STAT 205 Midterm Question Paper

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STAT-205 B.S 4th semester

Max. Marks: 20 Max. Time: 90 Min

-------------------------------------------------MID TERM EXAM----------------------------------------------------------

Note: Attempt all Questions


1- Define is Statistics? What are applications of statistics in different fields of life?

2- Differentiate between discrete and continuous variable.
3- Differentiate between statistic and population.
4- What is Primary data and how it is collected?
5- Write down the properties of correlation coefficient.

1- Represent the expenditures on various items of a family by Pie chart.

Items Expenditures
Food 480
Clothing 240
Fuel and Light 80
Housing 180
Services 100
Misc. 120

2- Find Median

Marks 50 40 30 20 10
Freq. 8 10 20 15 7
3- Make Frequency distribution of the fallowing data of weight of 40 students taking class
interval of size 9 e.g 118-126 , 127-135 etc. (


4- From the fallowing distribution determine the missing frequencies

classes 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-16 17-19 20-22 Total

Freq. 23 6 100
r.f 0.34 0.17 1.00
c.f 29 92
5- Find regressing equation x on y also find standard error of estimate and coefficient of
determination of the following data.
Price (X) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Demand (Y) 25 24 20 20 19 17 16 13 10 6

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