Petrophysical Parameters Estimated From Visual Descriptions of Carbonate Rocks: A Field Classification of Carbonate Pore Space

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Petrophysical Parameters Estimated From Visual

Descriptions of Carbonate Rocks:

A Field Classification of Carbonate Pore Space
F.1. Lucia, Shell Oil Co.

Summary Introduction
The penneability, capillary properties, and m values of The role played by the visual description of pore space in
carbonate rocks are related to the particle size, amount of carbonate rocks in the field evaluation of a well has
interparticle porosity, amount of separate vug porosity, changed dramatically over the past 25 to 30 years. The
and the presence or absence of touching vugs. Particle change has been brought about by the development of
size, percent separate vug porosity, and the presence or new and improved logging techniques. The Archie
absence of touching vugs usually can be detennined classification, developed in 1952, was the only method
visually. The amount of interparticle porosity is more at that time to estimate the amount of porosity in uncored
difficult to detennine visually and is done best by sub- wells. The development of porosity wireline tools
tracting the visual estimate of separate vug porosity from (neutron, sonic, and density) has provided us with effec-
the measure of total porosity obtained from wireline tive ways to measure wellbore porosity. The penneabili-
porosity logs or laboratory measurements. In the absence ty of a carbonate rock, however, can not be measured
of touching vugs, the penneability, m values, and directly by wireline tools and it is not directly related to
capillary properties can be estimated if the particle size, total porosity. Visual descriptions of the pore geometry,
percent separate vug porosity, and total porosity are therefore, still are needed to estimate penneability.
known. No acceptable method has been developed to While the Archie classification provides some insight in-
estimate visually the penneability of touching vugs. to penneability relationships, new data presented here
A classification of carbonate porosity is proposed allow more accurate estimates. In addition, the relation-
based on the data presented. This classification is intend- ship between pore types and Archie's m value and
ed to be used in the field or for routine laboratory capillarity can be described.
description. Interparticle porosity is classified according The role that the visual description of pore space can
to particle size and the dense or porous appearance of the play in the evaluation is to describe factors that cannot be
interparticle area. Vuggy porosity is classified according obtained from logging techniques but that are needed
to type of interconnection. Separate vugs are connected together with the logs to calculate saturations and pro-
through the interparticle pore space and classified by per- ductive capacities of the reservoir rock. This paper
cent porosity. Touching vugs are connected to each other describes the basic geologic parameters that control the
and classified by presence or absence. petrophysical parameters and shows how they are
related. More sophisticated studies I of specific reservoir
Copyright 1983 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME rocks may point out other geologic parameters that are of

MARCH 1983 629



0' ,.;. """" '"" ""7' 0:'


x > lOOp. /
o 20 -lOOp. /
- < 20p. / .'8
/ 0\0

"0 / '0
E / /
o / ,.-
/ x .. :1;r.x
0 , .: , , / /

I x x
I ~o
00 0
.. :</
0.. ·:It/-

I f o~

// /;xX1
XoX x0 .0./
.. 0 •.•
x x: 0 •• /e : '"
y. Q.

10 f-


. . / .

o. ./.. . .
• /-:

!' " 0 • /.
0"4L---L_L.L 0 ·10 .''---='20'::--L-L----f::----'
40 10 20 40

Fig. 1-Porosity/permeability for various particle size groups Fig. 2-Reduction in permeability caused by separate-vug
in uniformly cemented nonvuggy rocks. porosity.

