Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
of A.Y. 2020-2021
A Research Study
In Partial Fulfillment
Enlogada, Daniel C.
Esmas, Brandon A.
Mosquite, Kenny P.
March 2021
Approval Sheet
and submitted by Enlogada Daniel, Esmas Brandon, Mosquite Kenny, and Velos
Name of panel member and signature Name of panel member and signature
Member Member
Date: _____________ Date: _____________
This thesis is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Table of Contents
Abstract (all entries should be double spaced) iii
Acknowledgement iv
List of Tables vi
1.4 Hypothesis 4
(and so on)
(and so on)
List of Figures
(and so on)
Chapter 1
around the globe to suspend the conventional learning curriculum which required
assuring the safety of students in their homes (Joaquin et al., 2020). As part of a
academic year amid lockdown restrictions. Such policy however met negative
(Fidalgo et al., 2020) met strong opposition due to the socioeconomic constraints
learning curriculums had been proven to be slightly more effective than traditional
(Simbulan, 2020).
There exists no feasible data on the impact of the pandemic to the
researchers aspire to determine the impact of the online distance learning to the
performance of select Senior High School (SHS) students from the particular
university. Such data may present an overview of the effects of the current
curriculum to the circumstances of the SHS students and may provide the
This study will investigate the impact of online learning. Through this
study, the beneficiaries which include the members of the Senior High School
The Senior High School Students of CIT-U will be able to determine how
online classes affected their studies. The effects of technology such as the
The Senior High School Teachers of CIT-U will be able to assess their
setting. They will be able to determine the optimum way to teach online.
The Senior High School Parents of CIT-U With the help of this study the Senior
High School Parents will be able to identify and assess the multitude of outcomes
The General Public will also benefit from this study. This study will help the
public to accept and adapt online learning as a part of education, they will be
aware of the benefits this study has to offer to students and to other practitioners.
The Future Researchers will be able to benefit from this study because they can
1.4 Hypothesis
between the performance of the Senior High School students of the Cebu
Institute of Technology University and the use of online distance learning (ODL).
learning. This study considers Senior High School students of the Cebu Institute
H1 Senior High School students of CIT-U are more effective at online learning
H1 Senior High School Students of CIT-U learn more basic technical skills at
online learning.
H0 Senior High School Students of CIT-U learn less basic technical skills at online
H1 Senior High School Students of CIT-U learn more about time management
H0 Senior High School Students of CIT-U learn less about time management
impacts of online distance learning (ODL) to the performance of the Senior High
1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the study
The study aims to look into the impact of online learning to the changes on
students of Cebu Institute of Technology- University for the Academic Year 2020-
The researchers will gather data from one of the many universities in Cebu
so the results may vary when conducted to any other universities and does not
Senior High School Department while other universities may also focus on other
types of tracks such as technical-vocational, and sports and arts. This may
For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in
learning opportunities and used this method by the senior high school students
Covid19. A pandemic spread all over the world, a type of illness caused by a
E-learning. A system of learning based on formalized teaching but with the help
of electronic resources and can be used by students and teachers for academic
decline in economic activity and this occurred currently because of the pandemic.
Study Aims. A research goal reflects the research study's purpose or aspiration; it
summarizes in a single sentence what you intend to accomplish at the end of the
Synchronous Classes. The occurrence of students and teachers that are in the
same position at the same time in order to learn simultaneously through online or
electronic devices.
Chapter 2
acquire more education. This may seem difficult without students and teachers
learn just as much away from a classroom as in one. Distance learning and
phenomenon. The origins of distance learning can be traced back to the advent
of the modern postal system and the mass production of printed publications,
people thanks to distance learning. It's a convenient way to get job experience
convenient acquisition of education in contrast there are still various fields in the
With the historian it is an article of faith that knowledge of the past is a key
important to note that there is no single evolutionary tree and no single agreed
ways in Business, Education, the Training sector, and the Military (Fletcher &
Rockway, 1986), and currently means quite different things in different sectors. In
the school sector, ‘E-Leaning’ refers to the use of both software-based and online
learning, whereas in Business, Higher-Education, the Military and Training
‘Opportunities multiply as they are seized.’ (Sun Tzu, 410bc) as for the past 40
years, educators and trainers at all levels of Education, Business, Training and
the Military made use of computers in different ways to support and enhance
management. These sectors initially employed the limited learning models extant
at the time, but have since moved to incorporate a diverse range of learning
models and foci (Nicholson, 2004). E- learning or online learning has been one of
mode DE institution in the Philippines, the term “open and distance e-learning”
(ODeL) has been coined to refer to the new mode of online or Web-based DE.
