PP 303 To 312 Jordan Peng Horng Tan Final Paper Edited
PP 303 To 312 Jordan Peng Horng Tan Final Paper Edited
PP 303 To 312 Jordan Peng Horng Tan Final Paper Edited
Mathematics (subject code 9709) is one of the popular subjects that is widely chosen
among Year 12 and 13 students in Brunei Darussalam and the syllabus follows Brunei
Cambridge GCE A-Level (BC GCE A Level). Table 1 below shows the statistical data
of students enrolling in Mathematics in a pre-university (Sixth form) colleges in Brunei
Darussalam for three consecutive years.
Sutherland (2007) and Idris (2009) stated that mathematics learning is a complex
and dynamic process. Therefore, teachers teach with the aim of delivering contextual
learning such that students understand the concepts and principles on what they have
been taught and why learning takes place. But what exactly do we mean by
understanding? Idris (2009) stated that understanding in mathematics is not simply
memorising the formulae or being able to follow procedure in solving a question but to
include the process of applying the knowledge understood. She further elaborated that
learning no longer emphasises the correctness of the final answer but rather, has shifted
to emphasizing the process, content and understanding. Therefore, it is important to
identify students‟ level of understanding.
7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
11-15 May 2015, Cebu City, Philippines
304 Students’ learning of college level calculus
Literature review
A local researcher, Chan (2009), found that factors such as gender, confidence level,
attitude, parents‟ and teachers‟ perception, social economic status, home environment,
motivation and learning styles had significant influences on students‟ achievement in
solving A-level paper 3 (Pure) mathematics. An insight into Chan‟s research findings
further raised the interest in exploring the level of understanding in students that may be
affecting their academic performance. Luitel (2003) also highlighted “Are
understanding and learning related to each other?” in his article on „Developing and
Probing Understanding in Mathematics‟ (p.1). This further attracted the interest in
investigating students‟ level of understanding in calculus. Hiebert and Carpenter (1992)
stated that any mathematical idea or procedure or fact is understood if it is a part of a
person‟s internal mental network. However, Luitel (2003) contradicted this by
elaborating that understanding is an outcome of learning whereas learning is a process
and learning of some skills does not require developing understanding. These sparked
an interest in exploring students‟ level of understanding. Furthermore, Skemp (1976)
marked the beginning of the study of understanding in mathematical education research
by identifying three kinds of understanding; instrumental, relational and logical
understanding. His article “Relational and Instrumental Understanding” defined and
described these two types of understanding and explained why many teachers felt that
instrumental understanding was a type of understanding, through knowing how but not
knowing why. We thought about the level of students‟ mathematical understanding in
Brunei Darussalam and decided to analyse it in one of the pre-universities.
According to Chan (2009), calculus is one of the most difficult topics in Paper 3
(Pure) Mathematics for teachers to teach and for students to learn. This had been
researched by Tall (1992) in which he claimed that whichever way calculus is
approached; there were difficult concepts which seemed to cause problems no matter
how they are taught. Chan (2009) further elaborated that the concepts were causing
cognitive difficulties not only to students but also teachers. In relation to the main study,
students in Brunei Darussalam may be facing these cognitive difficulties.
Idris (2009) claimed that many students have used the wrong methods in
Mathematics learning process as they think memorising rules and substituting numerals
into the chosen formula is the right way. Borasi and Rose (1989) further elaborated that
only a few students hope for meaningful Mathematics learning and only a small number
of them see Mathematics as requiring creative thinking. It is therefore no longer unusual
to find students who use procedures without understanding the situation. There is a
quote from Franklin in 1750 cited from the Northern Illinois University, “Tell me and I
forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Learning a particular
topic in Mathematics by listening and imitating the workings of the teacher may not lead
to understanding. Is it true that only a small number of students in Brunei Darussalam
hope for meaningful Mathematical learning and see Mathematics as requiring creative
As far as we know, there has not been much research conducted on students‟ level of
understanding in Calculus in Brunei Darussalam. However, this study could serve as a
continuation of Chan‟s research, which partly focuses on students‟ understanding of
Integration in Brunei Darussalam. Therefore, a study on exploring students‟
understanding in pre-university calculus was conducted, which specifically focused on
students‟ level of understanding based on Skemp‟s theory of understanding and also the
possible correlation between students‟ achievement and understanding.
Research methodology
Research design
This study involved a two cycled action research and the combination of quantitative
and qualitative methods to gather and analyse the data. The second cycle of action
research was carried out after the pre-test, which mainly focused on students‟
difficulties shown in the test. Furthermore, the topics were chosen from among students
in existing classes in order not to disturb the school routine.
7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
11-15 May 2015, Cebu City, Philippines
306 Students’ learning of college level calculus
The SPSS software was used to calculate the reliability of the data. The correlations
between students‟ results from the pre-test and post-test were generated based on
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, which gave a value of 0.889 (two-
tailed test at 1% significant level). The questions in the pre-test and post-test were
deliberately set differently (the questions were extracted from past GCE A-level papers
covering the same topics with the same levels of difficulty, such as∫ √ ( )
and∫ ( ) ) to avoid students memorising the workings. Apart from that, the
internal pre-test and post-test reliability were obtained using Cronbach‟s alpha reliability
coefficient. Table 2 below gives the reliability coefficients.
