Curation Rubrics
Curation Rubrics
Curation Rubrics
Topic Concrete, Masonry, Metals, Wood, Thermal and Moisture Protection, Openings, Finishes
Intended Learning Outcome Curate design explorations based on the composition, application, properties and terminologies (not
discussed in the module)
Proficient Basic Emerging Not Evident
Performance Requirement Score
5 4-3 2-1 0
1. Creation of a curation of design Curation contains Curation contains a Curation contains a Curation did not
translations of the compositions, substantial amount sufficient number of small selection of contain design
applications and properties of design design translations design translations translations.
translations some of which were
discussed in class.
2. Curated design explorations All of the curated Most of the curated Few of the curated Curated design
demonstrate connections with each design exploration design explorations design explorations explorations did not
other demonstrated clear demonstrated clear demonstrated demonstrate any
connections connections vague connections. connection with
each other
3. Existence of complex ideas behind Curation reflected a Curation reflected Curation reflected Curation did not
the curated design exploration substantial amount sufficient amount of few principles and reflect any
of principles and principles and strategies. principles and
strategies drawing strategies. strategies.
from the
application and
properties of
4. Clear and effective communication of Organization is Organization is Organization is Organization is not
the curated design translations skillful, thus making consistently minimally evident in the
the presentation observable and the observable in the presentation and
cohesive. Language language used is presentation and language used was
used is imaginative effective in language used was unclear.
and compelling. supporting the uninteresting.