Surgical Guidelines For Dental Implant Placement: British Dental Journal September 2006
Surgical Guidelines For Dental Implant Placement: British Dental Journal September 2006
Surgical Guidelines For Dental Implant Placement: British Dental Journal September 2006
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Mark Handelsman
mark handelsman, D.D.S.
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Dental implant placement must be both biologically and restoratively driven.
Dental implants should only be placed following a comprehensive examination and
accurate diagnosis.
The deficient osseous ridge must be reconstructed prior to implant placement.
Surgical guidelines for dental implant placement
M. Handelsman1
The goal of an implant supported reconstruction is to obtain optimal aesthetics and function. In order to achieve this,
visualisation of the final restorative reconstruction is necessary prior to beginning treatment. The term ‘restorative-driven’
treatment planning has been used to identify this process.1 It requires a team approach of specialists, who can develop a multi-
disciplinary treatment plan. It starts with an accurate diagnosis, which will lead to a prognosis of each individual tooth and the
overall dentition. This information will help the clinician develop the treatment options suitable for tooth replacement. Only
when the goals have been defined can the sequence of therapy be established. Working backwards from the wax-up of the final
diagnostic model of the proposed treatment assists not only with the management of the complex case, but will help avoid
mishaps.2 Effective communication between the team and the patient is extremely important. Understanding the patient’s
expectations is key to a successful outcome. Deciding that these expectations are realistic requires a correct diagnosis and an
inter-disciplinary treatment plan that is logical. This approach takes time and requires a comprehensive treatment discussion
between the team members, and then a thorough case presentation to the patient.3 Only then will the patient begin to
understand the extent of their problem and the options available to reconstruct their mouth.
and also when smiling. Uneven gingival archi- lap as well as the restorative space available is
tecture, the position of teeth relative to the arch extremely important. Replacing teeth in partial-
shape and opposing occlusion will all affect and ly edentulous spaces, without comprehensive
dictate the decision making process. care of the remaining dentition, is sure to cause
The presence of bone loss due to periodon- failure in the long term.
tal disease or trauma will greatly affect the out-
come of treatment. If teeth are already missing C. Endodontic
then the amount of ridge collapse needs to be The endodontic integrity and vitality of remain-
measured according to both horizontal and ver- ing dentition must be established. Any patho-
tical collapse. (Siebert Classification type I, II logical changes, such as periapical lesions and
and III.) Lekholm and Zarb7 classified the hard existing root canals that are incomplete need to
tissue according to the shape of the ridge (mor- be evaluated. Any teeth with a poor endodontic
phology) and the bone quality; shape a–e and prognosis should have a thorough risk assess-
type 1-4 respectively. This will be discussed in ment completed, so as not to jeopardise future
greater detail later in the article as relating to implant sites.
surgical technique.
If the prognosis of teeth is deemed hopeless D. Restorative
due to periodontal, endodontic or non-restor- The integrity of all existing restorations should
ability factors, then anticipating the amount of be evaluated. This must include margin integ-
future ridge collapse needs to be estimated. In rity and soft tissue response to sub-gingival
this case, it is extremely important to identify placement. Teeth with biologic width violation,
the tissue biotype and the underlining missing that will require surgical crown lengthening,
bone, which will help determine the prognosis will affect the future level of the osseous crest at
and steps necessary to preserve or rebuild the sites adjacent to implants. In the aesthetic zone,
desired soft and hard tissue architecture after it is important to anticipate the future gingival
tooth loss. Thick tissue is much more forgiv- contours of the teeth adjacent to the implant
ing, easier to manipulate and provides a more site. Teeth that are fractured, broken down
predictable aesthetic outcome, as compared to beyond predictable restoration, or have com-
thin tissue which is more likely to shrink. Decid- promised support will be given a poor or hope-
ing when to extract a tooth is easy when it is less prognosis. The strategic value of each tooth
hopeless, but often more heroic attempts to save needs to be determined, prior to removal. Often
teeth that are broken down with a questionable in complex cases, even teeth with a poor prog-
prognosis is not as simple. In order to preserve nosis can be kept in the initial phases to support
the alveolar bone for implants, sacrificing teeth a fixed interim prosthesis, while implant healing
(early extraction) requires a change of thinking progresses. This phased approach of sequential
as compared to previous philosophical treat- extraction will help manage the complex case,
ment decisions. sometimes through long periods (two years)
while site development and healing of implant
B. Occlusal analysis sites is progressing.
Patients with occlusal wear or abfraction type
defects due to clenching or bruxism should E. Orthodontic
be identified. The parafunctional habits will Analysis of the restorative space is important
greatly affect the outcome and longevity of regarding future tooth restoration size, but it is
the type of reconstruction planned. The oppos- equally important to analyse the position and
ing occlusion along with the type of restorative angulation of the roots in the alveolar bone.
