Fitness RX For Men 2015-09

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Steve & Elyse Blechman

BUILD LEAN Editor-In-Chief

Steve Blechman

Online Editor
Allan Donnelly
Creative Director

BURN FAT Alan Dittrich, Jr.

Digital Creative Director/
Design Consultant
Chris Hobrecker
Building the ultimate physique is not easy. But for those dedicated individuals who are
Managing Editor
willing to put in hard work, it is possible to achieve greatness, get ripped and lean, and reach Lisa Steuer
the goals you set for yourself in the gym— whether you’re a beginner or a gym veteran who
is trying to take his physique to the next level. For proof of this, take a look inside this Associate Editor
month’s issue of FitnessRx, where some of the top Men’s Physique competitors share what it Alan Golnick
took to get to the top and how they plan to stay there. Associate Art Director
Believe it or not, this month’s cover model and Men’s Physique champion Sadik Hadzovic Stephen Kolbasuk
remembers a time, not too long ago, when he weighed just 140 pounds and didn’t have a
Contributing Editors
muscle on his body. In fact, he felt too tiny to even walk into a gym, so he started working out Dan Gwartney, MD
at home until he felt comfortable enough. And now in the past year alone, Hadzovic has Thomas Fahey, EdD
placed second at the IFBB Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown and won the Arnold Classic in Victor Prisk, MD
March— the two biggest contests. In his quest to become the best, Hadzovic has come up Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., F.A.C.S.M.
with ways to push his body further than he ever did before. One way he has done this is with Contributing Illustrator
“The Redemption Workout,” which you’ll find on page 42. William P. Hamilton, CMI
Anton Antipov is another Men’s Physique pro who has worked hard to achieve his goals,
and it shows. Today, he’s one of top competitors in the world, and it’s in part because he has Contributing Photographers
Ian Spanier
built his physique into the epitome of the classic V-taper. In “Anton Antipov’s Ultimate
Michael Neveux
V-Taper Workout” by Allan Donnelly on page 48, you can check out Anton’s workout, as well Per Bernal
as his 10 rules for achieving a classic V-taper physique.
Men’s Physique Champion Jeremy Buendia became interested in Men’s Physique when he Media Producer
started hearing about the new division in 2013. And he was clearly destined for greatness in Jessica Colley
that division, as he is the 2014 Olympia Men’s Physique champion. It’s clear the Jeremy trains Advertising Director
hard, and he’s been successful by keeping his rest periods short, and by using supersets and Angela Theresa Frizalone
quad sets. In “The Perfect Physique! How Physique Olympia Champion Jeremy Buendia (239) 495-6899
Plans to Keep His Title” by Ron Harris on page 60, check out Jeremy’s back and chest Director of New Business Development
workouts as well as his diets and tips for building the ultimate physique. Todd Hughes
When viewed by prospective partners, a well-defined core in a man is a sign of sexual 416-346-3456
function. Great abs reveal an adherence to a healthy lifestyle, metabolic health, vascular
Administrative Assistant
function, hormonal sufficiency, strength and structural integrity— which all send the Fernanda Machado
message to an interested party that you are capable of providing a satisfying sexual
relationship. In “Better Abs, Better Sex: a Scientific Approach” by Daniel Gwartney, M.D. on Circulation Consultants
page 56, find out more about the link between sex and having a ripped core, and how being Irwin Billman and Ralph Pericelli
fit can improve your sex life.
This month we are proud to announce two NEW columns in the magazine. The first is Reader Inquiries:
“Mr. Intensity” with fitness model and former football star Joe Donnelly on page 98. Joe will Subscriptions (to order)
be answering reader questions in his column, so email him at and you (631) 751-9696 (ext 301)
just might see your question answered in the next issue!
The second new column is “The M.A.X. Muscle Plan” by Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., CSCS,
FNSCA on page 76. This month’s column is titled “What is the Ideal Rep Range for Building Visit us at:
Muscle?” Brad is one of the world’s leading researchers and experts on muscle growth
(muscle hypertrophy). Check it out to start maximizing lean muscle mass today.
FITNESS RX for Men (ISSN 1543-8406)
The rest of the issue is packed with the latest cutting-edge scientifically backed research is published six times a year by Advanced Research Media, 21
on training, nutrition and fat loss to build lean muscle and burn fat. FitnessRx is your number- Bennetts Road, Suite 101, Setauket, New York, 11733. Copyright ©2008
by Advanced Research Media. All rights reserved. Copyright under
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for more, don’t forget to check out our website, $20.95 per year (USA); $38.95 per two years (USA); foreign: $28.99
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12 FI TNE S S R x for M E N SEPTEMBER 2015


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VOL. 13 | NUMBER 5 | SEPT 2015

Push Your Body To The
Max With Sadik Hadzovic’s
Muscle-Building, Total Body-
Blasting Routine
By Allan Donnelly

How Physique Olympia
Champion Jeremy Buendia
Plans to Keep His Title
By Ron Harris

And 10 Keys To A
Superhero Build
By Allan Donnelly

A Scientific Approach
By Daniel Gwartney, M.D.

14 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5


By Steve Blechman RESEARCH A Better Way to Do Burpees
By Nick Tumminello
Omega-3 Update
By Steve Blechman and
By Victor R. Prisk
Thomas Fahey, Ed.D. 72 HARD ‘CORE’ TRAINING
16 ONLINE NOW! Build Razor-sharp Abs With Incline
Board Sit-ups
By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., FACSM
26 FAT LOSS By Cory Gregory
What Is the Ideal Rep Range for Building
MET-Rx: Electrolyte
34 HEALTH By Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., CSCS, FNSCA
Energy Gummies
Fortify Your Abs and Back with Pikes on
a Ball
By Joe Donnelly
By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., F.A.C.S.M.
Illustrations by William P. Hamilton, CMI
CUTTING EDGE Capsaicin: Boosts Metabolic Rate and BY GREGORY JAMES
RESEARCH: SEX Testosterone While Dieting
By Michael J. Rudolph, Ph.D.

The 2015 USDA Report on Dietary
By Marie Spano MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD

Leucine: #1 Muscle Activator
By Victor R. Prisk, M.D SEPTE M B E R 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 15
TM OnlineNOW


Get the latest training, nutrition and supplementation
NEW CONTENT DAILY! info from the experts at!


This month’s cover model, Sadik Hadzovic, has his eyes on the big-
gest physique title in the world— the Men’s Physique Olympia. Get a
look at his workouts in this exclusive video series!


Joe Donnelly knows abs— and now you can, too. Check out Joe’s
top abdominal exercises and tips and get ready to build the six-pack
you’ve always wanted.


Former U.S. Army Captain and fitness model Kyle Clark takes you
through some of his top workouts, exercises, intensity techniques and
more. Get ready to kill it like Kyle! — the Men’s Physique Olympia. Get
a look at his workouts in this exclusive video series!

Contributing expert Evan Shy lays out the game plan to help you pack on quality muscle in this
four-week program designed to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.


Contributing expert Thomas DeLauer
shares his ultra-intense, shoulder-blast-
ing workout to help you fill out that
T-shirt in no time flat.


