Millisor Final Manuscript 4
Millisor Final Manuscript 4
Millisor Final Manuscript 4
sclerosis, a rare genetic condition causing benign tumor growth throughout the body.
Hemispherectomy surgery is a viable treatment route for these children when antiseizure
medications prove to no longer be effective. Children with a history of intractable epilepsy who
undergo a hemispherectomy are left with significant functional weakness, severely impaired
mobility, and hemiparesis or hemiplegia. Guidelines for physical therapy management of these
children in an outpatient setting is scarce. The purpose of this case report is to document the
Case Description
A 6-year-old Caucasian female presented to a specialized outpatient pediatric clinic with a
referral for left sided hemiparesis following a right hemispherectomy for management of
intractable epilepsy. The child was dependent in all ADL’s, wheelchair bound, non-verbal, and all
The child was seen twice weekly for treatment session lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour in
duration. Interventions focused on strength and mobility through the primary use of therapeutic
exercise, therapeutic activity, transfer training, balance training, gait training, and manual therapy.
The duration of this case report documented the child’s progress over 16 weeks; however,
she was still receiving therapy after completion of this case report. At week 16, the child required
decreased assistance with transfers, could ambulate 426 feet in a Rifton© pacer gait trainer in 6
minutes, and was able sit unsupported on static and dynamic surfaces with contact-guard assist
only indefinitely. The child’s mother subjectively reported improvements in participation and
Children who undergo a hemispherectomy for management of intractable epilepsy may
benefit from receiving skilled physical therapy intervention in the outpatient setting to address
functional mobility, strength, balance, and gait efficiency. Future research should be conducted to
evaluate the ideal frequency and intensity of physical therapy interventions, as well as on specific
and intractable epilepsy, however it is important to note that the primary referral for physical
therapy was for left sided hemiparesis following a right hemispherectomy for management of
intractable epilepsy. Although tuberous sclerosis and intractable epilepsy are not the primary
reasons for physical therapy intervention in this case, it is important that the reader understand
the rarity of these diagnoses as they directly pertain to the child’s course of treatment and
resultant need for physical therapy. The rarity and management of these diagnoses will be
discussed below.
Tuberous Sclerosis
Tuberous sclerosis (TSC) is a rare genetic condition that causes benign tumor growth
throughout the body, specifically the brain, eyes, kidneys, lungs, and most commonly, the skin.
The condition is caused by a mutation in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes. A mutation in these genes leads
to increased cellular proliferation in a variety of different tissue types throughout the body.1
Overall clinical presentation of the condition can vary greatly depending on the rate of cellular
growth in that certain individual. The autosomal dominant mutation that causes TSC occurs in an
estimated 1 in every 6,000 births; while most occur from a random mutation, a small percentage
of genetic mutations are inherited.2 In this case report, the child inherited the genetic mutation
from her father who also had tuberous sclerosis. One of the most common clinical manifestations
of TSC is epilepsy as it is estimated that between 75-94% of individuals with TSC experience
Epileptic activity in children is often classified as intractable or refractory epilepsy.3
Intractable and refractory are often used interchangeably to describe an epileptic disorder that
epilepticus. Status epilepticus (SE) is defined as “a continuous seizure lasting more than 30 min,
or two or more seizures without full recovery of consciousness between any of them.”5 Once a
surgically removed with the purpose of reducing or resolving intractable seizure activity that is
coming from a single cerebral hemisphere.7 Estimated admission rates for pediatric patients
receiving a hemispherectomy in 2009 was 2.2 children per every 100,000.8 This was the most
recent data that the author was able to find when performing a literature review.
Outcomes. Complete seizure reduction following a hemispherectomy can range from 50%- 88%
based on the underlying pathology of the seizure activity. 9 Although it should be noted that some
children do not experience a complete reduction of seizure activity, 88%-100% of children are
likely to have a reduction of 75% or greater in seizure frequency.9 The likelihood of improved
motor function is positively correlated with seizure reduction.10 The use of a hemispherectomy
The child was a good candidate for a case report because of her multiple rare diagnoses
and complex clinical presentation. There is little known in the literature on how these
complexities and severe functional limitations respond to therapy intervention due to the rarity of
the conditions. When considering the plan of care for this child, it should be noted that
intervention strategies were selected based upon her impairments and functional limitations
rather than her diagnoses due to the limited applicable literature available.
Despite the supported use of hemispherectomy surgery for the management of intractable
epileptic syndromes in the pediatric population discussed previously, to the authors knowledge,
hemispherectomy in this population once they are referred to an outpatient setting for care.