importance locally. The results presented in this report pore geometry possible. This maximum is reduced by
are based on a large volume of data produced in Shell either the growth of pore-filling minerals on the particle
Development Co. and Shell Oil Co. on the origin of car- surfaces or by compacting and breaking of the particles.
bonate pore space and the relationships between It is increased by interparticle leaching. The amount of
petrophysical and geological parameters. cementation, compaction, and interparticle leaching is
reflected in variations in the porosity of the rock.
Petrophysical/Geological Relationships Therefore, the particle size and the amount of interparti-
cle porosity should be the basic factors controlling the
First-Order Divisions of Carbonate Porosity
permeability of nonvuggy rocks.
The petrophysical and productive characteristics of a car- The particle size, porosity, and permeability of a large
bonate rock are controlled by two basic pore networks: number of nonvuggy carbonate rocks from a number of
an interparticle pore network and a vuggy pore network. reservoirs were measured and the results are plotted in
Interparticle porosity can be defined as that pore space Fig. 1. The results show a reasonably good relationship
located between the particles of the rock that is not between these three parameters. Therefore, this plot can
significantly larger than the particles. The term "parti- be used to estimate the permeability of a nonvuggy car-
cle" is used here as the general term for grains bonate rock if the particle size and the amount of inter-
(multicrystalline particles) and crystals (single-crystal particle porosity are known.
particles). Interparticle porosity between multicrystalline Deviations from this relationship will occur if the
grains is called intergranular porosity and between cementation or compaction is distributed erratically.
single-crystal particles is called intercrystalline porosity. Patchy cementation reduces the permeability of the sam-
Vuggy porosity can be defined as that pore space larger ple less than does the same amount of cementation
than or within the particles of rock and commonly pres- uniformly distributed throughout the sample. If the ce-
ent as leached particles, fractures, and large irregular ment is located only in the pore throats, it will be much
cavities. The effects of vugs on the petrophysical and more damaging to the permeability than if an equal
productive characteristics of the rocks is related to the amount of cement were distributed evenly. Sorting and
type of vug interconnection. Vugs are interconnected in amount and distribution of clay also can modify the rela-
two general ways: (1) through the interparticle pore net- tionships. Leaching of interparticle pore space can im-
work (separate vugs), and (2) by direct contact with each prove the porosity/permeability relationship.
other (touching vugs). The effect of adding separate vugs to a nonvuggy rock
is to increase the porosity with little or no increase in
Permeability Relationships permeability. Another way to state this is that the
The relationship between permeability and rock texture permeability of a rock with separate vugs will be less
can be shown by first examining nonvuggy rocks and than would be expected if all the porosity were interparti-
then determining the effect of separate vugs and touching cle. To quantify this relationship, several suites of rocks
vugs on the nonvuggy relationships. The geometry of the were examined and the percent separate vug poro~ity
interparticle pore space is related to the size and shape of was measured visually. The results are shown in Figs. 2
the particles and to the amount and distribution of ce- and 3. In general, the rocks with the greatest amount of
ment, compaction, and interparticle leaching. The size separate vug porosity are most removed from the porosi-
and shape of the particles reflect the largest interparticle ty/permeability relationship of nonvuggy rocks of the



"E 25

-' 20 10
• • • 25
'" .0

{>100~ SIZE

10 20 40

Fig. 3-Reduction in permeability caused by separate-vug Fig. 4-Accuracy in estimating permeability of rocks with
porosity formed by dissolution of carbonate grains. separate vugs.

same particle size. The distance the points are removed was measured visually. In 70% of the cases, the two
from the line is approximately equal to the amount of methods give results within an order of magnitude of
separate vug porosity. This suggests that the permeabili- each other. With one exception, the anomalous points
ty is controlled by the amount of interparticle pore space, have higher measured than estimated permeability and
and the presence of separate vugs contributes little, if tend to be in the < I-md range. This may be caused by
any, to permeability. the presence of small open fractures (touching vugs). It
The interparticle porosity of the matrix is the porosity is believed that if the permeability measurements had
of the rock exclusive of the vugs. This is given by the been conducted under confining pressures, many small
formula fractures would have been closed and the measured
permeability would have been closer to the estimated
............................ (I) The effect of touching vugs on the permeability is to
produce a higher permeability than expected if all the
porosity were interparticle. Touching-vug pore networks
where cf>~ is fractional interparticle porosity of the are usually systems of fractures and cavities. Some in-
matrix, cf> T is fractional total porosity, and cf> v is frac- sight into the geologic parameters that control the
tional separate vug porosity. A small error results if the permeability of fractures can be gained by converting the
matrix interparticle porosity is estimated by simply sub- following relationships 2 for planar fractures of finite
tracting the vuggy porosity from the total porosity. clearance and unit width into a permeability relationship.
Below a total porosity of 20 %, the error is less than 1 %
porosity. In rocks with greater than 20% porosity and 12llvL
ilp=--2-' ............................. (2)
with high separate-vug porosities, the amount of inter- w
particle porosity estimated will be low by 2 or 3 %
The approach, then, to estimating permeability in
rocks with separate vugs is as follows. ilp = pressure drop along fracture,
1. Measure total porosity (wireline logs or core Il = viscosity of the fluid,
analyses). v = velocity of the fluid,
2. Measure separate vug porosity (visual estimation). L = length of the fracture, and
3. Subtract separate vug porosity from the total w = width of the fracture.
porosity to get an approximate interparticle porosity. This equation can be converted into an equation in-
4. Estimate the particle size (comparator or ocular volving the permeability as follows.
micromometer) .
5. Use particle size and interparticle porosity to deter-
mine the permeability from Fig. 1. v=- .................................. (3)
Fig. 4 is a plot of measured permeability against A/
estimated permeability. The total porosity is from core
analyses and the particle size and separate-vug porosity where q! is the flow rate through the fracture and Af is
MARCH 1983 631
the cross-sectional area of the fracture. Therefore,
substituting Eq. 3 into Eq. 2,

