Etiologies and Medical Aspects
Etiologies and Medical Aspects
Etiologies and Medical Aspects
If the doctor know the cause, then he can treat the cause and do more for the patient
then he just treating their symptoms.
Definition of Etiology
Is the cause of a disease or the science that deals with such causes. The word etiology
comes from the Greek etio-, which means ‘causation’ and ology, which refers to the scientific
study of something.
Extrinsic and;
Intrinsic Etiologies
Intrinsic means coming from within. Therefore, any pathological, or disease-causing,
change that has occurred from inside the body has occurred as a result of intrinsic factors.
Extrinsic etiologies
This means the cause of the disease, or pathological change, came from outside the
Unknown cause. Remember we are ‘idio’-ts for not knowing the disease etiology.
The medical aspects of environmental health problems in emergencies involve taking care
of the affected people. Often, very specific knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of
effects from hazardous substances is required.
The medical management of people following a disaster may involve some or all of the
following activities:
First aid
Assessment and triage of victims in order to prioritize treatment.
Decontamination of people exposed to chemicals or radioactive materials
Special and general supportive medical care
Monitoring and prophylaxis against infection
Long-term follow-up
Psychiatric or psychological support.