We’ve all been in situations where the diet we have been so focused on gets thrown out the
window due to circumstances outside our control. Here are four ways to make sure you get back
on track to losing fat from Coach Paul Revelia. ■

Also Featuring:
> Train with the Prez Cory Gregory
> Alex Carneiro’s Weekly Training and Nutrition Tips >And much more!
Be sure to visit every day and also our four social media sites:
@FitnessRXforMen FitnessRXforMen @FitnessRXForMen fitnessrxmen

16 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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20 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5


Until recently, practically any exercise book recommended pre-exercise stretch-
ing as part of warm-up. Training experts thought that stretching increased range
of motion and reduced the risk of injury during the subsequent workout. That’s
changed. Many studies have shown that static stretching before exercise de-
creases strength and power, and might actually increase the risk of injury. Marcos
Sá from the University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and colleagues found that static or
ballistic stretching before weight training decreased strength endurance capacity
during a weight-training program compared to a specific warm-up. This study
was important because it showed that static stretching affects muscle endurance
as well as strength and power. (Journal of Human Kinetics, 45: 177-185, 2015)

Whole-body workouts practiced three days per week were NO DIFFERENCE IN RECOVERY TIMES FOR
superior to split workouts emphasizing specific muscle groups
one time per week while training three times per week— ac- EXPLOS
cording to a study led by Brad Schoenfeld from CUNY Lehman
College in New York. The idea behind split routines is that HEAVY SQUUATS S ber 17, 2014)
they allow athletes to train specific muscle groups more Some popular training programs use high-rep, low-weight (e.g., 40 percent of
intensely, while performing the same training volume. maximum) exercises performed explosively, while more traditional programs use
Some believe they may promote muscle growth, enhance neu- heavier weights (e.g., 80 percent of maximum) and fewer reps. A study led by
romuscular performance and prevent overtraining. This study Eric Conchola and Brennan Thompson from Oklahoma State University found no
showed that hitting muscle groups more frequently might pro- difference in strength recovery between high-volume, explosive squats (five reps
duce more hypertrophy. The study used college students who x 16 sets, 40 percent of maximum) versus high-intensity, slow-velocity squads
were relatively untrained, so it is difficult to determine if the (five reps x eight sets, 80 percent of maximum). There was a trend toward slower
results apply to elite athletes. (Journal Strength Conditioning recovery in maximum power following the high-volume, explosive squats. (Journal
Research, published online April 30, 2015) Strength Conditioning Research, 29: 1285-1294, 2015)


Occlusion or Kaatsu training involves exercising with restricted blood flow to the working muscles. Decreasing muscle blood flow may trigger cell dam-
age, inflammation, cell stress and anabolic hormone release. Muscles grow in response to physical and chemical stress, so it seems reasonable that
restricting blood flow to muscles during training might promote hypertrophy— according to researchers from San Francisco State University and California
State University, Fullerton. Muscles can increase in size using low levels of resistance, provided they’re pushed to near failure. Until recently, most muscle
physiologists believed 60 percent of maximum effort was the minimum resistance for building muscle. Kaatsu training, however, achieves increases in
strength and muscle mass at lower levels. Blood flow restriction during low-intensity weight training triggers muscle hypertrophy because it creates severe
metabolic stress that stimulates muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy. To date, only three published studies on Kaatsu used well-trained athletes. All
of the studies were positive, which suggests that occlusion training might be effective in athletes. (Strength and Conditioning Journal, 37: 48-53, 2015)

22 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5



High blood lactate levels are linked to high-intensity exercise. They reflect
the types of motor units recruited (i.e., slow-twitch versus fast-twitch) and blood
lactate clearance capacity. A study by Brian Nguyen and Trevor Gillum found that
performing a one-minute step test on a 40-centimeter high step resulted in greater
blood lactate concentration than using a 20-centimeter step. The higher step
required greater power and the recruitment of more powerful motor units, which
resulted in greater blood lactate concentrations. (Journal Strength Conditioning
Research, 29: 1578-1583, 2015)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

RVAL involves repetitions of short bouts of
NIN NG high-intensity exercise followed by rest.
Endurance training interferes with strength
AND WEIG GHT training because it triggers different bio-
TRAIINIINGG BUILLDS chemical pathways leading to improve-
ments in either strength or endurance.
STRENG GTH AND HIIT is extremely intense and might
not interfere with strength gains. Brit-
NDUR RANCE ish researchers led by Jamie Pugh from
Loughborough University in the United Kingdom found that combining resistance
exercise with HIIT activated the mTOR pathway and suppressed myostatin, which
results in accelerated protein synthesis. Combining HIIT and weight training in a
single workout is a good way to build strength and endurance simultaneously.
(Physiological Reports, 3(4): E12364, 2015)

Coaches and athletes, in
their quest for better perfor- ISOMETRIC TRAINING
mance, follow intense training

OVERTRAINING programs in the hope of gain-

ing an edge over the competi-
tion. However, a fine line exists
between progr
b grams that improve condition and
tthose leadingg to overtraining. Overtraining is
an imbalancce between training and recovery.
a For more than 100 years, traditional core training included
The consequ
T quences can be severe and include exercises such as sit-ups, back extensions and twists. Iso-
decreased performance,
d p injury, depressed im- metric core exercise might be a better way to develop core
m ty and pssychological depression. Training strength and stiffness. Core stiffness is vital for athletes
p g
programs s must be intense enough to because it strengthens muscles, improves muscular en-
p fitness and skill, yet provide durance, reduces low back pain and boosts sports perfor-
g rest to ensure adequate re- mance. Greater core stiffness transfers strength and speed
co ery
yCChronically overtrained athletes to the limbs, increases the load-bearing capacity of the spine
who g
w get iinjured or crash may never reach and protects the internal organs during sports movements.
ttheir form mer levels of performance. Unfor- A landmark study by Benjamin Lee and Stuart McGill
ttunately, y, there is no single marker of over- showed that isometric exercises for the core resulted in
ttraining. g Instead, it is linked to a variety of greater core stiffness than performing whole-body, dynamic
symptooms that include decreased perfor-
sy exercises that activated core muscles. Isometric core exer-
mance,, overuse injuries, elevated resting
m cises include planks, bird dogs, side-bridges, torsional but-
hheart rrate, markers of muscle damage tress, pallof presses, stir-the-pot, carry exercises, inverted
((i.e., crreatine kinase), depressed testos- rows and cable wood chops. Dynamic core exercises includ-
tteronee, elevated or depressed cortisol, ed curl-ups, Supermans, side curl-ups, twisting curl-ups,
ffrequeent illnesses, psychological depres- advanced curl-ups, back extensions, Russian barbell twists,
o anda abnormal behavior. Hard work curl-up twitches, Superman twitches, lateral medicine ball
i important for increased fitness,
is throws and rotational medicine ball throws. The results of
muscle mass and strength, but this study cast doubts on traditional core-training methods.
overwork leads to breakdown This is an extremely important study that might change
and failure. (ACSM’s Health & the way we train for sport. (Journal Strength Conditioning
Fitness Journal, 19 (2): 4-5, 2015) Research, 29: 1515-1526, 2015)

24 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5



Body mass index (BMI) is the most common method for quantifying body
composition. It is defined as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters
squared (Wt/h2) and is a measure of the proportion of weight to height. A BMI
between 18.5 and 24.9 is classified as desirable; 25 to 29.9 is overweight; and 30
and over is obese. It is widely used as a measure of fatness and as a risk factor
for diseases such as coronary artery disease and diabetes. Unfortunately, BMI
is a poor measure of the percent fat and a poor predictor of the risk of disease
and premature death. For example, longevity is higher in people with “over-
weight” BMI compared to “ideal” BMI. A review of literature by Frank Nuttall
from the University of Minnesota concluded that people of Western European
extraction are heavier, taller and more likely to be overweight than people in
other parts of the world. However, they are also healthier and live longer than
any other period in history. He questioned the use of BMI as the cornerstone for
defining the obesity epidemic. (Nutrition Today, 50: 117-128, 2015)

Substituting Protein for Carbs Promotes Long-Term Fat Loss

Glycemic load is a measure of how much a food increases blood sugar over time. Foods such as refined grains, starches and sugars have a
high glycemic load and promote weight gain. Decreasing the glycemic load by increasing protein intake could have a significant effect on long-
term weight control— according to a Harvard University study led by Jessica Smith. Changing the dietary composition toward more protein
and away from simple carbohydrates may be just as important as counting calories for weight loss. Foods such as yogurt, seafood,
skinless chicken and nuts are good choices for weight reduction. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, published online April 8, 2015)

Ninety-Five percent of people who lose weight gain it back again within
one year. One reason is that extreme caloric restriction slows metabolism
and reduces caloric expenditure. Researchers from the University of Chile
found that overweight women on calorie-restricted diets (20 calories per
kilogram of bodyweight per day) reduced resting energy expenditure by 168
calories per day (10.6%). Resting energy expenditure was higher in women
with more muscle mass. The study showed that the body adapts to caloric
restriction by reducing energy expenditure, which makes it extremely difficult
to maintain lost weight. (Nutricion Hospitalaria, 31:2428-2436, 2015)


Sitting in a hot tub after a monster workout is one of life’s great
pleasures. Pain from sore muscles and joints seems to melt away.
A review of literature by scientists from the Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul in Brazil found that heat therapy from a sauna or hot tub
could help fight metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Heat therapy
reduces fasting blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin (a measure of
long-term blood sugar control) and body fat. It also increases nitric
oxide secretion, which is an important chemical regulating blood flow.
Heat therapy increases heat shock protein 70, which improves insulin
sensitivity, prevents fat accumulation and suppresses inflammation.
Sitting in a hot tub has measurable beneficial effects on health. (Current
Opinion Clinical Nutrition Metabolic Care, 18: 374-380, 2015)