In order to support the above claim, results from the questionnaire were extracted (as
shown in Table 4). Majority (60%) of the 30 participants from both classes who
completed the questionnaire agreed that mathematics is a subject that required
memorising all the formulae and that they often have difficulties in answering calculus
questions. This shows that these students had procedural understanding with minimal
relational understanding in applying mathematical concepts to solve mathematical
problems, which caused them difficulties in answering the questions.
7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
11-15 May 2015, Cebu City, Philippines
308 Students’ learning of college level calculus
The second cycle of action research was carried out after the pre-test where the
researcher retaught concepts that mainly focused on students‟ difficulties as shown in
their pre-test. This was followed by a post-test. Table 5 below shows students‟ post-test
The mean score obtained by students in both classes increased and the standard
deviation for all the 7 questions in class A decreased. This proved that class A showed
greater improvement. In addition, all students in class A managed to answer questions 1,
3 and 7 correctly. Could students‟ understanding be attributed to these improvements?
To answer this question, student Y from class A was interviewed, and he stated “…the
questions are easy and looks alike… since we already know our mistakes and with
continuous practice, I don‟t think we will be making the same mistake over and over
again…” Questions 1, 3 and 7 only required students to use procedural skills without
7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
11-15 May 2015, Cebu City, Philippines
310 Students’ learning of college level calculus
any need of relational understanding. Thus, there is no evidence to suggest that students
have improved in their relational and logical understanding, which is derived from the
development of relational understanding.
Table 6 below shows the results of students‟ pre-test and post-test and the histogram
in Figure 4 was drawn to illustrate this finding. The results of the analysis (generated
through simple descriptive statistics) indicated that students in both classes showed
significant improvement in the calculus achievement test. Based on the given sample,
the findings show that instrumental understanding affects students‟ performance in as
much as instrumental understanding is the fundamental knowledge that one should have
in order to take this understanding to the next level (relational understanding). As stated
by Kim (2005), “there is a need to revisit earlier understandings and view them from a
different perspective in order to develop the next level of understanding” (p. 2).
Class A Class B
Figure 4. Students’ pre-test and post-test results
Consequently, students in both classes were not able to obtain full marks in
questions 2, 4, 5 and 6 because those are the questions that required not only procedural
skills but also students‟ understanding in representing relational and logical reasoning.
This could mean that students have insufficient understanding in applying fundamental
procedures in solving mathematical questions. Although some students scored well
using instrumental understanding, they could only answer the lower level questions,
suggesting that this type of understanding has limited effectiveness and application.
This research shows that students in this study have limited relational thinking at the
pre-university level. Although there was an improvement in conceptual knowledge, only
an insignificant increase was recorded. Perhaps, the learning of mathematics required
students to exhibit relational thinking rather than procedural knowledge but nonetheless,
learning of procedural knowledge should not be avoided. For example, in a simple
addition of 25 + 15, students will exhibit procedural skill of obtaining an answer of 40
but this does not imply students have limited relational and logical understanding. They
may have attained some understanding of the concepts of addition and why adding
always resulted in a solution that has a value more than the given and simply needed to
apply procedural understanding to obtain the correct solution. This is further supported
by a quote from Charles (1998), “full concept development appears to evolve over a
period of years” (p. 143). Thus, relational and logical thinking require students to build
from the fundamental knowledge (i.e. instrumental knowledge). Since only a sample of
two classes was taken, the findings could not be used to generalise the whole population
in Brunei Darussalam. Another common view held by students in this study was that
students categorised remembering a certain formula as understanding or part of
understanding. Further studies involving more concepts and larger populations from
different pre-university colleges of differing abilities are to be conducted in order to
have an insight on pre-university students‟ understanding throughout the nation.
Borasi, R. & Rose, B. J. (1989). Journal writing and mathematics instructions.
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 20, 347-365.
Brandt, R. (1993, April 7). On Teaching for Understanding: A Conversation with
Howard Gardner. Retrieved July 4, 2014, from ASCD:
Chan, S. (2009). The Effectiveness between Streaming and Non-Streaming 'A' - Level
Pure Mathematics (Paper 3) of Sixth Form Colleges in Brunei Darussalam.
Unpublished master‟s dissertation. Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Charles, M. P. (1998). A cross sectional investigation of the development of the
function concept. CBMS issues in mathematics education, 7, 114-162.
Field, A. P. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS. London: Sage.
Gordon, S. (2005). Discovering the chain rule graphically. Mathematics and Computer
Education, 39(3), 195-197.
Hiebert, J. & Carpenter, T. P. (1992). Learning and teaching with understanding. In D.
Grouws, Handbook for research in mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 65-97).
New York: MacMillian.
7th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
11-15 May 2015, Cebu City, Philippines
312 Students’ learning of college level calculus
Jordan Peng Horng Tan
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti
Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong, BE 1410,
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
Masitah Shahrill
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti
Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong, BE 1410,
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.