Distribution Lineman: Textbook For Class XI

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Distribution Lineman

(Job Role)

Qualification Pack: Ref. Id. PSS/Q0102

Sector: Power

Textbook for Class XI

Prelims.indd 1 07-06-2019 16:38:51

ISBN 978-93-5292-145-4


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Prelims.indd 2 07-06-2019 16:38:51


The National Curriculum Framework–2005 (NCF–2005) recommends

bringing work and education into the domain of the curricular, infusing
it in all areas of learning while giving it an identity of its own at relevant
stages. It explains that work transforms knowledge into experience and
generates important personal and social values such as self-reliance,
creativity and cooperation. Through work one learns to find one’s place
in the society. It is an educational activity with an inherent potential
for inclusion. Therefore, an experience of involvement in productive
work in an educational setting will make one appreciate the worth of
social life and what is valued and appreciated in society. Work involves
interaction with material or other people (mostly both), thus creating
a deeper comprehension and increased practical knowledge of natural
substances and social relationships.
Through work and education, school knowledge can be easily linked
to learners’ life outside the school. This also makes a departure from
the legacy of bookish learning and bridges the gap between the school,
home, community and the workplace. The NCF – 2005 also emphasises
on Vocational Education and Training (VET) for all those children
who wish to acquire additional skills and/or seek livelihood through
vocational education after either discontinuing or completing their
school education. VET is expected to provide a ‘preferred and dignified’
choice rather than a terminal or ‘last-resort’ option.
As a follow-up of this, NCERT has attempted to infuse work across
the subject areas and also contributed in the development of the
National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) for the country, which
was notified on 27 December 2013. It is a quality assurance framework
that organises all qualifications according to levels of knowledge, skills
and attitude. These levels, graded from one to ten, are defined in terms of
learning outcomes, which the learner must possess regardless of whether
they are obtained through formal, non-formal or informal learning.
The NSQF sets common principles and guidelines for a nationally
recognised qualification system covering Schools, Vocational Education
and Training Institutions, Technical Education Institutions, Colleges
and Universities.

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It is under this backdrop that Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central
Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal, a constituent of
NCERT has developed learning outcomes based modular curricula for
the vocational subjects from Classes IX to XII. This has been developed
under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Vocationalisation of Secondary
and Higher Secondary Education of the Ministry of Human Resource
This textbook has been developed as per the learning outcomes
based curriculum, keeping in view the National Occupational Standards
(NOS) for the job role and to promote experiential learning related to
the vocation. This will enable the students to acquire necessary skills,
knowledge and attitude.
I acknowledge the contribution of the development team, reviewers
and all the institutions and organisations, which have supported in the
development of this textbook.
NCERT would welcome suggestions from students, teachers and
parents, which would help us to further improve the quality of the
material in subsequent editions.

New Delhi National Council of Educational
June 2018 Research and Training


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Power is one of the most critical components of infrastructure and

crucial for the welfare of the nations. Power sector plays a vital role in
the economic growth and human development of any country. Electricity
consumption is one of the most important indices for measuring the
development level of a nation.
India has the fifth largest power generation capacity in the world.
The country ranks third globally in terms of electricity production. As
per the 13th Five Year Plan, India is targeting a total of 100 GW of power
capacity addition by 2022. In order to meet the increasing demand for
electricity in the country, massive addition to the installed generating
capacity is required for efficient and effective production of goods and
Power Sector Skill Council (PSSC) has been created with a mandate
to facilitate skill development across the Power Industry (covering Power
Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Renewable Energy and Power
Equipment Manufacturing). Pursuing an ambitious target to skill, train
and certify over four million workforce in Power Industry over next decade.
PSSC has developed 11 National Occupational Standards/Qualification
Packs (NOS/QPs).
This textbook has been developed for preparation of manpower in
power sector for Distribution Lineman job role in the school system.
Distribution Lineman is an important job role in the installation and
repair of electrical lines, fittings and fixtures. A Distribution Lineman
technician is responsible for installation, minor repair maintenance and
servicing of power line in housing, commercial and institutional setups.
This textbook has been developed with the contribution from the
subject and industry experts and academicians for making it a useful
and inspiring teaching-learning resource material for the students of
vocational education. Adequate care has been taken to align the content
of the textbook with the National Occupational Standards (NOSs) for the

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job role so that the students acquire necessary knowledge and skills as
per the performance criteria mentioned in the respective NOSs of the
Qualification Pack (QP). The textbook has been reviewed by experts so
as to make sure that the content is not only aligned with the NOSs, but
is also of good quality. The NOSs for the job role of Distribution Lineman
Technician covered through this textbook are as follows:
1. PSS/N 0105 (Repair and maintenance of power distribution lines and
2. PSS/N 0107 (Operation and maintenance of 11/0.433 KV Distribution
3. PSS/N 2001 (Use of basic health and safety practices for power
related work )
4. CSC/N 1336 (Work effectively with others)

Unit 1 of the textbook discusses electricity. Unit 2 focuses on

the handling of tools and equipment used by distribution linemen.
Unit 3 deals with electrical wiring components and accessories. Unit 4
explains the repair and maintenance of power distribution lines.
This book could not be completed without the support of Power Sector
Skill Council (PSSC), New Delhi. I hope this textbook will be useful
for students and teachers who will opt for this job role. Any further
suggestions for improving this textbook are always welcome.