26 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

Most studies show that effective weight
loss requires cutting calories as well as
exercising more. However, calorie cutting
alone does little to improve metabolic health.
Researchers from Changi General Hospital
in Singapore compared weight loss and
metabolic health in people attempting to
lose weight through diet or exercise alone
during a 24-week weight-loss study. Patients
in both groups lost nearly eight pounds, but
markers of inflammation and blood sugar
regulation improved more in the exercise
group. Exercise is the most important way
of improving metabolic health. Trying to
lose weight through caloric restriction alone
is counterproductive for long-term health,
appearance and longevity. (International
Journal Sports Nutrition Exercise Metabolism,
Published Online May 22, 2015)

Ursolic acid is a chemical found in apples, basil,
cranberries, peppermint, oregano and prunes. It is used in
a variety of cosmetic products and can inhibit the growth of
some types of cancer cells. A Chinese study on rats
found that ursolic acid supplements reduced
bodyweight, increased caloric expenditure and
decreased fat levels in muscle. Ursolic acid promoted
fat loss by increasing the activity of uncoupling proteins in the cells, which causes fat loss by promoting
heat formation. Ursolic acid is also anabolic. A University of Iowa study in mice found that ursolic acid
found in apple peels prevented muscle deterioration following fasting and spinal cord injury. Ursolic
acid supplements also increased muscle mass in normal mice. The anabolic effect of ursolic acid is
caused by increased insulin signaling in skeletal muscle and the suppression of gene activity linked
to atrophy (decreased muscle size). Ursolic acid might speed fat loss and build muscle. (Molecular
Nutrition & Food Research, published online May 5, 2015)

High-protein diets are effective for preventing or treating obesity
because they increase metabolism, suppress appetite and reduce
caloric intake— according to a literature review led by Heather Leidy
from the University of Missouri School of Medicine, and colleagues.
Comparisons of weight-loss diets high in carbohydrates, protein or
mixed nutrients consistently show that the high-protein diets are
most effective for weight loss. As expected, high-protein diets are
most effective in people who actually adhere to the weight-loss
program. High-protein diets contain between 1.2 and 1.6 grams of
protein per kilogram of bodyweight. Each meal should contain 25 to
30 grams of protein. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, published
online April 29, 2015) S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5 FITN ESS R x for MEN 27



Citrulline is an important amino acid involved in the formation of urea. It is a popular component in athletic food
supplements because it participates in key amino acid reactions and influences blood flow by increasing nitric oxide
levels. Nitric oxide is an important chemical secreted by the endothelium— the inner lining of the blood vessels.
Stephen Bailey and colleagues from Exeter University in the United Kingdom found that citrulline supplements (six
grams per day) improved resting blood pressure, accelerated oxygen uptake during exercise, improved endurance
performance and enhanced tolerance to high-intensity exercise in healthy adults. Watermelon rind is an excellent
source of citrulline. (Journal Applied Physiology, published online May 28, 2015)


A 2013 study led by Alan Krystal published in the Journal of the
National Cancer Institute found that high blood levels of omega-3
fatty acids increased the risk of prostate cancer by 71 percent.
Naturally, this study caused controversy in the supplement industry.
A new study led by Kathryn Meier found just the opposite— the
omega-3s EPA and DHA prevented prostate cancer cell growth.
The study examined the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on cultures
of prostate cancer cells grown in the laboratory. We do not know
if these results apply to naturally living humans. (Journal of
Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics, 352: 380-394, 2015)

Creatine Reverses
Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty liver disease is a common problem associated with
the obesity epidemic. It can cause severe health problems
that begin with chronic fatigue, weakness, nausea, fluid
buildup, jaundice and liver failure. The problem is linked
to obesity, alcoholism, dietary choline deficiency and
overtraining. A study on rats led by Rafael Deminice
from Memorial University of Newfoundland, St.
John’s, Canada found that supplementing creatine
monohydrate prevented fatty liver in animals fed
choline-deficient diets. Creatine might be a simple way
to prevent this serious health problem. (Journal Nutritional
Biochemistry, 26: 391-397, 2015)


Polish researchers found that omega-3 supplements improved
endurance capacity in cyclists by increasing concentrations of nitric
oxide by eight micromoles per liter, and boosted muscle blood flow
by over five percent compared to a placebo (fake omega-3s). This
study agrees with several investigations from the University of Tokyo,
which found that supplementing omega-3-rich fatty acids boosted
exercise efficiency. Subjects took a daily dose of 3.6 grams per day of
the omega-3s EPA and DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids— found in fish oil
supplements, fish, walnuts, soybeans, beef and shrimp— promote
blood vessel health and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
(, May 6, 2015)

28 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in blood. Many athletes take
supplemental iron because they think it will boost oxygen transport capacity and endurance. This
might be a mistake. High blood levels of iron have been linked to heart attack and stroke. A study
led by Scott Ayton from the University of Melbourne in Australia found that high ferritin iron
levels in cerebrospinal fluid (brain fluid; CSF) were linked to the development of Alzheimer’s
disease. People with a gene variant called APOE-e4 were particularly sensitive to increases in CSF
iron. While iron deficiency is common in female athletes, most female and male athletes should
avoid iron supplements. (Nature Communications, 6: article number 6760, May 19, 2015)

Tyrosine Boosts BETA-ALANINE

The brain and central nervous
systems are the ultimate limiting factors
of performance. The brain is the body’s
conductor that orchestrates movement,
metabolic control and feelings of well-
being. Tyrosine is an amino acid used by
the brain to produce the neurotransmitters
dopamine and norepinephrine, which
are vital for controlling movements and
optimizing energy levels. A review of Fatigue during high-intensity exercise is linked to
literature by Dutch scientists concluded acid buildup that interferes with chemical reactions
that tyrosine supplements improve necessary to continue exercise. Blood and muscles
brain function after a single dose. Long- contain chemicals that buffer acids and prevent
term supplementation improved memory fatigue. Bicarbonate and alanine are two important
and information processing. Tyrosine buffers. Alanine is an amino acid that provides
works by preventing depletion of vital energy during exercise and prevents neuromuscular
brain neurotransmitters related to central fatigue by increasing tissue carnosine levels.
nervous system fatigue. (Pharmacology Carnosine is an important antioxidant that protects
Biochemistry and Behavior, 133: 1-6, 2015) cells from destruction and buffers acids that cause
fatigue. Alanine also helps supply energy during
exercise. It is converted to blood sugar in the liver
by a process called the glucose-alanine cycle.
While alanine is not used to synthesize muscle
tissue or enzymes, it influences exercise capacity—
particularly endurance performance. A study from
Belgium found that supplementing beta-alanine
(4.0 to 5.6 grams per day) for eight weeks
improved performance of repeated squat jumps
and counter-movement jumps by six to eight
percent, compared to a placebo (fake alanine).
Beta-alanine caused a small improvement in
repeated explosive power plyometrics. (Amino
Acids, published online April 18, 2015)

Green Tea Extract

Linked to Liver Toxicity
Green tea extract is an extremely popular supplement that people take to promote weight loss
and increase energy levels. A study led by Herbert Bonkovsky from Wake Forest University School
of Medicine reported that a chemical called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is toxic to the liver when
taken in high doses. They reported that at least 20 cases of liver injury have stemmed from green tea
extract supplements. They stated, however, that these findings do not apply to consumption of green
tea because the EGCG levels do not approach those found in green tea extract supplements. We are
in the dark about the dangers of herbal products such as green tea extract. While people from China
have consumed green tea for centuries, it is only recently that we have been able to concentrate key
ingredients in herbal products. (, May 12, 2015)

Athletes Should Pay Close Attention to

Protein is a critical dietary component that can pay big dividends if managed correctly in the diet.
Researchers from the University of New Mexico led by Kurt Escobar summarized the importance of
protein in the active athlete’s diet. If you want to increase muscle, you should consume close to 1.5
grams of protein per kilogram bodyweight per day. Consuming protein shortly before or after
workouts enhances muscle protein synthesis. Co-ingesting carbohydrates with protein increases
muscle protein synthesis and provides fuel for glycogen re-synthesis and skeletal muscle and the
liver. Consuming 25-gram doses of protein throughout the day stimulates a more consistent
increase in muscle protein synthesis. Elevated protein intake works best when combined with
intense weight training. Finally, increased protein intake helps maintain lean muscle mass when
trying to lose body fat. (Strength and Conditioning Journal, 37: 23-34, 2015)

Should You Eat Eggs?

