UTechJa Summary of Courses of Study

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U n i v e r s i t y o f Te c h n o l o g y, J a m a i c a

APPLICATION PRIORITY DATES 1 HISTORY international professional organisations.

ADMISSIONS PROCEDURES Syllabuses are modeled on the English
ON-LINE APPLICATION 1 The University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech) polytechnic system, with emphasis on flexibility of
PAPER APPLICATION 1 dates its beginning from 1958, originally as the approach work-based learning and professional
MATURE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 2 Jamaica Institute of Technology. In 1959 the linkages afforded through co-operative work
name of the institution was changed to the based programmes. Flexibility in the University’s
ACCEPTANCE 2 College of Arts, Science and Technology and it academic programmes is reflected in the various
became incorporated in the College of Arts, modes of course delivery, which include the
PROFICIENCY TEST IN ENGLISH 4 Science and Technology (CAST) Scheme of establishment of a Semesterised mode of
ACCOMMODATION 4 1959. This was validated by an ACT of Parliament delivery introduced in academic year 1999/2000
FEES 5 in 1964. In 1986, the CAST Scheme was revised and further adjusted and piloted in 2009-2010.
DEFERRALS 6 in order to make the College a degree-granting Under the System, the academic year was
institution, and the College became legally restructured into three academic sessions and all
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT empowered to conduct affairs under a governing courses of study modularized. Several credit and
School of Business Administration 7 Council and Academic Board. The institution was non credit courses are offered during the Summer
Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership 8
School of Hospitality &Tourism Management 9
formally accorded University status on September Session from mid-May to August.
1, 1995 as the University of Technology, Jamaica.

COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES The University of Technology, Jamaica Act 27-
School of Allied Health & Wellness 10
Caribbean School of Nursing 12
1999, which makes permanent provisions for the
School of Pharmacy 13 establishment of the University of Technology,
Jamaica was approved by Parliament on June 8,

Our primary Mission is

1999 and signed into law by the Governor
General on June 19, 1999.
to stimulate positive
College of Oral Health Sciences 14
School of Public Health & Health Technology 14
The history of the institution is intimately
change in Caribbean
School of Technical & Vocational Education 15 connected with the social and economic

society through
School of Humanities and Social Sciences 16 development of Jamaica. From just over 50
Post Diploma B.Ed. Degree (full-time summer/flexible mode) 16
students and four programmes in 1958, UTech

provision of high quality

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING has grown to become Jamaica’s premier national
School of Computing & Information Technology 17 institution with a student population of over

learning and research

School of Engineering 18
12,000. It now offers more than 90 programmes
at the certificate, diploma and degree levels
opportunities and
through its five faculties and three colleges.

service to our
Caribbean School of Sport Sciences 21
School of Mathematics & Statistics 21 The University has further expanded access to its

School of Natural & Applied Sciences 22 programme offerings to meet the demands of
business and industry by establishing campuses
Caribbean School of Architecture 23 and satellite locations across Jamaica. In
School of Building and Land Management 23 addition, several programmes are franchised
ACCREDITATION inside back cover
through links with community colleges, and most Published - September 2015
programmes are linked to national and
SUBMISSION OF ON-LINE 1. Read the Summary of Undergraduate
All applicants are encouraged to apply early APPLICATIONS Courses of Study to identify your 1st and
for priority consideration. There are two 2nd choice of course of study.
options when applying for admission, Early All applicants are encouraged to apply on-
2. Ensure that you have a personal e-mail
Bird option and Regular option. Late line. The on-line process is designed to address as you will be required to include it
applications are only considered if there is make the submission of your application as in your application.
space in the programme. easy and accurate as possible and should
last approximately 20 minutes. 3. Log on to the University of Technology,
The Early Bird option is recommended Jamaica website at
primarily for highly qualified applicants, SUBMISSION OF PAPER APPLICATION www.utechjamaica.edu.jm.
summer applicants and international FORMS 4. Click on “Apply to UTech” on homepage.
applicants who would like an early decision
on their application. Any applicant may Applicants who are not applying on-line 5. Click on “Start a new application”.
apply during this period. Applications must either print an application form from
6. Complete all four (4) sections and submit
submitted during this period will be the University’s website or obtain one from
your application on-line.
considered for admission and given an early the Office of Admissions & Enrolment
decision. An early bird applicant is one who Management. A non-refundable application 7. Print application confirmation page.
has submitted an application along with fee of JA$1,000.00 for Jamaican residents
supporting documentation by the stipulated and US$40.00 for Non-Jamaicans must be 8. Submit confirmation page and supporting
deadline. paid at the Accounts department before the documents (see other admissions
collection of application forms or upon information on page 2) to the Office of
Admissions & Enrolment Management
The Regular option is the standard submission of application forms downloaded
within ten working days of completion of the
application option. from the website. All downloaded application application on-line but no later than
forms and proof of qualifications must be January 29 whichever is earlier;
Applicants should apply by the following submitted to an Admissions Representative no later than December 1 for early bird
deadlines: along with the receipt of payment. applications.

December 1, 2015 – Early Bird The application process is

EITHER AN ON-LINE not complete
January 29, 2016 – Regular until all the supporting
APPLICATION. documents are submitted to


Persons who are 25 years of age and above, who are not eligible for
Submitting certified documentary evidence admission under the normal entry requirements, may apply for
*Copies of academic, birth and marriage certificates must be mature entry. The applicants must demonstrate their potential for
submitted along with the completed application form. Copies of undergraduate university studies by virtue of attainments, prior
passports may also be submitted. These copies must be certified learning and/or relevant work experience, all of which must be
and stamped only by a Minister of Religion, Justice of the Peace, relevant to the proposed course of study. In addition, the application
Attorney-at-Law or Medical Practioner. ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS must be supported in writing by individuals having first-hand
SHOULD ONLY BE SUBMITTED UPON REQUEST BY THE knowledge of the applicant's potential. Applicants' knowledge, skills
UNIVERSITY. Documents that have been tampered with will not be and competencies will be evaluated under the University's Prior
accepted and the applicant will forfeit chances of admission to the Learning Assessment Policy, in order to determine their
University. Applications and supporting documents must be returned equivalencies to the University's entry requirements. They may be
to the Office of Admissions & Enrolment Management, 237 Old required to attend interviews as well as successfully complete a
Hope Road, Kingston 6 or at our Western Campus, 17 Dome refresher Mathematics and/or Developmental English course. For
Street, Montego Bay, by 4:00 pm on January 29, 2016 . Transcripts further information please contact the Prior Learning Assessment
(PLA), Academic Affairs Division, UTech, at 927-1680-8 ext. 3394.
from other tertiary institutions must also be submitted by the closing
date for receipt of applications. It is not necessary to obtain a
transcript from a secondary school. Forms not properly completed, ACCEPTANCE
without proof of processing fee (for applications submitted
manually), or without supporting documentation will not be
processed. Early Bird applicants will be given a decision no later than
January 29, 2016
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER APPLICATION IS Regular applicants will be given a decision no later than
SUBMITTED? May 31, 2016
Applicants to summer courses of study will be advised of their
Once you have completed and submitted your application form status by March 31, 2016.
along with supporting documents, the Office of Admissions & Each applicant who is offered a place at the University will be so
Enrolment Management will send you an acknowledgement letter advised by a letter from the Office of Admissions & Enrolment
advising you that we have received your application and it is being Management. These applicants are required to pay a non-
processed. Depending on the course of study, you may be invited refundable Enrolment Commitment Fee (ECF). This fee will be
to attend an interview or sit a test. This will vary depending on the applied to the University fees upon enrolment. An applicant’s
course of study. If you are currently taking examinations, you may acceptance can only be confirmed if the ECF has been paid.
receive a conditional offer until you have satisfied the entry