More specifically, ODeL refers to “forms of education provision that use
separated from one another for part or all of the educational experience"
(Alfonso, 2012, n.p.). ODeL expands the term “open and distance learning” or
multiple forms of interaction and dialogue that can bridge the distance between
teachers and learners (Anderson, 2008c; Calvert, 2005; Garrison, 2009) and
circumstances (Bates, 2008; Haughey, Evans & Murphy, 2008; Tait, 2010). Using
flexibility and adaptability of design (Garrison, 2000; Haughey et al., 2008; Tait,
formalized procedures for design and delivery” (Burge & Polec, 2008, p. 238), in
cases, “online discussion-based” (Jara & Fitri, 2007), with course contents that
are “more fluid and dynamic” because they are created during synchronous and
With the growing number of online programs and the increasing rate of
and students is whether the quality of the online program instruction and learning
research literature finds mixed results. Over the years, numerous studies have
course quality. For example, McFarland and Hamilton (2005) examined the level
student exam performance and found that learning outcomes were comparable
in both online and traditional teaching modes. Klesius, Homan, and Thompson
(1997) found that learners’ satisfaction with online learning was the same as
Ready, and Duplaga (2010), indicated that students believe that the quality of
difference was found in the learning outcomes of students in online versus face-
to-face settings. Thomas Russell’s (2001) analysis of 355 previous studies found
delivery. Thus, there is no significant distinction with the learning outcome of the
Dobbs, Waid and del Carmen (2009) measured students’ perceptions of online
course experiences. The participants of the study were 100 students who were
were attending online classes. The authors found that more students perceived
(2011) reported that on-campus CIS students taking a computer literacy course
had consistently higher GPAs and success rates than those taking online
courses. Beard and Harper (2002) cited lack of interaction, privacy issues,
students prefer to attend traditional “face-to-face” rather than online learning due
courses, particularly courses taught online (Coppola, Hiltz, and Rotter, 2002;
Karuppan, Karuppan, 1999). Dykman and Davis (2008) explained that the
including developing specific objectives for the entire course as well as for each
learning. Therefore, engagement of both parties the learners and educators are
online learning.
response associations made by the learner. It states that the learning process
places the teacher in a primary role wherein he or she adjusts the learner's
behavior and directs learning through drill and practice, habit-breaking, and
This study is anchored to this theory because it explains how the students
instructions such as turning on and off the camera, giving assignments, and etc.
in order to observe the behavioral changes of the students. Hence, this means
that the students will be assessed by the teachers as to how they behave in both
Jean Piaget. It is a theory about how they use various strategies to process and
construct their personal understanding of the content to which they are exposed.
(Rhalmi, 2020).
This study is anchored to this theory because students are gaining more
knowledge and learning that correspond to their course. The wide array of
relatively easy.
Chapter 3
online learning on the performance of the Senior High School students of Cebu
The researchers will hand out the survey questionnaires using the survey
accordance with the restrictions and protocols due to the pandemic. The
respondents will be sent with the online survey questionnaires. After collecting
In this study, the researchers will tally and record the responses from the
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
Chapter 6
T. (Ed. ), The theory and practice of online learning (2nd ed; pp. 343-365). Alberta,
Astani, M., Ready, K.J., &Duplaga, E.A. (2010). Online course experience
Bates, T. (2008). Transforming distance education through new
Publishing Ltd.
Baticulon, R.E., Sy, J.J., Alberto, N.R.I. et al. Barriers to Online Learning in
Beard, L. A., Harper, C., & Riley, G. (2004). Online versus on-campus
Bennett, S., Agostinho, S., Lockyer, L., & Harper, B. (2009). Researching
Calvert, J. (2005). Distance education at the crossroads. Distance
Campbell, L. (2004). What does the “e” stand for? (Report). Melbourne:
Dykman, C. A., & Davis, C. K. (2008). Online education forum: Part two –
distance education: A multinational study. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 17, 18
Klesius, J. P. Homan, S., &Thompson T. (1997). Distance education
Retrieved from
(Ed.), Handbook of distance education (2nd ed; pp. 247-258). New Jersey:
Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2001). Lessons from the cyberspace classroom:
Certification Center.
Simbulan, Nymia Pimentel (2020). The Philippines COVID-19 and Its Impact on
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
For undergraduate
a. Certificate Grammarian
b. Anti-Plagiarism
Appendix E
Name: Mark brandon A. Esmas
Nickname: Brandon