From Darcy's law,

Fig. 5-Model for fracture permeability calculations.

<0' ~-------------'---r---"-,-----.~-,

where q s is the flow rate through the sample, As is the

cross-sectional area of the sample, and ks is the
permeability of the sample.
k,:84.4X105~ If the matrix permeability is zero and if we assume on-
ly one fracture in the sample, then
<P, : '!Z:!. x 100


Converting into darcies,

ks = permeability of sample, darcies,
w = width of the fracture, cm (in.),
At = cross-sectional area of fracture, cm 2
(sq in.), and
Fig. 6-Theoretical fracture permeability/porosity relation-
ship. As = cross-sectional area of the sample, cm 2
(sq in.).
The model used throughout the rest of the discussion is
shown in Fig. 5. The model is composed of a series of
100 planar fractures of constant width w, height h, and spac-
• HARMATTAN DOLOMlTE ing Z. T~e matrix has no porosity or permeability. If the
sample width is assumed to be equal to the fracture spac-
ing, then from Eq. 4,
"' I-


o • .
ks =(84.4 x 10 5 ) - ,
Z ...................... (5)
=> 0
> "-
"' .J
I- «
40 and the porosity of the sample is given by
« I-
«I- 30
~~ w
cPs =-(100) ............................
. 20


I.S 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.S 3.0

Eq. 5 is plotted in Fig. 6 for values of w from 0.001 to 1
cm (0.0004 to 0.4 in.) and values of Z from 1 cm to 1000
Fig. 7-Measured values of m vs. vug porosity ratio. cm (0.4 to 400 in.). The equation is plotted as a function
of the porosity of the sample. Since we have assumed
that there is no matrix porosity or permeability, k sand
cP s are solely a function of the amount and the geometry
of the fracture porosity.
The following conclusions can be drawn by inspecting same relationship is apparent in the Mississippian
Eq. 5 and Fig. 6. dolomite of the Hannattan field, Alta., Canada. Here,
1. The penneabil ity is related to the third power of the however, the separate vugs are leached fossils. Data
fracture width and inversely related to the fracture spac- from the Magnolia and Quitman fields in Texas and the
ing. Therefore, the width of the fracture has more control Snipe Lake field in Canada support the trends established
over the penneability than does the fracture spacing. by the Bryans Mill and Hannattan fields.
2. A fracture width of20 {tm (20 microns) in a 2.6-cm Fig. 7, then, can be used to estimate m values for car-
(l.02-in.) penneability plug could give 5 md of bonate rocks with no touching vugs. The percentage of
penneability. Because penneability plugs of dense car- separate vugs usually can be estimated visually. Total
bonate may have natural or induced fractures in this porosity should be taken from logs or laboratory
width range that could give anomalously high measurements.
penneability, they always should be run under stress The effect of touching vugs on the m value is an
conditions. unknown at this time. However, it is believed that
3. Fracture porosities of less than 1 % can contribute touching vugs will reduce the m value below the value
significant penneability. predicted for interpartical porosity.
If we increase the fracture porosity by fonning cavities
along the fracture, the effect on the penneability will be Estimation of Capillary Properties
similar to adding separate vugs to an interparticle pore The extrapolated entry pressure as detennined from the
geometry. This can be seen by examining Darcy's capillary-pressure curve is related to the size of the inter-
equation, connecting pore space. As stated before, the size of the
interconnected pore space in rocks with only interparticle
q{tL porosity is fundamentally a function of the particle 'Size
k=- and the amount of interparticle porosity. Fig. 8 is a plot
of the average particle size against the extrapolated entry
pressure for nonvuggy rocks. The curve is hyperbolic
Assuming that the penneability of the cavities is infinite, and becomes asymptotic to entry pressure above 700 kPa
the pressure drop across each cavity is zero. The effect, (100 psia) and to particle size below 20 {tm (20 microns).
then, is to reduce the pressure drop across the sample in The amount of interparticle porosity has some effect on
proportion to the amount of space occupied by the the extrapolated entry pressure but has a greater effect on
cavities. If 50% of the fracture length is occupied by the shape of the curve. An example taken from the
cavities, the pressure drop across the sample is effective- Silurian reservoirs in the Cedar Creek (MT) anticline
ly IIp/2 and the penneability is doubled. If the cavity is (Fig. 9) shows this effect. The data are from rocks with
significantly wider than the fracture, which probably greater than 6 % interparticle porosity and particle sizes
would be the case, the total porosity of the rock would be between 20 and 50 {tm (20 and 50 microns). It can be
increased greatly. Therefore, the increase in penneabili- seen that while the extrapolated entry pressure varies
ty is much less than would be expected if the porosity from 276 to 414 kPa (40 to 60 psia), the shape of the
had been increased the same amount by increasing the curve changes considerably with changing porosity.
width of the fracture. Ideally, the presence of separate vugs should not
The important observation to be made to estimate the change the extrapolated entry pressure, whereas
penneability of a touching vug pore geometry is the touching-vug porosity could produce a lower entry
width of the smallest connecting vugs. No predictable pressure than that expected if only interparticle porosity
relationship has been detennined between the size of the were present. This effect would occur only if the inter-
cavities or fracture spacing and the size of the connecting connecting vug size was larger than the interconnecting
fractures. Therefore, to detennine the penneability of interparticle pore size, which is the usual case. In actual
fractures or of touching-vug pore geometries it is practice, the presence of separate vugs tends to lower the
necessary to see the width of the connection fractures. extrapolated entry pressure and alter the shape of the
There is no effective method for making this curve. This probably results from the surface pore effect.
observation. Thus, the extrapolated entry pressures detennined for
separate-vug pore geometries tend to be considerably
m-Value Relationships lower than expected for the size of the interparticle pore
The m value is given by the well-known Archie fonnula, space.

R o_=¢-m.
__ Conclusion
Rw To estimate petrophysical parameters by visual examina-
tion in rocks that have no touching vugs, the amount of
It is related to the ratio of separate vug porosity to the interparticle porosity, the particle size, and the amount
total porosity; a ratio which is called the vug porosity of separate vug porosity must be detennined. From these
ratio. This relationship is shown in Fig. 7. The vug parameters, estimates ofpenneability and capillary prop-
porosity ratio was measured on a number of samples for erties can be made. Archie's exponent m can be
which m values had been measured. As shown in Fig. 7, estimated from the ratio of separate-vug porosity to total
data from the Smackover dolomite in the Bryans Mill porosity. Also it is important to detennine the presence,
field, TX, show an increase in m with an increase in the or absence, of touching-vug pore geometries. If they are
vug porosity ratio. The separate vugs are oomolds. The present, penneability could be much higher and the
MARCH 1983 633

8o.-------------------------------------, a.
• 22
o c::: % POROSITY
Vi 160 ::>

~ 140

w 120

en 300
1£22 24

u ..J 12
.15 a.. 200 10
27 u 8
.27 6
~ 80
26 >-
~22 c:::
>- 60

:::lE 100
"' .16 .18
'" 40
w 18
::i' 20

°0L---~20~--~4LO----6~0~--~8~0----~10~0--~1~20~--~140 00 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 8-Relationship between Pd and average particle size Fig. 9-Effect of interparticle porosity on shape of capillary
for nonvuggy rocks with greater than 0.1 md. pressure curve in a 20- to 50-11m dolomite, Silurian,
Cedar Creek anticline field, MT.

