Proportional Directional Valves Dlhzo and Dlkzor: Sleeve Execution, Direct Operated, ISO 4401 Size 06 and 10

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Atos spa Table F180-14/E

21018 Sesto Calende, Italy - Fax 0331 920005

Proportional directional valves type DLHZO and DLKZOR

sleeve execution, direct operated, ISO 4401 size 06 and 10

DLHZO and DLKZOR are high performance

connector connector proportional valves, direct operated, with
sleeve execution and LVDT position transdu-
cer, which provide both directional control
and non compensated flow control according
to the electronic reference signal.
They operate in association with electronic
drivers, see section 쪮, which supply the pro-
portional valves with proper current signal to
DLHZO-T-040 align valve regulation to the reference signal
supplied to the electronic driver.
They are available in different executions:
Communication • -T, with position transducer ➃;
plastic connector,
• -TE, -TES as -T plus analogue (TE) or
Power supply connector, digital (TES) integral electronics.
metallic or plastic, see section 4.10
The 4-way spool ➁ sliding into a precision -
see section 4.10 machined and hardened sleeve ➂ for maxi-
mum overlapping accuracy. The sleeve ➂ is
mechanically forced into a 5-chamber body
➀. The spool is directly operated by a propor-
tional solenoid ➃ and it is controlled in close
loop position by means of the LVDT position
transducer ➄.
The integral electronics ➅ ensures factory
presetting, fine functionality plus valve-to-
valve interchangeability and simplified wiring
and installation.
Following communication interfaces ➆ are
available for the digital -TES execution:
• -PS, RS232 serial communication interface.
The valve reference signal is provided with
analogue commands via the 7 (or 12) pins
connector ➇.
1 MODEL CODE • -BC, CANbus interface
• -BP, PROFIBUS-DP interface
DLHZO - TES - PS - 0 4 0 - L 7 3 / * ** / * In the -BC and -BP interfaces the valve
Synthetic fluids reference signal is provided via fieldbus;
DLHZO = size 06
DLKZOR = size 10 WG= water-glycol during start up or maintenance, the valves
PE = phosphate ester can be operated with analogue signals via
T = with position transducer Design number the 7 (or 12) pins connector ➇.
TE = as T plus integral electronics
TES = as T plus integral Options, see section 쪪: Thanks to the optimisation of the integral elec-
digital electronics Y = external drain trohydraulic system, static and dynamic
B = solenoid, integral electronics and posi- performances compare with good servoval-
Communication interfaces (only for TES) tion transducer at side of port A
PS = RS232 serial for -TE execution: ves whilst maintaining the typical benefits of
BC = CANbus I =current reference (4÷20 mA) proportional hydraulics: less sensitivity, coar-
BP = PROFIBUS-DP F =fault signal ser filtration requirements, intrinsic stability,
Valve size , see section 쪨 Q =enable signal easier servicing and consequently improved
S = with logic state signals (12 pins connector)
0 = ISO 4401 size 06 1 = ISO 4401 size 10 Z =enable, fault and monitor signals reliability.
Valve configuration, see section 쪨 (12 pins connector) The coils are fully plastic encapsulated (insu-
for -TES execution (12 pins connector):
4 = 2 external position, spring offset, fail safe Z = double power supply, enable and fault lation class H) and valves have antivibration,
6 = 2 external position, spring offset SP = additional closed loop pressure antishock and weather-proof features.
control with multiple PID parame-
0 = zero overlapping ters set - only for -PS Surface mounting: ISO 4401 size 06 and 10.
ZP = as SP but with double power sup- Maximum flow respectively up to 40 l/min
L = linear regulation; T = not linear regulation; ply, enable and fault - only for
-BC and -BP
and 100ll/min with differential pressure
1, 3, 5, 7 = spool size, see section 쪨 C = remote pressure transducer with cur- ∆p = 70 bar, see table 쪨.
Fail safe configuration: rent feedback 4÷20 mA - only for Max pressure = 350 bar
1 = A, B, P, T with positive overlapping 3 = P positive overlapping; A, B, T negative -TES/SP and -TES/ZP
Option /C for current feedback signal (4 ÷ 20 mA) is available on request for applications with long distance between valve and driver producing possible electrical “noise” problems.

