The Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Learning Especially in Senior High School Students
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Learning Especially in Senior High School Students
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Learning Especially in Senior High School Students
A Research Presented to the Faculty of Maritime Academy for Training and Education
This study would not be possible without the guidance and the help of person for
Our utmost gratitude to Ms. Jessa R. Tapia our research adviser, for her
encouragement and for her support in giving generous guidance and suggestion on this
To our panelists, Mr. ___________ and Mr. _________ for sharing their pearls
of wisdom and giving us valuable insights and suggestions for further improvement for
our research
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
To our family, who gave all spiritual, financial and moral support that we need;
To our classmates, who helped us and shared happiness while doing the
Above all, to Almighty God that gave us the divine knowledge to survive upon
Date Completed: MAY 2021
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
The researcher will use random sampling for the three-section of grade 11 Grade
11 Maritime Academy of Training and Education. The study will have at least 30
Self learning or self study is a strategy of learning that emerged due to the availability of learning
resources online. Self learning compare to actual learning, a strategy of self learning you can learn what
you want when you want, and how you want. Meanwile the self learning have a Advantage and
Disadvatage. Due to pandemic everything changed ,our economy get worst specially the educational
learning system to make sure that learning will continue both public and private schools in the phlippines
to change their learning system from the traditional face to face set up to Distance learning its eiher
Online, Modular or blended Learning. According to (S Al kindy 2020), self study has been in practice for
quite some time, meant for both, brilliant and normal students, a challenge for the former and concocting
interest to the later. Moreover, helps improve quality of curriculum understanding, and is cost effective
(Shafto MG 2015).
However, One of the advantage of self learning can be quite useful for those who do not have a time and
cannot afford to meet the standard of education learning system to educate themselves. According to
(Prachi Juneja 2015). Disadvantage of self learning, working in teams increases collaboration and allows
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brainstorming. As a result, more ideas are developed and productivity improves. Two or more people are
always better than one for solving problems, finishing off difficult tasks and increasing
The Disadvantage of self learning to the students in senior high school. The feedback is limited, self learning
for the students is very difficult we cannot make sure the students will gaine the complete information
just the reading the text inside of papers that the tearchers had prepared, so the students will now find
ways to communicate teachers but the problem is the feedback is limited. Its either because work or
signals or the students will become brightent to ask questions for their teachers, because they think that
the teachers will be irritated of a lot of questions. So the teachers won't met their expected knowledge
gained by students.
The researchers seek to fine the solution for this study, self study is an important aspect since the
pandemic happened. In this study the significance is to know and help even studying with conventional
teaching methods, it is very important for a student to have a clear vision and understanding of every
lesson. Even the Self-learning is the modern form of learning. Not that it has replaced traditional,
instructional learning, but it has supplemented it and with some great results. Self-directed learning has
been proven to be effective, convenient, and fast, thanks to the rise of the internet. Nowadays, you can
learn how to do almost anything through a simple Google search, by watching a YouTube tutorial, etc
and by simply reading instruction manuals. This study the importance is to know what is the
advantanges and disadvatages of self study. The researcher believes that this study provide teachers
as well as curriculum designers with a fundamental background about the benefit of enhancing self-
The researchers believe that this research will helps the studenst, teachers, school administrator
especially students in Senior high school . Researchers decided to conduct this study to gaine
This reseach will assess the Disadvantage of self learning. Due to pandemic everything changed ,our
economy get worst specially the educational learning system to make sure that learning will continue
both public and private schools in the phlippines to change their learning system from the traditional face
to face set up to Distance learning its eiher Online, Modular or blended Learning.
General Problem: This study seeks to know what is the Disadvantages and effects of the self learning in Senior
What are the Disadvantage of self learning in senior high school students?
What are the effects of self learning on the level of performance of Senior High School students
1.2 knowledge
Is the students of Senior High School will gaine the complete knowledge?
Do students learn more from a self learning system or a actual learning system?
This study entitled “The Advantage and Disadvantage of self Learning in Senior High School students”
both public and private school in Senior High School. The target levels for this study are Grade 11 and 12
students. All of the students in Senior High School especially the students who being affected by the self
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
learning will be also included in this study.This study will be concluded both private and public schools.
The scope of this study will circle both public and private schools that has a self learning system in
This research, They think that self learning is easy. But, you will spend a lot of time here, there
are times when you will have difficulty but you can cope.