Physical therapy management recommendations that were discovered during the literature
review were specific to the acute care evaluation and management of the child immediately
following surgery or were too advanced for the child’s current level of functional mobility at the
The purpose of this case report aims to document the effectiveness of possible treatment
Prior to preparing this report, assent was obtained from the child and consent was
obtained from the child’s mother to proceed. All information contained in this case report meets
the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act requirements of the clinical agency for
disclosure of protected health information. This case report was completed under the direction of
the Department of Physical Therapy and with the oversight of the College of Graduate Studies at
Central Michigan University and in accordance with procedures approved by the Institutional
Case Description
Patient History and Systems Review
History of current problem. The child is a 6-year-old Caucasian female who was referred to
outpatient pediatric physical therapy following a right hemispherectomy. The child had
undergone surgery 19 days prior to the evaluation. The child was receiving therapy services at
the same facility prior to surgery for impairments related to frequent epileptic seizures. The child
was born at full term via vaginal delivery without any complications. Symptoms began days after
birth when the child started experiencing frequent seizure activity. During the first week after
birth the parents became concerned when the child would become upset for prolonged durations
and could not be consoled. The family sought physician consultation and the episodes were
found unsuccessful during the child’s first 5 years of life and the child’s epilepsy then became
uncontrollable. At the age of 6, the child’s parents, along with the recommendation of the child’s
doctors, elected the child undergo a right occipital and temporal lobectomy with insular resection
in attempt to control the epileptic activity. Unfortunately, this procedure was not successful and a
complete right hemispherectomy was performed 12 days later. The child remained in the hospital
for 22 days prior to being discharged to outpatient physical therapy. To the child’s parents and
doctor’s knowledge, the child had not experienced any seizure activity since the
hemispherectomy surgery.
Past medical history. Current medical history, of significance to this case, includes multiple
neurological conditions and impairments. At the age of 2 years old, the child was diagnosed with
tuberous sclerosis, a rare genetic condition that results in benign tumor growth throughout the
body.1 Additional diagnoses strongly related to tuberous sclerosis include intractable epilepsy
with status epilepticus, intractable partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness, refractory
epilepsy, and intractable Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) without status epilepticus. LGS is a
rare childhood form of epilepsy in which a child experiences multiple different types of seizures,
delayed cognitive development, and slow spike wave activity on an electroencephalogram.12 The
child has also been diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, global developmental delay,
oropharyngeal dysphagia, and autism spectrum disorder. In addition, the child had a gastrostomy
tube (G-Tube) for all feedings. A review of the child’s medications at the time of this case report
Prior level of function. According to the mother, the child was non-ambulatory but was able to
statically sit up on her own and independently scoot across the floor on her buttocks prior to her
hemispherectomy surgery. The child’s mother reports that her seizure activity had been
increasing over the last few weeks before her surgery and that she had demonstrated a decline in
her ability to weight bear in the lower extremities and thus, had difficulty in functional mobility.
At that point, the child required maximum assistance in all transfers and demonstrated poor
endurance with functional tasks. She was also non-verbal with the exception of occasional single
syllable words or letter sounds. The child was receiving speech language therapy, occupational
Home environment/Lifestyle. At the time of initial evaluation for the most recent episode of care,
the child lived at home with her parents and younger sister. Durable medical equipment and
orthotics utilized included bilateral hinged AFO’s, a Rifton© pacer with a saddle seat and
bilateral upper extremity supports, an activity chair, an upper extremity mobilizer when
necessary, and a wheelchair. A Rifton© pacer is a piece of adaptive equipment used for gait
training with individuals who require additional assistance to walk. The child’s mother acted as
the primary caregiver, assisting the child in all functional mobility tasks and activities of daily
living including feeding, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, and transfers. The family did not
own a wheelchair accessible vehicle and the parents had to manually transfer the child into and
out of her wheelchair for travel. The family has plans for the child to begin mainstream
kindergarten about one and a half months post hemispherectomy; she would be provided with a
Patient goals. The mother’s goals for her daughter were to gain enough strength and mobility to
Clinical Impression #1
Upon referral to outpatient physical therapy and completion of the chart review and
subjective portion of the evaluation, it was clear that the child would likely benefit from skilled
physical therapy services and a formal evaluation would be necessary. Based on the information
collected at that time, it was expected that the child’s most relevant impairment would be her
lack of mobility. It would be important to objectively assess the amount of assistance the child
required for a variety of transfer tasks as well as her sitting and standing endurance and balance
reactions to determine if she would be safe if left alone in either of those positions. Limited
flexibility, especially in her hamstring and hip flexors, was also expected to be impaired due to
the amount of time she spent sitting in her wheelchair throughout the day. It would be important
to assess lower extremity range of motion and flexibility because of the impact that would have
on her ability to achieve an upright standing position and subsequently allow for gait training
moving forward in therapy. Also, based on the child’s observed posture in sitting, left
hemiparesis was apparent. It should be noted that the hemiparesis was present prior to surgery as
a result of her frequent seizure activity. Going forward, monitoring the amount of voluntary
muscle strength the patient had in the left upper and lower extremity be an important factor in
monitoring progress and functional outcomes. One of the largest barriers to therapy hypothesized
at this time was that the child was non-verbal, had difficulty following commands, and cognition
The initial examination was performed by the primary physical therapist at the facility
and the information reported in this section was taken from her examination findings. The
examination occurred 19 days post-op right hemispherectomy at pediatric outpatient clinic. The
child arrived to the evaluation in a wheelchair being pushed by her mother. Bilateral lower
extremities were being supported by foot plates, her trunk was supported by a chest strap and
seat belt around her waist. The child’s left upper extremity was hanging down by her side. The
child’s understanding of the environmental context was unclear. The patient was non-verbal,
however based on her vocalizations and facial grimacing, she appeared to be experiencing pain
and discomfort.
