Towards Direct Policy Search Reinforcement Learnin

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Towards Direct Policy Search Reinforcement Learning for Robot Control

Conference Paper · November 2006

DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2006.282342 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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3 authors:

Andres El-Fakdi Marc Carreras

Universitat de Girona Universitat de Girona


Pere Ridao
Universitat de Girona


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Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
October 9 - 15, 2006, Beijing, China

Towards Direct Policy Search Reinforcement

Learning for Robot Control
Andres El-Fakdi, Marc Carreras and Pere Ridao
Institute of Informatics and Applications
University of Girona
Edifici Politecnica 4, Campus Montilivi
17071, Girona (Spain)

Abstract— This paper proposes a high-level Reinforcement functions, and better results can be obtained [6] [7]. Informally,
Learning (RL) control system for solving the action selection it is intuitively simpler to determine how to act instead of
problem of an autonomous robot. Although the dominant ap- value of acting [8]. So, rather than approximating a value
proach, when using RL, has been to apply value function based
algorithms, the system here detailed is characterized by the use function, new methodologies approximate a policy using an
of Direct Policy Search methods. Rather than approximating a independent function approximator with its own parameters,
value function, these methodologies approximate a policy using trying to maximize the future expected reward. Furthermore,
an independent function approximator with its own parameters, scientists have developed different kinds of policy search
trying to maximize the future expected reward. The policy based algorithms obtaining good results [5] [9] [10]. Also in [10]
algorithm presented in this paper is used for learning the internal
state/action mapping of a behavior. In this preliminary work, we a study about how gradient methods can be used to search in
demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the the space of stochastic policies is presented.
underwater robot GARBI in a target reaching task. Policy gradient algorithms can be used to represent the
policy. For example, an ANN whose weights are the policy
I. I NTRODUCTION parameters. The state would be the input of the network and
Reinforcement Learning is a widely used methodology in as output we would have a distribution probability function
robot learning [1]. In RL, an agent tries to maximize a scalar for action selection. In (1) we can see that if θ represents the
evaluation obtained as a result of its interaction with the vector of the policy parameters and ρ the performance of the
environment. The goal of a RL system is to find an optimal policy (e.g., reward received), then the policy parameters are
policy to map the state of the environment to an action updated approximately proportional to the gradient [6]:
which in turn will maximize the accumulated future rewards.
The agent interacts with a new, undiscovered environment δρ
Δθ ≈ α (1)
selecting actions computed as the best for each state, receiving δθ
a numerical reward for every decision. The rewards are used
to teach the agent and in the end the robot learns which action where α is a positive step size. In comparison with the value
it must take at each state, achieving an optimal or sub-optimal function approach, small changes in θ can cause only small
policy (state-action mapping). changes in the policy.
The dominant approach over the last decade has been to ap- The advantages of policy gradient methods against value-
ply reinforcement learning using the value function approach. function based methods are various. The main advantage is
As a result, many RL based control systems have been applied that using a function approximator to represent the policy
to robotics. In [2], an instance-based learning algorithm was directly solves the generalization problem. Besides, a problem
applied to a real robot in a corridor-following task. For the for which the policy is easier to represent should be solved
same task, in [3] a hierarchical memory-based RL method was using policy algorithms [7]. Furthermore, learning systems
proposed, obtaining good results as well. In [4] an underwater should be designed to explicitly account for the resulting viola-
robot that learnt different behaviors using a modified Q- tions of the Markov property. Studies have shown that stochas-
learning algorithm was presented. Although value function tic policy-only methods can obtain better results when working
methodologies have worked well in many applications, they in partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP)
have several limitations. Function approximator methods in than those obtained with deterministic value-function methods
“value-only” RL algorithms may present converge problems, [11]. In [7] a comparison between a policy-only algorithm [12]
if the state-space is not completely observable, small changes and a value Q-learning method [13] is presented; both algo-
in the the value function can cause big changes in the policy rithms use a simple neural network as function approximator.
[5]. A 13-state Markovian decision process is simulated for which
Over the past few years, studies have shown that ap- the Q-learning oscillates between the optimal and a suboptimal
proximating a policy can be easier than working with value policy while the policy-only method converges to the optimal