2 HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS (based on mineral oil ISO VG 46 at 50 °C)

Hydraulic *40-L*3 *40-L*1 *60-L*1

symbols *40-T*3 *40-T*1

b b b
*40-L*3/B *40-L*1/B *60-L*1/B
*40-T*3/B *40-T*1/B *60-T*1/B

a a a
Valve model DLHZO-T* DLKZOR-T*
Pressure limits [bar] ports P, A, B = 350; T = 160 (250 with external drain /Y) ports P, A, B = 315; T = 160 (250 with external drain /Y)
Spool L1 L3 L5 T5 L7 T7 L3 L7 T7

Max flow (1) [l/min]

at ∆p = 30 bar 4,5 9 18 27 40 60
at ∆p = 70 bar 7 14 28 40 60 100
at ∆p max = (...) bar 18 (350) 32 (350) 50 (250) 70 (200) 90 (200) 160 (160)
Leakage [cm3/min] at P = 100 bar (2) < 200 < 300 < 500 < 200 < 900 < 200 < 1000 < 1500 < 400
Response time (3) [ms] ≤ 10 ≤ 15
Hysteresis [%] ≤ 0,1% ≤ 0,1%
Thermal drift zero point displacement < 1% at ∆T = 40°C
Above performance data refer to valves coupled with Atos electronic drivers, see section 쪮.
(1) For different ∆p, the max flow is in accordance to the diagrams in section 6.2.
(2) Referred to spool in center position and 50°C oil temperature.
(3) Response times at step signal (0%→100%) are measured from 10% to 90% of step value and are strictly referred to valve regulation. F180

Assembly position Any position

Subplate surface finishing Roughness index, flatness ratio 0,01/100 (ISO 1101)
Ambient temperature -20°C ÷ +70°C for -T execution; -20°C ÷ +60°C for -TE and -TES executions
Fluid Hydraulic oil as per DIN 51524 ... 535 for other fluids see section 쪧
Recommended viscosity 15 ÷100 mm2/s at 40°C (ISO VG 15÷100)
Fluid contamination class ISO 18/15 achieved with in line filters of 10 µm and β10 >
_ 75 (recommended)
Fluid temperature -20°C +60°C (standard and /WG seals) -20°C +80°C (/PE seals)
3.1 Coils characteristics
Valve model DLHZO-T* DLKZOR-T*
Coil resistance R at 20°C 3 ÷ 3,3 2,2 ÷ 3,4 Ω
Max. solenoid current 2,6 A 3,3 A
Max. power 35 Watt 40 Watt
Protection degree (CEI EN-60529) IP65 for -T execution; IP65÷67 for -TE and -TES executions, depending to the connector type (see sect. 4.10)
Duty factor Continuous rating (ED=100%)


4.1 Option /I It provides the 4÷20 mA current reference signal and the current feedback signals instead of the standard ± 10V. It is normally used in case
of long distance between the machine control unit and the valve or where the reference signal can be affected by electrical noise. In case of
breakage of the reference signal cable, the valve functioning is disabled.
4.2 Option /F Safety option providing an output signal which switches to zero in case of interruption of the transducer feedback cable. In this condition the
valve functioning is disabled.
4.3 Option /Q Safety option providing the possibility to enable or disable the valve functioning without cutting the power supply.
4.4 Option /S Option for diagnostic controls, providing three on-off output signals for the real time monitor of the valve’s spool position (central, P촞A or
P촞B). For the electrical wiring of -TE electronics with option /S (12 pins connector), see tab. G200.
4.5 Option /Z For -TE execution: option providing the same characteristics of /F and /Q plus the monitor signal of the spool position.
For -TES execution: safety option, specifically introduced for -BC and -BP fieldbus interfaces, provides two separated power supplies for the
digital electronic circuits and for the solenoid power supply stage. The Enable and Fault signals are also available. The option /Z allows to
interrupt the valve functioning by cutting the solenoid power supply (e.g. for emergency, as provided by the European Norms EN954-1 for
components with safety class 2), but keeping energized the digital electronic circuits, thus avoiding fault conditions of the machine bus con-
troller. For the electrical wiring of -TE and -TES electronics with option /Z (12 pins connector), see tab. G200 and G210.
4.6 Option /SP Option providing in addition to the standard valve functions, a closed loop control of the max pressure, thus realizing a P/Q regulation. A
remote pressure transducer must be installed on the system and its feedback has to be interfaced to the valve. If the real value of the pressu-
re in the system remains below the relevant reference signal, the driver regulates in closed loop the valve’s spool position, according to the
flow reference signal. When the real pressure become close to the relevant reference signal, the driver automatically performs the closed
loop control of the pressure. This option permits to realize accurate dynamic pressure profiles. Up to 4 set of PID pressure parameters can be
real time selected during the axis motion via on-off signals to the 12 pins connector to optimize the control performances in the different pha-
ses of the machine cycle. For additional information and for the electrical wiring, see tab. G210.
4.7 Option /ZP Integral digital P/Q controller providing the same characteristics of option /SP plus additional double power supply, enable and fault, like
-TES/Z. In this option the multiple set of PID pressure parameters can be real time selected during the axis motion through the -BC or -BP
interfaces. For additional information and for the electrical wiring, see tab. G210.
4.8 Option /C (compatible only with options /SP and /ZP) The valve electronics is set to receive 4÷20 mA signal from the remote pressure tranducer instead
of standard 0÷10 V. In case of breakage of the transducer feedback cable the driver functioning is disabled. For additional information and for
the electrical wiring, see tab. G210.
4.9 Integral electronics wiring
For the electric wiring shielded cables must be provided: the shield must be connected to the power supply zero on the generator side, see tab. F003