Tone. A formal assessment of tone was assessed by moving the child’s joints passively through
the available range of motion (ROM) at various speed to assess for any occurrence of increased
resistance to movement. The presence of resistance to movement when the extremity was moved
at an increase velocity indicates the presence of spasticity. The assessment method utilized was
described by O’Sullivan in Physical Rehabilitation 6th Edition.13 The child’s upper and lower
extremities, as well as her trunk were generally hypotonic, more notable in the left upper and
lower extremity compared to the right. No spasticity appeared to be present at that time.
Resistance to knee extension in bilateral lower extremities was due to the presence of hamstring
Range of Motion. A ROM assessment utilizing protocols outlined by Loubert et al14 were
attempted, however, the child’s cooperation and ability to maintain a position for moderate
durations likely negatively impacted the reliability and validity of the measurements that were
taken. Therefore, the true reliability and validity of the ROM procedures used with this child are
undetermined as standardized positioning was not used. With the exception of hip extension, hip
abduction, and ankle dorsiflexion, the child’s passive ROM bilaterally was observed to be within
functional limits (WFL), Hip extension was lacking 6 degrees from neutral on the left and 5
degrees on the right. Bilaterally, her hip abduction passive ROM was measured at 30 degrees
bilaterally. Passive left ankle dorsiflexion was 18 degrees and passive right ankle dorsiflexion
was 12 degrees. Active ROM was visibly limited, likely due to low tone and muscular weakness.
Muscle Length and Flexibility. Hip flexor flexibility was assessed with the child in side-lying
using a modification of Ely’s Test to specifically target the iliopsoas. Modification of Ely’s test
was indicated due to the child’s inability to maintain the standard testing position. The child
demonstrated poor tolerance to lying supine and had difficulty relaxing the contralateral lower
extremity in order to fully assess for hip flexor tightness. The modified procedure performed is
as following. With child lying supine on the uninvolved side, and knee of the test limb extended
as much as possible, the therapist then moved the limb into hip extension until end range of
motion was felt. A goniometric measurement was then taken to determine how many degrees of
hip extension could be achieved. The reliability and validity for the testing procedure performed
is undetermined as positioning was modified due to the child’s inability to perform standardized
protocols. At the hip, the child lacked 5 degrees of hip extension from neutral on the right and 6
degrees of hip extension from neutral on the left. The child’s hip flexor muscle length
measurements were the same as her hip extension ROM measurements, indicating the presence
of possible muscle or joint contracture. These findings are concurrent with the fact that the child
remained in a wheelchair for much of her day with bilateral hips flexed at 90 degrees. Bilateral
hamstring length was taken utilizing the supine 90/90 method described by Starkey et al in
testing procedures identified by Starkey et al was >0.90 is considered to be very reliable.15 Test-
retest reliability is also very reliable at 0.90.16 Concurrent validity of the supine 90/90 test, also
referred to passive knee extension (PKE), to the straight leg raise (SLR) is .66 indicating that a
large popliteal angle with PKE correlate with a greater SLR measurement.16,17 She was able to
achieve 130 degrees of knee extension on both the left and right lower extremities indicating a
significant limitation in hamstring flexibility and a positive supine 90/90 test bilaterally.
Similarly, these findings are consistent with the child sitting her wheelchair for the majority of
the day with knees in a flexed position. Gastrocnemius length was assessed by placing the knee
into extension and then passively dorsiflexing the ankle until end range.15 Although Starkey et
al15 describes the testing position as prone, it was modified due to child’s decreased tolerance for
prone positioning due to the placement of a G-tube. The inter-rater reliability of gastrocnemius
testing is considered very reliable at 0.75.15 The child achieved 8 degrees of dorsiflexion on the
right ankle and 5 degrees on the left ankle. Please see table 2 for a summary of muscle length and
flexibility findings.