1-4244-0259-X/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE


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policy. On the other hand, as disadvantage, policy gradient the target reaching camera (the simulated world, the robot
estimators used in these algorithms may have large variance, model and the controller). The experimentation procedure and
so these methods learn much more slower than RL algorithms the results obtained are included in Section IV and finally,
using a value function [14] [15] [6] and they can converge to conclusions and the future work to be done after this work
local optima of the expected reward [16]. are included in Section V.
The first example of an algorithm optimizing the averaged
reward obtained, for stochastic policies working with gradient II. L EARNING P ROCEDURE
direction estimates, was Williams’s REINFORCE algorithm The objective of this work is to transfer an accurate policy,
[17]. This algorithm learns much more slower than other RL learned in a simulated environment, to a real robot and test
algorithms which work with a value function and, maybe for the behavior of the policy in real conditions. So, the learning
this reason, has received little attention. However, the ideas process can be divided into two main phases. First, the learning
and mathematical concepts presented in REINFORCE were a task will be performed in simulation using the model of the
basic platform for later algorithms. environment. Once the learning process is considered to be
A few years later, in [18], Williams’s algorithm was ex- finished, the policy will be transferred to GARBI AUV in
tended to the infinite horizon setting. Kimura’s method is, as order to test it in the real world. In this paper we present only
REINFORCE, based on stochastic gradient ascent (SGA). The the results of the first phase.
authors compared its algorithm with Jaakola’s method [19] and
Watkin’s Q-learning algorithm [13] in a robot control problem A. The Algorithm
achieving good results.
Baxter and Bartlett’s algorithm procedure is summarized
The Baxter and Bartlett approach [20] is the one selected in
in Algorithm 1. The algorithm works as follows: having
this paper to carry out the experiments. Its method calculates
initialized the parameters vector θ0 , the initial state i0 and
a parameterized policy that converges to an optimal by com-
the eligibility trace z0 = 0, the learning procedure will be
puting approximations of the gradient of the averaged reward
iterated T times. At every iteration, the parameters’ eligibility
from a single path of a controlled POMDP. The convergence
zt will be updated according to the policy gradient approxi-
of the method is proven with probability 1, and one of the most
mation. The discount factor β ∈ [0, 1) increases or decreases
attractive features is that it can be implemented on-line. Baxter
the agent’s memory of past actions. The immediate reward
and Bartlett’s approach is based on the fact that, given a state
received r(it+1 ), and the learning rate α allows us to finally
s, it searches for a policy that minimizes the expected reward.
compute the new vector of parameters θt+1 . The current policy
Moreover, in [21] and [22] an algorithm similar to Baxter
is directly modified by the new parameters becoming a new
and Bartlett’s approach was described and its convergence
policy to be followed by the next iteration, getting closer to a
demonstrated. The algorithm is only suitable for finite MDP
final policy that represents a correct solution of the problem.
and can be implemented to work on-line.
Close to the root of these theoretical variants of policy
search methods, only a few but promising practical appli- Algorithm 1: Baxter and Bartlett’s On-Line POMDP
cations of these algorithms have appeared. Chronologically, (OLPOMDP) algorithm
this paper emphasizes the work presented in [23], where an 1. Initialize:
T >0
autonomous helicopter learns to fly using an off-line model- Initial parameter values θ0 ∈ RK
based policy search method. Also important is the work pre- Initial state i0
sented in [24] where a simple “biologically motivated” policy 2. Set z0 = 0 (z0 ∈ RK )
3. f or t = 0 to T do:
gradient method is used to teach a robot in a weightlifting (a) Observe state yt
task. More recent is the work done in [25] where a simplified (b) Generate control action ut according to current policy μ(θ, yt )
policy gradient algorithm is implemented to optimize the gait (c) Observe the reward obtained r(it+1 )
∇μ (θ,y )
of Sony’s AIBO quadrupedal robot. Finally, in [26] and [27], (d) Set zt+1 = βzt + μ ut(θ,y t)
ut t