A Power supply 24 VDC Stabilized: +24VDC

B Power supply zero Filtered and rectified: Vrms = 21 ÷ 33 (ripple max 2Vpp)

C Signal zero Reference 0 VDC Reference 0 VDC Reference 0 VDC Enabling input normal working 9 ÷ 24 VDC
D Input signal +
±10 VDC 4 ÷ 20 mA ±10 VDC ±10 VDC
E Input signal -
Monitor ±10 V referred to pin C (signal 0 VDC) 4 ÷ 20 mA referred to pin C (signal 0 VDC) Fault signal alarm = 0 VDC ±10 V referred to pin B (signal 0 VDC)
Spool position 1 V = 10% of spool position 4 ÷ 20 mA = 0÷100% of spool position Normal working = +24 VDC 1 V = 10% of spool position
G Earth Connect only when the power supply is not conform to VDE 0551 (CEI 14/6)


Communication -PS (RS232) -BC (CAN Bus) -BP (PROFIBUS-DP) PIN Signal description
options male connector male connector female connector (reverse key) 1 OUTPUT SIGNAL
1 Not Connected Shield Termination voltage 3 SUPPLY +15 VDC
Signal description

2 4 GND
Not Connected Not Connected Bus line (high)
Pin number

RS_GND CAN_GND DGND Signal zero data line Note:

3 - electrical signals (e.g. actual - feedback signals) acquired via valve electro-
Signal zero data line Signal zero data line / termination voltage
nics must not be used to switch off the machine safety functions. This is in
RS_RX CAN_H LINE-B accordance with the European standards (Safety requirements of fluid tech-
Valves receiving data line Bus line (high) Bus line (low) nology systems and components - hydraulics, EN-892).
RS_TX CAN_L SHIELD - installation notes with basic information for commissioning and start-up, are
5 always supplied with relevant components, together with the specific technical
Valves transmitting data line Bus line (low) Shield tables.
4.10 Model codes of power supply and communication connectors
-TE/S, -TE/Z -RS232 (-PS)
Power supply Transducer only for TES/SP, /ZP
CONNECTOR CODE SP-666 SP-345 SP-ZH-7P (1) SP-ZM-7P (1) SP-ZH-12P (1) SP-ZH-5P (1) SP-ZH-5P/BP (1) SP-ZH-4P-M8/5 (1)(2)
(1) to be ordered separately (2) M8 connector moulded on cable 5 mt lenght
The functional parameters of the digital valves, as the bias, scale, ramp and linearization of the regulation characteristic, can be easily set and optimized
with graphic interface by using the following software programming devices suitable for standard PC:
KIT-E-SW-PS for electronics with RS232 interface (option -PS)
KIT-E-SW-BC for electronics with CANbus interface (option -BC)
KIT-E-SW-BP for electronics with PROFIBUS-DP interface (option -BP)
see tab. G500 for complete information about the programming device kits and for the PC minimum requirements.
Only for the -BC and -BP communication options, the functional parameters can be alternatively set via fieldbus through the machine control unit, using
the standard communication protocol implemented by Atos.
The protocol operating instructions to be implemented in the standard protocols (DS301V4.02, DSP408 for CANbus and DPVO for PROFIBUS-DP) are
described in the user manuals MAN-S-BC (for -BC option) and MAN-S-BP (for -BP option) supplied with the relevant programming device kits.
The above programming devices have to be ordered separately.
6 DIAGRAMS (based on mineral oil ISO VG 46 at 50 °C)

