Slow Dentistry: The Time Has Come.: Perspective
Slow Dentistry: The Time Has Come.: Perspective
Slow Dentistry: The Time Has Come.: Perspective
It’s true that slow dentistry is not an entirely new to accept the treatment plan that is best for them, and
philosophy, but it is a novel one in many regards. It is a treatment planning and implementation is streamlined.
new vision for the future that, fueled by past successes, Through the attention and service they provide, dentists
wants to step in and step up to the current and upcoming will experience a greater sense of satisfaction, as will their
challenges in dentistry. patients. 8 Slow dentistry understands oral healthcare
The slow method aims to standardize quality and make from the perspective of prevention, and it approaches
it profitable and accessible within a time frame that has healing and treatment with the utmost respect for biology
little to do with how we’ve been doing things up until now. through minimally invasive procedures and an emphasis
Technology and innovation move like blurs nowadays, on communication and human relationships.
and the stringent competition we face makes it difficult Without a doubt, patient safety is at the heart of
for us to apply the same principles that meant success for praxis, but it is also one of the growing challenges that
many dentists years ago. But working slowly does not just busy dentists must face. Slow also means enhancing
mean working at a more relaxed pace; it means working patient safety, with risk and error reduction and fewer
deliberately and efficiently, being productive without being complications, so that their safety is ours as well.9
wasteful, and doing more with less. By making quality a The resulting reduction in risk and errors makes for
priority, carrying out our work in thorough fashion, and fewer complications while enhancing the safety of
relishing the emotional bonds we create with patients and our patients and, at the same time, our own. A slow
staff, we are making an investment in excellence that will approach allows us to dedicate ourselves to our beloved
bring greater returns to ourselves, to our patients and staff, profession by practicing a type of dentistry that has
and to dentistry in general. the greatest respect for biology and oral tissues and is
Right now is an ideal moment to take a look at what sustainable and fair to everyone involved: a decidedly
really makes us happy or, more exactly, what really makes win-win situation on all sides.
us happy when we practice dentistry. We should ask It is amazing to see how quickly the slow movement
ourselves: “which kind of dentistry is best for our patients is growing all over the world. Perhaps it is an indication
and for the future of our profession?” Slow dentistry is of how badly we need to ease up on the throttle in many
the most efficient “cure” for professionals who feel that aspects of our lives; dentistry included, but, fortunately,
they have lost control over the treatments they perform we are still in a position to make significant changes in
and are left with little time to enjoy their own expertise. the way we go about our professional activity. If we can
Working with minimal stress in a safe environment while strike a balance between innovation and tradition, we
still turning a substantial profit is an approach that will can offer the best possible version of our profession and
guarantee the enjoyment of the dentistry we do for a long save future generations from dentists whose work is com-
time to come.7 By combining standards of excellence in promised by the need for speed. This is an open invita-
management and praxis, we are helping dentists integrate tion to see things in a different way, and it just might be
patients more fully into the experience so that diagnostics the greatest legacy that the proponents of slow dentistry
are made with greater accuracy, patients are motivated can leave for future generations.
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