Late Submission of Applications Course of Studyof Second Choice

Late applications will be considered if there is space in the course of Each applicant should submit one application form to the Institution.
study and the applicant is qualified. Applicants submitting late An applicant will only be considered for a course of study of second
application should follow the normal procedure for submission of choice if space is available.
Age for Acceptance
Under-Subscribed Course of Study
An applicant will be considered for a course of study if s/he meets
The delivery of any course of study is dependent on a specific the normal matriculation requirements and is at least 17 years of
number of students registering at the commencement of the age by December of the year of admission.
academic year. The University reserves the right to decide which
courses of study are offered. For those that have to be cancelled,
fees will be refunded in full. ARTICULATION

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON Applicants with Associate Degrees and Diplomas accredited by the
University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) or by any other internationally
recognized accrediting body may articulate into courses of study
CONTACT: offered by the University of Technology, Jamaica.
Office of Admissions & Enrolment Management Graduates from recognized tertiary institutions may articulate with
University of Technology, Jamaica advanced standing into undergraduate courses of study offered at
237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6. University of Technology, Jamaica.
Transfer of credits will be done in accordance with the University’s
Transfer Credit and Exemption Policy.
University of Technology, Jamaica
237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6 Applicants who have been accepted into UTech with other Tertiary
Tel.: (876) 927-1680-8, exts. 2194/2179 qualifications may apply for their credit to be transferred to the UTech
Fax: (876) 970-1058, (876) 977-2675 course of study. To do so, successful applicants must request that
email: jsinclair@utech.edu.jm / aawilliams@utech.edu.jm an official transcript be sent from the Tertiary Institution that they
internationalstudents@utech.edu.jm previously attended, directly to the Office of Admissions and
Enrolment Management (OAEM) and a Transfer of Credit form must
also be completed and submitted to OAEM. The transcript along
with the completed transfer of credit form will be evaluated.

Students admitted to the University of Technology, Jamaica will be The University currently provides 503 bed spaces in seven residential
required to do a Proficiency Test in English. Students who fail the facilities. There is one co-ed facility, namely the Dennis Johnson Hall of
Proficiency Test will be required to do a non-credit bearing Residence; single occupancy is not offered on any of the Halls.
Developmental module, which they must pass before being allowed
There are two male Halls, namely Farquharson Hall, a triple occupancy
to take the University level Communication modules.
facility, and Hall F, offering only double occupancy. Garvey Hall, Halls A,
B, and E are female residence. Double occupancy is offered only on Halls
Persons Exempt from the English Language Proficiency Test A, B, and E; Garvey Hall is a triple occupancy facility. The Dennis Johnson
If you have a Grade 1 pass in CSEC English A or an A in GCE Hall of residence is a specialized facility used to house student athletes
English; Grades 1 and 2 in CAPE Communication Studies or have including the MVP club. This facility is co-ed and houses up to six persons
successfully completed an undergraduate degree from a recognized per room.
university, a Diploma from a Teachers’ College or an Associate
degree from a recognized tertiary institution, you do not need to sit Each hall is equipped with all the basic amenities for your comfort, and is
the test. If you have successfully completed the 1st year protected by an electronic security system. Accessibility is attained through
the use of an electronic access card. Several developmental programmes
communication modules at a Community College /Franchise
and activities are designed for your holistic development, and enjoyment.
associated with UTech or have previously done Fundamentals of
Communication, Oral Communication or Communication 3 at Boarding fees are paid per semester; however, full payment can be made
UTech, you are also exempt. at the start of the academic year. Fees are paid prior to the start of each
semester; the payment dates are communicated, and are in accordance
with the payment schedule deposit by the University. Accepted applicants
are required to pay a non-refundable Boarding Commitment Fee (BCF),
which is a percentage of the total boarding fee.

For students interested in living on hall, the application period is October

1 to January 31. Students may complete this process on line, by
accessing our website at www.utechjamaica.edu.jm. Click on prospective
students, and then online services. The completed application form must
be submitted to the Accommodation Office by January 31 to be considered
for boarding. Incomplete forms will not be evaluated. Should there be
challenges encountered while completing this form, you may contact the
Accommodation Unit for assistance at telephone numbers

In the event that a student is not accepted for on-campus boarding, the
Accommodation Unit assists students in finding suitable and affordable off
campus accommodation.

All fees are charged on a per credit basis, and the cost per credit
differs in each School/Department. Tuition fee is estimated based
on the modules selected and the cost per credit of the
School/Department where the module is delivered. The final cost
may vary based on a student’s selection.

Prospective students should therefore clarify the fees before making

any final financial arrangement.

Tuition Fees for the Academic year 2016/2017 will not be available
until May 2016. In the interim, the existing cost per credit quoted in
booklet can form the basis for projecting the upcoming fees by
adding an additional 10% increase on the existing per credit rates.

Kindly note however, that the University reserves the right to change
fees and credits at any given time and quotes given in the brochures
are not final fees.

Ancillary charges for Academic Year 2015/2016

Students’ Student
Union Welfare Health Fee Jam Copy Registration Total
Dues Fund Tariff

$2,500 $1,500 $10,700 $1,500 $2,000 $18,200

1) Cost per credit for Assessment is $750.00


Applicants offered admission to the University may request a Scholarships and Bursaries are awarded annually mainly to full-time
deferral of their registration for a period of one academic year. Jamaican nationals studying at the undergraduate and post-
graduate levels.
Requests for deferral should be done in writing to the University
Registrar, and copied to the Student Relations Officer, Student The application period for scholarships opens in May of each year,
Relations Unit and the Head of School in the relevant College or and the closing dates are as follows (unless otherwise stated):
Faculty before the beginning of the instructional period in which the
Course of Study would normally commence. Approval will be • July 30, of each year for Scholarships offered to (new) students
contingent on the payment of the Enrolment Commitment Fee in year 1.
(ECF). • June 30, of each year for Scholarships offered to (returning)
students in years 2-4
Applicants who have been granted deferrals will be guaranteed
places for the next academic year, in the Course of Study for which Procedures for applying for Scholarships
the original offer was made, only if there are no changes to its Candidates are required to complete an application form for
matriculation requirements. A new application will be required if submission along with the following:
there have been changes to the matriculation requirements.
• Progress Report(s) for returning students.
Applicants will be contacted in writing by the Admissions & • CSEC/GCE, A-Levels/CAPE Certificates for first year Students
Enrolment Office two months prior to the expiry of the deferral • Records of Extra Curricular Activities (both on and off Campus)
period, to communicate enrolment information for the upcoming Students may apply for ALL Scholarships for which they are eligible
academic session. using the general application form available online at:
Note: Applicants who were granted deferrals must complete the www.utechjamaica.edu.jm
“Application for Readmission” form prior to the end of the
deferral period to indicate their intention to take of the offer. Click on Offices & Services/Financial Aid/Application
Forms/Scholarship Application Form.

For scholarships with special application forms, the forms can be

collected at the Financial Aid Office, Student Services Department.

Course o f St ud y General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY vel 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

5/1 r
a rs u ra

CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will


be assessed on an individual basis.