materials selected for the final prosthesis will Drifting and tipping of remaining teeth will
affect the ability of the bone-implant inter- often present problems with space mesially-dis-
face to withstand the occlusal load. In the peri- tally. The orthodontist needs to be given clear
odontally compromised patient, loss of teeth instructions when opening or closing spaces in
without replacement leads to lack of posterior regards to root positions. Taking radiographs
support. This often causes an unstable occlusal during treatment will give useful information
scheme with mesial drifting of posterior teeth to the treating team, prior to appliance removal
and flaring of anterior teeth with a loss of verti- and completion of treatment. It is always pref-
cal dimension. A full examination includes not erable in aesthetic cases to complete the ortho-
only the mobility of remaining teeth, but also dontic care prior to implant placement. In cases
the occlusal scheme and guidance in lateral and missing posterior teeth, provisional interim
protrusive movements. Over-eruption of any implants can be placed to help the orthodontist
teeth will cause occlusal interferences and also establish anchorage. The final implants should
decrease the inter-occlusal space necessary for only be placed posteriorly, if the orthodontic
implant restorative components. Lack of restor- wax-up of the final result allows for correct
ative space is a major contributor to mechani- positioning, without compromising the end
cal failure of implant restorations. Mounted result.
diagnostic casts are used to evaluate the occlu-
sion, the edentulous space ridge relationship to F. Radiographic examination. (Figs 28-33)
the adjacent teeth and the opposing dentition. The preliminary exam will include a set of full
The amount of vertical and horizontal over- mouth periapical and bitewing radiographs. A
panorex is helpful as well, but limited compared Quantity: Ridge shape a–e.
to 3-D CT scan imaging. Once the patient has Shape ‘a’ represents no bone resorption, while
had the initial consultation and accepted the ‘e’ represents advanced ridge resorption.
proposed options, a diagnostic wax-up of the The pattern of resorption in the anterior max-
final proposed treatment will be a template to illa (Figs 5–8) advances posteriorly and supe-
fabricate a radiographic guide. This radiograph- riorly, which greatly affects the aesthetic zone
ic guide can be placed in the mouth at the time and lip support. The pattern of resorption of the
of the CT scan. Transferring the restorative tem- posterior ridges greatly affects the occlusion and
plate on to the radiographic images is the most horizontal overlap of the dentition8 (Figs 9-13).
useful information for determining the surgical
plan. Lack of bone and ridge collapse both hori- SURGICAL GUIDELINES — TOOTH OR TEETH
zontally and vertically can be accurately meas- ALREADY MISSING
ured. The surgical needs can be identified and Adequate osseous ridge
the most predictable options can be presented The Brånemark surgical protocol9 established
to the patient prior to beginning treatment. The osseointegration as an extremely predictable
goals of the final reconstruction, whether fixed option for tooth replacement with excellent
or removable, can be determined. The treatment long term stability. Many implant systems have
expectations can be presented to the patient, since been developed which use this concept. The
with realistic steps of what can and cannot be numerous shapes and sizes of implants available
accomplished. Only then can the treatment plan for use on patients today continue to change and
in a phased approach, be determined by all the are overwhelming. It is extremely important for
treating doctors on the team. All financial obli- all members of the team to discuss which compo-
gations, treatment consent as well as aesthetic nents are to be used surgically and restoratively,
goals are established prior to taking any further so that the benefits and limitations are defined.
steps. Whether the prosthesis will be screw retained or
Occasionally, when questionable teeth are cement retained can affect the axial inclination
still present, it may be beneficial to have a CT and angle of placement. Due to common ana-
scan prior to removing teeth. This can help make tomical limitations post-extraction (concavities
treatment decisions regarding surgical options and collapse of the ridge circumference), using
of timing of implant placement (see discussion cement retained restorations allows greater flex-
later in article). ibility at the time of surgical placement.
technique12 is often used to transfer the crestal to debride the osteotomy site from bone debris
thicker tissue onto the buccal aspect, rather than and to widen the site to the manufacturer’s rec-
using a punch technique (flapless approach) ommended diameter prior to tapping the site.
which is subtractive. Placing the implant into too tight a site can lead
Using a two stage protocol in the aesthetic to failure due to pressure necrosis. The shape of
zone also allows for an additional opportunity the implant, parallel walled vs. tapered will also
for surgical intervention with further hard or greatly affect the tightness (primary stability).
