The of The Cohtroller of Lmports Certificate
The of The Cohtroller of Lmports Certificate
The of The Cohtroller of Lmports Certificate
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Th s ls lo cert fy thaL untll Further orders SoNALI AANSH INDUSTRIEs LtM|TED, Address: 18 RAJUK
DHAKA'1000 s hereby regislered as an Exporter of office of the ch ef controller of lm[orts and Exports under the
jurisdiction oF
ofice of the contro ler of mports and Exports, Dhaka with follow ng terms and cond tions.
Company's Particulars:
1, E,TIN r 283496994197
2. Prev ous ERC No : B 008624
3. Nominated Bank Narne & Branch iSonali Bank Ltd., Foreign Exchange
4. First lssue Date : 24 August, 1983
5. Valld up to i 30 ,une, 2021
6. Last Updated Date : 10 August, 2020
'['erms & conditiou:
3. w thout any pernl ssion of the chlef controller of lmports & Exports or any other officer authorized
by h m, This Registratron
Certificate aa n not be transferred.
4. lf any mporter Exporter & lndentor violates any provisions of the lmporters, Exporters &
1981 or any other laws, the reg stration may be suspended or cancelied.
ndentors (Registration) Order,