Functional Strength. Performing specific manual muscle testing utilizing standardized positions
described by Reese18 was not appropriate for this child as her cognitive status limited her ability
to follow directions and perform muscle activation upon command.12 Gross functional strength
observations were recorded. In general, the child’s functional strength was significantly
decreased in her lower extremities, upper extremities, and trunk. The child’s ability to hold her
head up was unaffected. When indicating the amount of assistance needed during functional
transitions, classification criteria outlined by Fairchild et al was used.19 Refer to Table 3 for
definitions of classification criteria terminology used throughout this case report. When
performing a standing pivot transfer from the wheelchair to a 17-inch therapy bench, she
required maximal assistance as she was not able to assume upright trunk posture. From that same
17-inch therapy bench, she was encouraged to perform a sit to stand. Maximal assistance was
required, and the child was only able to maintain in the standing position for approximately 7
seconds before initiating sitting. In standing, she also relied on the therapist to support her trunk
as she had little to no activation of lumbar extensors. When completing a floor transfer,
transitioning from standing to the floor, the child had very poor eccentric control and relied on
the therapist for maximum assistance. Once on the floor, the child was able to perform a floor to
sit transition from supine to sitting using her right upper extremity only. In, a circle sitting, the
child demonstrated poor muscular endurance and was only able to assume the position for 20-30
seconds prior to leaning back to rest of the therapist for support. Pull to sit and rolling to and
from supine were also assessed. Depending on the child’s motivation, the assistance required to
perform a pull to sit ranged from minimum to maximum assistance. The child was not observed
rolling from prone to supine, however, she was independently able to roll from supine to prone.
At the time of evaluation, the therapist determined that it would not be safe to assess the child’s
ability to perform quadruped because of the high level of assistance she expected the child would
Posture. Although a formal postural assessment was not performed, observations made in sitting
and standing are as described. In sitting, the child had significant rounding of the shoulders and
showed a tendency to circle sit with a preference for bilateral hip external rotation and abduction.
She was unable to assume a long sitting position with an upright trunk as a result of poor
hamstring flexibility, impaired core strength and low tone. In standing, with maximal assistance
provided for weight bearing, the child assumed a significantly crouched posture and was unable
to assume bilateral hip and knee extension causing her center of gravity to sit posterior at the
hips. This led to difficultly in performing an anterior weight shift when trying to stand.
Balance and Postural Reactions. Sitting balance was assessed on a swing with the therapist
sitting behind the child assisting her as needed. Mild perturbations were experienced upon
initiation of anterior/posterior swinging movement. The child demonstrated poor sitting balance
and was only able to maintain the position for 30 seconds. At the time of assessment, there were
no standardized balance assessments that were appropriate for the child to perform as her
functional abilities at that time would have resulted in a floor effect. A floor effect occurs when
the skills on the assessment are too difficult for the individual to perform to any extent.20
Gait. Although improved gait and mobility were goals of the family, at the time of evaluation,
the child was not appropriate for a gait assessment as she was unable to maintain an upright
trunk for greater than 30 seconds or weight bear on bilateral lower extremities without maximum
assistance. As the child progressed, she would be reassessed for appropriateness to begin gait
training with a Rifton© pacer within in the clinic. At that time, a 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT)
would be performed to determine her baseline. The 6MWT has been proven safe to be used with
children and shows excellent test-retest reliability when used with school aged children with
cerebral palsy.21,22 The 6MWT when used with adult patients following hemiplegic strokes has
excellent test-retest reliability and adequate inter-rater and intra-rate reliability.23 A 6MWT was
performed on week 8 when the child demonstrated that she was able to maintain upright trunk
posture in sitting without assistance and could continuously propel herself forward independently
in a Rifton© pacer. A Rifton© pacer is piece of safe patient handing equipment, specifically a
gait trainer, that is often used with individuals of all ages who require additional assistance with
walking. The child was initially able to ambulate 253 feet upon completion of the 6MWT. At 3
minutes 30 seconds the child began to propel herself with only her right lower extremity, letting
her left lower extremity drag behind her. She began to perform reciprocal stepping again at 4
minutes and 45 seconds and continued until the end of the test. Multiple 3-5 second pauses were
taken throughout, likely due to distraction rather than fatigue. The child’s gait mechanics showed
significant bilateral hip external rotation causing her to push off the medial border of her foot.
Additionally, gait speed and step length were inconsistent and varied throughout the duration of
the assessment. For female children aged 6-8 years old, the average distance for ambulation is
1880.6 ft ± 227ft.21 Compared to age and sex norms, it is indicated that the child in this case
Clinical Impression #2
Based upon findings of the objective portion the evaluation, additional data was collected
that further verified the child’s need for skilled physical therapy services. The cause of the left
sided impairments documented in the examination portion of the evaluation were a direct result
of the child’s recent right hemispherectomy surgery. In addition, weakness of the right side of
the body was likely related to the long-term seizure activity the child had experienced over the
course of her life. Collectively, the culmination of both led to significant functional weakness
and severely impaired mobility. The impairments identified in the examination portion of the
evaluations are impacting the child’s functional ability to sit, stand, walk, and transition in and
out of various functional positions without assistance. These functional impairments directly
impact the child’s ability to participate in age-appropriate play and freely engage in exploration
of her environment. In addition, the child’s current status is placing significant physical and
In conjunction with the family’s goals for their daughter and the findings of the
examination, it was determined that functional mobility and strength would be the focus of selected
appropriate, the mother requested that gait training also be included in the child’s plan of care; the
therapist agreed as ambulation and upright mobility is widely supported and provides benefits
including weight bearing and skeletal loading, improved lower extremity alignment, increased
range of motion and contracture prevention, tone management, and increased alertness. Trunk and
head control, postural endurance, and generalized strength are also positively impacted by use of
a gait trainer. Independent mobility also can provide positive psychological benefits such as self-
efficacy. 24 Additionally, saliency and task specific practice would be important for neuroplasticity
as the child worked toward improved gait efficiency.25 It was also clear the range of motion and
muscle flexibility, especially of the lower extremities, would need to be addressed for the child to
achieve improved mobility during transfers as well as efficient gait mechanics. In addition,
interventions to address balance and sitting endurance would also benefit the child and her family
as it would help to reduce the overall supervision required, allowing the child to safely be left alone
This child was given a fair physical therapy diagnoses due to the uncertainties surrounding
what realistic functional improvements may actually result following therapy and the duration of
time it would take for them to be seen considering her functional impairments prior to surgery.