6.1 Operating diagrams

1 2
Stated for DLHZO and DLKZOR valves

Nominal flow [%]

Nominal flow [%]

1 = Linear spools L
2 = Not linear spool T5 (only for DLHZO)

1) For the valves with digital electronics -TES,
the regulation characteristic can be modified
by setting the internal software parameters,
see tab. G500.
2) Hydraulic configuration vs. reference signal:
Reference signal 0 ÷+10 V P촞A/B촞T
12÷20 mA (also for option /B)
Reference signal [Volt] Reference signal [Volt]
Reference signal 0 ÷-10 V P촞B/A촞T
4÷12 mA (also for option /B)

3 = Not linear spool T7

3 4
4 = Pressure gain
Nominal flow [%]

∆p A→B [%P]
Reference signal [Volt] Spool stroke [%]

6.2 Flow /∆p diagrams 1

Stated at 100% of spool stroke
3 5
Flow rate [l/min]

Flow rate [l/min]


1 = spool L7, T7 6
2 = spool L5, T5
3 = spool L3
4 = spool L1

5 = spool L7, T7
6 = spool L3

Valve pressure drop ∆p [bar] Valve pressure drop ∆p [bar]

6.3 Bode diagrams

Phase [degree]

Phase [degree]

Stated at nominal hydraulic conditions

Amplitude ratio [dB]

Amplitude ratio [dB]

1 = ± 100% nominal stroke
2 = ± 5% nominal stroke 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
3 = ± 100% nominal stroke
4 = ± 5% nominal stroke

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

6.4 Dynamic response

The response times in section 쪨 have to be considered as average values.

For the valves with digital electronics the dynamics performances can be optimized by setting the internal software parameters.


Mounting surface
ISO 4401-AB-03-4 size 06
Fastening bolts: 4 socket head screws M5 x 50 V
Seals: 4 OR 108; 1 OR 2025
Diameter of ports A, B, P, T: Ø 7,5 mm (max)
Diameter of port Y: Ø 3,2 mm (only for /Y option)

DLHZO-T Mass: 2,3 kg

options /Z, /SP and /ZP

Y = DRAIN PORT (see note)

Mass: 2,8 kg
NOTE: for option /B the solenoid, the position
transducer and the electronics are at DLHZO-TE
side of port A DLHZO-TES (dotted line)

Mounting surface
ISO 4401-AC-05-4 size 10
Fastening bolts: 4 socket head screws M6 x 40
Seals: 4 OR 108; 1 OR 2025
Diameter of ports A, B, P, T: Ø 11,2 mm (max)
Diameter of port Y: Ø 5 mm (only for /Y option)

Mass: 4,2 kg

options /Z, /SP and /ZP

Y = DRAIN PORT (see note)
V = AIR BLEED-OFF Mass: 4,7 kg

NOTE: for option /B the solenoid, the position DLKZOR-TE

DLKZOR-TES (dotted line)
transducer and the electronics are at
side of port A


Valve model -T -TE -TES
Drivers model E-ME-T E-RI-TE E-RI-TES
Data sheet G140 G200 G210
For complete information about the drivers characteristics and relevant options, see the technical data sheet specified in the table.

9 MOUNTING PLATES (select /Y in the plate model code for valve with option /Y)
Ø Counterbore Mass
Size Model Ports location Gas ports [mm]
A, B, P, T (X, Y) A, B, P, T (X, Y) [kg]
BA-202 Ports A, B, P, T underneath 3/8" — 1,2
06 BA-204 (/Y) Ports P, T (X, Y) underneath; ports A, B on lateral side 3/8" (1/8") 25,5 (16,5) 1,8
BA-302 (/Y) Ports A, B, P, T (X, Y) underneath 1/2" (1/8") 30 (16,5) 1,8
BA-308 (/Y) Ports A, B, P, T (X, Y) underneath 1/2" (1/4") 30 (21,5) 2,5
10 BA-428 (/Y) Ports A, B, P, T (X, Y) underneath 3/4" (1/4") 36,5 (21,5) 5,5
BA-434 (/Y) Ports P, T (X, Y) underneath; A, B on lateral side 3/4" (1/4") 36,5 (21,5) 8,5


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