FINA 2003 - Information Technology For Banking & Finance Course Assignment - The Transformation of Baruba Bank
FINA 2003 - Information Technology For Banking & Finance Course Assignment - The Transformation of Baruba Bank
FINA 2003 - Information Technology For Banking & Finance Course Assignment - The Transformation of Baruba Bank
Management : 52
Credit officers : 381
Accountants : 97
Cashiers : 164
Marketing staff : 41
Information Technology : 3
Internal Audit staff : 29
Loan recovery officer : 33
Saving Account officer : 8
Legal officer : 3
Administrative officer : 60
Security officer : 90
Total staff : 971
Institutional Achievements
There has been no major impact survey or study to determine if the customers become better
off after having access to Baruba Bank’s financial services. But Baruba Bank is seeking all
avenues to guarantee that the customers can always have access to its financial services in
both rural and urban areas. Baruba Bank has noted that financial intermediation is a vital
element in developing local economies and reduces the relative dependence of the country on
foreign capital by utilising domestic savings for investments.
Experience has shown that providing access to financial services to people raises income and
creates employment, allows people to improve their liquidity management and increases the
efficiency of the use of available capital. Therefore further growth and development of banks/
multilateral financial institutions (MFIs) will stimulate local economies which are one of the
most effective ways to alleviate poverty.
Baruba Bank still maintains centralised management system for the branches and at times it is
difficult to make quick decisions regarding customers’ needs. In addition, the establishment
of many branches is proving cumbersome, costly and difficult to maintain. This may require
a review of the current operations.
Running rural financial service where there is limited infrastructure need strong and full
commitment of staff of all levels. With respect to lending to agricultural activities, many
banks refrain from providing services to this sector. They think about high risk sector and
less return. However, for Baruda Bank by extending its branch network, it has found a
creative method to maintain this captive market, and where it can offer a number of services.
There are risks specifically the volatility of the income arising from agriculture (which can
impact on liquidity and credit), as well as certain operational risks and cost from operating
numerous rural branches or outposts.
Another challenge relates to information technology since many, though not all, of the staff is
IT or computer literate. There is training for staff and customers, but the training is very
simple whereby the customers can bring their literate relative with them to help them with the
reading and the writing, and calculation for those who are illiterate. This is a major issue
especially in the rural areas (constitutes 30% of Baruba Bank’s customer base).
In the rural areas, deposits can be mailed using the Baruba Postal Service (BPS). Savings
resulting from the lack of branches and tellers were passed along to the customer in the form
of higher rates, free services, etc.
However, customer focus groups and surveys indicated that the process of making a deposit
is of critical importance to a customer. The process from the customer's viewpoint is very
straightforward - they sign a check, fill out a deposit slip, and mail both to the bank. Deposits
were the second largest driver of inquiries to the customer call centre (33% of all calls).
Customers expressed frustration in mailing delays and couldn't understand why their deposits
took so long to post to their account.
The bank's mission therefore is to receive the deposits as quickly as possible and begin the
deposit and cheque clearing cycle. When the bank originally set up the processes as a
competitive tool, a decision was made to establish 'local' deposit locations and branches
around the Baruba. These local deposit locations received the deposits and overnight express
reshipped them to a central processing location daily.
This local receipt and express reshipment to a central location was done for two main
1. A deposit being mailed to a local location would take less time than mailing to a
centralised, national location.
2. Customer input indicated that mailing within a state or to a neighbouring state would
make customers more comfortable than mailing to a centralised, national location
somewhere across Baruba.
Data surrounding the deposits was collected and the analysis phase began to yield some
alarming results. Baruba Bank led all banks in the set up of a system that locally collected
deposits for express reshipment to a centralised, national location for processing.
Data collection, however, revealed a few flaws that weren't originally identified:
• The express shipment postal process from the local branches to the main bank was
manual. Manual processes that are not reinforced daily and that do not have adequate
control plans tend to break down. That is exactly what occurred with the local deposit
locations. Some locations wouldn't receive deposits on a daily basis. When deposits
were received, they sometimes wouldn't be express reshipped that night because of a
lack of engrained process.
• For deposits that were received during the week, the express reshipment process
functioned properly. On the weekend, however, express reshipment wasn't possible,
so deposits arriving on Saturday were not express reshipped until Monday evening.
• Because of BPS processes, some deposit mailings to 'local' deposit locations took as
long as three days. Some 'local' deposit locations may take longer than five days just
to be received by the bank.
Additional Findings
• Mailing directly to a centralised, national process is faster (2.6 average days) than the
local express reshipment process (4.6 average days).
• An additional survey conducted with focus groups indicated that the deposit mailing
location is not a significant factor for a majority of respondents. As an aside, the
original data indicating that customers were more comfortable mailing deposits within
their state could not be found.
The Baruba Bank served as a pioneer in offering multibranch banking to its rural customers.
However, as new competitors entered the market, Baruba Bank wanted to completely
transform the way in which it provided these services. Baruba Bank wants to leverage its
strong customer base to create additional revenue streams, while offering customers extended
services. With the availability of multiple channels for interaction with customers, it may be
necessary to have a common platform for seamless flow of information. This is necessary
since it is becoming increasingly difficult, to the existing system based on legacy technology
and architecture.
There is a new system Accelerant Systems 104 at a cost $6.5 million and $500,000 annually
to maintain. Initially, training for the new system is slated to cost $250,000. However, with
ready access to a large customer base, it is believed that the bank is in an ideal situation to
introduce the Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Services – the first to do so with the
passage of the new Electronic Signatures Act. Other functionalities include portfolio
Management, Payments, File Transfer and Security Trading functionalities. In addition, this
would architecture would appeal to corporate customers by enabling them to deal with
thousands of payments together and route them online to the bank, much quicker.
Student Task
Review the Baruba Bank case, should Baruba Bank seek to restructure the existing
application architecture. How could mailing to a centralised, national location be
quicker than mailing locally? Why wouldn't customers feel more comfortable mailing
locally than to a centralized, national location? Or is this the best solution? Should the
bank maintain this system or should they seek another solution. Or should the bank
develop applications on a Multi-Channel infrastructure, which would cater to several
channels, including the Internet. Should a phased approach be chosen and the online
Banking service be introduced or should it be completed within one process? What are
your thoughts?