(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Business Administration
Undergraduate Degree: 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Accounting: Benefits Administrator, Financial Analyst, Securities
Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) Mathematics Broker, Budgetary Control Analyst, Accountant, Stockbroker,
(UBBBUADFXU1A) - Kingston 4 General Auditor, Payroll Manager, Auditor, Internal Auditor, Loan
$301,250 OR UTech Diploma in Business Administration or Administrative Officer
(UBBBUADFXO1A) - Montego Bay
Management (students will be articulated into the 4 years or 5
- Accounting years BBA programme). A&ISM: Information Records Manager, Data Analyst/Manager,
Procurement/Purchasing Officer, Research Officer, Information
- Finance Systems Manager, Meeting/Events Planner
- General Management Choose One Major AND One Minor
- Human Resource Management OR Finance & Banking: Financial Advisor, Loan Manager/Officer,
- Marketing Choose Two (2) Majors with the exception of General Management with Pension Fund Administrator, Securities Analyst, Stock Trader
- Production & Operations Management Human Resource Management
HRM: HR Manager, Recruitment Manager, Compensation &
Minor: Benefits Manager, Labour Relations Manager
- Accounting
Marketing: Brand Manager, Product Manager, Marketing/Research
- Administrative and Information Systems
Analyst, PR Specialist, Account Executive, Advertising Executive,
Management Business Development Officer, Public Relations Officer, Media
- Economics Relations Officer, Marketing Officer, Retail Manager
- Finance & Banking
- Human Resource Management P&OM:Logistics Manager, Production Planner, Supply Chain
- International Business Manager, Project Manager, Operations Analyst
- Marketing
- Production & Operations Management General Management: Managers in Finance, International
- Risk Management Business, HRM, Marketing, Public Relations

FRANCHISE PROGRAMMES - School of Business Administration


Business Administration
UBBBUADFXB1A Brown’s Town Comm. College 2 years Transfer to UTech in year 3 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language,
UBBBUADFXE1A Exed Comm. College 1 year Transfer to UTech in year 2 Mathematics and 3 other subjects
UBBBUADFXK1A Knox Comm. College 2 years Transfer to UTech in year 3
UBBBUADFXM1A Mo Bay Comm. College 2 years Transfer to UTech in year 3
UBBBUADFXP1A Portmore Comm. College 2 years Transfer to UTech in year 3

OUTREACH PROGRAMMES - School of Business Administration

School of Business Administration
Business Administration Portmore Comm. College Year 1 & 2 Transfer to UTech for Year 3 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language,
(UBBBUADFXQ1A) (Evening) &4 Mathematics and 3 other subjects.

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Business Administration
Undergraduate Degree: (UBSADMAFXUIA) 4 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Project Management, Corporate Secretary,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Administrative Mathematics Office/Administrative Services Management,
Management Records/Information Management, Client Services
Management, Facilities Management, Data Analysis,
Procurement, Event/Meeting Management, Business
Process Management, Corporate Services, Protocol
Officers, Archivists

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSACCOFXU1A) 4 $321,350 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Financial Accountant, Cost Accountant, Internal Auditor,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Accounting Mathematics External Auditor, Taxation Specialist, Management

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSECONFXU1A) 4 $311,450 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Economist, Investment Banking Analyst, Associate -
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Economics Mathematics Investment Banker, Sales Analyst, Financial / Securities /
Investments Analyst, Operations/Data Analyst, Business
Analyst, Market Research Analyst , Actuary

Undergraduate Degree:(UBSLEOSFXU1A) 4 $315,200 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Managerial positions in the Public and Private Sectors
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Leadership & Mathematics
Organisational Studies

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSREMAFXU1A) 4 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Retail Manager, Logistics & Operations Manager,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Retail Management Mathematics Merchandise Manager, Store Manager, Purchasing
Manager, Retail Store Designer


Joan Duncan School of Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership
Undergraduate Degree: (UBSENTRFXU1A) 4 $298,100 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur, Business Owner/ Manager ,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Entrepreneurship Mathematics and three other approved subjects. Venture Coach /Business Consultant, Entrepreneurship
Teacher/Lecturer, Entrepreneurship Researcher,
Minor: Business Incubator Manager, Market Analyst, Product
- Entrepreneurship minor for Developer, Corporate Manager, Marketing Manager
Bachelor of Business Administration students

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Undergraduate Degree: 4 $326,700 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language and Hotel Manager, Front Desk Manager, Sales Manager, Sales
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality & Tourism Mathematics. A foreign language would be an asset. An interview Coordinator, Special Events Coordinator, Event Planner, Attraction
Management (B.Sc) with a major in one of the maybe required. Operations Manager, Entertainment Coordinator, Rooms Division
- Hotel and Resort Management
- Tourism Management (UBSHSTMTFXU1A)
- Meetings and Special Events Management

- Marketing
- Meetings and Special Events Management

Undergraduate Degree: 4 $356,550 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language and Food and Beverage Manager, Catering Manager, Banqueting
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Food Service Mathematics (Food and Nutrition & a foreign language would be an Manager, Sous Chef, Head Chef, Concessionaire, Restaurant
Management with a major in one of the following: asset). An interview maybe required. Manager, Food Stylist
- Culinary Arts and Management
- Food and Beverage Management

FRANCHISE PROGRAMMES - School of Hospitality and Tourism Management


Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc) in Food Brown’s Town Community 2 years Transfer to year 3 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language,
Service Management (UBSFDSMFXB1A) College Mathematics and 3 other subjects. A foreign language would
be an asset.
Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc) in Hospitality
& Tourism Management (UBSHSTMFXK1A) Knox Comm. College

Offered at Franchised locations
DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Allied Health and Wellness
Undergraduate Degree: (Post-Diploma) CAST/UTech Diploma in Medical Technology or equivalent from a Research assistants in medical and scientific research,

4 semesters
(UPDMETEFTU1) recognized institution PLUS two years post-diploma work experience teaching assistants, licenced medical technologist in
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Medical Technology in a clinical laboratory. public and private medical laboratories, scientific officers
in industrial laboratories, research assistants in medical
and scientific research, teaching assistants, lab

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSMETEFXU1A) 4 $380,250 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Research assistants in medical and scientific research,
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (B.Sc Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology and one other approved subject. teaching assistants, lab specialists in: haematology, blood
MT) An interview is required. tranfusion, histotechnology, medical microbiology,
immunohaematology & clinical chemistry.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSCHADFXU1A) 4 $313,550 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language (with at Development Officer, Children’s Officer, Early Childhood
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Child and least General 3 plus Mathematics, Biology or Human & Social Inspector.
Adolescent Development Biology.
Pass Psychometric Test and Interview.
Provide clean Police Record

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSDINUFXU1A) 4 $422,550 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Nutrition/Science Education, Nutrition Advisors, Quality
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Dietetics and Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Human & Social Biology, Food & or Product Control Managers.
Nutrition Nutrition or one other subject. An interview is required.

