Health Teaching PID

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Topic: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

General objectives: After 1 hour of SN-Patient teaching-learning activities, the patient will be able to acquire knowledge about Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease.

Specific Objectives Learning content Teaching learning Time Resources Evaluation

activities Allotment
After 45 mins of After 45 mins of student-
student-nurse nurse interaction, the patient
interaction, the patient was able to defined PID,
will be able to: Enumerated how to manage
the symptoms of PID, and
1. Define Pelvic Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is - One on 45 minutes -Visual Aids know the medications of PID.
Inflammatory an infection of the female one - Handouts
Disease reproductive organs. It most often discussion - Brochure
occurs when sexually transmitted .
bacteria spread from the vagina to - Health
the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. teaching

2. How to manage Antibiotics. The doctor will prescribe

the symptoms a combination of antibiotics to start
of Pelvic immediately. After receiving the lab
Inflammatory test results, the doctor might adjust
Disease the prescription to better match
what's causing the infection. Patients’
likely follow up with the doctor after
three days to make sure the
treatment is working. Be sure to take
all of your medication, even if they
start to feel better after a few days.

Treatment for the partner. To

prevent reinfection with an STI, your
sexual partner or partners should be
examined and treated. Infected
partners might not have any
noticeable symptoms.

Temporary abstinence. Avoid sexual

intercourse until treatment is
completed and symptoms have

Surgical treatment may involve

unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy or
hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-
oophorectomy. Ideally, the operation
is performed after the acute infection
and inflammation have resolved. In
patients with recurrent PID, dense
pelvic adhesions may render surgery

3. What are the Broad-spectrum antibiotic

medications? therapy is prescribed, usually a
combination of ceftriaxone
(Ceftin), azithromycin, or
doxycycline. Women with mild
infections may be treated as
outpatients, but hospitalization
may be necessary. Intensive
therapy includes bed rest,
intravenous (IV) fluids, and IV
antibiotic therapy. If the patient
has abdominal distention or ileus,
nasogastric intubation and suction
are initiated. Careful monitoring of
vital signs and symptoms assists in
evaluating the status of the
infection. Treatment of sexual
partners is necessary to prevent

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