Her other diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, and tuberous sclerosis may
also have unknown effects on her prognosis. Predicting the physical therapy prognosis of this child
proved difficult because the neuroplastic process is not fully understood in individuals who have
neuroplasticity apply, however, reorganization and neuroplastic changes are solely dependent on
the remaining brain hemisphere to compensate and carry out motor function of the hemiparetic
side.10 Therefore, the full extent of functional return is very individualized. A positive factor to the
child’s rehabilitative prognosis was that she had a complete resolution of seizure activity following
surgery; therefore, the likelihood of her experiencing a return of motor function was greater than
Further clinical decision making based upon the objective findings led the clinical
instructor and physical therapist student to select intervention strategies often used with patients
following a stroke, as the child’s clinical presentation was comparable. Although limited, there is
evidence in support of using pre-existing intervention strategies utilized with patients with stroke
Prior to beginning therapeutic intervention, written and verbal consent was obtained from
included in the child’s plan of care consisted of therapeutic exercise, therapeutic activity, gait
and assistive devices, and a home exercise program. The child was seen for 1-hour long therapy
sessions, twice weekly, typically on Tuesday and Friday. The child had continued to receive
physical therapy services beyond the time of completion of this case report. The child’s mother
was present for all physical therapy sessions and assisted the clinical instructor and physical
therapist student in keeping the child engaged and participating in each exercise.
Therapeutic Exercise. Due to the child’s impaired cognitive status, muscular strengthening was
primarily performed using developmental postures; specifically, quadruped, side sitting, short
kneeling, tall kneeling, and half kneeling during play. Once in these positions, the clinical
instructor would engage and encourage the child while the physical therapist student provided
manual assistance and facilitation. Therapeutic exercises were structured in a circuit format with
each position being held for 30 second to 1-minute intervals for 3-4 repetitions with 1-2 minute
breaks between each circuit. In addition, kicking activities, with the child sitting on a 17in
therapy bench, were also utilized to encourage strengthening of the quadriceps bilaterally. Other
lower extremity strengthening exercises included the use of a Rifton© therapy tricycle and sit-to-
stands. According to the Rifton© website, a tricycle can be used for lower extremity
strengthening, reciprocal leg motion patterning, balance, spatial perception for stepping, and
recreational purposes.27 When on the tricycle, the child required trunk support with a chest strap,
a seat belt around her waist, a circular resistance band at the knees to help pull bilateral lower
extremities into a neutral alignment, and hand straps to assist in holding her left upper extremity
on the handlebar. Sit-to-stands were performed with assistance ranging from moderate assistance
to bilateral hand-held assistance. The child’s upper extremities were supported and blocking of
the left knee for buckling was utilized. Assistance level often depended on the child’s motivation
transfer training and floor mobility. A variety of transfers were performed each session and were
selected based upon what the mother had identified as difficulty at home. Transfer training
addressed modified standing pivot transfers to both the left and right from one 17-inch therapy
bench to another. To perform a modified standing pivot transfer, the child would be prompted to
stand, take 2-4 side steps, and then pivot her bottom to another bench positioned at a 90-degree
angle to her left or right. This modification was selected to encourage greater participation from
the child when transferring. Floor transfers from the 17-inch therapy bench to the floor mat, and
floor to stand transfer from the floor mat back to the wheelchair or therapy bench were also
performed. Floor mobility including scooting across the ground was also practiced and aimed to
improve the child’s independence in navigating through her environment when on the floor at
home or at school. Prepositioning of the lower extremities of bilateral lower extremities was
utilized along with minimal to moderate assistance by the physical therapy student for successful
scooting to occur.
Neuromuscular Re-education. Balance training began with short sitting on a therapy bench and
ring sitting on the floor mat with no perturbations. Progression to short sitting on a swing and
crisscross sitting on a wobble board with minimal to moderate anterior/posterior and lateral
perturbations was performed when the child demonstrated that she was able to perform static
sitting independently indefinitely. Contact guard assistance (CGA) was provided for safety during
all dynamic balance training. Utilization of bilateral upper extremity support was required when
on the swing. Crisscross sitting on the wobble board unsupported with CGA by the therapist was
also implemented.