a biped robot is trained to walk by means of a “hybrid” RL (e) Set θt+1 = θt + αt r(it+1 )zt+1
4. end f or
algorithm that combines policy search with value function
In this paper we apply Baxter and Bartlett’s algorithm to a As aforementioned, the algorithm is designed to work on-
particular robotic task in which a neural network acts as the line. The function approximator adopted to define our policy
policy function. The task consists on reaching a target which is an artificial neural network (ANN) (see Figure 1).
is detected by a forward looking camera. These experiments Next lines will relate closely to the update weight process
have been designed for the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle done by the algorithm. Once the ANN is initialized at random,
(AUV) GARBI. In this paper the learning has been fulfilled the network will be given an observation of the state and,
with the hydrodynamic model of GARBI and the model of as a result, a stochastic control action is computed. Then the
a video camera. The structure of the paper is as follows. learner will be driven to another state and will receive a reward
In Section II the algorithm and the learning procedure are associated with this new state. The first step in the parameter
detailed. Section III describes all the elements considered in update procedure is to compute the ratio:


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∇μut (θ, yt ) o1 ξ1
μut (θ, yt ) e1=-Pr1

oj ξjSelected!
for every weight of the network. In artificial neural networks ej=1-Prj
like the one used in the algorithm, the expression defined in
step 3.d of Algorithm 1 can be rewritten as: on ξn

zt+1 = βzt + δt yt (3)

Fig. 2. Soft-Max error computation for every output.

At any step time t, the term zt represents the estimated gra-
dient of the reinforcement sum with respect to the network’s
layer weights. In addition, δt refers to the local gradient asso-
With the soft-max output error calculation completed, the
ciated with a single neuron of the ANN and is multiplied by
next phase consists of computing the gradient at the output of
the input to the neuron yt . In order to compute these gradients,
the ANN and back propagate it to the rest of the neurons of
we evaluate the soft-max distribution for each possible future
the hidden layers. For a local neuron j located in the output
state exponentiating the real-valued ANN outputs {o1 , ..., on },
layer, we may express the local gradient as:
being n the number of neurons of the output layer [8].
After applying the soft-max function, the outputs of the
δjo = ej ϕj (oj ) (6)
neural network give a weighting ξj ∈ (0, 1) to each of the
possible control actions. Finally, the probability of the ith
control action is then given by: where ej is the soft-max error at the output of neuron j,
ϕj (oj ) corresponds to the derivative of the activation function
exp(oi ) associated with that neuron, and oj is the function signal
P ri = n (4)
a=1 exp(oa ) at the output for that neuron. So we do not back propagate
the gradient of an error measure, but instead back propagate
where n is the number of neurons at the output layer. Actions the soft-max gradient of this error. Therefore, for a neuron
have been labeled with the associated control action and j located in a hidden layer, the local gradient is defined as
chosen at random from this probability distribution. Once follows:
we have computed the output distribution over all possible 
actions, the next step is to calculate the gradient for the action δjh = ϕj (oj ) δk wkj (7)
chosen by applying the chain rule. The whole expression is k
implemented similarly to error back propagation [28]. Before
computing the gradient, the error on the neurons of the output When computing the gradient of a hidden-layer neuron, the
layer must be calculated. This error is given by (5). previously obtained gradient of the following layers must
be back propagated. In (7) the term ϕj (oj ) represents the
derivative of the activation function associated to that neuron,
ej = dj − P rj (5)
oj is the function signal at the output for that neuron and
finally the summation term includes the different gradients of
The desired output dj will be equal to 1 if the action selected the following neurons back propagated by multiplying each
was oj , and 0 otherwise (see Figure 2). gradient to its corresponding weighting (see Figure 3).

