A New Vlsi Architecture of Parallel Multiplier-Accumulator Based On Radix-2 Modified Booth Algorithm
A New Vlsi Architecture of Parallel Multiplier-Accumulator Based On Radix-2 Modified Booth Algorithm
A New Vlsi Architecture of Parallel Multiplier-Accumulator Based On Radix-2 Modified Booth Algorithm
Here in this paper we are mainly into the concerned of concept called modified Radix-2 booth
algorithm, were we use a structure of MAC (Multiply and Accumulate) concept. Which
improves the arithmetic operation in a better way in other words it increases the speed of the
operation, now here the comparison has been taken and analyzed with the existing booth
algorithm and found that the Modified Booth Algorithm (MBA) has great performances. Which
uses 1’s compliment method. The CSA propagates the carry to the least significant bit in advance
to dececrease the number of bits so this MAC accumulates the partial product value in the form
of SUM and CARRY. The reason of improvement in the high speed arithmetic is by combining
the multiply and accumulate and devising a hybrid type CSA.For delay purpose in finding out
the delay scheme we use SAKURAI’S ALPHA POWER LAW.
Basic Conceptual Document date :06-8-2010
The above shown fig is the general MAC operation which is the existing method were it is
divided into 4 statges
Basic Conceptual Document date :06-8-2010
Here the above equation tells us that X and Y are the 2 binary numbers of length N bits,4
additional bits are recommended to avoid overflow.
The basic MAC unit is divided into 2 main blocks
1.) Multiplier
2.) Accumulator
The multiplier is divide into partial products generation and reduction blocks .
The partial products is further divide into summation tree and final adder .tree architecture were
proposed to improve the speed of the partial products addition
Basic Conceptual Document date :06-8-2010
Let us take suppose we want to multiply two –bit numbers and accumulate into a 2 -bit number is
The overall performance of the proposed MAC is improved by eliminating the accumulator
itself by combining it with the CSA function. If the accumulator has been eliminated, the
critical path is then determined by the final adder in the multiplier. The basic method to improve
the performance of the final adder is to decrease the number of input bits. In order to reduce this
number of input bits, the multiple partial products are compressed into a sum and a carry by
CSA. The number of bits of sums and carries to be transferred to the final adder is reduced by
adding the lower bits of sums and carries in advance within the range in which the overall
performance will not be degraded. A 2-bit CLA is used to add the lower bits in the CSA. In
addition, to increase the output rate when pipelining is applied, the sums and carrys from the
CSA are accumulated instead of the outputs from the final adder in the manner that the sum and
carry from the CSA in the previous cycle are inputted to CSA. Due to this feedback of both sum
and carry, the number of inputs to CSA increases, compared to the standard design.
And the the derivation of the proposed MAC is derived . which is in the form of P=X*Y + Z;
In the previous architecture it has been mentioned clearly that it consists of accumulation as a
different step but in this method we are merging the accumulation into the partial products +
accumulation .
When comes to the hardware point of view the n inputs X and Y are converted into (n+1) bit
partial products by passing through the booth encoder as S,C,Z are generated. these 3 values are
generated and fed back and used for the next accumulation.
Before entering into the CSA concept we need to what is CSA stand for and its basic definition
The architecture of the hybrid-type CSA that complies with the operation of the proposed MAC
is proposed, which performs 8*8-bit operation.
The above dig shows the proposed CSA architecture which gives you the information that si is
the one which is used for the sign extension and n(i) is to compensate 1’s compliment number
into 2’s compliment and s(i) and c(i) is the ith bit of the feed back sum and carry. z(i) is the I th
bit of the sum of the lower bits for each partial product ,the above taken example for 8 bits
number so only 4 partial products are generated .the CSA require at least 4 rows of Full adder
Basic Conceptual Document date :06-8-2010
for the four partial products .so totally 5 full adders are necessary. so it is same for n*n bit mac
operation the level of CSA is (n/2+1) .now from the above dig.
1.) white square =full adder
2.) gray scale = half adder
3.) rectangular symbol =2 bit CLA