Bab 2
Bab 2
Bab 2
This chapter is divided into several parts. First is the review of theoretical
studies; it contains quotations and definitions related to title of the research. Second
is the review of previous studies; it describes related studies conducted in the past.
learning make user can access course material everywhere via internet. Using e-
learning can encourage and improve learner’s interaction in the class. Based on
Agarwal & Pandey (2012), e-learning focuses on the use of technology in learning
purpose. Sangrà (2012) said, e-learning can be defined as natural evolution of
distance learning which utilizes newest tool in technological context for
arrangement in education.
classroom and it refers to learning that delivered online. E-learning makes learning
process easier, such as, sharing material or file, submit tasks, and do quizes. E-
learning also has been applied in many institutions (e.g. school and university).
Through e-learning, both teacher and students can easily communicate. Also,
teacher can give feedback on the asssignment via online class platform.
synchronous and asynchronous. These two types have their own pros and cons.
Appropriate technique for students depends on how they absorb information. Based
while asynchronous is learning that can be done even both teacher and student are
offline. Shahabadia & Uplane (2015) said that synchronous is e-learning that
usually scheduled in a real-time and the learning experiences are also live. Whereas
source to facilitate many kinds of information without thinking about time and
The main benefit of synchronous e-learning is to enable students in avoiding
feeling insulated in communicating with others during learning process, but not
flexible about time. Students should put aside their time to attend the online session
live and real-time. This type of e-learning is not suitable for busy people. While
asynchronous e-learning makes students able to follow the curicullum with their
own desire without worrying about schedule. This type of e-learning is appropriate
for students who like to arrange schedule of learning by themselves and can choose
where and when they can continue their learning. It makes students feel insulated
collaboration; also teacher can create and distribute assignments for students in an
online classroom for free (Beal, 2017). It makes teachers simply build groups to
share assignments and announcements. Google Classroom can be a tool that makes
learners become active participants. Nagele (2017) said, teachers can create active
categories and including adult learners. It also has some benefits such as paperless,
and from any devices, to communicate between teachers and students, to give
feedback to students, and personalized learning. It has a learning feature that makes
teachers create and handle assignments actively and also provide feedback to
students. Google Classroom makes it easier for teachers to handle students work. It
is really beneficial for both teachers and students, because it is easy and simple to
Google Classroom may still be unfamiliar for some people. Therefore, here
is a guide line how to use Google Classroom properly for better understanding
based on (Google, 2018). First, login using and log in using
Google Apps for Education account with institution e-mail address. To create the
very first class, click on the “+” button next to the e-mail address. “Create class”
will appear and then press on it. After that, add a class name. Teacher can add the
details about the class, such as, description and instructions for students in the
“about” tab, and also Google Drive folder for classroom materials and can attach
outline course and lesson plan. Finally, the class is ready and students can freely
join if they have institutional Google accounts and they should find class code in
operated. First, one can create announcement. Teacher can give announcements
about the update of the class in this section. They can attach files and class materials
as well. Secondly, create assignment. This is the most substantial feature in Google
Classroom. Teacher can upload assignments for student within due time to submit.
Student also can download materials that have been uploaded by teacher to finish
their task. Third, create question. In this section, student can create question to be
discussed with teacher or other students if allowed by teacher. Fourth, re-use post.
Important post can be use by teacher in this section, such as, announcement,
Google Classroom has copious facilities which are beneficial for its users. A
few of them are user friendly, cost free, cell phone friendly, and time saving. Using
design purposefully simplifies the instructional interface and options used for
notifications". Using Google Classroom does not need any cost. It is free for
anyone. Although users have institutional Google Account, they still can use it for
free. Anyone can use Google classroom on any mobile device as long as there is
internet connection, because it designs to be fast respond. Janzen (2014) also states
that "mobile access to learning materials that are attractive and easy to interact with
Classroom both teacher and student can save their time. According to Iftakhar
(2016), it integrates other Google apps, like, Docs, Slides, Drive and Spreadsheets.
