Data Monetization: A Definition

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Data Monetization: A Definition

Data monetization is the process of using data to raise revenue. The highest-
functioning and fastest-growing companies have adopted data monetization
and made it a vital part of their strategy.

Direct data monetization includes selling direct access to your data to third
parties. You can advertise it in raw form, or you can sell it in a form that’s
already transformed into analysis and insights. Typical cases may be contact
lists of potential business prospects or findings that impact on buyers’
industries and businesses.

Good data monetization guarantees that you get the most value from your
data by increasing profits, lowering costs, and enhancing opportunities for
your organization, your businesses and your partners. Data monetization:

 Improves use of data

 Extracts more, and better visions for you, your customers and partners.
 Streamlines decision-making and development.
 Improves data sharing and cooperation between internal and external
 Strengthens alliances.
 Improves operational productivity and proficiency.
 Reduces operating expenditures.
 Improves knowledge of customers
 Improves customer involvement.
 Strengthens customer trustworthiness.
 Enhances vision into how best to improve outcomes.
Data Monetization Methods
 As your business grows, you need to choose which monetization attitude fits
best with your bigger data strategy. It’s thus important to think about the main
methods, determine which of them are most suited to your present and future
requirements, and which BI and analytics platform can offer you with the data
monetization tools that are correct for your needs.

Data as a service
This is the plainest, most direct data monetization method. Data is traded
directly to clients or arbitrates. The data is either raw, combined, or
anonymized and the customers mine the data for insights. Buyers don’t
benefit from receiving visions — they derive those for themselves. Nor do they
profit from advanced analytics.

Insight as a service
This involves merging internal and peripheral data sources and applying
analytics to provide insights. Either the insights can be marketed precisely or
offered in layouts such as analytics-enabled apps that provide updated data.
The insights are reduced to specific datasets or settings that the buyer has

Analytics-enabled platform as a service

This is a more adaptable type of data monetization that gives much more
value to businesses. Analytics and BI platform is installed and implemented to
provide customers with highly versatile, accessible data analytics in real-time.

Embedded analytics
This is the most sophisticated and exciting way of monetizing data that
provides the most value to customers. Merely put, embedded analytics means
adding qualities normally associated with BI software – such as dashboard
coverage, data visualization, and analytics tools – to existing applications.
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