Classic scientific studies, such as the Framingham
and Seven Countries studies, showed that elevated
blood cholesterol was linked to heart attack and
stroke. Eggs are unusually high in cholesterol, so they
were blamed for a good portion of the heart disease
in America. Frank Sacks from Harvard University said
that saturated fat in foods was more important than
cholesterol for boosting blood cholesterol and that
eggs were unfairly blamed for the high rate of heart
disease in America. While eggs are experiencing a
nutritional renaissance, other studies show that eggs
are not a risk-free food. People with diabetes who ate
one egg a day increased their risk of heart disease
by 44 percent compared to people who only ate one
egg per week. Egg eaters are also more likely to get
prostate cancer. Most mainstream nutritionists
recommend that people follow healthy dietary
patterns that include increased consumption of fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, seafood,
Improves Blood Fats
The Paleolithic or Caveman Diet is based on consuming berries, nuts, lean
beans and nuts. People should also consume alcohol
grass-fed meats and fish. Proponents of the diet claim that human genes
moderately, reduce intake of red and processed
evolved over thousands of years to optimize metabolism from eating these
meats, and reduce consumption of high sugar foods.
natural foods. Industrialization changed the human diet suddenly to include the
Eggs can be part of a healthy diet. (Nutrition Action
consumption of grains and calorie-dense, high fat, processed foods. Food choices
Health Letter, June 2015)
also increased dramatically, which promoted overeating and overconsumption of
unhealthy foods. Researchers from Eastern Michigan University found that
middle-aged adults consuming a Paleolithic diet low in grains experienced
substantial decreases in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and
increased HDL (the good cholesterol). These changes occurred after they had
first consumed a traditional cholesterol-lowering diet. Critics of the Paleolithic
diet point out that the diets of ancient humans varied greatly from one place to
another, so that it is unlikely that metabolically linked genes adapted uniformly.
(Nutrition Research, 35: 474-479, 2015)

Olive Oil Basics

Olive oil is the basis for the Mediterranean diet, which is linked to increased longevity,
decreased obesity and a reduced risk of heart disease. Nancy Jenkins summarized essential
knowledge about olive oil to help you get maximum enjoyment from this wonderful food. Buy
olive oil in dark glass containers or tins that have been protected from the sun. The best
olive oil is usually the most expensive and high-end labels usually contain the best quality
oils. Fresh olive oil is best, so try to use it within 18 months of bottling. It’s OK to heat olive oil
above 250 degrees and use the oil for baking because olive oil is more stable than other oils.
Finally, the best olive oil is low in omega-3 fatty acids. The health benefits come from their
antioxidant polyphenols. Olive oil is a heart-healthy food that adds flavor to many dishes.
Try to buy only the best. (The Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2015)

30 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5



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Upper Respiratory Problems
After Marathon Run
Upper respiratory infections are common following competitive marathon
running. Extreme levels of exercise cause general body inflammation and sup-
press the immune system. British researchers found that marathon runners who
took cherry juice after a race showed reduced inflammation as measured by
levels of C-reactive protein, immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin B, and a reduced
incidence of upper respiratory infections compared to a placebo (fake cherry
juice). Cherry juice is the real deal for protecting muscle tissue from damage
during intense exercise ranging from marathons to monster weight-training work-
outs. Chemicals in cherry juice, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, pre-
vent muscle oxidative damage and inflammation associated with exercise
recovery. Cherry juice might be useful for reducing sports injuries, preventing
upper respiratory infections and promoting recovery. (Journal International Soci-
ety Sports Nutrition, 12:22, 2015)

Liver Cells
Capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers
hot, promotes weight loss and reduces fat deposition
by increasing key proteins in fat cells. It might also
protect liver cells from fibrosis. A study from
Belgium on mice found that supplementing their
diets with capsaicin prevented liver cell fibrosis
following closure of their bile ducts. Liver fibrosis
is common in obesity and can occur with longtime
use of anabolic steroids. Capsaicin supplements
might protect liver function in those who use anabolic
steroids. This is speculation because no one has
studied this directly. (Molecular Nutrition & Food
Research, 59: 1107-1116, 2015)


Improve Endurance
Omega-3 fatty acids— found in fish, walnuts, soybeans, beef and shrimp— promote blood vessel
health and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Polish researchers found that omega-3
supplements improved endurance capacity in cyclists by increasing concentrations of nitric oxide by eight
micromoles per liter, and boosting muscle blood flow by over five percent compared to a placebo (fake
omega-3). This study agrees with several investigations from the University of Tokyo, which found
that supplementing omega-3 rich fatty acids boosted exercise efficiency. Subjects took a daily dose
of 3.6 grams per day of the omega-3s EPA and DHA. (European Journal of Sports Science, 15: 305-314, 2015)

Higher Nut Consumption Linked

to Reduced Heart Attack Risk
Nuts are considered heart-healthy foods. However, most studies
showing the nutritional value of nuts used people in higher socioeco-
nomic groups of European descent. A study from Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee showed that higher nut
consumption was linked to a reduced rate of death from all causes and
from cardiovascular disease, in a sample of more than 200,000 people
of low socioeconomic status. The results were consistent for blacks,
whites and Asians. Peanuts were the most prevalent form of nut con-
sumption. Eating more peanuts might be a cost-effective way of
improving cardiovascular health in various socioeconomic groups. (Jour-
nal American Medical Association Internal Medicine, 175: 755-766, 2015)

When Do Men Need Tesstosterrone Suppllemeents?

Low testosterone levels make men feel rotten! Symptoms include fatigue, depression, loss of energy,
decreased sex drive, abdominal obesity, poor blood sugar regulation and erectile dysfunction. Low blood
levels of total testosterone are not enough to warrant testosterone supplements— according to Shehzad
Basaria from Harvard Medical School. Diagnosis requires two separate measurements of total testosterone,
measurement of serum hormone-binding globulin and free testosterone to determine if symptoms are
due to low testosterone levels or something else. The normal range for total testosterone is 300 to 900
nanograms per 100 milliliters of blood. Many anti-aging specialists believe that middle-aged and older men
should have testosterone levels of 800 to 900 for optimal health and well-being. (Journal American Medical
Association, 313: 1749 - 1750, 2015)

A distinguished group of international environmental physiologists
made recommendations for exercising in the heat:
• Athletes should acclimatize to heat by training in hot climates for
at least 60 minutes per day for two weeks.
• Tank up before training or competing in the heat by drinking six
milliliters per kilogram of bodyweight every two to three hours until
normally hydrated.
• Minimize weight loss during prolonged exercise in the heat by
replacing fluids appropriately.
• Increase sodium intake when training or competing in the heat.
• Rehydrate after exercise by consuming enough fluids and
electrolytes to offset 100 to 150 percent of lost weight. Rehydrating
WEIGHT TRAINING regimens should include sodium, carbohydrates and protein.
• Cooling methods include wearing ice garments, cold towels, water
Inadequate sleep and poor sleep quality are linked to premature
immersion and ingestion of cold fluids or ice. Precooling may benefit
athletes involved in prolonged exercise.
death, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and abdominal obesity. Reg gular Acclimatization, hydration and cooling are vital skills for athletes
y and
endurance training improves sleep quality. Scott Collier, Jessica Alley competing in the heat. (Scandinavian Journal Medicine Science
co-workers from Appalachian State University in North Carolina foun nd that Sports, 25 (Supplement 1): 6-19, 2015)
weight training helped people go to sleep faster and improved sleep p quality
When they trained (morning, afternoon or evening) had no effect on sleep
structure or nighttime blood pressure. People need six to eight hou urs
of good-quality sleep per night for optimal health. They concludeed
that weight training might be particularly beneficial for promoting sleeep in
people with bone or muscle loss, and those with psychological disorrders.
(Journal Strength Conditioning Research, 29: 1378-1385, 2014)