Undergraduate Degree: $288,400 Graduates of UTech holding a Health Science Diploma or equivalent level Director - Nursing services, Health Records Administrator,
Bachelor of Health Sciences with major in: training outside of UTech plus three years work experience. Applicants Director - Vital Statistics/Patient Affairs/Health Records
3 summers

- Health Administration - (UPDHESASM) with diploma or equivalent academic certification in General Business Services, Hospital Administrator, Health Information
- Health Information Management - (UPDHEIMFX) Education will be considered for Health Services Administration option in Manager.
Module 3. Candidates over 28 years of age who do not hold a Diploma but
hold some other acceptable health discipline qualification must have in
addition a minimum of 5 years professional working experience. A pre-
acceptance evaluation test may be administered

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSHESTFXU1A) 4 $349,850 5 CSEC/GCE O’ level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Ethnomedicinal Research & Development, Manufacturing
Biology/Human & Social Biology, Chemistry and 1 other pass in an
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Herbal Studies approved subject. An interview is required. Industry, Nutraceutical Production, Herbal Farming, Organic
Farming, Wild Crafting and Harvesting, Herbal Tea
Any undergraduate degree with a science, health, hospitality or agriculture Packaging, Marketing, Health Food Store, Welness
related background. Tourism, Herbal Medicine Educator, Herbal Product Quality
Assurance, Professional Standards Monitoring.
Candidates with other types of academic qualifications will be evaluated in
accordance with the University’s regulations governing academic
DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Allied Health and Wellness Cont’d
Associate Degree: (UADHEITFXU1A ) 2 $413,500 4 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Health Records Technician/Officer/ Administrator, Vital
Associate of Science Degree in Health Information Mathematics, Biology or another science related subject and 1 other Statistician, Vital Statistics Registration Officer,
Technology related subject. Approved sponsorship based on Health Records Medico-Legal Officer, Medical Coder, Health Statistician.
experience, educational background and interview.

Associate Degree: (UADHEITFXU1C) 1 UTech Health Records and Statistics Level I Certificate or equivalent, Health Records Technician/Officer/ Administrator, Vital
Associate of Science Degree in Health Information plus work experience. Statistician, Vital Statistics Registration Officer, Medico-
Technology (Post Certification) Legal Officer, Medical Coder, Health Statistician.

Associate Degree: (UADHEITFXU2C) 1 UTech Health Records and Statistics Levels I & II Certificate or Health Records Technician/Officer/ Administrator, Vital
Associate of Science Degree in Health Information equivalent, plus work experience. Statistician, Vital Statistics Registration Officer, Medico-
Technology (Post Certification) Legal Officer, Medical Coder, Health Statistician.

Certificate: (UCECHADFX) 1 $120,000 3 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics and Early Childhood Assistant Teachers, Day Care Assistant,
Child & Adolescent Development Human & Social Biology. Mature persons with work experience in Nannies, Care Givers
the field are encouraged to apply. Pass Psychometric Test. Pass
Interview. Provide clean Police Record

Certificate: (UCEDITEFXU1B) 18 $130,000 4 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics, Hemodialysis Technician, Patient Care Technician
Dialysis Technician mths Human & Social Biology/Biology/Integrated Science and one other
part- science subject. An interview is required.
Note: (Only offered at Papine Campus)

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


Caribbean School of Nursing
Undergraduate Degree: (UPCCRCNFXU1A) 2 $721,050 A licensed practicing Registered Nurse. Registered Nurse in the Critical Care Unit
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Critical Care
GPA of 2.5 or average grade of C or higher in a general nursing
programme. Three (3) years working experience, part of which should be
in the Intensive Care Unit, Recovery Room, Medical – Surgical Unit/Ward,
Operating Theatre or Accident and Emergency Unit. Background in
Physics and Chemistry would be an asset.
An interview and a medical certificate will be required.

Undergraduate Degree: 4 $444,350 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Certified Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Community
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Nursing Biology or Human and Social Biology and two other approved subjects. Health Nurse, Mental Health Nurse,
UBSNURSFXD1A - (Montego Bay) There must be no more than two (2) subjects at level C or 3. Acceptance Neo-Natal Nurse, School Nurse, Surgical Nurse
UBSNURSFXU1A- (Kingston) is subject to successful pre-entrance test and an interview.

Undergraduate Degree: (UPCNUCOFXD1A) 2 $291,350 All students must be licensed practicing Registered Nurses with evidence Registered General Nurse, Charge Nurse, Director of
Bachelor of Science(B.Sc.) in Nursing (Post RN) of completion of a basic nursing programme leading to the award of a Nursing Services
Note: Offered in Montego Bay and through a diploma or a certificate from an accredited School of Nursing. They should
Franchise Agreement with also have evidence of GPA of 2.5 or average grade of C or higher in a
• Excelsior Community College School of Nursing basic nursing programme. Another requirement is that nurses should be
and currently working in a clinical area for the past two (2) years, or have
recently graduated from a school of nursing
• St Vincent and the Grenadines Community
College Nursing Division

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSMIDWFXIU1A) 4 $373,000 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Midwife
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery Biology or Human & Social Biology and two other approved subjects.
Direct Entry There must be no more than two (2) subjects at level 3 or C.

Acceptance is subject to successful pre-entrance test and an interview.

Undergraduate Degree: 2 RNs must show proof of current nursing license in the country of practice Midwife
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery and gain approval from the Nursing Council of Jamaica (NCJ) as having
Registered Nurses (RN) graduated from an approved general nursing programme.

RNs whose transcripts are assessed to be lacking in specific university

modules will be required to satisfy the university that they can be
exempted from those modules up to 20 credits. Where exemption is
denied the RN will take the University module (s) in addition to the core
midwifery modules.

RNs who satisfy the first two requirements will be exempted from years
one and two and will only complete years 3 & 4. Acceptance is subject to
successful interview.
DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)

School of Pharmacy
Undergraduate Degree: 2 $356,300 UTech Diploma in Pharmacy or equivalent. Acceptance is subject to Community Pharmacist, Hospital Pharmacist, Clinical
(Post-Diploma Online/Blended) an evaluation of applicant’s involvement in the profession of Pharmacist, Researcher - Industry, Academia, Distributive,
Bachelor of Pharmacy (UPDPHARFXZ1A) Pharmacy. Administration and Regulatory

Undergraduate Degree: (UBPPHARFXU1A) 4 $404,950 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Community Pharmacist, Hospital Pharmacist,
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) Chemistry, Biology and 1 other approved subject, preferably a science- Researcher - Industry, Academia, Distributive,
related subject, plus A-level or CAPE Units 1 & 2 passes in Chemistry and Administration and Regulatory
1 other subject, preferably Biology/Zoology, Mathematics or Physics.
Applicants successful at the interview will need to take a psychometric test
before acceptance can be considered.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSPHTCFXU1A) 4 $353,950 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Graduates will be equipped with the necessary skills to
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biology and 1 other subject, preferably a Technical or science- work in the following areas: Pharmaceutical,
Technology (BSc.Pharm Tech.) related subject (Physics would be an asset). In addition A-level or CAPE nutraceutical and cosmetic industries, quality control
Units 1 & 2 passes in Chemistry and 1 other subject, preferably and quality assurance, and research and development
Mathematics or Physics. A foreign language would be an asset.

Certificate: (UCEPHTEFXU1B) 18 $192,000 4 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics, Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Assistant
Pharmacy Technician Chemistry and one other science related subject. Interview will be
Note: (Only offered at Papine Campus) required.

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


College of Oral Health Sciences
Undergraduate Degree: (UDMMEDEFXA1A) 5 $2,152,550 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Dental Educator & Researcher, Dental Specialties, Oral
Doctor of Medical Dentistry Chemistry, Biology and one other science subject, plus 3 GCE A-Level or Surgery, Endodontics, Peadiatrics, Public Health,
CAPE Units 1 & 2 in Mathematics or Physics, Biology and Chemistry OR Radiologist, Dental Surgeon
B.Sc. in Dental Sciences, other Biological or Chemistry Degrees. An
interview is required.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSDELTFXA1A) 4 $356,800 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Dental Laboratory Technologist
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Dental Laboratory Mathematics, Chemistry and two (2) other subjects. Interview is
Technology required.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSADEHFXA1A) 2 $781,050 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, License Dental Hygienist/Oral Health Promoter
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Dental Hygiene calendar Mathematics, Chemistry/Integrated Science and Biology/Human
(Accelerated) &Social Biology and one other subject. Interview is required.