δ1h = ϕ1 (o1 ) ×
' h
o1 ξ1

on ξn δ no

Fig. 1. Schema of the ANN architecture adopted. Fig. 3. Gradient computation for a hidden layer neuron.


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Having all the local gradients of all the neurons calculated,
the expression in (3) can be obtained. Finally, the old param-
eters are updated following expression 3.(e) of Algorithm 1:

θt+1 = θt + αr(it+1 )zt+1 (8) Y X

field of vi
Z ew

The vector of parameters θt represents the network weights to
camera fx
be updated, r(it+1 ) is the reward given to the learner at every coordinate
frame 0
time step, zt+1 describes the estimated gradients mentioned fo
before and, at last, we have α as the learning rate of the xis

algorithm. target -1


This section is going to describe the different elements that
take place in our problem: the problem of target reaching, the 1

neural-network controller and the underwater robot GARBI.

Fig. 4. Coordinates of the target in respect with GARBI.
A. Target Tracking
One of the sensory systems developed for the experimental
set-up of GARBI is the target detection and tracking system. In order to properly reach the target, the measure of its
This vision-based application has the goal of detecting an relative position is not enough. An estimation of its relative
artificial target by means of the forward looking camera. This velocity is also necessary. To calculate this velocity, the fx and
camera provides a large underwater field of view (about 57o in fy variables are differentiated from the sequence of images. In
width by 43o in height). This system was designed to provide particular, a first order Savitzky-Golay [29] filter, with a first
the control architecture with a measurement of the position of order derivative included, is applied to these signals.
an object to be tracked autonomously. Since the goal of these
B. The controller
experiments are to test control and learning systems, a very
simple target was used. The shape selected for the target was A one-hidden-layer neural-network with 4 input nodes, 3
a sphere because it has the same shape from whatever angle it hidden nodes and 4 output nodes was used to generate a
is viewed. The color of the target was red to contrast with the stochastic policy. As can be seen in Figure 5 the inputs to
blue color of the water tank. These simplifications allowed us the network correspond to the normalized X and Y relative
to use simple and fast computer vision algorithms to achieve positions of the target, fx and fy , and the estimations of its
real-time (12.5 Hz) performance. Figure 4 shows a diagram relative velocity dfdtx and dty . Each hidden and output layer
of the target being observed by GARBI. has the usual additional bias term. The best results have been
The procedure of detecting and tracking the target is based obtained using the hyperbolic tangent function as the activation
on image segmentation. Using this simple approach, the function for the neurons of the hidden layer, while the output
relative position between the target and the robot is found. layer nodes are linear. The four output neurons represent the
Also, the detection of the target in subsequent images is possible four control actions, as can be seen in Figure 6 every
used to estimate its relative velocity. Once the target has action is a combined movement in surge (X movement) and
been detected, its relative position with respect to the robot yaw (rotation in Z axis). Note that in this preliminary work
has to be expressed. The coordinate frame which has been a very small action set has been considered. As explained
used for the camera has the same orientation as the GARBI in Section II-A, the outputs have been exponentiated and
coordinate frame, but is located in the focal point of the normalized to produce a probability distribution. In order to
camera. Therefore, the transformation between the two frames guarantee exploration, control actions are selected at random
can be modeled as a pure translation. from this distribution.
The X coordinate of the target, represented by fx , is related
to the target size detected by the segmentation algorithm. A C. GARBI AUV description
normalized value between 0 and 1 is linearly assigned to the The GARBI platform was conceived as an AUV for explo-
range comprised between a maximum and minimum target ration in waters up to 100 meters in depth. With a weight
size respectively. Similarly, the Y coordinate of the target is of 170 Kg, GARBI has a complete sensor suite including
related to the horizontal position of the target in the image. an imaging sonar, a DVL, a compass, a pressure gauge, a
However, in this case, the value represented by the fy variable temperature sensor, a DGPS unit and a color camera. Hardware
do not measure a distance, but an angle from the center of the is enclosed into two cylindrical hulls designed to withstand
image to the target around the Z axis. In this case, the angle pressures of 11 atmospheres. Two additional cylinders for
is normalized from -1 to 1 as it can be seen in the Figure 4. batteries are placed at the bottom of the vehicle, ensuring the


