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English 10 Week 1

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Quarter 1 Week 1
A Self-Learning Module in English 10
This module is designed to help you become a well-informed and critical
1 Quarter, Module 1:

learner using the different sources of information such as news reports,

Using Information from a Text Listened to
speeches, panel discussions, and informative talks.

As you go along thisRHANIELLA G. will

module, you SAGANA
be tasked to create your own news
report regarding a certain topic.
Most Essential Learning Competency: Use information from news reports,
speeches, informative talks, panel discussions etc. in everyday conversations and
exchanges (EN10LC-la-11.1.).

To the Learners

This module is designed to help you become a well-informed and

critical learner using the different sources of information such as news
reports, speeches, panel discussions, and informative talks.

As you go along this module, you will be tasked to create your own
news report regarding a certain topic.

Before you start, I want you to set aside other tasks that might
disturb you while learning the lesson. Read the simple instructions below
and perform the required tasks to attain the objectives of this lesson.

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated on every page
of this module.
2. Write in your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Keep in mind
that writing enhances learning.
3. Perform all the provided activities.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key
5. Analyze conceptually the Post Test and apply what you have learned.

Have fun and enjoy!

Name of Student: __________________________ Grade & Section: __________

Using the various sources of information from the news reports, speeches,
informative talks, panel discussions and in everyday conversations and
exchanges, this module will help you to:

 identify the various sources of information

 write an informative speech based on the given news report, and
 record a short video speech on how to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic

Start now your journey by answering the activity below.

Directions: On the space provided before each number, write the letter of the
words/words that is/are described in each statement.

A. Speech B. Informative Talk C. News Report D. Panel Discussion

_________ 1. It is a factual information that is usually found in the newspapers.

Its main purpose is to inform the readers of what is happening in the country
and in the whole world.

_________ 2. This is a kind of talk that provides information and educates the
audience on a specific topic.

_________ 3. “To obtain information, you listen carefully to President Rodrigo R.

Duterte’s State of the Nation Address.” What is the source of your information?

_________ 4. It used typically at a scientific, business or academic conference,

fan conventions and on television shows.

_________ 5. This talk is presented to persuade or convince the audience to

learn, to understand, and to remember information.

Anything that gives information on a person about something or
providing knowledge to somebody is called a source of information. The source
may come from observations speeches, documents, news, pictures,
organization, and daily conversations.

As our world becomes dynamic, people tend to rely on different sources

of information. These sources can be in printed form such as newspapers,
magazines, encyclopedia, and dictionary.

Today, the use of television, radio, social media platforms, and internet
to get information is necessary to make us knowledgeable and be able to share
and exchange authentic data with others.

Information dissemination can be done through news as it is a packaged
information about new events happening somewhere else. It can also be
through speech that persuades or convinces the audience into the topic being
talked about. Oftentimes, it is also through informative talks where it informs
an audience about something without being persuasive. Occasionally, it is
through a panel discussion wherein there is a live or virtual discourse about a
specific topic among the selected group of panelists.

News is always based on reality, as such there are essential factors

attached to it. News must be factual and interesting. If the event is actually
happening and it arouses the interest of many and they want to know about it,
then it is factual. News must also have a number of elements to make it
interesting to the readers.

Immediacy tells the latest angle of the story. The newsworthy words
“today and tomorrow” characterize the newest angle of the story.

Proximity refers not only to geographic nearness but also to interest


There are other important elements that make the story interesting such
as conflict, consequence, prominence, drama, progress and oddity or

To the Parent/ Guardian: Read the excerpt twice to the learner (excerpt is
attached to this module). As you read, the learner will write his/her notes on the
To the Learner: With the help of your parent or guardian, listen attentively to an
excerpt of a news report. Take note of important information you have listened
to. Write your notes on your notebook.


Directions: Supposing the news article you have just listened to is aired on TV.
However, Benny’s father, Mike, did not have the chance to watch the news.
Help Benny relay the information he got from the news to his father by
completing the dialogue between father and son.

Mike: “Benny, what is the latest update on Covid-19?”

Benny: “It is exactly 1.) ______________________ days since the first

confirmed COVID-19 case was announced here in the Philippines.”

Mike: How did our government deal with it then?

Benny: “They prepared a 2.)

______________________ response to the COVID-
19, Dad.”

Mike: “How did they do that?”, he asked

Benny: “Through the IATF chaired by the Department of Health.”

Mike: “What does IATF mean, Benny? What are the things that
they have
done already? Kindly share it to me.”
Benny: “Dad, IATF means 3.) ______________________. They aim to contain
the spread of COVID-19. They already implemented a
______________________ in Metro Manila which expanded to Luzon
as well.”
Mike: “That’s great! What are their plans to the economic impact of
this COVID-19 to the community?”

Benny: “They will be given a 5.) ______________________ which aims to aid

the families in need during these trying times.”

Mike: “Wow! I learned a lot from you, son! Keep up the good work in
delivering reliable information!”


