MHBAN00496110000203363 New
MHBAN00496110000203363 New
MHBAN00496110000203363 New
bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2019-2020 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2019-2020 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 0 0 0
APR-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 052019 14-05-2019 10,192 10,192 1,223 374 849
MAY-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 062019 14-06-2019 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
JUN-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 072019 12-07-2019 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
JUL-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 082019 13-08-2019 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
AUG-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 092019 13-09-2019 8,292 8,292 995 304 691
SEP-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 102019 14-10-2019 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
OCT-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 112019 14-11-2019 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
NOV-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 122019 13-12-2019 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
DEC-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 012020 14-01-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
JAN-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 022020 14-02-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
FEB-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 032020 13-03-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
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______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name MHBAN0049611000 / HDB FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MHBAN00496110000203363 / NEELAM VERMA
tUe frfFk | DOB 08-JUL-1998
;w , u | UAN 101356816204
bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2020-2021 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2020-2021 ]
osru ekg / fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih,Q bZih,l tek / Deposit fudklh / isU'ku
Wage fudklh osru / osru / Withdrawal vU'knku /
Month fnukaWd / EPF EPS Pension
Date of Wages Wages deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
Credit / vU'knku / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku
/ tion
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance 13,325 4,079 7,966
MAR-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 042020 13-04-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
APR-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 052020 14-05-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
MAY-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 062020 13-06-2020 8,571 8,571 1,029 315 714
JUN-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 072020 14-07-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
JUL-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 082020 14-08-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
AUG-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 092020 14-09-2020 8,571 8,571 1,029 315 714
OCT-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 112020 13-11-2020 8,575 8,575 1,029 315 714
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