Department of Engineering and Technology

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Dipak D. Shudhalwar, Associate Professor (CSE) and Head, Department
of Engineering and Technology, PSSCIVE, NCERT, Bhopal
Gaurav Kathel, Former Consultant, PSSCIVE, Bhopal
R. Vishwanathan Iyer, Deputy General Manager (Retd), Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited, Bhopal
Sandeep Ratnere, Work Experience Teacher (Electrical), Regional Institute
of Education, Bhopal
S.P. Tiwari, Lecturer, Government Higher Secondary School, Bina,
Madhya Pradesh
Sunanda Kumari, Assistant Programmer, OIST, Bhopal

Saurabh Prakash, Professor, Department of Engineering and Technology,

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The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

expresses its gratitude to all members of the Project Approval Board
(PAB) and officials of the Ministry of Human Resource Development
(MHRD), Government of India, for their cooperation in the development of
this textbook. The Council also extends gratitude to all the contributors
for sharing their expertise and valuable time by positively responding
to the request for the development of this textbook. The Council
extends gratitude to the review committee members V. B. Bhatia, Retd.
Professor, NCERT, New Delhi, Kanihya Lal, Retd. Professor, NCERT, New
Delhi and V. P. Srivastava, Retd. Professor, NCERT, New Delhi for their
valuable suggestions. The Council also expresses its gratitude towards
Rajesh Khambayat, Joint Director, PSS Central Institute of Vocational
Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal, for providing support and guidance in
the development of this textbook. We are thankful to Saurabh Prakash,
Professor for some of the images used in this book. The images used
other than these are under Creative Commons License. Kuldeep Gurjar,
Junior Project Fellow, Department of Engineering and Technology,
PSSCIVE, Bhopal, are also duly acknowledged for their contribution in
the development of this textbook for vocational skills.
The Council is grateful to Saroj Yadav, Professor and Dean (A),
NCERT, and Ranjana Arora, Professor and Head, Department of
Curriculum Studies, for carefully evaluating and giving suggestions
for the improvement of this book and its finalisation. The Council
acknowledges the copy editing and valuable contribution of Soumma
Chandra, Assistant Editor (Contractual) and Shilpa Mohan, Assistant
Editor (Contractual) in shaping this book. The efforts of Pawan Kumar
Barriar, DTP Operator, Neha Pal, DTP Operator (Contractual) and
Naresh Kumar, DTP Operator (Contractual), Publication Division,
Vikas Kumar Kogey, Graphic Designer, Pinki Tiwari, Graphic Artist,
Akhilesh Kashiv, Computer Operator, PSSCIVE, NCERT, for flawless
layout design are also acknowledged.

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Foreword iii
About the Textbook v
Acronymns x
Unit 1: Electricity 1
Session 1: Electricity Generation Concept 2
Session 2: Basic Units and Effects of Electric Current 9
Session 3: Concept of Electrical Power and Energy 18
Session 4: Importance of Earthing System 22
Unit 2: Handling of Tools and Equipment 32
Session 1: Tools and Equipment 32
Session 2: Tools and Equipment used for Cable Laying 35
Unit 3: Electrical Wiring Components and Accessories 42
Session 1: Identifying and Selecting the Wiring Materials 42
and Components
Session 2: ICTP Switch and Distribution Board 49
Session 3: Workplace Health and Safety Measures 57
Unit 4: Repair and Maintenance of Power Distribution 63
Session 1: Preparation for Repair and Maintenance of 63
Power Distribution Lines
Session 2: Specific Terminology in Distribution Line 80
Session 3: Construction Activities 85
Session 4: Distribution Line Maintenance 116
Answer Key 128
Glossary 132
List of Credits 133

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AC: Air Conditioner

AC: Alternating Current
ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter
BIS: Bureau of Indian Standards
BS: British Standards
CEA: Central Electricity Authority
CT: Current Transformer
CTR: Current Transformer Ratio
CTS: Cabe Tyre Sheath
CVT: Capacitor Voltage Transformer
DC: Direct Current
EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory
ELPD: Earth Leakage Protective Device
ELT: Earth Leakage Temper
GI: Galvanised Iron
HT: High Tension
HV: High Voltage
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
KCL: Kirchhoff’s Current Law
KVL: Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
LED: Light-emitting Diode
LT: Low Tension
LV: Low Voltage
MCB: Miniature Circuit Breaker
MDB: Main Distribution Board
MDI: Maximum Demand Indicator
MRI: Meter Reading Instrument
PD: Potential Difference
PT: Potential Transformer
PVC: Polymerising Vinyl Chloride
REV: Revolution
RST: Referred for Phase Sequence
RTC: Real Time Clock
SWG: Standard Wire Gauge
T&P: Tools and Plants
TRS: Tough Rubber Sheath
TV: Television
VIR: Vulcanised Indian Rubber
VT: Voltage Transformer

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