Session 17

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The bridge pattern is a design pattern used in software engineering which is meant to

"decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently".[1] The

bridge uses encapsulation, aggregation, and can use inheritance to separate responsibilities into

different classes.

When a class varies often, the features of object-oriented programming become very useful

because changes to a program's code can be made easily with minimal prior knowledge about the


The bridge pattern is useful when both the class and what it does vary often. The class itself

can be thought of as the implementation and what the class can do as the abstraction. The bridge

pattern can also be thought of as two layers of abstraction.

When there is only one fixed implementation, this pattern is known as the Pimpl idiom in the C++


The bridge pattern is often confused with the adapter pattern. In fact, the bridge pattern is

often implemented using the class adapter pattern, e.g. in the Java code below.

Variant: The implementation can be decoupled even more by deferring the presence of the

implementation to the point where the abstraction is utilized.

Abstraction (abstract class) defines the abstract interface maintains the Implementor reference.

RefinedAbstraction (normal class) extends the interface defined by Abstraction

Implementor (interface)defines the interface for implementation classes

ConcreteImplementor (normal class)implements the Implementor interface



Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter lets classes work

together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces. [GoF, p139]

Wrap an existing class with a new interface.

Impedance match an old component to a new system

An "off the shelf" component offers compelling functionality that you would like to reuse,

but its "view of the world" is not compatible with the philosophy and architecture of the system

currently being developed.

Structure category: wrapper

Similar patterns: Facade Proxy


Reuse has always been painful and elusive. One reason has been the tribulation of designing

something new, while reusing something old. There is always something not quite right between the

old and the new. It may be physical dimensions or misalignment. It may be timing or

synchronization. It may be unfortunate assumptions or competing standards.

It is very similar to the electrical engineering activity of "impedance matching" – adapting

the input resistance, inductance, and capacitance of a load to match the output impedance of a



Below, a legacy Rectangle component's display() method expects to receive "x, y, w, h"

parameters. But the client wants to pass "upper left x and y" and "lower right x and y". This

incongruity can be reconciled by adding an additional level of indirection – i.e. an Adapter object.


A generic value of the software community for years has been, "maximize cohesion and

minimize coupling". The object-oriented design approach shown in Figure 21-1 is all about

minimizing coupling. Since the client is coupled only to an abstraction (i.e. a useful fiction), and not

a particular realization of that abstraction, the client could be said to be practicing "abstract

coupling" . an object-oriented variant of the more generic exhortation "minimize coupling".

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