Core Tra
aininng Effecctivee foor
Reducing Back Pain
The core muscles in the torso provide a stable midsection vital to
t allll
motions and postures. The core muscles stabilize the spine and heelp p to
transfer force between the lower and upper body. They stabilize the
midsection when you sit, stand, reach, walk, jump, twist, squat, thrrow or
bend. A meta-analysis by researchers from Taiwan showed th hat
strengthening core muscles, particularly deep muscles such asa
the quadratus lumborum, make movements more forceful and d
preserve a healthy spine to help prevent back pain. They tone
muscles without damaging the fragile spinal disks and will give
you a lean, toned midsection and functionally strong core muscless
that work together flawlessly to maintain a pain-free spine that
hopefully will last a lifetime. (Journal Physical Therapy Science 27:
619-622, 2015

34 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5



In 1900, people slept nine hours a night. That declined to seven hours a night
in the 1970s and decreased further until today. Inadequate sleep is linked to poor
concentration, anxiety, loss of energy, decreased learning ability, reduced attention
to detail and motor vehicle accidents. How did sleep, which came so naturally,
suddenly become a crisis? What is the smoking gun that explains modern sleep
problems? Scientists found that the culprit is an unusual suspect hiding in plain sight—
smartphones, tablets, backlit e-readers and computer screens. These devices emit
light, particularly blue light that disturbs biochemical processes that promote sleep.
They also increase exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which is linked to insomnia,
headache and confusion. The radiation from cell phones interferes with brain
centers that secrete hormones and influence many aspects of body function.
Our bodies pay a price from surrounding ourselves with fancy smartphones, tablets
and light-emitting gadgets— the price is lost sleep. (Proceedings National Academy Of
Sciences, USA 112: 1232-1237, 2015)

Moderate Coffee Consumption

Is Good for Health
Drinking coffee has been labeled as an unhealthy practice for more
than 100 years. Some religions discourage coffee drinking because
it’s considered a vice. More than 36 high-quality medical studies
found the opposite— moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of
cardiovascular disease, liver disease and diabetes, and has no effect on
the risk of various kinds of cancer. Coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson’s
disease and prevents mental decline with age. Most important, coffee
drinking is linked to increased longevity. Coffee is an important part of a
healthy diet. (The New York Times, May 14, 2015)

The Environmental Working

Group Blasts Sunscreens
The Environmental Working Group
is an environmental think tank based in
Washington, D.C. that attempts to protect
the public from environmental toxins,
promote healthy nutrition and expose ques-
tionable consumer products. Each year, they
publish a report on sunscreens and their ef-
fects on preventing skin cancer and premature
skin aging. They concluded that sunscreens
do not prevent melanoma, the most deadly
form of skin cancer. Sunscreens with a high sun
protection factor (SPF) encourage people to stay
out in the sun too long. Most sunscreens contain
vitamin A additives, which may speed the de-
Rates of colds, flu, heart attack, stroke, autoimmune disease and
velopment of skin cancer. European sunscreens
psychiatric illnesses are much higher in the winter than in the summer.
contain more UVA ray-filtering chemicals and bet-
Researchers from University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom
ter protect the skin than American products. Most
found increased activity levels of genes controlling the immune
people don’t use enough sunscreen and don’t
system during colder times of the year. They examined immune sys-
apply it often enough to protect from skin damage.
tem activity in the United Kingdom and Gambia (located in Africa) during
Some sunscreens contain chemicals that disrupt
different seasons of the year. Inflammation, which is linked to poor meta-
hormone regulation. You can get a copy of the report
bolic health and the long-term risk of heart attack and stroke, was higher
from The Environmental Working Group’s website,
during the colder months. The cold months of the year can be dangerous (EWG’s Guide to Sunscreen,
for your health. (Nature Communications, published online May 12, 2015)
published online May 2, 2015)

36 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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No Link Between
Problems in Young Men
Erectile dysfunction is an epidemic in men under 40. Is easy access
to pornography on the Internet the cause? Live porno webcams and
videos bring porno on demand to computers, tablets and smartphones.
Researchers from the University of Zagreb in Croatia found no relationship
between pornography use and sexual desire, erectile function or the
capacity for orgasms in a sample of men living in Croatia, Norway and
Portugal. Factors such as physical inactivity and insulin resistance may
account for the surge in erectile dysfunction in young men. (Journal of
Sexual Medicine, 12: 1136-1139, 2015)

CAFFEINE Makes You Hard

Caffeine, found in coffee, chocolate, tea and supplements, increases
strength, power and endurance. It might also improve sexual
performance. David Lopez from the University of Texas-Houston
School of Public Health, and co-workers, found that men who
consumed the most caffeine showed the lowest risk of erectile
dysfunction. The researchers examined more than 3,700 men who
participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES). The data was obtained from 24-hour dietary recall and was
consistent among lean and obese men. However, the relationship did
not exist in men with type 2 diabetes. Caffeine might improve athletic
and sexual performance.
(PLoS ONE, 10(4):
E0123547, 2015)


Women often say that size doesn’t matter. They are more concerned with what’s in a man’s
heart. That’s not true in the animal kingdom and it’s probably bullshit in people, too. British
researchers, led by Liam Dougherty from the University of St. Andrews, found that reducing
penis length in seed bugs (Lygaeus simulans) by 30 percent reduced their frequency of sexual
activity. These insects are unique because their penises are 70 percent of their body length. If
people had similar proportions, a six-foot tall man would have a four-foot-long penis. Studies
show consistently that women prefer penises about 6.5 inches long. Most women choose girth
over length because it puts more pressure on the clitoris. The study showed that penis size is as
important in seed bugs as it is in humans. (Proceeding of the Royal Society B, published online

FDA Committee Approves

Forty percent of women suffer from low sexual arousal, which causes
significant anxiety and concern in women and men. In early June, an advisory
committee of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the
use of flibanserin (Sprout Pharmaceuticals) for treating hypoactive sexual
desire disorder in women. Clinical studies found that the drug increased sexual
desire and the frequency of satisfying sex. It is a non-hormone drug that works
by stimulating the brain’s centers for motivation and rewards. Side effects, such
as dizziness, nausea and sleepiness, have prevented FDA approval in the past.
Men have drugs such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and testosterone for boosting
sexual performance, but sexual problems are more complex in women than men.
Contributing factors to low sexual desire in women such as stress, relationship
problems, difficulty reaching orgasm, loss of intimacy and poor metabolic health
are not cured easily by a pill. (The New York Times, June 4, 2015)

38 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5


Missionary Position Places Least

Stress on the Spine in Women
Sex is an enjoyable and essential part of a healthy lifestyle, but a sore back takes
the fun out of it. Eighty-five percent of men and women will have back pain at some
point in their lives. Back expert Stuart McGill from McMaster University in Canada,
and co-workers, found that doggy-style sex was the least stressful to the male spine,
while the missionary position was least stressful to the female spine. The researchers
measured spinal biomechanics during sex using two missionary positions, spooning
and two forms of doggy style. Doggy style with the woman’s arms outstretched put
the male spine in an upright, neutral position, which placed the least stress on spinal
nerves and disks. As a compromise, doggy-style sex with weight supported on the
forearms was best for minimizing spinal stress in men and women. (European Spine
Journal, 24: 513-520, 2015; Spine 39:1633-1639, 2014)