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o1 ξ
Figure 8 represents the performance of the neural-network
robot controller as a function of the number of episodes when
o2 ξ trained using OLPOMDP. The episodes have been averaged

over bins of 40 episodes. The experiment has been repeated
∂ o3 ξ in 100 independent runs, and the results here presented are a
∂ mean over these runs. The simulated experiments have been
∂ o4 ξ repeated for different values of the discount factor β.
∂ Once the vehicle has learnt the task, it needs a few time steps
to reach the goal. As it can be appreciated in Figure 8, the
Fig. 5. The ANN used by the controller. best performance is around -40. The best results are obtained
when using a decay factor of β = 0.95. Different values of α
have been tested without improving the results here presented.
stability in both pitch and roll degrees of freedom. Its five Figure 9 represents the behavior of a trained robot controller.
thrusters will allow GARBI to be operated in the remaining Targets positions were deterministically selected to observe the
degrees of freedom (surge, sway, heave and yaw) achieving robot moving to different locations.
maximum speeds of 3 knots (see Figure 7).
The mathematical model of GARBI was obtained using
parameter identification methods [30]. The whole model has A direct policy search algorithm for robot control based
been uncoupled and reduced to emulate a robot with only two on Baxter and Bartlett’s direct-gradient algorithm has been
degrees of freedom (DOF), X movement and rotation respect Z studied. The method has been applied to a simulated control
axis. Also, the model of the camera has been used to simulate system where the robot GARBI navigates a two-dimensional
the vision system of GARBI AUV. world learning to reach a target by means of a forward looking
camera. The policy is represented by a neural network whose
IV. R ESULTS weights are the policy parameters. The objective of the agent
was to compute a stochastic policy, which assigns a probability
The controller was trained in an episodic task. According
over each action.
to the variables, fx in the X DOF and fy in the Yaw DOF, a
The results of this preliminary work show a good perfor-
reward value was given. Only three reward values were used:
mance of the algorithm. The convergence times are quite good.
-20, -1 and 0. In order to maintain the target in front of the
A future work will compare these results with a value function
robot, the reward r = 0 is given when the position of the
algorithm. A classical value method would have been affected
target is around fy = 0 (between -0.2 and 0.2) and at a certain
by the generalization problem and, therefore, spent much more
distance from the robot in X axis, around fx = 0.3 (between
iterations to converge. Is is also important to note the reduced
0.2 and 0.4). The reward value of -20 is given if the target is
dimensions of the ANN used in the simulation.
almost outside the image (fy < −0.9 and fy > 0.9) and the
The current work is focused on transferring the learned
robot perceives a reward of -1 if it definitively loses the target.
policy to the real robot and testing in real conditions. A
Robot an target positions are reset either every 50 seconds or
future work will consist on performing the learning process on-
when a “success”(reach reward 0) takes place, whatever comes
line with the robot GARBI navigating in the real underwater
first. The sample time was 0.1 seconds. The robot is always
reset to position (0,0) meanwhile the target is reset to a random
location inside the robot field of view. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Achieving a “success” or spending 50 seconds without This research was sponsored by the Spanish commission
reaching the target represents the end of an episode. The num- MCYT (CTM2004-04205/MAR). The authors would like to
ber of episodes to be done has been set to 100.000. For every thank Mr. Douglas Alexander Aberdeen of the Australian
episode, the total amount of reward perceived is calculated. National University, Mr. Russ Tedrake of the Massachusetts

Fig. 6. GARBI schema. Control actions. Fig. 7. GARBI AUV in experimental test.


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