Snubbing Unit Brings Middle East Well With Underground Blowout Under Control
Snubbing Unit Brings Middle East Well With Underground Blowout Under Control
Snubbing Unit Brings Middle East Well With Underground Blowout Under Control
Surface Broach WHP 800 psi CSG 650 psi Depth (ft)
his paper describes the
mobilization of a snubbing Holes in
Depth (ft) tubing/casing
unit and blowout preventer (BOP)
Hole 7 in. 1,620 13⅝ in. 310
stack in the Middle East that Possible
enabled a well with an underground Hole 3.5 in.1,950 flow paths
blowout and surface broaching to be 9.625 in. 3,823
brought under control within a short
Holes 3.5 in. 3,500
time. The mobilization timeline is TTBP 3,704
provided, along with details about Hole 3.5 in. 3,720
how the snubbing unit and BOPs were Packer 3,934
EOT 3,952
integrated with existing equipment Formation 1,600 psi Perf 3,994
to enable re-entry into the blowout 7–54 MMscf/D
well. The procedures and equipment
used to enable a stable rig-up and well
BP+cement 4,147
entry are discussed. The paper also
describes the situation within the well Perf
and the procedures used to bring it
under control. BP+cement 4,310
TOC 4,360
Introduction and Background
A well drilled and completed in 1991 7-in. shoe 4,715
was last worked over and recompleted Fig. 1—The situation in the blowout well on 4 April. CSG=casing; EOT=end of
as a single-zone producer in 2010. On tubing; TOC=top of cement.
25 March 2018, the perforated zone was
isolated riglessly with a through-tubing well that was the source of communica- they quickly returned to 800 psi on the
bridge plug (TTBP) and dumped ce- tion with the cathodic protection well. tubing and 650 psi on the tubing by the
ment, and new perforations were added The tubing pressure was found to be 7-in. casing annulus. A total of 1,200 bbl
between 3,994 and 4,010 ft. After per- 800 psi, and the casing pressure was of OBM was pumped into the well.
foration, wellhead pressure (WHP) was recorded as 650 psi. On 3 April, wireline was rigged up,
only 90 psi, which was not sufficient Slickline was mobilized, and on and the logs run indicated that the tub-
to flow the well to the nearby gathering 29 March, a tubing check revealed an ing was severely damaged at approxi-
center, and the well was shut in. obstruction in the tubing at 3,738 ft and mately 1,951 ft, with many holes and
On 29 March, the gathering cen- provided evidence of damaged tubing wall loss between 1,296 and 3,727 ft.
ter reported that WHP had increased at 1,960 ft. Between 29 and 31 March, The 7-in. casing was found to have se-
to 800 psi and that a nearby cathodic multiple attempts to kill the well were vere damage between 1,585 and 1,620 ft.
protection well had begun producing made with brine weights between 9.0 Pressure and temperature logs indicat-
oil and gas to atmosphere. Investiga- and 9.6 ppg, followed by oil-based mud ed gas flow between the tubing and cas-
tions were performed on all production (OBM) at 16.0 ppg. Although pressures ing at 1,951 ft.
wells in the vicinity, and identified the were temporarily reduced to 0 psi, A TTBP was run on coiled tubing on
4 April and set at 3,732 ft. Discussions
began the same day with a snubbing
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Judy Feder, contains highlights
contractor about mobilizing a suitable
of paper SPE 194283, “Rapid Deployment and Use of Snubbing Unit Brings Well
snubbing unit and BOP stack. Because
With Underground Blowout and Surface Broaching Under Control,” by Albert of the proximity of the well to an inter-
Donaldson, SPE, Victor Marrero-Reyes, and William Scott, Halliburton, and national airport, a main highway, and a
Haitham Al-Mayyan, SPE, Kuwait Oil Company, prepared for the 2019 SPE/ nearby public center, as well as the risk
ICoTA Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, of further surface broaching, time was
26–27 March. of the essence in finding a solution to
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at