capillary properties much different than would be by Dunham 3 with artificially prepared samples contain-
predicted if touching vugs were absent. The problem ing various kinds of carbonate particles.
then is to devise methods and techniques of determining In the more finely grained rocks, whether limestones
these four parameters. or dolomites, the particles are more difficult to recognize
and interparticle pores are more difficult to observe than
Visual Description of Carbonate Pore Space in the more coarsely grained rocks. Scanning electron
Recognition of Interparticle Pore Space microscopy and petrographic techniques often are
necessary to observe this porosity. The presence of inter-
The ease with which interparticle porosity can be
particle porosity in these rocks, however, sometimes can
recognized depends on the magnification at which the
be inferred by observing the texture of the broken sur-
rock is examined and the size and shape of the particles
face; a technique described by Archie. 4 Rocks with little
in the rock. The particulate nature of the rock must be
or no interparticle porosity are usually compact, hard,
determined first, and in carbonate rocks that may not be
resinous, have sharp edges and smooth faces on break-
easy to accomplish. In coarsely grained rocks, the par-
ing, and may show feather edges. The presence of inter-
ticles usually can be identified even though they have
particle porosity can be inferred by a chalky or a sugary
been dolomitized. The interparticle pore space may be
(sucrose) texture.
very large and observable with the naked eye or very
small, requiring microscopic examination. Interparticle
Visual Estimation of Particle Size
porosity can sometimes be recognized by the pore
shape-i.e., pores between subrounded grains are often The only method of estimating the particle size is by the
hourglass-shape. However, because of the variety of par- visual examination of the rock. It is important because
ticle shapes in carbonate rocks, the shapes of interparti- the ability to estimate permeability and capillary proper-
cle pores vary considerably. This fact was demonstrated ties is primarily dependent on recognition and measure-



Fig. 10-Diagrams illustrating concept of support in defining Fig. 11-Diagrams illustrating concept of support in defining
particle size in depositional fabric. particle size in dolomites.

ment of the particle size. The particle size of primary in- porosity is called' 'microporosity, " after Pittman, 5 who
terest is the average particle size of the supporting showed that large quantities of microporosity can result
framework in the rock because the average size of the in- in unusually high water saturations in productive
terparticle pore space basically is controlled by this parti- carbonates.
cle size. As illustrated in Fig. 10, most carbonate rocks
are bimodal, being composed of large, sand-size par- Visual Recognition of Separate-Vug Porosity
ticles and small, silt-to-clay-size particles. If the sand-
Once the particulate texture of the rock is determined,
size particles form a continuous, supporting network
vuggy porosity usually can be distinguished visually.
(Dunham's packstone or grainstone), their size controls
The best method for recognizing separate vugs, as op-
the connected pore size. If the matrix of silt-to-clay-size
posed to touching vugs, is to determine the origin of the
particles forms a continuous, supporting network
vugs. Intrafossil, shelter, and fenestral porosity along
(Dunham's wackestone and mudstone), these mud-size
with leached particles, leached anhydrite crystals, and
particles control the connected pore size.
leached anhydrite nodules are separate-vug types. These
The same logic applies to large dolomite crystals in a
are all classified with interparticle pore types as "fabric
finer limestone or dolomite matrix (Fig. 11). The
selective" by Choquette and Pray. I However, they need
dolomite crystals form a supporting framework only
to be grouped separately to explain their relationship to
when they control the connected pore size. However, the
petrophysical parameters. The origin of the vugs cannot
particle size that controls the size of the connected pore
always be determined rapidly. However, all vugs smaller
space in a dolomite is not always the dolomite crystal
than cutting size are usually separate vugs. The percent
size. Only when the dolomite crystal size is the same or
separate-vug porosity usually can be estimated visually
larger than the sediment particle size is the dolomite
because separate vugs are large enough to be seen readily
crystal size of primary interest. This is usually the case
with a low-power microscope.
with dolomitized mudstones or wackestones. If the
dolomite crystal size is smaller than the sediment particle
size, as is usually the case in dolomitized grainstones or Recognition of Touching Vugs
packstones, the sediment particle size is more important. Touching-vug pore geometries usually consist of inter-
The size of the interparticle porosity in carbonate rocks connected large cavities, channels, and fractures. In
may be bimodal. If the largest particles in a rock are not general, these are pore geometries classified as "not
single crystals, some of the porosity may be located be- fabric selective" by Choquett and Pray. 1 Evaluation
tween the crystals that make up the largest particles. For from cuttings or cores is difficult because touching-vug
instance, in a pelleted grainstone the largest pore size is pore geometries are commonly large. If it is known that a
the pore space between the pellets. However, there may touching vug pore geometry exists in an area, the
be a porosity between the mud-size particles that make presence of cuttings with crystal-lined faces may be
up the pellets. A similar situation may be true for a useful as a criterion for determining their presence in a
dolomitized grainstone with relict intergranular porosity. well. Both interparticle and separate vug porosity,
Packstones may have interparticle porosity between the however, also can produce cuttings of this type. Evalua-
mud-size crystals as well as an interparticle pore tion of fractures in cores is complicated by the possibility
geometry between the sand-size particles. This type of of fractures induced by the coring operations. 6
MARCH 1983 635
I P) Iv)