Gait Training. The child was first placed in the Rifton© pacer gait trainer at her fourth appointment
following the initial evaluation, when she demonstrated that she was able to perform a sit to stand
with only hand-held assist and was also able to take 3-5 steps with moderate assist of 1 additional
person. The child also showed interest toward using the gait trainer contributing to the clinical
instructor’s decision that the child was ready to progress her walking. The child owned a medium
sized Rifton© pacer with a saddle seat and bilateral upper extremity support. The child’s family
agreed to bring the gait trainer to the outpatient therapy clinic for the duration of her therapy as it
was too large to use at home. Over ground and treadmill training with the child in a Rifton© pacer
gait trainer were both utilized. When over ground training was performed the child ambulated on
rubber, carpet, and tile flooring for straight stretches with 1-2 turns. Treadmill training was
performed with the Rifton© gait trainer secured on the standing rails of the treadmill. All four
wheels of the gait trainer were locked into place and the emergency stop key for the treadmill was
engaged. In addition, the child’s mother was also at the head of the treadmill and was directly
controlling the speed; she was also available to press the stop key manually if necessary. The
clinical instructor and physical therapy student were on either side of the child providing manual
facilitation for appropriate stepping mechanics. Treadmill training was initiated at speeds between
0.5-1 mph as this speed allowed for proper facilitation of gait mechanics and stepping by the
clinical instructor and student physical therapist. Although studies show that training benefits do
not vary largely based on speed, treadmill training at faster speeds, 2.0 mph, do have the best carry
over of gait speed to overground walking long term.28 Despite this evidence, faster speeds were
not appropriate for this child as she would not have been able to initiate stepping movements that
quickly. After treadmill training was performed 2-3 times, it was noted that the child’s willingness
to participate was less as compared to when performing over ground training throughout the clinic.
Therefore, over ground gait trainer became the primary method of gait training as she remained
Manual Therapy. Manual stretching was performed during at least one of the two appointments
the child had weekly. Hamstring stretching was performed with the child in a supine 90/90 position
or in a half-tailor sitting with the therapist sitting posterior the child to encourage upright trunk
posture throughout the stretch. Half-tailor sitting is a position in with an individual is sitting on
their bottom with one lower extremity extended and slightly abducted while the other lower
extremity is externally rotated and abducted at the hip with the knee flexed and foot parallel to the
contralateral thigh. The child tolerated stretching in the half-tailor position the best while engaging
in a toy or singing. Tolerance to stretching varied from session to session. Although the child could
not verbally express that she was in pain, beginning on week 13, she consistently began to show
reluctance in allowing people to handle both her left upper and lower extremity, as well as
displaying facial grimacing and vocalizations that the mother identified as discomfort. In
conjunction with feedback from her neuromuscular specialist, it is believed that the child was
likely experiencing a new onset of nerve pain. This has a negative impact on the amount and
Pharmaceutical Intervention. During weeks 13-16, tolerance to manual stretching and handling of
the left upper and lower extremities continued to decrease as well as the amount of weight she was
willing to place on her left lower extremity during transfers. The clinical instructor and the child’s
mother both reached out to the child’s neuromuscular specialist to discuss possible solutions as the
discomfort was beginning to negatively impact the child’s weight bearing status and functional
mobility. It was recommended that the child receive Botox injections in bilateral lower extremities
upon recommendation of her neuromuscular specialist with the intention of increasing muscle
length and decreasing any potential pain she was experiencing. The injections were planned to be
given on week 18 but ended up being postponed to week 20. Expectations were discussed with the
child’s mother to increase the frequency and intensity of bilateral stretching to 3-4 times a day for
approximately 5 minutes on each lower extremity to facilitate a greater increase in muscle length
and flexibility due to the physical therapy treatment session following the Botox injections being
Orthotics and Assistive Devices. Over the course of treatment, a wheelchair assessment was
completed, and the child was fitted for a new Rouge XP wheelchair with single arm drive from Xi
Mobility, and a large sized Rifton© pacer gait trainer as she had experienced a growth spurt and
no longer appropriately fit her current equipment. At the time of completion of this case report,
both pieces of equipment had been ordered, although the child had not yet received either. The
child was also re-casted for a new set of bilateral articulating ankle foot orthoses. Following
consultation with the orthotist, it was decided to add check straps to bilateral orthoses as well. The
purpose of these orthoses was to provide the child with added support and stability to prevent
calcaneal eversion and forefoot adduction when the child was weightbearing during standing
Home Exercise Program. The child and her family were provided with a home exercise and
stretching program that included hamstring stretching, transfer training, and floor mobility.
Transfer training techniques and alternatives were discussed in depth as the mother was typically
alone in the home with the child and would need to do all transfers on her own. These exercises
were selected because the child and her mother would be able to safety perform them at their
home without assistance from additional assistance and would help to improve transfer
efficiency overtime. Additionally, the child’s home had limited space and did not allow for
Over the 16-week course of treatment, the child’s progress was reassessed every 4 weeks.