Premature ejaculation (PE) is the most significant sexual problem in men.
It occurs in people of all ages, races and educational levels, but is most
prevalent in men aged 18 to 40. The problem is more serious in men who are
divorced, separated or widowed than in men who are married or who never
Reduces the Risk of
married. College graduates are 35 percent less likely to suffer from PE than
high school dropouts, and Hispanics are less likely to have the problem than Prostate Cancer
whites, blacks or Asians. Risk Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer
factors include past history in American men (skin cancer is first). In 2015, cancer
of sexually transmitted experts expect about 220,800 new cases of prostate
diseases or urinary tract cancer and 27,540 deaths from the disease. About
infections, poor health, 14 percent of men will be diagnosed with prostate
emotional stress, loss of cancer during their lifetimes. While regular exercise
income, past history of same- and consuming a healthy diet might reduce the
sex activity, history of sexual incidence of the disease, scientists can’t really point
harassment and childhood to any modifiable risk factors— until now. A study led
abuse. Factors decreasing by Jennifer Rider from Harvard University found that
the risk include daily alcohol frequent ejaculation reduced the risk of prostate cancer.
consumption, circumcision Researchers followed about 32,000 men for 18 years.
and greater sexual Nearly 4,000 men developed prostate cancer and 384
experience. Men with strict religious backgrounds who view sex as a sin or of them died. Men who ejaculated 21 times a month
lack attraction for their partner also have an increased risk of PE. Physical reduced their risk of the disease by 20 percent. The most
factors can play a role. These include abnormalities in the pelvic floor frequent ejaculators in the study were divorced men
muscles, hypersensitivity of the head of the penis, overstimulation of the in their 40s. The best way to prevent prostate cancer
genitals from the brain, side effects of drug use (amphetamine, cocaine), is to have more sex— with a partner or by yourself.
urological diseases and neurological diseases (multiple sclerosis, peripheral (Paper presented at the American Urological Association
nerve disease). Treatment for PE is difficult because of the complexity of the Annual Meeting (abstract PD6-07), May 15, 2015)
problem. (Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12: 1175-1183, 2015)


the Risk of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an early warning sign of heart attack. Poor blood
vessel health impairs the ability to secrete a chemical called nitric oxide, which
controls blood flow to the penis. Regular physical activity is the most important
way to promote metabolic health and healthy sexual function. A study led by
Adriana Vidal from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles found that
men who exercised intensely have a lower incidence of erectile dysfunction.
Intense exercise was defined as greater than or equal to 18 met hours per week,
the equivalent of walking 60 minutes, six times per week or jogging 30 minutes,
five times per week. These results were consistent in white and black men.
(Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12: 1202-1210, 2015)

40 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5





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e all struggle to find motivation at times. Despite
having one of the best physiques in the world,
Sadik Hadzovic is no different.
To regain his proverbial Eye of The Tiger, though,
Hadzovic doesn’t have to look very hard. He just needs to
look in the mirror and remember the image that was looking
back less than a decade ago.
“I weighed about 140 pounds and didn’t have a muscle
on my body,” Hadzovic recalls. “I felt like I was too tiny, that
I didn’t even belong in a gym. So my short-term goal was
just wanting to get big enough where I had the confidence
to join one.”
That’s right, people. There was a time— not very long ago,
either— when Hadzovic couldn’t muster up the courage to
walk into a gym and put his rail-thin body on display.
But opportunity comes in many shapes and sizes,
and Hadzovic’s came in the form of a neighbor who was
moving out of his home. That neighbor asked Hadzovic and
his brother to help and, in return, paid them $200. Only
Hadzovic wasn’t in the sharing mood.
“It was supposed to be $100 for me and $100 for my
brother,” he says. “But instead of telling my brother, I took it
all for myself and went to Kmart and bought a bench press
[set] and a pair of 35-pound cast-iron dumbbells— just
hoping to get big enough to get comfortable to join a gym.”
One year, and 10 pounds later, that’s exactly what
Hadzovic did. And he hasn’t let up since.
Today, at 27 years old, Hadzovic has transformed his body
into one of the most impressive in the fitness world, a fact that
is illustrated by his success in the professional ranks. In the
past year alone, Hadzovic has placed second at the biggest

competition in the world (the IFBB Olympia Men’s Physique
Showdown in September of 2014) and won the second
biggest (the Arnold Classic in March). This brings us to his
current primary source of motivation.

42 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

“Ever since I placed second at the Olympia, it’s been a mix
of emotions,” Hadzovic says. “Obviously angry, but at the same
time I saw it as a blessing in disguise because it allowed me to
look at my training and diet and really fine-tune everything— to
think back at times and say, ‘OK, well, I could have done a little
bit harder in the gym, or done more cardio.’
“Since then I can honestly say I haven’t missed a day of
training, I’ve calculated every meal, every drop of water and
every grain of rice has been accounted for. It has lit a fire under
my ass because I can see what it is to be the best in the world,
and to be the best in the world you have to be perfect. That’s
why so few people can say that.”
In that quest to become the best, Hadzovic got creative,
coming up with ways to push his body further than he had
before. One of those ways? Hadzovic’s “Redemption Workout.”

For example, the first

THE WORKOUT superset/sprint cycle will
“The mindset for this look like this:
workout is pretty much that of
redemption,” Hadzovic says. Bent-over Dumbbell Row x 15
“I came up with this because, Immediately move to:
when things don’t exactly Incline Dumbbell Press x 15
go your way, you can either Immediately move to:
complain about it or you can 400-meter Sprint
use it to better yourself and
take your training to the next Since most gyms don’t
level. I knew by doing this, it have an outdoor area where
was something none of my you can sprint for 400 meters,
competitors are doing. Hadzovic recommends using
“This is something people a treadmill and setting it at
can do to break away from 10 mph for one minute at an
the conventional chest incline anywhere between 7
Monday, back Tuesday, legs and 9. After your sprint, you
Wednesday routine. That’s can rest— but not for long.
good and all, but it gets “Ideally, there is no rest,”
repetitive and boring. Once Hadzovic says. “Just when you
in a while you just have to get are walking to the treadmill
in the gym and kind of fall in and then to the next exercise.
love with the process again of That’s typically around 30
really challenging yourself.” seconds. I prefer anywhere
The workout essentially between 15 to 30 seconds
consists of performing maximum.”
supersets with heavy, Once you’re done with a
compound movements superset/sprint combo, you’ll
and high-intensity sprint move immediately to the next
intervals— making it both circuit. Since there is so little
a muscle-building and rest, you’ll keep your rep
cardiovascular session at the ranges higher than what you
same time. You’ll perform the are likely used to, except for
supersets with antagonistic on deadlift— which means
muscle groups like back/ you’ll need to go lighter than
chest and biceps/triceps. normal in order to reach that
“Training that way, I number.
noticed that it created a huge “I recommend using about
anabolic response in my body one-fourth of your one-rep
and encouraged me to grow,” max on most exercises,”
Hadzovic says. Hadzovic says. “For instance,

44 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5



Meal 1 – 9 egg whites, 1 yolk, ½ cup oatmeal
Meal 2 – 8 oz steak, 8 oz red potato
Meal 3 – 7 oz chicken breast, 6 ½ oz white rice
Meal 4 – 1 GAT Supertein shake
Pre-Workout – 1 scoop GAT Nitraflex

Intra-Workout – 1 scoop GAT Muscle Martini

Post-Workout – 1 scoop GAT JetMass
Meal 5 – 7 oz salmon, 6 oz broccoli
Meal 6 – 10 egg whites, 1 tbs almond butter SEPTEMB ER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 45

or wider. What I’ve found most effective is
to do what’s most comfortable. The whole
thing with this movement is to target your
quads and the glutes, but I like to put
the emphasis on breathing during the
movement. Inhale, exhale and activate
the abdominal muscles. That’s why these
are paired with hanging leg raises—
because after 15 reps of front squats, your
abs should be a little bit tight. I like to
further target the lower abs with those,
keeping the emphasis on my breathing.
Also, it’s important not to swing; don’t use
momentum to get your legs up.”

Complete 3 times
• Standing Barbell Curl x 12
for the squat I’m doing one plate on each side, • Chain Weighted Dip x 15
which is a lot less than what I’ll normally use.” • 400-meter Sprint
Keep in mind that this is a high-intensity,
maximum-effort, total-body workout that will
tax your entire system. Hadzovic recommends
using this workout simply as a means to break
up the monotony of your normal routine and to
jump-start a new level of growth.
“You can’t possibly do this workout more
than once or twice week, maximum,” he says.
“I recommend once a week or every other
week. Do this workout on special days when
your routine is getting old and boring. If you’re
doing the same thing all the time, you have to
switch it up and reward— or punish— yourself.”

Complete 3 times
• Bent-over Dumbbell Row x 15
• Incline Dumbbell Press x 15
• 400-meter Sprint

Sadik Says: “On the dumbbell row, I like to

get my upper body completely parallel with
the ground. For me, that’s the most effective
way to target my lats, pull the weight more
toward my belly button rather than higher
up. I’d love to tell you to squeeze at the top as
much as you could, but it’s not really realistic
with this workout— this is all about getting it
done while trying not to die!
“For incline dumbbell presses, I always
prefer to use a 30-degree incline since my
front delts have always been so overpowering.
If your upper chest is lacking, that’s what I
recommend to activate the chest a little more
and take tension away from the shoulders.”