The study will assume that the students will help them to gaine knowledge about this study.Many
students say's that self learning is easier, Because you will teach yourself. Self learning is
difficult and it will not be easy at all.many students say's that they can do self learning but, not
everyone can handle it. they dont think that we have more difficulty in learning. that we are the
only one to guide ourselves sometimes we can't use google or any other apps that can help us.
there are also people who can't afford to spend for the internet so for others self learning is really
This study Entitled “ The Advantage and Disadvantage of sled learning in Senior High School
students because they are the subject in this study and will lead and help them also to advice if there’s a
negative implication.
Teachers. This research will benefits the teachers for the pupose of have a knowledge about the study
and guide to give the students advice, they can make an advice after the results was concluded.
Parents. This reseach will benefits the parents for them to know what will they do if the students under
Future Researchers. This study will benefits the future researchers for them to have references as
Conceptual Framework
In this section, this will show the conceptual paradigm to present the figure of the study:
Figure1. The Conceptual Framework for The disadvantage of self learning system to senior high school
The Figure shows the concept of this research entitled “ The Advantage and Disadvantage of self
learning in senior high school students”. The independent variable is the Disadvantage of self learning in
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
Senior high school students. The effects of self learning on the level of performance of the students . The
dependent variable of this reseach was the all the students in senior high school both grade 11 nad 12 who
experienced the self learning system.Is the students will gaine knowledge of the learning system.
Definition of Term
For a better understanting of this study, the following terms are defined in the context of this
Covid19. It is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and
'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'
Online. This refers to communications via a modem or network to a host system. The available or access of
Pandemic. A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area,
crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. The classical
Self learning. It is a process by which individuals take the initiative, with or without the assistance of
hard student.
This chapter presents and discusses foreign and local literature and studies that are closely related
to the present studies. The information in this chapter was sought to support this study and lead the
reseachers in determining the factors that effect the senior high school students both public and private
Local Literature
According to Bautista, M. A.. (2014). Adolescent Self-Learning Exercise (ASLE) and Self-
In an attempt to introduce a program that would enhance the level of selfperception of CIC residents
using ASLE as a tool, this study on Adolescent Self-Learning Exercise (ASLE) and Self-Perception of
Crisis Intervention Center (CIC) Residents was conducted. The instruments used were the Emotional
Self- Awareness Scale, Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale and Self-Rating Scale (of Self- Acceptance). The
research design utilized single subject design, specifically the AB-AB design. Pre- and post-tests were
obtained to determine the differences in self-perceptions as a result of the ASLE program. The
participants of the study were 11 residents of CIC in Amas, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato, who were
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victims of rape and other forms of sexual abuse. ASLE was used to determine their level of self-
perception on self-awareness, self-esteem and selfacceptance. The findings of the study show varying
results. Of the three areas of focus, participants showed a significant difference in their level of
perception on self-esteem compared with self-awareness and self-acceptance. The study seems to point
out that that the activities used in the conduct of ASLE that tackles on improving self-esteem were
effective and appropriate as they enhanced the participants’ level of self-esteem, while participants’ level
According to Bajet-paz, C. A. & Balallo, E. A.. (2015). “Age, Residence, Parents' Educational
Most students are unaware of their learning styles and emotional intelligence. Thus, it is important to
know one’s learning styles and emotional intelligence because they can be used to increase self-
awareness as to their strengths and weaknesses as learners. The study determined the learning styles and
Philippines, Philippines. The study utilized descriptive-correlational method of research. Results showed
that student respondents have an overall high level of learning style in all of its three dimensions: visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic. Also, they have an overall high level of emotional intelligence in all of its
dimensions. The overall level of learning styles of the respondents is significantly related with self-
motivation while visual learning style is significantly linked to self-regulation. Likewise, auditory
learning style is significantly related to self-awareness, self-motivation, social skills and the overall level
awareness and self-motivation. The university should conduct an assessment of learning preferences of
the students to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Likewise, emotional intelligence tests should be
Local studies
The learning process has been the focus of numerous studies, but remains complex and affected by
many factors. Since hardly any attention has been paid to how students learn and how teachers teach in
many institutions, this quantitative descriptive-correlation study was conducted to determine the learning
styles and attitude towards learning of nursing students. A sample of 304 nursing students was selected
from all the nursing schools in Marawi City, Philippines using stratified proportionate random sampling
technique with replacement. Results revealed that the four learning styles (Visual, Auditory, Tactile, and
Kinesthetic) were found to have been used by the students simultaneously as major learning styles and
most of them expressing a preference for kinesthetic learning style (78%). On the other hand, they
expressed a minor and negligible preference for group Learning. Te results of the questionnaire on the
attitude towards learning revealed a high level of academic comfort and a preference towards structured,
spontaneous, and person-centered approaches to learning. Te study concludes that out of the six learning
styles tested; only group learning style is found to have no significant relationship with the participants’
attitude towards learning. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends that faculty members should
take into consideration the differences among the students when designing the course material.