Upon completion of this case report, the child was still receiving skilled physical therapy twice
From the initial time of evaluation to re-assessment on week 16, the child gained 21
degrees of hamstring flexibility in the left lower extremity and 32 degrees in the right lower
extremity. Results for hamstring length progression over the course of treatment can be found in
Figure 1. Functionally, increasing hamstring flexibility allowed the child to achieve more typical
gait mechanics. Specifically, the quality of gait components such as terminal knee extension,
terminal hip extension, step length, heel strike, and heel off all improved. Also, an increase in
hamstring length also allowed the child to assume a more upright posture when standing as she
Functional Strength
Quantitatively, the child made minimal progress in some areas and greater progress in
others. However, qualitatively, the child showed significant improvements in the overall quality
of her movements. Subjectively, the child’s mother reported improved ease in performing the
transfers at home as an increase in the child’s level of participation. Quantitative progress made
in the amount of assistance required for functional transitions and transfers can be found in Table
Qualitatively, the child progress was as follows. When performing a modified standing
pivot transfer, the child needed moderate assistance, specifically to the left due to her left
hemiparesis. To the right, the child was able to complete the transitions with minimal assistance.
Assistance was needed for maintenance of upright trunk posture, weight shifting, and for step
placement of the left lower extremity. The areas in which the child made the most progress was
in her ability to perform sit- to-stand followed by static standing. At initial evaluation, the child
needed maximal assistance to perform a sit to stand from a 17-inch bench. Upon completion of
the case report, the child required only 2-hand held assistance with blocking at the left knee to
prevent buckling from the physical therapy student and frequent tactile cueing at the glutes by
the primary physical therapist for sustained bilateral hip extension. Standing was able to be
maintained for 30 seconds to 1 minute. The child made no progress in performing a floor transfer
as she continued to require maximal assistance at the conclusion of this case report. Although no
progress was made functionally, the mother did report that the child participated more during the
transfer by using the American sign language sign for “down” when she wanted to move to the
floor and by using bilateral upper extremities, primarily her right, to hold on to the individual
who was performing the transfer with her. When sitting on the floor, the child was able to
maintain sitting indefinitely and was able to weight shift in all directions to reach for toys and
people around her with no loss of balance or signs of fatigue. The child could perform an assisted
sit to quadruped with moderate assistance but only is broken up into a transition from sitting to
kneeling and then kneeling to quadruped. Table 5 provides a summary of these outcomes.
Overall posture remained the same throughout the course of treatment. The child’s sitting
posture continues to show a posterior pelvis tilt with significant external rotation and abduction
of bilateral lower extremities; thoracic kyphosis also remained present. In standing, her hips sat
posterior to her center of gravity, and she struggle to maintain neutral positioning at the hips as
she typically was slightly flexed at the trunk requiring support by the physical therapist.
However, she did respond better to tactile cueing for hip extension which did allow her to
The child was able to maintain static short sitting for the duration of a 1-hour therapy
session with no postural sway. She was able to maintain dynamic short sitting on a swing with
CGA for safety while moderate medial/lateral and anterior/posterior perturbations were being
applied with no signs of fatigue for 5 minutes. Increased balance and postural reactions allowed
the child to be safely left alone when sitting on the floor at home and engaged in play. This was
an improvement compared to the onset of therapy when she was only able to maintain sitting
Upon re-assessment of the 6MWT, the child improved her performance by 172 ft over
the course of 8 weeks. Over the course of those 8 weeks, improvements were seen in the
consistently of reciprocal stepping and utilization of her left lower extremity. The child’s
motivation to participate, gait speed, and cardiovascular endurance also improved as she was
able to complete an entire therapy session without presenting with any observational signs of
Refer to Table 4 for a list of the child’s goals throughout the course of this case report
This purpose of this case report aimed to document the effectiveness of possible
following hemispherectomy is greater than the evidence on physical therapy protocols for
management of this population. Expected motor outcomes can be predicted, however, the
rehabilitative course of treatment to get there is currently based purely on upon research specific
to patients with other chronic neurological conditions, primarily stroke and traumatic brain
injury. This case report aimed to provide the physical therapy profession with possible
intervention strategies to guide the treatment of low-level pediatric patients who have undergone
This case report suggests that children who undergo hemispherectomy surgery may
benefit from receiving skilled physical therapy intervention. Intervention strategies resulting in
positive functional improvement included the use of developmental postures for improving the
strength prior to more advanced weight bearing activities such as standing and ambulation, gait
training with a Rifton© pacer gait trainer on a treadmill and overground for improved mobility,
pharmaceutical management for increased ROM, and adaptive equipment such as a Rifton©
A true comparison of the results in this case report to those discussed in other studies is
difficult. Research regarding motor outcomes varies largely upon the etiologic cause of the
intractable seizure activity that lead to a child undergoing a hemispherectomy. A majority of the