Diploma:(UDPADEAFXA1) 1 $619,175 3 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics and Specialist Dental Assistant, Clinical Dental
Dental Assisting (Expanded function) calender Biology/Integrated Science/Human & Social Biology. An interview is Assistant,Expanded Function Dental Assistant

School of Public Health and Health Technology

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSENHEFXU1A) 4 $360,300 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Regional Public Health/Public Health Inspectors, Health
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Mathematics, Biology or Human & Social Biology, Chemistry and one Managers, Director - Environmental Health, National
(B.Sc.EH) with a major in Public Health Inspection other subject. Pass a final selection interview. Specialist at Ministry level, Educators (University level)

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSOCHSFXU1A) 4 $352,250 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist, Health & Safety
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Occupational Health Biology, Chemistry and one other pass in an approved subject. An Officer, Educator, Researcher
& Safety interview required.

Undergraduate Degree: (Post-Basic) 2 $424,350 Registered nurse & registered midwife with current licences to Public Health Nurses, Chief Public Health Nurse,
(UPBPUHNFXU1A) practise nursing and midwifery in Jamaica or home country. A Educator, Researcher, Chief Nursing Officer, Parish
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Public Health minimum of two (2) years relevant post-registration work experience Managers, CEO & Directors of Health Institution
Nursing is required. An interview may be required.

Diploma: (UPDMOFIFXU1C) 18 $175,100 Public Health Inspectors who are holders of the Diploma in Public Meat Inspector, Food Inspector
Meats & Other Foods Inspection Health Inspection or a Degree in Environmental Health. In addition,
weeks applicants must have two years working experience as a Public
Health Inspector.
DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Technical and Vocational Education
Undergraduate Degree: (UBAADPADXU1A) 4 $278,900 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics and 3 other Fashion Designer, Sample Maker, Apparel Manufacturer,
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Apparel Design, approved subjects; Associate Degree/Certificate in Fashion Designing; Couturier Tailor, Textile Designer, Interior Decorator,
Production & Management Diploma in Garment Construction; Operators of Apparel Businesses. Manufacturer of Interior Decoration Items, Fashion
Illustrator, Retailer Manager, Inventory Manager, Buyer,
Individuals are required to satisfy an interview

Undergraduate Degree: (UBDBUCSFXU1A) General Requirement: 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Business Education Teacher, Information Technology
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in Business & Language and Mathematics, OR a 3-year Teachers’ Diploma in Secondary Instructor, Career Counselling, Office Administrator, Legal
Computer Studies with an option in one of the Education. A CSEC/GCE O-Level pass in Information Technology or 80 hours Assistant, Administrative Assistant,
Accountant, Trainee Programmer, Bursar, Assistant
following: of instruction in computing would be an asset (for the Computer Technology
Researcher, Human Resource Officer, IT Specialist, Court
- Administrative Management & 4 $270,025 option). Passes in two (2) business subjects would be beneficial for those Reporting, Instructional Coordinators
Technology (UBDBCAMFXU1A) seeking to enrol in the Business Studies option. All applicants are required to
- Business Studies (UBDBCBSFXU1A) 4 $270,025 sit an interview.
- Computer Technology (UBDBCCTFXU1A) 4 $292,875

Undergraduate Degree: (UBTFACSFXU1A) 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics and 3 Specialist Teacher, Research Assistants, Educational
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in Family and 4 $283,275 other approved subjects (Sciences or related subjects) (Home Economics Materials Writer, Consumer Services Advisor, Nutrition
Consumer Studies subjects are an asset) OR a 3-year Teachers’ Diploma in Specialization. Coordinator, Test Kitchen Director, Community Extension
Officer, Interior Decorator, Education Officer, Family Life
Individuals are required to sit an interview.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBTFSPMFXU1A) $297,625 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes in English Language, Mathematics and 3 Food and NutritionTeacher, Food Service Manager, Food
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in Food Service 4 other approved subjects (Sciences or related subjects) (Home Economics & Beverage Manager, Maitre d', Food Analyst, Menu
Production and Management subjects are an asset) OR a 3-year Teachers’ Diploma in Specialization. Planner, Meal Manager, Purchasing Officer, Community
Extension Officer, Food Product Developer
Individuals are required to sit an interview.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBDINTEFXU1A) 4 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Specialist Teacher, Architectural Drafting/3D Modeling,
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Specialization in and three other approved subjects (Sciences or Technical) or PEC/ PET Industrial Technology Specialist, Trainer, Supervisor/Head
Industrial Technology with a single major in one of courses at prescribed level. Individuals are required to sit an interview. of Department - Industrial Department, Middle Manager in
Industry, Trainee Manager in Industry
the following:
- Construction Technology $267,125
- Electrical Technology Students pursuing the Mechanical Technology major are required
- Mechanical & Information Technology* to pursue a minor in either Electrical Technology or Information
The following major/minors are also available: Technology
- Construction/Electrical
- Construction/Information Technology
- Electrical/Construction 
See page 20 for details on PEC Programmes.
- Electrical/Information Technology
- Mechanical/Electrical

Note: Mature students are evaluated on an individual basis for each specialization. Diploma students from other Institutions can apply for Advanced Placement.

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


Post-Diploma Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Degree (full-time summer/flexible mode) 

Undergraduate Degree: (UBTADPMFXU1A) 3-year UTech Technical Education Diploma OR Equivalent in the desired Specialist Teacher, Architectural Drafting/3D Modeling,
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Apparel Design, Production area of specialization PLUS two years Post-Diploma teaching experience Industrial Technology Specialist, Trainer, Supervisor/Head of
& Management Department - Industrial Department, Middle Manager in
Industry, Trainee Manager in Industry

Undergraduate Degree: 3-year UTech Technical Education Diploma OR Equivalent in the desired Business Education Teacher, Information Technology
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Business & Computer area of specialization PLUS two years Post-Diploma teaching experience Instructor, Career Counselling, Office Administrator, Legal
Studies with an option in one of the following: Full-time summer/Flexible mode Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Accountant, Trainee
- Administrative Management & Programmer, Bursar, Assistant Researcher, Human
Technology (UBDBCAMFXU1A) Resource Officer, IT Specialist, Court Reporting, Instructional
- Business Studies (UBDBCBSFXU1A) Coordinators
- Computer Technology (UBDBCCTFXU1A)

Undergraduate Degree: (UBTFSPMFXU1A) 3-year UTech Technical Education Diploma OR Equivalent in the desired Food and Nutrition Teacher, Food Service Manager, Food &
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in Food Service area of specialization PLUS two years Post-Diploma teaching experience Beverage Manager, Maitre d', Food Analyst, Menu Planner,
Production and Management Meal Manager, Purchasing Officer, Community Extension
Officer, Food Product Developer

Undergraduate Degree: (UBDINTEFXU1A) 3-year UTech Technical Education Diploma OR Equivalent in the desired Specialist Teacher, Architectural Drafting/3D Modeling, Industrial
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Specialization in area of specialization PLUS two years Post-Diploma teaching experience Technology Specialist, Trainer, Supervisor/Head of Department -
Industrial Technology with a single major in one of the Industrial Department, Middle Manager in Industry, Trainee
following: Manager in Industry
- Construction Technology
- Electrical Technology
- Mechanical & Information Technology*

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Undergraduate Degree: (UBACOATFXU1A) 4 $395,900 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language and Corporate Relations Officer, Broadcasting Station Manager,
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Communication Arts & Mathematics. Applicants with English Literature, a Foreign Language Press Relations Officer, Editor/ Editorial Assistant, Multimedia
Technology and CAPE Units will have an advantage. Production, Creative Director, Advertising Account Executive,
Special Events Coordinator, Advertising Copywriter, Public
NOTE: Opinion Researcher, Media Sales Representative, News Director,
The programme is offered at the Papine Campus. Residents of western Advertising Director, Talk Show Host
Audiovisual Specialist Script Writer, Promotions Manager,
Jamaica may sit the first year of the programme at the UTech Westren
Sports Caster, Journalist
Campus. This is subject to enrolment numbers.