soft tissue grafting procedures. Langer13 intro-
duced the sub-epithelial connective tissue graft Softer bone
as a predictable technique for augmenting thin Type 3 and 4 bone requires modification of the
tissue and it is especially useful when minor drilling protocol. Care must be taken to under-
ridge resorption is present. The most common prepare the osteotomy site. Over-preparation
donor site is the palatal tissue mesial to the first or inadvertent implant angulation changes
molar. Another popular donor site is the tuberos- can preclude placement of the implant. Using
ity tissue. This area is especially desirable when the Osteotome technique18 can also help ini-
a thicker graft is needed for ridge augmenta- tial stabilisation by compressing the available
tion procedures (inlay or pouch technique)14 in soft bone instead of compromising the site with
the anterior aesthetic zone. Palacci15 has also drilling. Tapered implants have an advantage in
described rotated flap techniques for papilla softer bone due to the wedging effect at the time
regeneration. It is always important to define the of placement. The tapered implant is more chal-
type of defect, and realise that building the sup- lenging at the time of placement, because the
porting bone beneath the soft tissue will produce depth of the prepared site needs to be exactly
the most predictable outcome. The bony archi- at the level of where the desired final position
tecture provides the scaffold that supports the of the implant needs to be placed. As opposed
soft tissue around proper implant positioning. to a parallel wall implant that can be placed
deeper if desired, due to the ability to sink the
POSITION AND ANGULATION OF IMPLANT implant into the prepared site. The twist drills
Presurgical analysis has determined the best for the parallel wall implants have markings,
available sites for placement. In the partially which prepare the depth slightly longer than
edentulous case, being aware of the root mor- the implant length. Due to this design and extra
phology and inclination of teeth adjacent to tip at the end of the drill, care should always be
the implant site is crucial. If a radiographic taken when drilling above vital structures such
guide was used at the time of CT scan and then as the alveolar canal in the posterior mandible.
adapted for use as a surgical guide, mishaps will Bi-cortical fixation in softer sites helps
be prevented. If a surgical guide is fabricated anchor the fixture especially in the posterior
without the knowledge of the root positions or maxilla. Engaging the sinus floor is suggested
bony deficiencies, then careful interpretation to achieve this anchorage.
and adjustments by the surgeon is required. The Countersinking into the crestal bone may
initial drilling (round bur) starting point can be cause loss of initial stabilisation at the time of
moved and the angulation of the implant tipped placement. The need to countersink the implant
to avoid bone dehiscence or fenestration. The is usually restorative driven for aesthetic and
more palatal the movement, the deeper sub-gin- emergence purposes or due to lack of restora-
givally the implant platform must be positioned tive space. The original protocol required
to accommodate for the emergence of the restor- countersinking to protect the implant from
ative components through the soft tissue. Ideal trans-mucosal forces generated by remov-
dimensions16 are 3–4 mm subgingival, with the able appliances over the implant head. In softer
buccal aspect of the implant platform at least 1 bone, it is preferable to place the platform of
mm or more palatal or lingual to the future buc- the implant at the crest or supra-crestal if space
cal aspect of the restoration at the level of the allows for adequate emergence.
gingival margin. Placing a wider platform in the
anterior aesthetic region provides for a smoother The deficient osseous ridge (Figs 34-61)
gingival restorative interface (platform does not Lack of vertical height
have to be as deep), but invites greater risk of Anterior maxilla: Vertical resorption of the
apical migration of the soft tissue margin. The ridge will affect the aesthetic result in partially
concept of ‘platform switching’ – using a nar- edentulous cases. In fully edentulous cases the
rower restorative component on a wider implant amount of loss might limit treatment to remov-
platform (possible only with some implant able overdentures.
systems, eg 3i) – is interesting.17 It appears to Options for surgical correction include:
help support the soft tissue and prevent crestal • Onlay bone grafting
resorption of the bone at the level of the implant • Distraction osteogenesis.
platform. At this time further research is needed.
The onlay block graft19 requires an autog-
Dense bone enous block of bone be taken from either intra-
Dense bone (Type 1 & 2) requires careful atten- oral sites (Ramus or chin) (see Fig. 14) or extra-
tion to drilling with adequate irrigation in order oral site (iliac crest or calvaria). The greater the
not to overheat the bone. Care should be taken defect, the more bone required. Analysis of the
dimensions required will dictate which donor for single tooth replacement, but with less
site is preferable. Extra-oral sites require gen- predictability, due to the greater potential for
eral anaesthesia and increase the risk of greater sinus membrane perforation.
morbidity. Intra-oral block grafts are better suit- Posterior mandible: The inferior alveolar
ed for partially edentulous situations. The block nerve needs to be visualised in order not to cause
of cortical cancellous bone is carefully adapted nerve damage such as paraesthesia. It often limits
to the recipient site and fixated with screws to implant placement to short wide implants. Alter-
stabilise the graft during the healing period. native options are the nerve transposition pro-
Building vertical height is the least predictable cedure24 which has a high morbidity and rate of
of all the grafting options. nerve damage, or to consider distal cantilevering
Distraction Osteogenesis20 allows the exist- of the prosthesis off implants placed mesial to the
ing bone to be transferred to a more coronal foramina. Distraction osteogenesis can also be
position after surgical osteotomy cuts and used if inter-arch space is not a problem.
placement of a device that is activated daily in
the mouth. After several weeks of movement, Lack of horizontal width
the bone is left to mature for a few months prior Anterior maxilla: The pattern of resorption usu-
to implant placement. ally creates knife-edge ridges or ridges that are
Posterior maxilla: The posterior maxilla has his- too thin due to concavities (Fig. 8). The ante-
torically always been the most challenging site to rior incisal foramen is sometimes large and can
achieve success. The most common site for tooth restrict implant placement in the maxillary cen-
loss in the periodontally compromised patient is tral positions (Fig. 37).
the maxillary molars due to furcation involve- Knife-edge ridges are best treated with veneer
ment.21 Due to a combination of periodontal bone grafts19 using an intra-oral block of cortical-
loss and sinus proximity, limited bone height is cancellous autogenous bone stabilised with fix-
usually available for implants (Fig. 15). The bone ation screws (Figs 25-26). Unlike onlay grafts,
is also usually soft (type 3 or 4), which makes ini- these veneer grafts are more predictable. Con-
tial stabilisation difficult to achieve. Several tech- cavity defects can be treated with block grafts,
niques have been developed and perfected over but these also respond favourably to GBR25 pro-
the last decade to improve the surgical options in cedures (Fig. 27). An intra-oral block harvested
the posterior maxilla (Figs 16-24). from the ramus can be ground, or a scraping
The Sinus Lift procedure22 reported by device (Safescraper, 3i Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Boyne et al. showed that it is possible to open or Ebner 502 grafter, Maxillon Lab Inc. Hollis,
the maxillary sinus through the lateral wall, NH. USA) can harvest scrapings off the ramus
elevate the sinus membrane and pack bone cortical plate which can then be mixed with an
grafting material into the space. Many types of osteo-conductive material to create a particu-
bone grafting materials are available. Autog- late graft. A resorbable or non-resorbable mem-
enous bone has always been the most predict- brane is then fixated with pins over the graft
able option that has set the gold standard. material. A titanium re-inforced membrane26
Intra-oral bone can be harvested from the chin, can be used if spacemaking is desired.
ramus or tuberosity areas. This bone is ground Narrow ridges in the maxilla can also be
and the particulated graft material is best com- treated by spreading the bone with osteotomes
bined with an osteo-conductive material of the or a more aggressive approach, the Split-Ridge
surgeon’s choice (eg Hydroxy-apatite, Bio-oss technique, which widens the existing bone with
or freeze dried bone). Using Platelet Rich Plas- simultaneous implant placement.
ma23 to aid the healing response is an addi-
tional option. It is more predictable to perform Anterior and posterior mandible: Block grafts
the sinus lift graft, and then wait 5-6 months with fixation screws (GBR) as described above
for healing prior to implant placement. If 5 mm are possible. Determining the depth of the
or more of bone height is available, simultane- vestibule and the ability to advance the flap for
ous implant placement with sinus lift and bone graft coverage without any tension, is the key
grafting is possible, with less predictability. If 7 to achieve success.
or 8 mm of height is available, then placement
of the implants with an osteotome technique SURGICAL GUIDELINES — TOOTH OR TEETH
for increasing the length of implant is possible NEED TO BE REMOVED
(see Figs 20-24). The protocol calls for drilling If the tooth or teeth need to be removed, then
the initial twist drills at least 3 mm short of ask the following questions.
the sinus floor. The osteotome is placed into • Is the tooth in the aesthetic zone?
the osteotomy. The sinus floor is in-fractured, • Type of tissue biotype? Thin scalloped or thick
thereby raising the membrane and creating flat.
space for the graft. Bone graft material can • Amount of bone loss due to periodontal dis-
then be pushed into the preparation site prior ease or endodontic failure?
to placing the implant. This technique is popu- • How predictable is the stability of the future
lar, because it seems less invasive as compared gingival architecture?
to the sinus lift via the lateral wall technique, There are several timing options to consider:
but obviously it requires careful patient selec- 1. Extract and wait several months prior to
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