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Aqa 70622B QP Jun18

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Paper 2B Study of religion and dialogues: Christianity

Monday 11 June 2018 Morning Time allowed: 3 hours

For this paper you must have:
• an AQA 16-page answer book.

• Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
• Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The paper reference is
• Answer:
– both two-part questions from Section A, and
– one question from Section B, and
– one question from Section C.
• Do all rough work in your answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked.

• The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
• The maximum mark for this paper is 100.
• In each two-part question in Section A, the first part tests your knowledge and understanding,
while the second part tests your skills of reasoning and evaluation.
• The one-part questions in Sections B and C test your knowledge and understanding and your
skills of reasoning and evaluation.
• You will be marked on your ability to:
– use good English
– organise information clearly
– use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.

IB/M/Jun18/E5 7062/2B

Section A: Study of Christianity

Answer both questions in this section.

Each question has two parts.

Question 1

0 1 . 1 Examine Christian beliefs about God as Personal.

[10 marks]


0 1 . 2 ‘There is little agreement in Christianity about the nature of life after death.’

Evaluate this claim.

[15 marks]

Question 2

0 2 . 1 Examine why there are different Christian views about the place of women in
[10 marks]


0 2 . 2 ‘Christianity has a negative attitude to homosexuals and transgender people.’

Evaluate this claim.

[15 marks]


Section B: The dialogue between philosophy and Christianity

Answer one question from this section.


Question 3

0 3 . 1 ‘Philosophical understandings of religious experience undermine Christian beliefs

about the authority of the Bible.’

Critically examine and evaluate this view with reference to the dialogue between
Christianity and philosophy.
[25 marks]


Question 4

0 4 . 1 ‘Miracles do not happen.’

Critically examine and evaluate this view with reference to the dialogue between
Christianity and philosophy.
[25 marks]

Turn over for Section C

Turn over ►

Section C: The dialogue between ethics and Christianity

Answer one question from this section.


Question 5

0 5 . 1 ‘Christian attitudes to animals are consistent with the views of natural moral law.’

Critically examine and evaluate this view with reference to the dialogue between
Christianity and natural moral law.
[25 marks]


Question 6

0 6 . 1 ‘There should be no limits on freedom of religious expression.’

Critically examine and evaluate this view with reference to the dialogue between
Christianity and Bentham’s approach to moral decision making.
[25 marks]


Copyright information

For confidentiality purposes, from the November 2015 examination series, acknowledgements of third party copyright material will be published in a
separate booklet rather than including them on the examination paper or support materials. This booklet is published after each examination series and is
available for free download from www.aqa.org.uk after the live examination series.

Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright-holders may have been unsuccessful and
AQA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgements. If you have any queries please contact the Copyright Team, AQA, Stag Hill House,
Guildford, GU2 7XJ.

Copyright © 2018 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.


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