£.!!i£ MEDIUM LARG~ PORES VUGS Interparticle porosity P
20- 100fL
(T 1
Fine particle size « 20 microns) F
Medium particle size (20 to 100 microns) M
~IS Large particle size (> 100 microns) L
Yes, interparticle porosity apparent Y
e, e, e, No, interparticle porosity not apparent n
> - > 70 pSIO 70 - 15 PSIO < 15 PSIO
o Vuggy porosity V
Separate vugs S
Fig. 12-Classification of carbonate pore space. Touching vugs T

Classification part describing the vuggy pore space as shown below.

The proposed classification of carbonate pore space pro- (y, n) (F, M, L) (S, %) (T)
vides a means of grouping rocks with similar Interparticle Vuggy
petrophysical characteristics and criteria for recognizing
these types. As shown in Fig. 12, the first-order division The following are some examples.
is made between interparticle and vuggy porosity. Inter- 1. "yFSs" means apparent interparticle porosity, less
particle porosity is subdivided further on the basis of par- than 20-Jlm (20-micron) particle size, with 5 % separate
ticle size and porosity with emphasis on the particle size. vugs.
The relationship between the mercury/air extrapolated 2. "nMO" indicates no apparent interparticle porosi-
entry pressures and the average particle size provides a ty, 20- to 100-Jlm (20- to 100-micron) particle size, with
basis for dividing particle size into three groups (Fig. 8). no vugs present.
Rocks with < 20-Jlm ( < 20-micron) particles have high 3. "y LS s T" stands for apparent interparticle porosi-
entry pressures, rocks with 20- to 100-Jlm (20- to ty, greater than 100-Jlm (lOO-micron) particle size, with
100-micron) particles have intermediate entry pressures, 5 % separate vugs and touching vugs present.
and rocks with > 100-Jlm (> 100-micron) particles have 4. "nLT" means no apparent interparticle porosity,
low entry pressures. Therefore, size groups of < 20, 20 greater than 100-Jlm (lOO-micron) particle size, with
to 100, and > 100 Jlm « 20, 20 to 100, and 100 touching vugs present.
microns) are considered a petrophysically meaningful
breakdown in particle size. These are fine, medium, and Conclusions
large, respectively. Fig. I shows that these size groups The description of carbonate pore space in the manner
also give a reasonable partitioning to the porosi- described in this paper together with a measure of total
ty /permeability plot. porosity calculated from wireline logs or laboratory data
A visual, meaningful breakdown of the amount of in- provides the means by which permeability, m values,
terparticle porosity could not be established. While it is and capillarity can be estimated. For example, if an in-
difficult to estimate the amount of interparticle porosity terval is described as FS s and the total porosity for that
visually, it is relatively easy to distinguish dense rocks interval is calculated to be 15 %, then the interparticle
from those which have some interparticle porosity by porosity is 10%, and from Fig. 1, the permeability is
their visual appearance. Rocks appearing dense com- estimated at 0.1 md. The vug porosity ratio is 0.33, giv-
monly have < O.I-md permeability and are nonproduc- ing an m value of 2.4 from Fig. 7. From Fig. 8, the ex-
tive. Therefore, a simple division into tight and porous trapolated entry pressure for mercury would be greater
carbonate seems most appropriate. This is done simply than 100 psia (700 kPa). On the other hand, an interval
by a "yes" if interparticle porosity appears to be present described as LS I with a total porosity of 15 % would
and a "no" if not present. It should be realized, of have 14% interparticle porosity resulting in a permeabili-
course, that no interparticle porosity being evident from ty of 100 md. The vug porosity ratio would be about
the cuttings does not necessarily mean that no interparti- zero, resulting in an m value of 2.0. The pressure at
cle porosity is present in the well. which mercury would first enter this pore network would
Vuggy porosity is divided further into separate and be about 20 psia (138 kPa).
touching vugs. An estimate of the percent separate-vug The recognition of the particulate nature of a carbonate
porosity is necessary and usually can be easily obtained rock is of paramont importance in describing its pore
visually. The presence or absence of touching vugs is geometry. The distinction between interparticle and
used in the classification. No more detail is provided vuggy porosity and the selection of the proper particle
because of the lack of data on how to evaluate touching- size is dependent on the ability to interpret the particulate
vug pore geometries. nature of the rock properly. This becomes more difficult
The suggested terms and symbols for recording are with increasing degrees of recrystallization and
shown in Fig. 12 and summarized in Table 1. The diagenesis. Nevertheless, pores located between relict
classification is recorded as a composite symbol, the first sand size depositional particles must be distinguished
part describing the interparticle pore space and the last from vugs if reasonably accurate values are to be deter-