According to Ranalan, R. S.. (2011).” Learning Strategies and Literary Response: Negotiating
Reading is one of the most important skills for acquiring knowledge. However, it is a disturbing fact
that students experience difficulties in this skill and thereby lose the pleasure of reading. The concept of
learning strategies applied in the classroom, which students use in comprehending a text s meaning, is
rooted in second language acquisition studies. Thus, the objective of this paper is to use such strategies in
a literature classroom to find the relationship between the learning strategies and literary response and to
measure the levels of use of the learning strategies and their literary response in order to determine
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
whether or not this response differs when analyzed according to sex, program and literature subject
enrolled. The findings assert that the use of learning strategy of the students is high with socio-affective
strategy as the most used. The respondents have a satisfactory literary response with the female students
having a higher literary response than the males. The results also show that the Education students have a
higher literary response than the Liberal Arts and ABA students. Moreover, those students taking an
advanced literature subject (Literature 2) have a higher literary response than those who are only on their
first literature subject (Literature 1). Statistical analysis shows that there is a high correlation between
learning strategies and literary response. The use of learning strategies in the literature classroom greatly
impacts the level of the response of the students to the reading materials offered in the literature
Foreign Literature
Case-Study of a Self-Learner’s Socialisation into Czech Through Czech Literature. In: Mickan P.,
Approaches to language teaching in institutionalised language learning settings have changed a lot over
the past 50 years (Martín 2005). Yet in all these approaches there is a tendency to teach grammar rules
and vocabulary units in isolation from real world examples of the target language (Mickan 2013). In
recent years the possibility of self-teaching a language has improved because of the Internet. There are
many language learning websites and apps, not to mention the large range of native content which can
be found online in a number of different languages. Despite the leap in technology, many of these apps
are still based on the grammar rule and vocabulary unit methods of language learning. Despite greater
access to resources in foreign languages, in general language learning approaches have not changed
much. The study presented in this chapter is a case study of a self-learner teaching herself the Czech
language using a text-based approach. Czech literature is used as the vehicle for acquisition of the
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
Czech language. Throughout the study the learner read texts, conversed with a native Czech speaker
and wrote micro stories using her newly gained knowledge in the language.
According to Changhe Li & Shengxiang Y. (2013) “A Self-Learning Particle Swarm Optimizer for
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been shown as an effective tool for solving global
optimization problems. So far, most PSO algorithms use a single learning pattern for all particles, which
means that all particles in a swarm use the same strategy. This monotonic learning pattern may cause the
lack of intelligence for a particular particle, which makes it unable to deal with different complex
situations. This paper presents a novel algorithm, called self-learning particle swarm optimizer (SLPSO),
for global optimization problems. In SLPSO, each particle has a set of four strategies to cope with
different situations in the search space. The cooperation of the four strategies is implemented by an
adaptive learning framework at the individual level, which can enable a particle to choose the optimal
strategy according to its own local fitness landscape. The experimental study on a set of 45 test functions
and two real-world problems show that SLPSO has a superior performance in comparison with several
other peer algorithms. Index Terms—Global optimization problem, operator adaptation, particle swarm
Foreign Studies
According to Derong L. & IEEE, Yi Z. (2005)“A Self-Learning Call Admission Control Scheme for
In the present paper, a call admission control scheme that can learn from the network environment and
user behavior is developed for code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular networks that handle both
voice and data services. The idea is built upon a novel learning control architecture with only a single
module instead of two or three modules in adaptive critic designs (ACDs). The use of adaptive critic
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
approach for call admission control in wireless cellular networks is new. The call admission controller
can perform learning in real-time as well as in offline environments and the controller improves its
performance as it gains more experience. Another important contribution in the present work is the
choice of utility function for the present self-learning control approach which makes the present learning
process much more efficient than existing learning control methods. The performance of our algorithm
will be shown through computer simulation and compared with existing algorithms. Index Terms—
Adaptive critic designs (ACDs), approximate dynamic programming, call admission control, code
division multiple access (CDMA), cellular networks, neural dynamic programming, wireless networks.
vocabulary learning.”
