LNAT Talayan, Maguindanao
LNAT Talayan, Maguindanao
LNAT Talayan, Maguindanao
Are there
If yes, what type of Policy/
a policies/legislations in Yes O Task Force Kapamagayon Facilitated by the 603rd Bat.
legislation? When was it enacted?
Are the
If yes, when was it enforced?
b policies/legislations Yes 2 2017
If no, why it was not enforced?
If yes, what are those programs? The Task Force is composed of clustered municipalities
Who are the sponsors/funders? (Guindulungan, Talayan, Talitay, Datu Anggal
Are there any existing When did it started? What are the Midtimbang, Datu Odin Sinsuat, and Kabuntalan). It
c Yes 2
PVE programs? covered areas/who are the started in 2017 and was only terminated last July 2019
beneficiaries? If finished, when did due to change in leadership in the military particularly in
it finished? the 603rd Battalion.
Are the PVE programs If yes, when it was implemented? The 603rd served as the facilitator for the series of
d Yes 4
Who are the implementing workshop, meetings, monitoring but is individually
agencies/intitutions? Where it was implemented by member municipalities to respond to the
Policies & Programs Score ### implemented? issues identified particularly to VE related matters.
STRUCTURE: Presence of appropriate structure (office, committee or work group) with defined authority and accountability for
performing the necessary functions for PVE Program ilmplementation
If yes, provide the organizational The Task Force is composed of TWG such as Peace and Order, Environment,
There is a formal PVE Disaster Preparedness, Infrastructure with the LCE as Chairman and Co-
a Yes 1 structure. (Names, designation, Chaired by 603rd Battalion Commander with 90IB as Secretariat headed by
structure established
mother agency employed) Commanding Officer Fernandez
There are staff The TWG are composed of the Municipal Planning and
If yes, provided list of the
designated for PVE Coordinating Officer, MDRRMO, Municipal Engineer
d Yes 1 designated personnel and their
Program and the Municipal Local Government Officer assigned to
designation paper
implementation LGU
If yes, what are those programs? Strenthening Intelligence and Coordination in the
The PVE team
Who are the sponsors/funders? Barangay Level. (Intel personnel are immersed in the
f implements PVE Yes 2
When did it started? If finished, barangay and is being paid through Support to military
when did it finished? fund of the LGU).
Is there continuous
benchmarking with
good practices (e.g., If yes, what LGU/agencies they
comparing own have engaged for benchmarking?
e No 0
performance with other What are those
LGUs; documenting areas/programs/practices identified
and sharing good for benchmarking?
a. Knowledge on PTVE
Have you attended
sessions and/or studied Yes 5 List of VE/PCVE ativities attended
Preventing and
Transforming VE?
b. Clearly understand
NAP PCVE and other
related policies.
Have you attended Got a copy of NAPPVE and/or lists
orientation on the NAP Yes 5 of other PCVE related policies that
PCVE? Who conducted were adopted an/or implemented
Do you have copy of
c. Understand the
Peace and Conflict
dynamics in the
Presence of peace mechanism to
What are the major
lead peacebuilding Programs.
existing unresolved Yes 5 Council of Elders locally known as Upakatan na Paluluke
Presence of Conflict Resolution
security problem?
mechanism operational.
What are the
established and
operational peace and
conflict mechanism?
a. Capacity in
Resource Mobilization
on PCVE. Copy of mobilized fund from other
No 0
Are there agencies you agencies focused on PCVE
that committed fund for
PCVE initiatives?
b. Facilitate conflict
To date what are the
S Documentation of resolve PVE
activities you led that Yes 5
K related conflict
addressed VE related
issues? What is/are the
c. Mobilize different
sectors and agencies in
peace and security
List of partners mobilized for PCVE
What are the sectors No 0
and agencies that you
mobilized and are now
conducting PCVE
a. Values inclusiveness
and participatory
What are the local
Presence of CSO/PO
sectors/groups you are
Yes 5 representation in Municipal Local
now engaging and
Special Bodies
currently involved in
municipal mechanism
in support to the LGU-
led PCVE programs
b. Transparent and
Are the specific
Presence of publicly posted AIP
budgets on the AIP and Yes 5
and projects
its actual utilization
posted in public
c. Belief in the
A reintegration of armed
T groups into the
T mainstreamed society.
I Do you think the
T government must
U coercively suppress
D and/or eliminate the VE
E groups through Municipal funded programs for
military? Or you still returnees and/or initiated links to
Yes 5 we believed that the armed group should be integrated in
believe that VE groups other agencies for reintegration
needed to be dealt programs
peacefully so that they
will be be won back to
the mainstreamed
society? Do the MLGU
have alloted funds for
LGU-led initiatives for
the reintegration of VE
d. Values relationship
to develop people.
Do you think LCE must
initiate diallogue with Consultation with local non-state
the VE groups? Did you Yes 5 armed groups and returnees and/or
alot fund for the capacity building programs.
capacity building
toward sustainability of
support to returnees?
Leadership Score 40