Computational Thinking: Talking Point
Computational Thinking: Talking Point
Computational Thinking: Talking Point
Visual programming languages such as Scratch and Alice are gaining popularity as tools to promote CT in the classroom.
Due to their strong pedagogical link to constructionism6, these tools encourage learners to create artefacts (i.e. graphics
and animation) and thereby the development of CT concepts, practices and perspectives. Research suggests that child-
friendly programming languages such as these are typically easy enough for beginners to pick up computer science
concepts (low-floor) while allowing them to create sophisticated programs (high-ceiling)9. In the process, learners explore
CT concepts through experimentation or tinkering. Higher-attaining learners usually tinker more, suggesting that this
approach might be more appropriate for them10 whilst more scaffolding may be needed with lower-attaining learners. To
avoid hindering conceptual understanding, learners should be encouraged to explain their thought processes in their own
language before coding. This ensures that thinking processes are equally valued as outcomes11 12.
IMPLICATIONS: Visual programming languages are good introductory tools for learners to practice CT skills while
learning basic computer science concepts
Whilst it is beneficial to higher-attaining learners to use problems that facilitate tinkering, it is important to provide more
scaffolding for lower-attaining learners
Teachers should ask learners to explain their thought processes explicitly prior to block-based coding so that thinking
skills are both valued and fostered
The approaches above emphasise the hardware and programming aspect of CT; ‘unplugged’ activities provide alternative
ways to develop learners’ problem-solving skills in CT13. For example, using playful board (or paper-based) games,
competitions, and ‘magic’ tricks demonstrate CT processes14 (see This approach may be particularly
useful for schools that do not have other resources or infrastructure in place (i.e. computers, technological devices, trained
computing teachers). CT concepts delivered by unplugged activities can be embedded in diverse subject areas, or used
towards transitioning to plugged-in activities15. Teachers and students consider CT unplugged lessons as a good alternative
to regular, on-line computer science class16 and research suggests that learners who took part in unplugged activities
improved their CT skills significantly compared with learners who did not17.
IMPLICATIONS: ‘Unplugged’ activities such as engaging board games are alternative ways to deliver CT concepts
without the requirement of a computer
They can be an economical way to enhance CT skills, which could be particularly useful for schools that have
fewer resources
Teachers and students find unplugged activities a motivating way to learn CT—this motivation extends to increased
interest and confidence in learning computer science and mathematics
1. Wing, J. M. (2006). Computational thinking. Communications of the 8. Witherspoon, E. B., Higashi, R. M., Schunn, C. D., Baehr, E. C., & 13. Looi, C.-K., How, M.-L., Longkai, W., Seow, P., & Liu, L. (2018).
ACM, 49(3), 33-35. Shoop, R. (2017). Developing computational thinking through a virtual Analysis of linkages between an unplugged activity and the
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2. National Research Council. (2011). Report of a workshop on the Education (TOCE), 18(1),1-20. Education, 28(3), 255–279.
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7. Penmetcha, M. R. (2012). Exploring the effectiveness of robotics as Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Thinking thinking skills through unplugged activities in primary school.
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