Complete 3 times
• Front Squat x 15
• Hanging Leg Raise x 15
• 400-meter Sprint

Sadik Says: “A lot of people talk about foot

positioning on squats— shoulder width, closer

46 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

Sadik Says: “I’ve seen tremendous mass
improvements in my biceps with barbell
curls, but also with the peak of the
muscle. The most important part of this
exercise is to focus on the negative on
the way down. Explode up, but on the
way down take a minimum of three
“On dips, make sure to keep
your upper body more upright to
target the triceps— if you lean too
far forward you’ll hit more of the
chest. I prefer to use the chain
over the belt because I like the
feel of it, and it also helps with
keeping your upper body upright
more than the belt.”

Complete 3 times
• Deadlift x 6
• Walking Lunge x 15
• 400-meter Sprint

Sadik Says: “There’s really no rhyme

or reason why deadlifts are last— I just
wanted to think of the most grueling way
to end the workout. Mentally, physically—
it’s about just feeling like you’re going to
die but will do anything to push through
that, just a continuation of the Redemption
theme. The reps are lower here because your
energy is going to be low, but you can go a little
“With walking lunges, just go as far as your
gym allows you to. If you have the space, don’t THE PERFECT PHYSIQUE
do more than 15 for each leg.” Sadik will be appearing in
the documentary “The Perfect
Physique,” which is set to premiere
BIO BOX at the Toronto Film Festival in
Name: Sadik Hadzovic September. Directed by Kandice
Age: 27 King, the documentary takes a look
Weight: Off-season 205 lbs, Contest 190 lbs at the world of Men’s Physique
Height: 5’11 competitors and models and also
Hometown: Westbury, NY stars Jeremy Buendia, the late Greg
Sponsor: GAT Nutrition Plitt, Jason Poston and more. SEPTEMB ER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 47



WORKOUT And 10 Keys To
Ask most guys what inspired
them to get into the weight room
A Superhero Build
in the first place and you’ll get any THE CLASSIC V-TAPER remembers. “But he still drew these characters
number of different answers— From the gladiators of ancient Rome to the with proportional structures, so he had to learn
seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger sculptures of Michelangelo, to Steve Reeves anatomy as well. When I got a little older he gave
or Dwayne Johnson on the big as Hercules in the 1950s, to any number of me his sketching books, so I started drawing and
screen, picking up a Superman superhero actors in today’s Marvel Universe, doodling around myself.”
comic book or following in their it’s a look that has stood the test of time Those sketches served as Antipov’s introduction
for thousands of years— and it’s the same and inspiration to the classic superhero
father’s footsteps all rank fairly
regardless of where you come from. physique— broad, round shoulders tapering
high on the cliché list of answers. down to a small, chiseled midsection. And even
Just ask IFBB Men’s Physique Pro Anton Antipov,
But ask them what image they though Antipov was undersized for most of his
a Nutrex athlete. Growing up in Belarus, Russia as
had in their heads when they the son of an artist, Antipov was inspired by his teenage years, it’s a look that stayed in his mind
went— the vision of their ideal father’s sketches at an early age. as something to strive for when he moved to the
physique— and the answers will “He drew a lot of comic book characters, but United States and started training at his friend’s
likely be much more similar. his thing was cowboys and Indians,” Antipov basement gym in Brooklyn.

48 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

“I was really into it,” Antipov says. “I was training in his
basement even when he wasn’t. After a while I needed more— it
was very limited— so I joined a gym and took the next step. It
doesn’t really matter where you train as long as you have weights—
if you have the drive you can really make it work anywhere.”
Antipov is proof of that. Even though he still trains at that same
Brooklyn gym he joined 10 years ago, his physique has grown by
leaps and bounds. Today, he’s one of top physique models and
competitors in the world, and it’s no secret why— he has built his
once spindly physique into the epitome of the classic V-taper.
And if he can do it, so can you. Take a look at Antipov’s 10 Rules
for the Classic V-Taper Physique and the workout that helped him
get there, and who knows— someday you might look like a real-life
superhero, too. SEPTEMB ER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 49

If you want to build up your shoulders, you’re It’s good to have an overall plan and a
going to have to hit them more than once a week. general idea of what you are going to train
“I don’t do it anymore because my shoulders on a particular day. But Antipov likes to train
tend to overpower everything else,” Antipov says. by feel, giving himself the ability to do more
“But I got them this way by training them two to or less depending on what his body is telling
three times a week. If you don’t have the luxury him. “What exercises I do, the number of
of training them more than once a week, throw sets— that doesn’t always mean I’m going to
in a set of heavy military presses at the end of do the same thing,” he says. “I put my weak
another body part.” muscle groups first in the week because I
know I need to train those more. But your
RULE #2: DON’T BE A REP COUNTER body doesn’t know if it’s a Wednesday or a
This one may take some getting used to— it Friday. I feel like, if you trained your chest
took Antipov 10 years— but it’s why you’ll see already but it’s something you need to work
some unusual rep ranges in Antipov’s workout on more, you can afford to train it two to three
chart. “Numbers to me are an estimate,” he says. days later.”
“Set a realistic number, but don’t limit yourself.
Sometimes I come in and feel like I have plenty RULE #5: GET INTENSE
of energy, but other times I may feel a little more Drop sets, giant sets, time-under-tension
fatigued from the day before. I like to say I’m training, negatives— Antipov incorporates
going to get at least 10 reps, but if I can go past these and a number of other intensity
that I will.” techniques into his workouts. For one, he
doesn’t like to rest very long— 30 to 40
RULE #3: WARM UP, BUT START BIG seconds, typically. For another, “I like to keep
After a warm-up set or two of 20-25 reps, my body guessing,” he says, “Keep the
Antipov likes to start his workouts with heavy, tension there and the intensity up. I feel like I
compound movements that target multiple heads need the different techniques in order to get
of the shoulder. “I always like to have one exercise my body to adapt and respond. I wouldn’t
where I go really heavy, and that’s usually a recommend that to someone from Day 1 if
compound exercise,” Antipov says. “After that I they were just starting working out, though.
start breaking it down into isolation exercises.” I’ve come to this point after years of training.”

“It doesn’t really matter where you train as long as you have weights—
if you have the drive you can really make it work anywhere.”

“I like the Smith machine because I don’t
have to worry about balancing as much.
I can focus more on the tension and the
contraction, on keeping my elbows in one
position, whereas with the free bar it’s a
lot more difficult to keep my elbows in one


“I bring both arms up so my elbows and
shoulders are aligned and hold them there.
Then I press up with one arm while holding
the other one static so tension always stays
on the shoulder, rather than bringing both
arms up and resting on the bottom. It’s a
limited range of motion but I like the amount
of tension you can put on the shoulder
better than any other exercise.”

50 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

Smith Machine Military Press 5 20, 15, 12, 10, 6/Fail/ Fail*
One-Arm Machine Press With Static Hold 4 18, 16, 14, 12
Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4 10/10/10 x 4**
Incline Barbell Front Raise 4 12-15
Reverse Pec Dec Flye 4 14
*Drop set. Reduce the weight by 25 percent and go to failure, then reduce again
by 50 percent and go to failure.
**Giant set. With no rest in between sets, perform 10 reps with a light weight, 10
reps with moderate weight, 10 with a heavier weight, 10 with moderate weight,
then 10 with a light weight.

Wheel Rollout 4 12
Superset with
Side Cable Crunch 4 15
Crunch 4 12-20


“I grab heavy, medium and light weight.
Starting with light, I do 10 reps (slow and
controlled, not lowering all the way down so
tension stays on the delts), then immediately
10 reps with medium weight (still focusing on
form, but lowering all the way down for a good
stretch), then right into 10 heavy reps (these
I try to keep as controlled as possible, but
sometimes if it’s too heavy I just swing them,
resulting in cheating reps). Then I go back
down to 10 again with medium, then back to 10
with light. I’ll do four of these giant sets.”


“Make sure the seat is high enough so you
don’t bunch up your traps. Lead with your
elbows as opposed to the handles and don’t
fully extend the arm, keep a slight bend in the
elbows. Focus on contracting the rear delt. I
also like to sit sideways in the machine and
do these one arm at a time; I feel like I can put
more focus on the rear delt and involve the
triceps and traps a lot less.”