Students may pursue their modules in any of the three academic sessions
DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)

School of Computing and Information Technology
Undergraduate Degree: (UBSCOMPFXU1A) 4 $349,500 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes inclusive of English Language and Software Engineers, Applications Programmers, Network
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computing with Mathematics at grade 1, 2 and 3 (from June 1998) or GCE O-Level Specialists, Database Designers, Multimedia Specialists,
majors in: passes at A, B or C or equivalent. Internet Security Specialists, Database Administrator,
- Computer Science Programmer, Systems Analyst, Computer Support
- Information Technology Candidates are required to pass an aptitude test scheduled for Systems Specialist
December 12-13, 2015 (for Early Bird applicants) and February 20-
21, 2016 (for Regular applicants). An interview may be required.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSANDPFXU1A) 4 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes inclusive of English Language and Animator, Background Painter, 3D Modeler, Art Director,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Animation Mathematics at grade 1, 2 and 3 (from June 1998) or GCE O-Level Cartoonist, Inbetweener, Film and Video Editor, Character
Production and Development passes at A, B or C or equivalent. Animator, Key Animator , Flash Animator, Character
Rigger, Lighting Technician, Graphics Designer, Color Key
Applicants are required to submit a portfolio. Artist, Render Wrangler, Stop Motion Animator,
Compositing Artist, Storyboard Artist, Video Game
Designer, Concept Artist , Texture Artist , Animation
Director, Digital Painter, Visual Development Artist, Digital
Media Artist, Illustrator, Layout Artist, Animation Producer,
Multimedia Artist, Animation Entrepreneur, Effects
Animator, Forensic Animator, Product designer

FRANCHISE PROGRAMMES - School of Computing and Information Technology


Associate Degree in Computer Studies (Modular)

UPCCOSTFTK1 Knox Community College 1 year Transfer to third year in Certificate in Computer Studies.
UPCCOSTFTM1 Mo Bay Comm. College Degree Programme

School of Computing & Information Technology

Certificate in Computer Studies (Modular) 1 year Applicants will be required to 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language &
UCECOSTFTK1 Knox Community College submit an application for Mathematics
UCECOSTFTM1 Mo Bay Comm. College Associate Degree
UCECOSTFTP1 Portmore Comm. College

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)

School of Engineering
Undergraduate Degree: (UBEAGBEFXU1A) $336,750 (a) Five (5) CSEC/GCE O- level English Language, Mathematics, Agricultural Structure/Building Engineers, Food &
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Agricultural 4 Physics and 2 other (Technical or Science related) subjects PLUS Bioprocess Engineers, Bio-Information
Engineering GCE A-level Mathematics, Physics and one other relevant course Technologist, Stock Management Systems
OR Six (6) CAPE Units including Physics Units I and II,
Options: Specialist, Transportation, Land Management & Regional
Mathematics Units I and II and two (2) other units in related
- Agricultural Machinery and Power Systems courses. Planner, Environmental Engineer, Natural Resource
Design OR Manager, Renewable Energy Specialist, Power Systems &
- Food/Bio Processing and Post Harvest (b) B.Eng in Mechanical or Chemical Engineering from UTech Field Machinery Engineer, Biosystems Engineer
Technologies (completion of a rationalization semester at UTech may be required)
- Water, Waste, Energy and the Environment OR
- Building/Structures and Protective Environments (c) Successful completion of Year One of the Diploma in Electrical or
Mechanical with a minimum GPA of 3.05
(d) UTech Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Technology
(for Advanced Placement) with a minimum GPA of 2.7 (An
interview may be required)
(e) B. Tech from CASE (for Advanced Placement) with a minimum GPA
of 2.7 after completion of a rationalization semester at CASE. (An
interview may be required)
(f) Associate Degree or Diploma in Agriculture from a recognised
institution (for Advanced Placement) with a minimum GPA of 2.7
after completion of a rationalization year at UTech or CASE. (An
interview may be required).

Undergraduate Degree: (a) Five (5) CSEC/GCE ordinary level passes in English Language, Process Analysis, Process Control Manager, Quality and
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in Chemical Mathematics, Physics and one (1) other (Technical or Science Food Manager, Business Development Manager (Water
Engineering related) subject PLUS three (3) GCE A-level passes in Mathematics, Treatment), Production Supervisor, Staff Process
Physics and Chemistry OR Six (6) CAPE Units including Physics
UBECHENFXU1A 4 $354,600 Engineering, Field Service Engineer, Technical Engineer,
Units I and II, Mathematics Units I and II and Chemistry Units I and
UBECHENFXU2A** 3 II (grades I and V). Interview may be required. Environmental Engineer
(b) Successful completion of Year One of the Diploma in Electrical or
NOTE: Mechanical with a minimum GPA of 3.05
(a) Spanish is taught as a foreign language and OR
specific modules are delivered in Spanish at (c) UTech Diploma in Engineering, or equivalent field of study (for Advanced
levels 2, 3 and 4 with a one (1) month immersion Placement) with a minimum GPA of 2.7(an interview may be
at an accredited university in a Spanish required)
speaking country. OR
(d) Associate Degree in Engineering or equivalent field of study from an
(b) Additional cost for Spanish Immersion approved institution (for Advanced Placement) with a minimum GPA of
component is $15,000 per year 2.7 (an interview may be required).

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Engineering Cont’d
Undergraduate Degree: (a) Five (5) CSEC/GCE O- level English Language, Mathematics, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, Civil Design Engineer,
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Civil Physics and 2 other (Technical or Science related) subjects Site Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Construction Civil
Engineering PLUS GCE A-level Mathematics, Physics and one other relevant Engineer
Options: courses OR Six (6) CAPE Units including Physics Units I and II,
- Construction Mathematics Units I and II and two (2) other units in related
- Environmental courses.
- Structures
(b) Successful completion of Year One of the Diploma in Electrical or
- Transportation 4 $396,650
Mechanical with a minimum GPA of 3.05
(UBECIENFXU2A** (c) UTech B.Eng. in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering (advanced
placement to level 3)
(d) UTech Diploma in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering (may
enter the programme at the beginning of level 2).
(e) Associate Degree in Engineering from Montego Bay, Portmore,
or Knox Community College or any other approved institution
with a minimum GPA of 2.7 (may enter the programme at the
beginning of level 2).