Vocabulary learning is an on-going and life-long process, which is greatly influenced by individual
differences. It has been noted that there is inefficient self-directed FL vocabulary learning of college
students in mainland China and non-individualized learning may be one of the major reasons. As one of
the most significant individual differences, a student’s learning style is supposed to largely determine
their selection of learning strategies and have an effect on learning outcomes. This paper focuses on
categorizing diversified vocabulary learning tasks which activate various vocabulary learning strategies,
and integrating them into a learning system along particular learning paths to cater for different learning
styles. The system is also tested in an empirical study for the purpose of checking the effects of these
learning paths.
The related literature and studies discussed above prove helpful to the researchers in determining and
analyzing the self learning system especially to all senior high school students both public and private
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
schools. This study associate to the proposed study of the researcher to other printed materials that
are preciously done, may either be magazine books or similar to the present studies.
This chapter presents the research design, Subject of the study, locale of the study, sampling
designs, instrument of the study, procedure of the study and the statistical treatment.
Research Design
The researchers chose a survey research design because it best served to answer the questions
and the purposes of the study. The survey research is one in which a group of people or items is studied
by collecting and analyzing data from only a few people or items considered to be representative of the
entire group. In other words, only a part of the population is studied, and findings from this are expected
to be generalized to the entire population (Nworgu 1991:68). Similary, McBurney (1994:170) defines the
survey assessing public opinion or individual characteristics by the use of questionnaire and sampling
School students” students in senior high school both grade 11 and 12 will answer these online survey as
questionare to support this study that determine effect of self learning system to students. The online
survey support this research to obtain the answer of the respondents. With the help of the honest answer
of the repondents about learning system during the pandemic will help this research gaine more solution
to the negativity or problem. The subject of this study is the students in senior high school who
experienced the self learning system, because this research will focus on them.
The online survey will be distributed to respondent selected for this study. The respondents will be the
random five (5)to ten (10) of each school on nearby areas that has a senior high students have a self
learning or modular system of learning. The questionnaire will be more focused about the Senior High
School Students who experienced the self learning system during pandemic. This study encourage the
students in senior high school to help and gaine more solution to the negativity or problem of their
learning system.
Sampling Design
This study shall employ the use of Convenience sampling, it is the easiest method of sampling,
because participants are selected based on availability and willingness to take part. Usefull results can be
obtained, but the results are prone to significant bias, because those who voluunter to take part may be
different from those who choose not to (voluunter bias), and the sample may not be representative of
other characteristics, such as age or sex (PHAST 2020). Since the study is intended to ascertain the
implication of learning system to students, the research chose to do the research to the available
This research entitled “The Advantages and Disadvantages of self learning especially in Senior
High School students” Is a quantitative research. The instrument that will be used in this study is
distributing online survey as questionaires to the five (5) to ten (10) random repondents in each school in
nearby areas to gather data and information. The questionnaire consists of the ten (10) questions that can
The first step was to prepare a sample checklist type of survey questionnaire.This study used
online surveys as questionaire to for interpret the students in senior high school.The questionaires were
created through Google forms. The researcher will be able to distribute the questionnaire. After all the
respondents finished answering the questionnaire, the researcher will collect the questionnaire to interact
and analyze the result and compute using the statistical tools .
Statistical Treatment
Statistical treatment plays a vital role in the research. This was the determiner of the level of
significance of valuable statistical measure and the basic for making references, interpretation,
Arcade II Building, Club Manila East, San Juan, Taytay, Rizal
conclusions or generalization. To work out on the data collected on determining the percentage
of the categories needed that are vital for the study. The researcher used the following:
1. Percentile Distribution
f = frequency
2. Weighted Mean
- The researcher used weighted mean to process and interpret the gathered answers from
the questionnaire.
X́ = weighted mean
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N = total number of respondents