Some of them as mentioned by Pappas (2015) are limited integration option, too
difficult for teacher to manage teaching materials and to set deadline for
or any other calendar. Some of Google Classrooms’ buttons are only familiar for
Google users. It can make new user feeling confused or needing more time to deal
with it. That is why Pappas define Google Classroom as too “googlish”. There is
announcement because they should refresh it regularly. Also, students can not share
their documents to others without permission from teacher. Learners can only edit
assignment after they create and distribute to Google Classroom. They can keep
thing for students and teachers because it is easy to use, efficient, effective, better
for the environment, and enable collaboration between teacher and student becomes
easier. With Google Classroom, learning process can be effective and efficient
because students and teachers can access Google Classroom anytime and anywhere
Media refers to material that presented with words and pictures so that students
can better understand the material if it is presented with words and also pictures
rather than with words. According to Sariffudin (2013), in general, learning media
means teaching and learning tool which can be used to stimulate skills of learners,
thoughts and feeling, therefore to facilitate the learning process. Based on Mateer (2018), media can be important in active learning such as group discussions or
case studies. example of media can include a film, song or newspaper article, even
students can make their own media. Media is an important component in the
learning system, the communication process will not run optimally in learning
Table 2.1
teacher engaged in class. Based on Williams (2018), role of media in classroom are;
appeal to multiple learing styles, create an authentic learning experience,
(2003) stated that media can give effect on students’ modalities, motivationbehavior
management, reaching higher levels of thought, and real world applications. Thus,
as; media can gain students’ attention and maintain students’ interest, students can
sharpen their analytical skills, enable students to see concepts and new examples,
experience world beyond their own. In addition to numerous advantages, there are
also a number of cautions that should keep in mind in utilizing media. The
challenges of using media according to Perez (2015) are; how to implement media
Finally, using media in clasroom make students aware with the changing of
access about the material, gain information, but students can value and become wise
There are some previous researches which are relevant to this study. First,
research from Shaharanee (2016) did a research about the effectiveness of
Google Classroom’s active learning activities for data mining subject under the
populations for this research were students who enrolled in data mining subject
where the class was taught in a computer lab. In order to have random selection
method, simple random sampling had been applied when choosing the sample. The
satisfaction. Demographic questions covered gender, marital status, course, and the
average on internet accessed. In order to develop the questionnaire, the Internet self-
efficacy scale was developed by Eastin & LaRose and used as reference. A total of
100 valid unduplicated responses from students who enrolled in data mining subject
were used in this study. The results indicated that the majority of students felt satisfy
with Google Classroom’s tools that were introduced in the class. Results of data
analysis showed that all ratios are above averages. In particular, comparative
The second study is from Iftakhar (2016), the study is about what and how
Google Classroom works. The purpose of this study is to report the overall view of
Google Classroom from different class. This research presents brief features of
social, personal and technological) have been reassessed for the research purpose.
The research questions are a) What factors influence teacher to use Google
Classroom? b) How does teacher use Google Classroom in their teaching? c) What
are the barriers to use Google Classroom? D) What are students' responses to the
Google Classroom? The analysis of the results of the questionnaire indicate that this
study can be effective in understanding and evaluating teachers' and learners'
perceptive to ensure quality teaching and learning through Google classroom. This
study also presents some new evidence on the potential of Google classrooms in
teaching. This study used interview and observations to collect the data. The
interviews were conducted with seven teachers: four males and three females. Three
teachers are from BBA Department, one teacher is from LLB, two teachers are from
English Department and one from CSE. 35 students also selected from English
Department. The total respondents were 42. The result of the study shows that from
teachers’ perspective, they agree that Google Classroom is very usefull. From
students’ perspective, some said that Google Classroom is also helpfull, while
others stated that they scared and instructed when using Google Classroom.
The third study is from Wijaya (2016). The study is about analysis of factors
affecting on the use of Google Classroom to support lecturers. The study was
developed by adopting the model of TAM to see from both the perception in the
TAM that affect the use of Google Classroom by some students STT Musi.
Population of this research is the students who are already using Google Classroom
purposive sampling technique to all students active in the odd academic year 2014-
2015. Results from this study showed that the of perceived Easy of Use and
And both these perceptions also jointly affect the use of Google Classroom.
The last one is from student of English Language Education Department,
Islamic University of Indonesia, consist of 3 batches there are 2014, 2015 and
2016. The result of the research can be interpreted as the students feel that most
challenging aspect in using Google Classroom is not very helpful for them to
minimize their time and effort in doing and collecting the assignment.
variable, subjects of the study, participants, and methodology used. In this study,
the researcher adopts the Shaharanee (2016) questionnaire because the
questionnaire is reliable with value above 0.90. This research aims to identify
research used quantitative method. Those researches are relevant with this study
because those researches also examining about Google Classroom; thus, they can
be used as references.
In essence, the main topic of this research is to identify what are the
Department as one of a learning tool. The researcher used survey method to reach
the data and the research conduct on the students of batch 2014, 2015, 2016, and
-Perceived Usefulness
-Perceived Communication and
- Perceived Satisfaction
Figure 1. Theoretical Framework
In discussing this title, the researcher finds several terms that need further
(Simpson, 2002)
Sciences, Islamic University of