Undergraduate Degree: (a) Five (5) CSEC/GCE O- level English Language, Mathematics, Electrical Engineer, Electrical Construction Inspector,
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Electrical Physics and 2 other (Technical or Science related) subjects Systems Developer, Power Plant Designer,
Engineering Options: PLUS GCE A-level Mathematics, Physics and one other relevant Communication Systems Manager, Computer Technician,
- Communications courses OR Six (6) CAPE Units including Physics Units I and II, Network Support, Computer Programmer/ Analyst, Electric
- Computing Mathematics Units I and II and two (2) other units in related courses. Project Designer, Computer Engineer
- Instrumentation & Control OR
- Power 4 $386,750 (b) Successful completion of Year One of the Diploma in Electrical or
UBEELENFXU1A 3 Mechanical with a minimum GPA of 3.05.
(c) UTech Diploma in Engineering, or equivalent in field of study (for
Undergraduate Degree: Advanced Placement) with a minimum GPA of 2.7. Chief Technological Officer, Productivity Engineer, Process
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Industrial OR Engineer, Process Improvement Engineer, Quality
Engineering (d) Associate Degree in Engineering from Montego Bay, Portmore, Engineer, Reliability Engineer, System Engineer,
UBEINENFXU1A 4 $372,750 or Knox Community College or any other approved institution Technology Engineer
UBEINENFXU2A** 3 with a minimum GPA of 2.7; may enter the programme at the
beginning of level 2.
Undergraduate Degree: Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Design Engineer,
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Mechanical Interview may be required. Manufacturing/Industrial Engineer, Controls Engineer,
Engineering Mechanical Product Engineer, Production Engineer
UBEMEENFXU1A 4 $372,750
DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Engineering Cont’d
Diploma: (UDPELENFXU1A) 3 $278,000 4 CSEC/GCE O-Level: English Language, Mathematics & Junior Geological Engineer, Digital Engineer,
- Electrical Engineering Physics/Electrical & Electronic Technology and one other subject Electronics Engineer, Electrical Technologist
(preferably technical) at prescribed level

Diploma: (UDPMEENFXU1A) 3 $295,100 Manufacturing Engineer, Maintenance Engineer,

- Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Technologist, Technical Officer

OUTREACH PROGRAMMES - School of Engineering


Pre-Engineering Course – (PEC) 1 year Eligible for diploma Secondary School to Grade 9 level. Pass Selection Test.
USTPRECFTB1 Brown’s Town Comm. College programmes or the Pre-
USTPRECFTC1 Caribbean Maritime Institute requisite Course depending on
grade point average achieved
USTPRECFTE1 EXED Comm. College in final examinations. Also may
USTPRECFTK1 Knox Comm. College be accepted in other
USTPRECFTM1 Mo Bay Comm. College programmes subject to
USTPRECFTP1 Portmore Comm. College additional CSEC, GCE or
equivalent subjects.

Undergraduate Degree: 3 $512,500 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Permanent Secretary, Company Secretary, Company
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Mathematics at the CSEC General Proficiency Level with grades 1, Director, Lecturer in Law, Advisors to Ministries and
(UBLLAWSFXU1A) - Kingston 2 or (Grade 3 as of June 1998)/GCE ‘O” Level with grades A, B or C Boards.
(UBLLAWSFXO1A) - Montego Bay Plus passes in any two subjects at CAPE in both units 1 and 2 with
grades 1, 2 or 3 or GCE A-Level with grades A, B or C.

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)

Caribbean School of Sport Sciences
Undergraduate Degree: (UBSSPSCFXU1A) 4 $246,350 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language and Art & Science of Coaching: Consultants in private &
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Sport Sciences Mathematics and at least two (2) Science Subjects. Physical public sector, Coaches for clubs, schools and national
with a major in: Education would be an asset. team in respective disciplines
- Art & Science of Coaching Athletic Training: Atheltic Trainers in private & public
- Athletic Training sector, Health care givers/Partners in a Sport Medicine
- Sport Management practice
Sport Management: Sport Manager, Sport Agent,
Facilities Manager, Sport Journalist, Events Manager,
Sport Accountant, Sport Programme Manager,
Consultant in the public and private sector

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSACSCFXU1A) 4 $388,900 7 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes with distinction in Mathematics and at Actuary, Financial Analyst
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Actuarial Science least two (2) other Science Subjects and credit in at least two (2)
other Subjects

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSAPSTFXU1A) 4 $339,050 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language and Survey Project Manager, Market Researcher, Economic
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Applied Statistics Mathematics (Grade 1 or 2). An interview may be required Analyst, Statistician, Crime Analyst, Epidemiologist,
with a major in: Quality Control Manager, Environment Scientist,
- Environmental Statistics Statistical Sports Analyst, Researcher
- Social & Economic Statistics

Undergraduate Degree: 4 $288,825 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language and Mathematics Educator at the lower and upper
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mathematics & Mathematics. An interview may be required Secondary levels / Lower Tertiary levels.-
(UBSMAEDFXU1A) - Kingston
(UBSMAEDFXD1A) - Montego Bay

Undergraduate Degree: 2 $299,050 Diploma in Secondary Mathematics Education or Diploma in Mathematics Educator at the lower and upper
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mathematics & Primary Education with Advanced Mathematics Secondary levels / Lower Tertiary levels.-
(UPDMAEDFXU1A) - Kingston
(UPDMAEDFXD1A) - Montego Bay

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)

School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Undergraduate Degree: (UBSAPSCFXU1A) 4 $332,700 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Scientists, Technologists
Mathematics and at least 2 science subjects and 1 other subject. Environmental Specialists, Analytical Chemists
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Applied Science with Chemistry and Biology would be and asset. An interview may be Forensic Chemist, Quality Control Officer, Industrial
a required Chemists
major in:
- Environmental Science
- Forensic Chemistry
- Industrial & Analytical Chemistry

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSINHFXU1A) 21/2 $449,200 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes: English Language, Mathematics, Matriculation for the MD or MBBS Medical Degree,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Integrated Health Biology, Chemistry and Physics Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine, Health-related careers,
Science Graduate studies in Basic Medical Sciences such as
Biochemistry, Physiology & Pharmacology

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSSEFXU1A) 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes: English Language, Mathematics, 2 Teacher at the secondary and higher level, Trainer in
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Science and 4 Science subjects and 1 other subject. An interview may be required Human Resource Departments, Numeracy Specialists for
Education with Double as well as major/minor Schools in the Ministry of Education (MOE), Education
in:· Officers in MOE, Ministry of Education School inspector-
- Biology & Chemistry $359,075 (NEI) National Education Inspectorate in MOE, Science-
- Biology & Mathematics $369,525 based occupations in industry
- Biology & Physics $410,525
- Mathematics & Chemistry $317,275
- Mathematics & Physics $369,525
- Physics & Chemistry $357,775

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)

Caribbean School of Architecture
Undergraduate Degree: (UBAARSTFXU1A) 4 $473,100 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Architect’s Assistant, Architectural Photographer,
Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies (BAAS) Mathematics and 3 other approved subjects PLUS portfolio and Art/Creative Director, Digital Illustrator, Artist, Furniture
interview. Having satisfied the first criteria and based on the number Designer, Graphic Artist/Designer, Set Designer, Building
of applicants, persons may be called for an interview where applicants Officer/Inspector
are expected to take a portfolio of the minimum of ten (10) pieces of
their best creative work.
NB. All Early Bird and Overseas applicants are to submit
Portfolio with application
Please note: The Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies (BAAS) is an extremely competitive programme and can only accommodate approximately 40-45 applicants in year 1 annually. Mathematics and English Language are
compulsory subjects for acceptance, however prospective applicants are advised that the three (3) other subjects may be in any of the following disciplines: Sciences, Technical/Visual Arts and Humanities. Applicants are further advised
that some evidence of creativity would be an asset.