Directions: Read the news report again. Write the letter that best
answers/completes the sentence.
1. Which sentence best expresses the main point of the article?
a. Exactly 100 days have passed since the first confirmed COVID-19 case
was announced in the Philippines.
b. The Philippine government mounted a multi-sectoral response to COVID-
c. The government implemented various actions to stop the spread of the
d. The World Health Organization (WHO) has partnered with the
Department of Health (DOH) and subnational authorities to respond to
the pandemic.
2. The acronym IATF stands for ______________________
a. Inter-Agency Task Force
b. Inter-Activity Task Force
c. International Agency Task Force
d. International Automotive Task Force
3. The word implemented in sentence 5 means ________________
a. disregarded b. executed c. planted d. agreed
4. The first Covid-19 case in the Philippines is from a 38- year old female who came
from _____________________.
a. Xiamen b. Beijing c. Wuhan d. Wuxi
5. Which statement conveys the plan of the Philippine government with regard the
COVID – 19 pandemic?
a. The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland raised to
the highest level the health alert by declaring COVID-19 as a public
health emergency of international concern.
b. Through the National Action Plan (NAP) on COVID-19, the government
aims to contain the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate its socio-economic
c. The government implemented various actions including a community
quarantine; expanded its testing capacity; worked towards ensuring that
its health care system can handle surge capacity, and addressed the
social and economic impact to the community by providing social
amelioration to low income families.
d. The World Health Organization (WHO) office in the country has partnered
with the Department of Health (DOH) and subnational authorities to
respond to the pandemic.

Directions: Unlock the Rebus Puzzle in each box below. Relate the answers to
your experience with Covid-19 pandemic. Use the example below as your

EXAMPLE: poorch

The answer is ‘take from the rich and give to the poor’ because we took the ‘ch’ from the
rich and placed it to the word, poor.

1 13579 2 ECNALG

How can you relate the words that you have unlocked in the previous
activity to the Covid-19 Pandemic that we are facing now? Write your
answers below.

1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________


Directions: Using the topic of the news report read to you in Activity 1, write a
brief informative speech on the spaces provided for. Use simple words and
apply the elements of news writing.

Remember the parts of the informative speech.

1.) Introduction – This sets the tone of the entire speech. The introduction should
be brief and to-the-point. You need to start solidly and launch the topic clearly.

2.) Body – The strategic organization helps increase the clarity and effectiveness of
your speech. The body contains the bulk of information in your speech and needs to
be clearly organized.

3.) Conclusion – The conclusion should be brief and tight. Make clear distinctions
(verbally and non-verbally) that you are now wrapping up the information and
providing final comments about the topic.Title
Tip: Create a clear structure for your speech by following the parts.
Thad Anderson and Ron Tajchman. (1994-2020). Informative Speaking. The WAC Clearinghouse. Colorado State
University. Available at https://wac.colostate.edu/resources/writing/guides/.




Criteria for Scoring Informative Speech

Organization (Grammar, Spelling)
Choice of Words

TOTAL 100%

In getting a reliable information, you need to check the accuracy of facts

given before disseminating it to other people. There are various forms of
platforms that can be the sources of information. Some of which are the

Match the words written from Column A to its definition in Column B. Write the letter
of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

Column A Column B

____ 1. news report a. an exchange of conversation between

two or more persons
____ 2. panel discussion b. related with current situation.

____ 3. timeliness c. a period of isolation

____ 4. informative talk d. persuading an audience into a specific

topic by giving information
____ 5. WHO e. financial assistance given by the
____ 6. Social Amelioration Fund f. discussion of a specific topic among a set
of panelists
____ 7. speech g. a pack of information about news events

____ 8. quarantine h. World Health Organization

____ 9. dialogue i. informs an audience about a specific

topic without persuasion
____ 10. prominence j. something unusual, shocking or bizarre

k. related to a well-known person, place or

Directions: Pretend that you are selected as a resource speaker about the Covid-19
pandemic. You are tasked to come up with the things that you have dealt with during
the pandemic. You need to tell your audience concisely about it.
Record a 1-minute video of yourself and send it to your teacher. Use the criteria
provided below as your guide.


Organization of Thought 40%
Content 40%
Clarity of Voice and Diction 20%
TOTAL 100%


100 days of COVID-19 in the Philippines: How WHO (World Health Organization)
supported the Philippine response
Excerpt taken from World Health Organization "100 Days of COVID-19 in the Philippines:
How WHO Supported the Philippine Response". 2020

Exactly 100 days have passed since the first

confirmed COVID-19 case was announced in the
Philippines on January 30, 2020, with a 38-year
old female from Wuhan tested positive for the novel

On that same day, the World Health Organization

(WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland raised to the highest
© Provided by Good News Pilipinas (One of
Metro Manila’s quarantine checkpoints.)
level the health alert by declaring COVID-19 as a
Image from PNP.
public health emergency of international concern.

The Philippine government mounted a multi-sectoral response to COVID-19,

through the Interagency Task Force (IATF) on Emerging Infectious Diseases
chaired by the Department of Health (DOH). 4.)
Through the National Action Plan
(NAP) on COVID-19, the government aims to contain the spread of COVID-19 and
mitigate its socio-economic impacts.

The government then implemented various actions including a community

quarantine in Metro Manila which expanded to Luzon as well as other parts of the
country; expanded its testing capacity from one national reference laboratory with
the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM) to 23 licensed testing
laboratories across the country; worked towards ensuring that its health care
system can handle surge capacity, including financing of services and
management of cases needing isolation, quarantine and hospitalization; and
addressed the social and economic impact to the community by providing social
amelioration to low income families. 6.)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has
been working with Ministries of Health worldwide to prepare solutions as a
respond to COVID-19 problem. 7.)
The World Health Organization (WHO) office in
the country has partnered with the Department of Health (DOH) and subnational
authorities to respond to the pandemic.


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