Research Paper Open Access
Research Paper Open Access
Research Paper Open Access
ABSTRACT : The purpose of this study is to explain the influence of organizational climate on employee
performance, the influence of intrinsic motivation on employee performance, the influence of organizational
climate on intrinsic motivation, and the role of intrinsic motivation in mediating the influence of organizational
climate on employee performance. The population in this study were all non-permanent employees of the Office
of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung, Bali,
amounted of 57 people. Saturated sampling technique is used in sampling which provides equal opportunities
for each element of the population to be selected as members of the sample. The analysis technique used is the
path analysis. The results show that organizational climate has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance, intrinsic motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, organizational
climate has a positive and significant effect on intrinsic motivation, and intrinsic motivation is able to mediate
the influence of organizational climate on employee performance
Keywords -employee performance, intrinsic motivation, organizational climate
Human resources are valuable assets or assets owned by an organization, because the success of the
organization is largely determined by the human element. “Human resource management is the art of regulating
the relationship and role of the workforce to be effective and efficient in helping the realization of agency goals.
Employee performance is the result of work both in quality and quantity achieved by a person in carrying out
tasks according to given responsibilities”(Almasri, 2017). In general, there are three main sources that influence
employee performance, including individual factors, organizational factors and environmental factors.
Employee performance conditions can be seen from several points of view, including: task performance, for
example the ability to determine work priorities; contextual performance, for example the ability to collaborate
and work with colleagues; adaptive performance, for example work-related adaptability (Arifin et al., 2019).
One of the factors that can affect employee performance is a conducive organizational climate that
provides a sense of security and allows employees to work optimally. It takes a conducive organizational
climate to support the implementation of employee duties. Organizational climate is an important factor in
efforts to improve employee performance in the company. The higher the organizational climate, the higher the
employee performance (Triastuti, 2019). Putra & Mujiati (2020)show that “organizational climate has a positive
and significant effect on employee performance.” In addition, the results of the correlation analysis show that
there is a positive relationship between organizational climate, innovative climate, and cooperation climate with
employee performance (Atta et al., 2019). The increasing influence of organizational climate on employee
performance can occur because of the intrinsic motivation that comes from within employees to work better, so
that the organizational climate conditions remain conducive.
Intrinsic motivation is motivation that arises from within the individual himself without coercion or
encouragement from others, but on the basis of his own will. Employees who have high motivation will try to do
as much as possible the goals set by the company. Motivation causes and supports human behavior in order to
work more actively and enthusiastically to achieve optimal results. Motivation in question includes motivation
that comes from within employees which is often called intrinsic motivation. Employee intrinsic motivation will
increase if the organizational climate is conducive. Laksmana & Riana (2020)found that there is a very
significant relationship between organizational climate and intrinsic motivation. Indah & Riana (2020)found that
statistically organizational climate has a significant effect on intrinsic motivation. Leaders can create a
conducive organizational climate for employees, so that the intrinsic motivation that arises from within
employees will be greater
AJHSSR Journal P a g e | 101
American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2021
This research was conducted at the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's
Empowerment and Child Protection in Badung, Bali which has 57 non-permanent employees. The results of the
pre-research study found an indication of the low performance of non- permanent employees. The low
performance of non-permanent employees can be seen from the lack of success in managing work plan (task
performance); less willing to take challenging jobs (contextual performance); they find it difficult to adapt to
changes in the work environment (adaptive performance). The reason for the indication of low employee
performance is due to additional work so that employees have to work outside the predetermined working hours,
as well as additional administrative work so that it is difficult for non-permanent employees to regulate the
priority of the work carried out. However, with the increase in jobs and demands for non-permanent employees,
the lack of opportunities for promotion and a lack of comfort among co-workers(Bauw & Gunawati, 2018)
Based on the problems studied, this study is classified as an associative causality research, which is a
study that aims to determine the effect of the cause and effect of the variables under study. This study aims to
examine and explain the role of intrinsic motivation in mediating the influence of organizational climate and on
employee performance. “The research object in this study is organizational climate (X), intrinsic motivation (Z)
and employee performance (Y).The population in this study were all non-permanent employees of the Office of
Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung, Bali,
amounted of 57 people. The sampling technique in this research is saturated sampling technique. The data
collection method used in this study was a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be distributed online via
Google Form and analyzed by path analysis”
“The β2 value of 0.266 means that organizational climate has a positive effect on employee performance,
if the organizational climate variable increases, the employee performance variable increases by 0.266. The β3
value of 0.577 means that intrinsic motivation has a positive effect on employee performance, this means that if
the intrinsic motivation variable increases, the employee performance variable will increase by 0.577. The
magnitude of the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable as indicated by the total
determination value (R square) of 0.627 means that 62.7 percent of the variation in employee performance is
influenced by variations in organizational climate and intrinsic motivation, while the remaining 37.3 percent is
explained by other factors. that was not included in the model.”
“The path coefficient value of the direct influence of organizational climate on intrinsic motivation is
0.723. This result indicates that organizational climate has a direct positive effect on intrinsic motivation. The
path coefficient value of the direct influence of organizational climate on employee performance is 0.266. These
results indicate that organizational climate has a direct positive effect on employee performance. The path
coefficient value of the direct influence of intrinsic motivation on employee performance is 0.577. These results
indicate that directly intrinsic motivation has a positive effect on employee performance. The value of the path
coefficient of direct influence of intrinsic motivation in mediating the influence of organizational climate on
intrinsic motivation is 0.417. These results indicate that organizational climate has an indirect effect on
employee performance through intrinsic motivation.”
“Based on the results of the analysis of organizational climate on employee performance, a significance
value of 0.031 is obtained with a beta coefficient value of 0.266. A significance value of 0.031 <0.05 indicates
that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. The results in this study mean that organizational climate has a positive
and significant effect on employee performance. This shows that the better the organizational climate will
improve employee performance. Organizational climate which is measured based on indicators: responsibility,
individual identity in the organization, warmth among employees, support, conflict, leadership quality, trust,
communication, fair rewards and control can affect the performance of Employees of the Office of Population
Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung, the results of this
study indicate if the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child
Protection Service of Badung is able to build a good organizational climate which will improve employee
performance. Organizational climate is an important factor in efforts to improve employee performance in
agencies. Climate cannot be seen and touched, but climate is there and can be felt, climate is influenced by
almost everything that happens in an organization. Organizational climate can be defined as the environmental
atmosphere, both the physical environment and the social work environment that can be felt by people involved
in agency activities, either directly or indirectly, which are created due to the cultural conditions of the
“Based on the results of the analysis of intrinsic motivation on employee performance obtained a
significance value of 0.000 with a beta coefficient value of 0.577. A significance value of 0.000 <0.05 indicates
that H0 is rejected and H2 is accepted. The results in this study mean that intrinsic motivation has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance. This shows that the higher the intrinsic motivation of employees,
the higher the performance of Employees of the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s
Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung. Intrinsic motivation which is measured based on
indicators: achievement, appreciation, responsibility, self-development, loyalty, encouragement, and achieving
goals can affect the performance of Employees of the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s
Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung. The results of these studies indicate that if the Office of
Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung is able
to increase the intrinsic motivation of employees, it will increase employee performance. Intrinsic motivation is
a drive from within the individual. Motivation is the key to a successful organization to maintain work
continuity in the organization (Pamela & Oloko, 2015). The stronger the intrinsic motivation a person has, the
more likely employees are to show strong behavior to achieve goals”
“Based on the results of the analysis of organizational climate on intrinsic motivation, a significance
value of 0.000 was obtained with a beta coefficient value of 0.723. A significance value of 0.000 <0.05 indicates
that H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted. The results in this study mean that organizational climate has a positive
and significant effect on intrinsic motivation. This shows that the better the organizational climate will increase
the intrinsic motivation of employees in Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s
Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung. Organizational climate as measured by indicators:
responsibility, individual identity in the organization, warmth among employees, support, conflict, leadership
quality, trust, communication, fair rewards and control can affect intrinsic motivation in Office of Population
Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung. The results of
these studies indicate that if the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and
Child Protection Service of Badung is able to have the intrinsic motivation of employees, it will improve
employee performance. Organizational climate is broadly the perception of organizational members
(individually and in groups) and those who are constantly in touch with the organization regarding things
happening in the organization's internal environment on a regular basis, which affects the attitudes and behavior
of the organization and the performance of organizational members which then determines the performance of
the organization. This means that the better the organizational climate, the higher the intrinsic motivation, on the
contrary the worse the organizational climate, the lower the intrinsic motivation (Laksmana & Riana, 2020)”
“Based on the results of testing the fourth hypothesis H4, the Z value is 2.194 which is greater than the Z
table value of 1.96, this indicates that H4 is acceptable, so it means that intrinsic motivation is able to mediate
the influence of organizational climate on employee performance in other words organizational climate.
indirectly influence employee performance through intrinsic motivation. Office of Population Control, Family
Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung, being able to build a good
organizational climate will increase the intrinsic motivation of employees, so that it will improve employee
The results of this study indicate that “the organizational climate has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance, meaning that the better the organizational climate, the better the employee performance
in Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of
Badung. Intrinsic motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, meaning that the
higher the employee's intrinsic motivation, the higher the employee's performance in Office of Population
Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung. Organizational
climate has a positive and significant effect on intrinsic motivation, meaning that the better the organizational
climate will increase the intrinsic motivation of employees in Office of Population Control, Family Planning,
Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung. Intrinsic motivation partially mediates the
influence of organizational climate on employee performance. This shows that the influence of organizational
climate on employee performance is strengthened by the inclusion of intrinsic motivation as a mediator.”
The office is expected to pay more attention to the quality of the organizational climate by building
communication in order to establish better relationships between superiors and among employees, currently
building interactions can be done with virtual meetings using the help of the zoom or webex meeting
application. Besides that, building warmth between employees can also be done by holding joint activities such
as outbound, group worship and recreation when things are normal.
The office is expected to give awards to employees who excel and opportunities to develop themselves at
work. In addition, it is hoped that the head of the agency will provide compensation if non-permanent
employees work outside working hours. If possible the award is given in the form of extending employee
contact. By giving awards, non-permanent employees will be motivated / motivated to work better.
The office is expected to make a job description for each non-permanent employee so that when the non-
permanent employee is encouraged to do work outside the job description, the employee can put aside the
appeal to stay focused on his job, and the call can be done after his main task is completed.
This research has several limitations such as the scope of this research is only in the Office of Population
Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service of Badung, so that the results
of the study cannot be generalized to respondents in other areas. This research can still be developed by
changing the subject of this study, because this research will certainly give different results when the variables
used as research material are changed. This research is only conducted within a certain period (cross-section),
while the environment can change at any time (dynamic), so this research needs to be carried out again in the
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