hemiparesis post hemispherectomy. There is little available, to the authors knowledge, that
discusses specific quantitative outcomes such as strength, gait performance, and balance of these
children following physical therapy intervention. The utilization of developmental postures, gait
training, and balance training did result in objective improvements for the child in this case
report. Although quantitatively progress appeared minimal, the quality and consistency of the
child’s movements improved largely. The child’s mother also reported improvements
alertness, and engagement are from improvements in mobility or directly related to the reduction
in seizure activity; however, research does show positive correlations between increased mobility
One of the biggest questions in this case report is that whether or not the child herself felt
that she had made any progress over the course of treatment. All outcomes in this case report
were objectively observed and documented by the physical therapist and clinical instructor or
subjectively reported from the mother of the child. Presumptions were made based upon facial
expressions, vocalizations, participation, and the mother’s interpretations of what the child’s
in this case report is also the frequency of physical therapy. Due to the child’s insurance
coverage and the distance that her family lived from the outpatient clinic, the child and her
mother were only able to come to therapy twice weekly despite recommendations for 3-4 weekly
sessions. Research shows that in order for neuroplasticity to occur, therapy must be performed
frequently and at a high intensity25 and unfortunately, these recommendations were not able to be
completely met in the physical therapy management of this child. Another important
consideration is that although the child did make notable progress in various areas throughout her
course of treatment, the improvements seen in postural endurance, sitting balance, and core
strength may not be solely a result of physical therapy intervention as the child was also
receiving outpatient occupational therapy for 2 hours weekly along with school occupational and
physical therapy. It should be noted that carry over of the results of this case report to other
children with intractable epilepsy and/or hemispherectomy should be done with caution as
clinical presentation and impairment severity largely carries and spectrum of achievable
Future Research
Further research addressing the specific frequency and intensity of physical therapy
intervention with this population should be completed. This information would be invaluable in
the rehabilitation of children post hemispherectomy. Specific guidelines and protocols may be
difficult to establish based upon the wide variety of clinical presentations seen in children who
guideline for therapists to reference when treating individuals matching the appropriate criteria.
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Table 1
Medications and Administration Instructions
Medication Administration instructions
albuterol 1 puff every 4 hours PRN via inhalation mask
everolimus 5mg
midazolam 9mg divided between nostrils PRN for seizures longer than 3
taurine 500mg
† PRN = as needed, BID = two times a day, QID = four times a day
Table 2
Range of Motion, Muscle Length and Flexibility Findings at Initial Evaluation
Range of Motion (passive) Right Left
Contact guarding assistance The caregiver is positioned close to the patient with
hands on the patient or a gait belt; patient requires
protection during the performance of the activity.
Standby (supervision) assistance The patient requires verbal or tactile cues, direction, or
instructions from another person positioned close to, but
not touching, the patient to perform the activity safely
and in an acceptable time frame; the assistant may
provide protection in case the patient’s safety is
2. Child will perform a sit to stand transition with bilateral hands held and Week 8
minimum assist to promote lower extremity strength for functional mobility.
3. Child will independently maintain short sitting posture for at least 2 minutes on a Week 12
dynamic surface without upper extremity support to promote functional sitting
for ADL’s and play activity.
5. Child will perform a standing pivot transfer from various surfaces with no more Week 16
than min assist bilaterally to promote functional transitions and ability to assist
parents in transitioning into/out of adaptive equipment.
7. Child will perform tall kneeling activity at a bench for a total of 5 minutes with Week 16
no more than CG to promote hip extension strengthening for standing and
8. Child will achieve 150 degrees of bilateral hamstring length in the supine 90/90 NM
position to promote improved functional mobility with gait and transfers.
2. Child will be able to maintain standing for at least 2 minutes at a support surface NM
with upper extremities supported ad up to CGA to promote LE strength and
endurance during transfers.
3. Child will perform a sit to stand transition with bilateral hands held and min Week 16
assist for at least 2 minutes to promote lower extremity strength and functional
mobility during transfers.
† Goals described above are those set for the child throughout her entire plan of care
NM= goal not met during the course of the case report
Table 5
Outcomes for Functional Transitions/Transfers and Required Assistance
Transition Initial Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 16
Standing pivot Maximal Moderate Moderate Moderate Minimal
Sit to/from Maximal Moderate Moderate Minimal Assisted
Floor to sit Assisted Independent Independent Independent Independent
160 162
150 151
145 145
137 137
130 130
Initial 4 8 12 16
Progress (by week)
Figure 1
Hamstring length is shown here over the course of treatment. The x-axis represents performance
at each progress period reassessment and is reported in weeks.
6 Minute Walk Test Perfomrance (in feet)
Distance walked (in feet)
300 292
250 253
0 0 0
Initial 4 8 12 16
Progress (by week)
Figure 2
The 6 Minute Walk Test was performed with a Rifton© pacer with a saddle seat and bilateral UE
support. No assistance was provided by the physical therapist or physical therapist student for
forward propulsion. The distance that the child walked was reassessed every 4 weeks during
progress reports.