The of The Cohtroller of Lmports Certificate

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Government of the People,s Republic of Bangladesh

Office of the Chief Cohtroller of lmports and Exports
Export Registration Certificate (ERC)


Th s ls lo cert fy thaL untll Further orders SoNALI AANSH INDUSTRIEs LtM|TED, Address: 18 RAJUK
DHAKA'1000 s hereby regislered as an Exporter of office of the ch ef controller of lm[orts and Exports under the
jurisdiction oF
ofice of the contro ler of mports and Exports, Dhaka with follow ng terms and cond tions.

Company's Particulars:
1, E,TIN r 283496994197
2. Prev ous ERC No : B 008624
3. Nominated Bank Narne & Branch iSonali Bank Ltd., Foreign Exchange
4. First lssue Date : 24 August, 1983
5. Valld up to i 30 ,une, 2021
6. Last Updated Date : 10 August, 2020
'['erms & conditiou:

Md, Rezaul Karim

1 This Executive Officer
Registration Certiftcate will have to be renewed every Office of the Controller of
financial year.
lmports and Exports,
2. Prohibited goods cannot be exported and if the case of Dhaka
controlled/restricted goods, all the terms and condit ofs of the Nationai Sports Counc I
export pollcy order should be maintained properly. (NSC) Tower, 6213,
Level-14, Purana Paltan

3. w thout any pernl ssion of the chlef controller of lmports & Exports or any other officer authorized
by h m, This Registratron
Certificate aa n not be transferred.
4. lf any mporter Exporter & lndentor violates any provisions of the lmporters, Exporters &
1981 or any other laws, the reg stration may be suspended or cancelied.
ndentors (Registration) Order,

5. Any k nd of fraud' forgery and misdeclaration is punishable under cT Acl,

2006 and ln such cases the registration rnay be
suspended ot cancel ed by the authority.
6. The aulhor ty reserves the right to cancel the registration certificate at any
time without assigning any reason whatsoever.

N-Bi Ih!' is a Eyste!fi qenerated certitcate requires no manual siqnature.

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