Traditional Literature Review and Research Synthesis
Traditional Literature Review and Research Synthesis
Traditional Literature Review and Research Synthesis
In a study by Zaporozhetz (1987), Ph.D. advisors ranked the literature review section
the lowest in terms of the amount of help they provided to their students—they
reported spending the most time on the supervision of the methods chapter. The
lack of interest in guiding students on how to do a literature review is probably
a. It is considered an easy and transparent process, not a skill that needs to be
b. There is a myriad of ways of writing a literature review, which makes it
challenging to provide a general guidance.
However, it can be argued that
(1) doing a literature review is not a naturally acquired skill
(2) Despite the variety of styles and approaches, there are some
common principles and procedures one could follow in order to write a
successful review.
Different Types of Review
The Critical Review is like a literature review, but requires a more detailed examination
of the literature, in order to compare and evaluate several perspectives.
The Scoping Review is often used at the beginning of an article, dissertation or research
proposal. It is conducted before the research begins and sets the stage for this research
by highlighting gaps in the literature and explaining the need for the research about to
be conducted, which is presented in the remainder of the article.
The Conceptual Review groups articles according to concepts, or categories, or
themes. It identifies the current 'understanding' of the given research topic, discusses
how this understanding was reached, and attempts to determine whether a greater
understanding can be suggested. It provides a snapshot of where things are with this
particular field of research.
The State-of-the-Art Review is conducted periodically, with a focus on the most recent
research. It describes what is currently known, understood, or agreed upon regarding
the research topic, and highlights where are there still disagreements.
Literature Review
Retrospective account of previous research
A survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview of a
particular topic.
Contextualize and inform further research
Helps in finding a niche to the researcher
Draws on existing research to verify an existing theory or build a
new theory
For policy makers findings can help in decision making
(Evidence based practice)
This evidence-based practice is of particular importance in
heavily practice oriented discipline-Applied Linguistics
Purpose of Literature Review
The other type of practical knowledge pertains to policies and instructions formulated by
government agencies to guide the practice of the domain in which the research is situated.
Literature in Literature Reviews
Use electronic data bases like Domain general data bases (google scholar)
and domain specific data bases in applied linguistics like LLBA, databases
from neighboring disciplines as Psy INFO in Psychology, databases for PhD
/MS theses or dissertations like ProQuest or public academic forums like
Stage 3 (Selecting Studies)
Research synthesis grew out of the dissatisfaction with traditional reviews, which
are deemed unscientific and subjective. comprehensive in coverage and
transparent in reporting, and its purpose is to reach conclusions based on study
findings, Methodological and substantive.
Methodological synthesis:
provides a survey of one or more methodological aspects of the primary research
with a view to evaluating whether current practices meet certain criteria and what
improvements can be made.
Substantive syntheses:
seek to aggregate the results of primary studies and reach conclusions about
whether an instructional treatment is effective, or a certain relationship exists or
how frequently a certain phenomenon occurs.
What is a Systematic Review?
Like the report for an empirical study, a meta-analytic report includes the
following sections: introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.
The introduction should contextualize the meta-analysis by: