Using Ipads For Fluency Practice
Using Ipads For Fluency Practice
Using Ipads For Fluency Practice
When students follow the Record, Listen, Reflect process, repeated readings
tap into 21st-century technologies in an engaging and motivating manner.
Student 1: Wait, let me try again! I can do better literacy centers (Griffith & Rasinski, 2004). Some
than that! tried-
and-t rue fluency strategies include paired
reading (Topping, 2014), choral reading (Rasinski,
Student 2: What will you do to make yourself better
2013; Topping, 2014), and Readers Theatre (see
this time?
Young & Rasinski, 2009). Teachers have a plethora
Student 1: Next time, I will read more slowly and of engaging strategies available, including digital
make my voice go higher at the end to fluency tools such as cyber read-alouds and virtual
show a question. Readers Theatre (Thoermer & Williams, 2012). For
fluency instruction, teachers can take advantage of
overheard this conversation in a third-g rade class-
alternate texts such as poetry (Faver, 2014), tongue
room where students worked with iPads in fluency
twisters (Stern, 2014), and joke books (Ness, 2009).
centers. Though her students often read aloud, this
Rasinski (2012) reminded us that fluency should
teacher was concerned about their infrequent oppor-
continue to be a hot topic in elementary classrooms.
tunities to hear their own oral reading. Intending to
bring awareness to students’ prosody, expression, and
intonation, this teacher capitalized on the easy video A 21st-Century Version
recording capacities of her classroom’s iPads. She imple-
mented a process called Record, Listen, Reflect. In this
of Repeated Readings
One of the most effective strategies to build students’
teaching tip, I showcase this three-step process with
f luency is repeated readings (Samuels, 1979). The
iPads to give students the opportunity to listen and to
purpose of repeated readings is to provide readers
critique their oral reading to improve their fluency.
with short-term, achievable goals, such as increasing
speed and accuracy, while reading for a better com-
Understanding Fluency prehension of the text (Cohen, 2011). Multiple studies
Rasinski (2014) defined two essential components of have demonstrated the benefits of repeated read-
fluency: “automaticity in word recognition and ex- ings with diverse student populations: word recog-
pression in oral reading that reflects the meaning nition, accuracy, automaticity, comprehension, and
of the text” (p. 4). Both components are essential for students’ attitudes toward and confidence in read-
proficient, meaningful reading (Rasinski, Reutzel, ing all improve through the act of repeated readings
Chard, & Linan-Thompson, 2011). Conversely, poor (Cohen, 2011; Dowhower, 1989; Kuhn & Stahl, 2003;
reading fluency may significantly contribute to poor Rasinski, Samuels, Hiebert, Petscher, & Feller, 2011).
overall reading (Rasinski, 2014; Rasinski & Padak, Repeated readings, however, can also be prob-
1998; Valencia & Buly, 2004). LaBerge and Samuels lematic. Rasinski (2012) cautioned teachers that the
(1974) argued that individuals have limited cogni- sole focus of repeated readings should not be merely
tive resources, so automaticity in decoding contrib- speed. As students aim to increase only their speed
utes mental energy that is needed to comprehend and calculate their increasing reading rates, they run
text. Students who are not decoding words auto-
matically have fewer cognitive resources available,
and therefore, they have decreased comprehension. Molly Ness is an associate professor in the Division of
Curriculum and Teaching at Fordham University, New
There is no shortage of ideas on how to incor-
York, NY, USA; e-mail
porate fluency into small- g roup instruction and
The Reading Teacher Vol. 70 No. 5 pp. 611–615 611 doi:10.1002/trtr.1554 © 2016 International Literacy Association
Teaching Tip
the risk of becoming readers whose “comprehension they use the iPad to record themselves reading. The
actually declines as they learn to blow through peri- video capabilities of an iPad are easy enough for even
ods, commas, and other forms of punctuation in their very young students to use independently. Students
quest for speed” (p. 518). Cahill and Gregory (2011) simply tap the camera icon, tap the Record button at
noted that “the problem with repeated reading in the the bottom of the screen to start recording, and then
classroom is that it can be dull and lifeless, leading tap the Record button again to stop recording.
students to avoid the practice” (p. 128). According to In the second step, Listen, students view their
Rasinski (2014), a key element of repeated readings is recording to note their accuracy, automaticity, and
rehearsal, which holds the student accountable for prosody. Their aim here is to act as the teacher
a prosodic and meaning-driven delivery of a text. It would—to mark their errors as a teacher would use
can be a challenge, however, to find an engaging way a running record, to pay attention to their prosody
to encourage readers to reread the same text. and intonation, and to notice their use of punctua-
In my work with struggling readers, I have in- tion as a visual signpost for fluency. I teach students
corporated iPads into repeated reading activities in to follow text copies, circle words that they miscue,
a process called Record, Listen, Reflect. My instruc- and use the time stamp on the videos to note how
tion has been influenced by previous research in the quickly they read the text. On their text copies, stu-
use of video self-modeling, also known as feedfor- dents learn to note the following errors:
ward video self-modeling. In these approaches, stu-
dents watch video footage of themselves to reflect ■ When they omit a word
and improve their performance (Decker & Buggey, ■ When they substitute a word
2014; Robson, Blampied, & Walker, 2015). Decker ■ When they invert the order of words
and Buggey investigated the impact of video self- ■ When they insert a word that is not in the text
modeling with students with learning disabilities.
Students were video recorded while they orally read Because their recorded readings are relatively
short passages, and later, they were shown these short, I encourage students to listen to themselves
videos once a week. With this approach, students’ more than once. As Vasinda and McLeod (2011) noted,
fluency (as measured by words correct per minute) “allowing students to listen to recordings of their read-
increased. This study, however, did not examine ing is a good way to promote self-evaluation, which is
the use of video self-modeling on other elements a key tool in becoming a successful reader” (p. 492).
of fluency, such as prosody, inflection, intonation, In the third step, Reflect, students complete an
and expression. In a similar approach, Robson et al. evaluation to monitor progress and set goals for their
had elementary-age students read difficult text six next rereading. This chart (see Figure 1) has two pur-
times over a two-week period. After video recording poses: to increase their speed while decreasing their
themselves and watching these videos, students errors and to reflect on the elements of fluency that
improved their fluency and comprehension and are more difficult to quantify, such as intonation, at-
scored higher on measures of reader self-efficacy. tendance to punctuation, and other elements that are
My focus is on the use of iPads as a 21st-century essential for oral delivery. This final reflection step
version of video self- modeling to improve read- encourages students to be metacognitive about their
ing fluency (see Pluck, 2012). Previous authors oral reading. With each reading and recording, their
(Hutchison, Beschorner, & Schmidt-Crawford, 2012) fluency rate increases, their intonation improves, and
have noted the advantages of using the iPad in lit- ultimately, their comprehension improves.
eracy learning, stating that “the iPad, and other tab-
lets like it, has changed mobile learning possibilities Applying Record, Listen, Reflect
for teachers and students” (p. 15). In this instruc-
tional practice, teachers capitalize on the ease and
to Third-Grade Literacy Centers
usability of the iPad’s video recording capabilities. As a teacher educator, I am often invited into the
classrooms of my former students. I recently spent
several weeks in a third-grade classroom with one
Record, Listen, Reflect former student who expressed her interest in “tap-
In the first step, Record, students read passages at ping into technology to make fluency instruction
their independent or instructional level that they can more engaging.” In her daily literacy centers, we in-
read with minimal assistance. This time, however, troduced the Record, Listen, Reflect process. After
The Reading Teacher Vol. 70 No. 5 March/April
Teaching Tip
Figure 1
Reading Checklist
Title of the Text:
Watch your video. Think about your own reading. Ask yourself these questions:
Well done Needs improvement
Did I take my time and read at the appropriate pace?
Did I read smoothly, the way we talk in a conversation?
Did I pay attention to punctuation and what it means?
Did I sound expressive?
Did I pause at the correct places?
Did I read clearly?
Did I say each word correctly?
Did I self-correct if I made a mistake?
I made ___ mistakes (fill in the number). Next time, I’m aiming for ___ mistakes (fill in the number).
It took me ___ seconds (fill in the number). Next time, I’m aiming for ___ seconds (fill in the number).
becoming familiar with the process, students were of videos that showcase each student as the best
challenged to create their best possible record- possible reader. To select and prepare their vid-
ing of themselves. Our aim was to create a library eos, students worked with partners to watch each
The Reading Teacher Vol. 70 No. 5 March/April
Teaching Tip
The Reading Teacher Vol. 70 No. 5 March/April
Teaching Tip
and comprehension. Reading Psychology, 19(2), 185–216. Stern, S. (2014). Fun Fridays with tongue twisters support
doi:10.1080/0270271980190202 fluency in the reading room. The Reading Teacher, 68(3), 189.
Rasinski, T.V., Reutzel, D.R., Chard, D., & Linan-Thompson, S. doi:10.1002/trtr.1279
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Robson, C., Blampied, N., & Walker, L. (2015). Effects of Vasinda, S., & McLeod, J. (2011). Extending Readers Theatre:
feedforward video self-modelling on reading fluency and A powerful and purposeful match with podcasting. The
comprehension. Behaviour Change, 32(1), 46–58. doi:10.1017/ Reading Teacher, 64(7), 486–497. doi:10.1598/RT.64.7.2
bec.2014.29 Young, C., & Rasinski, T. (2009). Implementing Readers
Samuels, S.J. (1979). The method of repeated readings. The Theatre as an approach to classroom fluency instruction.
Reading Teacher, 32(4), 403–408. The Reading Teacher, 63(1), 4–13. doi:10.1598/RT.63.1.1
The Reading Teacher Vol. 70 No. 5 March/April
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