School of Building and Land Management

Undergraduate Degree: (UBECOENFXU1A) 4 $396,950 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Construction Engineer, Designer, Project Manager, Field
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) in Construction Physics and two (2) other subjects (Technical or Science related); PLUS a Engineer, Inspector, Superintendent, Scheduler, Safety
Engineering total of four (4) CAPE units (including units 1 and 2 for Pure & Applied Specialist, Building Officer, Building Inspector
Mathematics and Physics) OR two (2) A-Level subjects in Mathematics or
Physics; OR Successful completion of PCS . Graduates of the Diploma in
Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering OR graduates with a B.Eng.
in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering OR graduates with Associate
Degrees in Engineering course of studies may articulate into this degree
programme. A combination of pre-engineering courses (PEC/PET) and
CSEC/GCE O-Levels and/or any other programmes/qualifications, which can
be assessed for equivalencies. Interview may be required.

Undergraduate Degree: (UPDCOEMFXU1A) 1yr $529,900 UTech Diploma in: Construction Management, Structural Project Managers, Constructors, Construction
(Post Diploma) Bachelor of Science Construction Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Architectural Technology, Land Superintendents, Project Engineers, Construction
Management session Economy and Valuation Surveying OR equivalent. Interview may Supervisors, General Contractors, Assistant Building Officer
be required.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSLEVSFXU1A) 4 $354,750 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Valuation Surveying, Investment Appraisal, Property Asset
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Land Economy and and three (3) other approved subjects. Preferred subjects include: Management, Investment Risk Management, Real Estate
Valuation Surveying Geography, Economics, Accounts, Information Technology, Social Portfolio Management, Real Estate Dealer, Developer,
Science; Principles of Business PLUS four (4) CAPE units (with unit 1 or Auctioneer or Valuer
2) OR two (2) A-Level subjects; OR successful completion of PCS.

Graduates of the Diploma in LEVS course of study may articulate into the
programme with advanced standing. Interview may be required.

DISCLAIMER: The amounts quoted for fees in this brochure are the existing fees “per school/department” for the Academic Year 2015/2016 and are subject to changes based on variation in the number of credits
assigned to the course of study and the cost per credit at the time of delivery (see page 5 for details)

Course o f St udy General Undergraduate Entry Requirements

and Code

AY el 1 uitio
Career Opportunities

JA 15/1 r
a rs u ra

Lev d T
CSEC (CXC) passes at General Proficiency Grades 1, 2 & 3; (Grade 3 is

acceptable from the June 1998 sitting), or GCE O-Level passes at Grade A, B, C

for imate
( Ye a l D
or equivalent qualifications. Other technical examination qualifications will

be assessed on an individual basis.


(This list is not exhaustive)


School of Building and Land Management Cont’d
Undergraduate Degree: (UBSSGISFXU1A) 4 $450,600 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics Pre-professional Surveyor, Geomatician,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Surveying and and three (3) other approved subjects. Preferred subjects include: Photogrammetrist, GIS Analyst, GIS Specialist, Spatial
Geographic Information Sciences Physics, Geography, Information Technology, Technical Drawing, Additional Science Educator, Engineering Surveyor, Hydrographic
Mathematics, Elementary Surveying (offered by some schools as a CSEC-
level subject) PLUS four (4) CAPE units (with unit 1 or 2) OR two (2) A- Surveyor
Level passes; OR successful completion of PCS .
Graduates from the Associate Degree in Surveying and Geographic
Information Technology with a minimum GPA 2.70, may articulate into the
programme with advanced placement into second year.

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSQUSUFXU1A) 4 $423,150 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Quantity Surveying, Commercial Management,
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Quantity Surveying and three (3) other approved subjects. Preferred subjects include: Facilities Management/ Building Maintenance,
Chemistry, Physics, Additional Mathematics, Information Technology, Dispute Resolution, Insurance Appraiser, Civil
Principles of Accounts, Technical Drawing, Geography; PLUS four (4) CAPE Engineering Pre & Post Contract Consultancy, Value
units (with unit 1 or 2) OR two (2) A-Levels subjects from the preferred Management, Contracting and Construction
listing; OR successful completion of PCS. Interview may be required. Management

Undergraduate Degree: (UBSURRPFXU1A) 4 $386,300 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Development Control Officer, Environmental Research
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Urban and Regional Mathematics, Geography and two (2) other approved subjects. and/or Housing Officer, Community Development Planner,
Planning Interview may be required. Regional Development Planner, Land Use and/or Urban
Planner, GIS Analyst/ Specialist, Heritage Planner,
Planning Director, Secretary Managers in the Local
Government (Parish Councils), Parish Managers Disaster
Manager/Coordinators, Public Policy Specialists,
Transportation Planners.

Associate Degree: (UADSGITFXU1A) 2 $343,800 4 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Surveying Assistant, Photogrammetrist, GIS Assistant,
Surveying and Geographic Information and two (2) other approved subjects from among the following list: Surveying and/or GIS Technologist, Assistant Surveyor,
Technology Physics, Geography, Technical Drawing, Elementary Surveying, Geomatics Technician
Information Technology. Physics is strongly recommended at Grade I or
Grade II; Grade III in June 1998 and later is acceptable, or GCE O’Levels
at minimum grade C.
Graduates of the Land Surveying Technician course of study will be
required to complete 28 credits to obtain the Associate Degree.

Diploma: (UDPCOMAFXU1A) 3 $319,850 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Project or Construction Supervisor, Construction
Construction Management Mathematics, a Technical subject and any other two (2) related Manager, Assistant to Construction or Project Manager,
subjects. OR PEC subjects. Structural /Civil Engineer Technician, Laboratory and
Testing Specialist, Assistant Project Manager, Inspector,
See page 20 for details on PEC Programmes
Superintendent, Scheduling Officer

Diploma: (UDPSTENFXU1A) 3 $268,550 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Structural/Civil Engineering Technician, Laboratory and
Structural Engineering Physics, a Technical subject and any other related subject OR PEC Testing Specialist, Assistant Project Manager, Inspector,
subjects. Superintendent, Scheduling Officer

U n i v e r s i t y o f Te c h n o l o g y, J a m a i c a
The University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech) is established by an Act of the Jamaican Parliament, The University
of Technology, Jamaica Act and is the continuation of a long tradition of delivering internationally recognized courses
since 1958, spanning the era when the institution was known as the College of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST).

The University is committed to excellence in all aspects of its course of study offerings. By submitting its courses of
study to accrediting bodies for review and accreditation, the University provides additional assurance of the high
quality of its courses in accordance with international standards.

The University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) has registered UTech as a tertiary institution in accordance with the
University of Technology, Jamaica Act and UCJ accreditation is used as one benchmark of the University’s quality
assurance monitoring of its courses.

Other accreditation or professional regulatory bodies to which the University subscribes and which give further
assurance of the quality of UTech’s courses in accordance with internationally recognized professional standards
include the following:

i. Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET)

ii. Instititution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
iii. Pharmacy Council of Jamaica
iv. Nursing Council of Jamaica
v. Dental Council of Jamaica
vi. Council of Legal Education
vii. The Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA)
viii. International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)

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