardware. Leave hardware loose.
• (2) Body Brace– LB1235
• (2) 5/16” x 1” Bolts– CB1161
• (2) 5/16” Lock Washers– CW2047 Body brace attached
to frame
• (2) 5/16” Flat Washers– CW2010
8. Slide bracket against trunk, mark and drill 1/4” hole.
9. Attach bracket to body using the following hardware.
• (2) 1/4” x 1-1/2” button head bolts- CS4031
• (2) 1/4” x 1 1/4” fender washers CW2108
• (2) Foam Sealing Washers FG1002
• (2) 1/4” Flat Washers- CW2007
• (2) 1/4” Lock Nuts- CN3041
10. Tighten 5/16” hardware into place on trike frame.
11. Verify all body mounting hardware is tight.

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Trunk Door Installation Fig. 1

Note: Lip on weather seal will face away from Top of seal is flush with door opening
door opening; top of seal is flush with top of
1. See Fig. 1. Install door seal around edge of
body, starting at center on bottom and following
trunk opening. Trim seal ends straight with scis-
sors; glue ends together when finished.
• (6’) Door Seal– CW2536 Lip on weather seal
2. See Fig. 2. Insert lanyard through top bend on
cable stop bracket. Make a small loop in the end
of lanyard and crimp using aluminum clip (see
inset in Fig. 2). There should be 7-1/2” between Fig. 2
the crimp and pre-made end of lanyard. Verify
Insert through bracket
both lanyards match before crimping.
• (2) Door Lanyard– S001686
• (2) Cable Bracket– FB1036
• (2) Aluminum Crimp– CC1900
3. Apply masking tape to body just below hinge
mounting holes to prevent scratching of paint by 7 1/2”
Loop and crimp
4. See Fig. 3.Install door hinges and stop cable
brackets to body with hinge gaskets underneath
hinge using 10/32” x 1” screws and plated star
Fig. 3
• (2) Door Hinge– GH0903
• (2) Hinge Gaskets– FG1003 Shoulder Screw
• (4) 10/32” x 1” Phillips Screws– CS4024-0
• (4) Plated Star Lock Nuts– CN1898
5. Fasten door to hinges using 10/32” x 3/8”
• (4) 10/32 x 3/8” Phillips Screws– CS4024-1
6. Attach lanyard to door using shoulder screws Washer under
with M6 flat washer under cable end. cable end
• (2) 1/4” x .438 Shoulder Screws– CB1151
• (2) M6 Flat Washer– CW2172
7. See Fig. 3.Torque shoulder screws to 6 ft-lbs
using 5/32” Allen socket.

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Fig. 4
8. See Fig. 4 Install key switch through body. Cable bracket
9. See Fig. 4 Install latch cable bracket onto key
10. See Fig. 4 Install large nut to rear door key
switch using 7/8” wrench and adjust bracket in
an upright position.
11. See Fig. 4.Attach cable to key mechanism while
key is in vertical position with head of screw from Key switch
cable facing out.
12. See Fig. 5. Install striker pin to striker bracket
using 5/16” lock nut .
• (1) Striker Pin– GL2041
Fig. 5
• (1) Striker Bracket– LB1297
• (1) 5/16” Lock Nut– CN3045
13. Attach striker pin bracket to door using 1/4”
lock washers and 1/4” bolts .
Striker pin
• (2) 1/4” x 1/2” Bolts– CB1075 and bracket
• (2) 1/4” Lock Washers– CW2040
14. Install Renegade badge to bottom right side
of door. Install Lehman badge GB1320 to
bottom left side of door.
• (1) Renegade Badge– GB1324
• (1) Lehman Badge– GB1320
15. Cut license plate wire from body to length to
reach body wiring as needed.
16. Install shrink tubing over license plate wires.
17. Strip and solder ends of license plate wires from the body and door together.
18. Slide shrink tubing over soldered connections and heat.
19. Solder and heat shrink light wiring to trunk wiring harness. Attach wire as follows-
• Black wire on light to Black wire on trunk harness
•Red wire on light to Red wire on trunk harness
20. Secure wiring to trunk door.