mined. The particle size is based on the "support" con- 2. Amyx, l.W., Bass, D.M. lr., and Whiting, R.L.: Petroleum
cept and thus relates to the depositional classification of Reserl'Oir Engineering: Physical Properties, McGraw-Hill Book
Co. Inc., New York City (1960).
carbonate rocks as described by Dunham. 3
3. Dunham, R.l.: "Classification of Carbonate Rocks According to
By far the most difficult pore geometry to describe ef- Depositional Texture," Classification of Carbonate Rocks, A
• fectively is that composed of vugs that are connected to Symposium. AAPG (1962) 108-21.
one another, including fractures. It is clear, however, 4. Archie, G.E.: "Classification of Carbonate Reservoir Rocks and
that the presence of touching-vug pore geometries results Petrophysical Considerations," Bull .. AAPG (1952) 36. No.6,
in a much more productive rock than would be expected. 5. Pittman, E.D.: "Microporosity in Carbonate Rocks," Bull.,
It is also clear that they are difficult to evaluate from AAPG (1971) 55, No. 10, 1873-81.
wireline logs. 6. Kulander, B.R., Barton, C.c., and Dean, S.L.: "The Application
of Fractography to Core and Outcrop Fracture Investigations,"
Acknowledgments U.S. DOE (1979) METC/SP-79/3.
The results presented here are based on a large volume of
data produced at Shell Development and Shell Oil Co. SI Metric Conversion Factors
Particular acknowledgment is made of C.R. Gerling's
micron x 1.0* E+OO {tm
and R.L. Chuoke's work in explaining the m value rela-
psi x 6.894 757 E+OO kPa
tionships. F.E. Coupal first documented the small
*Conversion factor is exact. JPT
change in permeability with the addition of separate
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office June 18, 1981.
I. Choquette, P. W. and Pray. L.c.: "Geologic Nomenclature and
Paper accepted for publication Sept. 5, 1982. Revised manuscript received Dec. 15,
Classification of Porosity in Sedimentary Carbonates," Bull., 1982. Paper (SPE 10073) first presented at the 1981 SPE Annual Technical Con-
AAPG (1970) 54. 207-50. ference and Exhibition held in San Antonio Oct. 5-7.

MARCH 1983 637

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