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Door Adjustment Procedures
Fig. 6

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Fig. 7

Fig. 8

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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1. Bottom of tour pack has ribs that match up with ribs on Renegade body.
2. Take flat weather seal (1/16” X 1 1/2” X 24”) and cut two pieces 10 1/2” long. Place foam seals on
three center ribs with short left-over piece on middle rib.
Note: If tour pack is too far forward, this may cause interference with front trunk wall when drill-
ing mounting holes into body.
3. Set tour pack into place where it is comfortable (check front to back and side to side) Seat may be
set in place to help locate tour pack. Carefully open tour pack and locate (8) holes in metal plate in
floor. Drill forward (4) mounting holes in tour pack plate and body to 21/64”.
4. Attach tour pack using (4) 5/16” X 2” bolts, lock washers, flat washers and tour pack supports
(LS1028) inside trunk. Now that tour pack is installed on fiberglass instead of steel, a new ground
wire must be added. Run an appropriate ground wire from tour pack plate to motorcycle chassis.
5. Install tour pack liner inside tour pack.

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Final Assembly
1. Install seat to fender using original H-D mounting hardware.
Note: Make sure insert in fender is free of paint before installing screw.
2. Install wheels. Torque wire wheel lug nuts to 75 ft.-lbs. and aluminum wheel lug nuts to 85 ft.-lbs.
Install center caps (if applicable).
Caution: Do not use an impact wrench when installing lug nuts.
3. Reflectors can be installed to body. See Fig. 1. Install rear reflectors 3” below taillights on body.
See Fig. 2. Install side reflectors using wheel center caps as a reference, 1/4” above wheel opening
on body.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Neck Race Preload,
Steering head should be approximately twice as tight as factory specifications for a trike conversion.
Refer to H-D service manual for adjustment procedure.
Caution: Do not tighten bolts past factory specifications. Only bearing adjustment collar should
be tightened past factory settings.

Adjusting Motor Mounts

The front and top motor mounts may need to be adjusted to achieve correct vertical alignment, and to
center differential housing to frame. To do this, trike must be sitting on a level surface. Refer to H-D
service manual for correct procedure on adjusting motor mount assemblies.

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Renegade Torque Specifications

Swingarm pivot shaft (H-D) 45 ft. lbs.

Swingarm plates (H-D) 42 ft. lbs.
Axle flange bolts 38 ft. lbs.
Park brake bracket to swingarm 35 ft. lbs.
Differential brace to swingarm 35 ft. lbs.
Differential brace to housing 17 ft. lbs.
Pinch block bolts 25 ft. lbs.
Adapter plate to swingarm 35 ft. lbs.
Banjo bolts 16 ft. lbs.
Torque link to frame 22 ft. lbs.
Torque link to engine 33 ft.-lbs.
Lehman frame to H-D frame 78 ft. lbs.
Frame plate bolts 19 ft. lbs.
Frame brace 35 ft. lbs.
Shock bolts 40 ft. lbs.
Wheels/aluminum 85 ft. lbs.
Wheels/wire 75 ft. lbs.
Caliper to bracket bolts 38 ft. lbs.
Caliper bracket to axle flange bolts 38ft. lbs.
Differential housing plate bolts 17ft. lbs.
Axle tube bolts 38ft. lbs

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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Final Trike Inspection
Good Rework
1. Reflectors Installed □ □
2. Lights and horn work □ □
3. Park brake operation □ □
4. Engine/Transmission oil levels □ □
5. Belt tension 5/16”-3/8” □ □
6. Wheel torque 85 ft. lbs. (75 ft. lbs.-wire) □ □
7. Rear tire pressure 26 psi □ □
8. Front tire pressure 36 psi □ □
9. Trunk clean and dry □ □
10. Trunk door seals and operates smoothly □ □
11. Shocks set @ mid setting □ □
12. Heat shields, side covers □ □
13. Renegade/Lehman badge installed □ □
14. Accessories (if applicable) □ □
15. No paint defects □ □
16. Warranty/owner’s manual included □ □

1997-2001 FLH Renegade– Rev. 3

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