“Lying facedown on an
incline bench at about a
30-degree angle prevents
you from cheating a little
bit more. And because
your body is supported,
you’re not going to rock
back and forth so there’s
less chance of cheating.
Lower the weight slowly
and use the negative to
your advantage, control
the weight and resist
gravity on the way down.” SEPTEMB ER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 51


“I usually start leaning into the wheel,
so I don’t use my body to drag the wheel
back, but try to use my core to tuck it
under me when I roll back and lean into
the wheel. When I roll out I do a pause
for about one to two seconds.”


“With the cable you just have to be careful not to pull with your
biceps— use your elbow and try to bring the handle more forward,
slightly across the front of your body to get that extra squeeze. You can
also bring your elbow down and bring your left knee up so they meet
and really get a good squeeze with the obliques and intercostals.”


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Like most personal trainers, Antipov puts a premium on “I use a slow burn method I sort of
“I always like to using proper form. But he has another motivation— staying came up with for crunches,” Antipov says.
have one exercise injury free. “I hurt my back on T-bar rows a couple years “Slowly crunching up, taking three full
where I go really ago— I was going really heavy, the music was blasting, I seconds on the way up, exhaling ALL
had a good pump and I just let my ego take over. What I the air out as you contract and holding
heavy, and that’s do now, and what I always teach my clients, is to always the contraction for three seconds. Then
usually a compound hold the contraction for one full second. If there’s no pause, doing a slow negative on the way down
exercise. After that you’re using momentum to move the weight and you’re not for another three seconds, pausing only
fully working the muscle. That’s why I do a lot of single- slightly before inhaling and going into
I start breaking it arm movements, to get even more of a contraction.” the following rep. Exhaling and getting
down into isolation that max contraction are very important
exercises.” RULE #7: TRAIN ABS OFTEN factors.
“If you want those 3-D abs, then you need to train them,”
Antipov says. “Mine recover very quick, so when I’m getting RULE #10: CARDIO WON’T KILL YOUR GAINS
ready for a show or a shoot I train them about five days a “I used to be very paranoid about
week. For most people, I would suggest three to four times losing what got me to where I am, but
CRUNCH a week.” if you eat enough and sleep enough
“I use the slow burn technique
you’re not going to lose any muscle,”
(see Rule 9) on these. Exhale and
RULE #8: HIT YOUR ABS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH Antipov says. “I like to do cardio in a
MAX contraction are very important
“One of tricks I’ve learned, for me, is to train abs in fasted state, after my ab routine. I’ll do
factors— make sure you’re using
the morning on an empty stomach,” Antipov says. “Not sprints for about 12 minutes to get my
your abs and not just pulling on
because of some fasted theory, but because when I have heart rate up and then do steady state on
your neck if your hands are behind
no food in my stomach I feel I can contract my abs that the StairMaster for whatever time I have
your head. I like to do these on an
much better. It’s a little harder for me to get that much of a left— usually 20-25 minutes. My whole
ab bench if possible, but if one isn’t
contraction after I’ve had a couple meals. First thing in the routine— abs and cardio— usually takes
available then on the floor.”
morning, the contraction is insane.” me about an hour in the morning.”

54 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5


EVERYONE ENTERS THE GYM— As crude as it may sound in today’s
EXCUSE ME, FITNESS CENTER— world of global overpopulation and
WITH UNIQUE GOALS. We all have long-delayed frank discussions about
different motivations that drive us abusive behavior toward women by
to endure the physical and mental misogynist cultures and individuals
demands of a rigorous workout, face the (e.g., college campus sexual assaults,
indignity of struggling in the presence sexual torture and slavery by religious
of strangers, and develop sweat stains extremists, etc.), the pursuit of sexual
on clothing that becomes a bit more reward is a powerful motivator down to
revealing than intended at the most the most base part of the brain. Need
inopportune moments. After all that proof? Just look at the role of “sex”
discomfort, the reward for many is a in advertising.1 Thankfully, humans
“power shake” that has the consistency are capable of applying reason when
of gruel, smells faintly of lawn clippings
and satisfies hunger no longer than
choosing to engage in sexual behavior,
and have resources to allow for the IN REGARD TO PHYSICAL
the time it takes to drive by a fast-food enjoyment of recreational sex when
restaurant pumping out that french fry
smell that turns the most sophisticated
properly using methods to reduce the
odds of conception (i.e., pregnancy).
ladies and gentlemen into human
versions of Pavlov’s dogs.
Cultures that prohibit the use of “birth
control” or do not protect a woman’s
Why do people return to the gym,
day after day? Why do they abstain from
rights and safety are outside the scope
of this discussion. OR SUBCONSCIOUSLY
the pleasures of pizza and pastries?
What possible reward is worth that? IN SEARCH OF A SIX-PACK
Certainly, many do it out of a sense of In regard to physical attraction,
enjoyment or self-respect; to improve
health; increase productivity and safety
potential mates consciously or
subconsciously evaluate the fitness,
at work or home; enhance competitive
ability in sports or social status; or an
health and sexual potential of their
prospective partner. Discounting POTENTIAL OF THEIR
obligation to reach a desired level of the equally (or greater) important
fitness. Yes, those are valid and socially aspects of attraction that depend upon
correct reasons for achieving a physical character, personality, humor, stability,
state that has been recognized as ideal social and psychological compatibility,
and aesthetic for millennia. However, an etc., a person with a lean and athletic
underlying goal is embedded into the core provides a positive stimulus in
genetic heritage of our species: gaining regard to sexuality. Certain cultures
sexual favor with a potential mate or deviate to more “Rubenesque” women
mates. (plump in a pleasing or attractive


56 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5
manner), who are desirable as they are believed to represent body fat down to where the abdominal muscles are apparent
greater fertility and capability to deliver healthy newborns. and the musculature of the buttocks are sculpted. The key
Perhaps more importantly, those who see themselves as steps, of course, are to manage the diet so that body fat is
highly selective are likely to look for, and pursue as a goal for maintained in the upper single digits, and incorporate an
him/herself, a person with similar features.2 In other words, exercise routine that creates tone, definition and aesthetic
if you are attracted to a physically fit woman, she is likely hypertrophy (muscle size) to attract the desired level of
seeking a physically fit man. With rare exception, “opposites attention. Once the “look” has been achieved, is there
attract” is little more than a myth. any further value to having a “six-pack” of abs, strong
For the man, there is a functional purpose supporting spinal erectors and the butt of a thoroughbred stallion?
the presentation of a solid, well-developed core in regard Interestingly, form does dictate function to some degree.
to his ability to perform sexually, both for his pleasure A solid and sexy core offers the promise of optimal sexual
and his partner. Certainly, the implication of good health, function. Never forget, though, that sexual interaction is only
fitness, ability to adhere to the discipline of exercise and a part of a relationship. If you are not capable of developing
sound diet, and avoid the metabolic problems associated and maintaining a healthy relationship, you will only be
with abdominal obesity, are fundamentals that tend to give experiencing the transient physical pleasure. Many of the
a man with prominent abdominal muscles an advantage greatest rewards of a sexual relationship are experienced
over his abdominally flaccid or obese competitor. However, when it supports a thriving relationship; not just satisfying
there is also the “eye candy” effect. For sheerly hedonic your momentary urges with no regard for your partner. Some
pleasure-seeking women, nothing grabs the eyes like a set of the gravest risks come from indiscriminate promiscuity—
of washboard abs and a nice set of buns. These two features or hooking up with pretty much anyone.
regularly grab the tops spots on body parts women focus on
when judging a man’s level of attractiveness. 50 SHADES OF LUST
So, insofar as attracting a partner— for many, the greatest The physical act of intercourse was for a time fairly
barrier to a fulfilling sex life— it is apparently key to drop the uniform, and globally understood. Most major religions SEPTEMB ER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 57

utilized the physical representation of recreation (dance, sports, etc.). Also, health are inherited.
intercourse to affirm the role between there are a number of people who The most evident vascular function
man and woman, with the man in are fixated upon their appearance for men is obtaining and maintaining
the dominant position. Puritanical to the point of having a personality an erection. Erectile dysfunction has
influences in British and early disorder or frank psychosis.3 Yet, several different causes, but the most
American history assigned shame and compare the psyche of a fit person prevalent is small-vessel disease (the
guilt to LUST— one of the seven deadly who is satisfied with his body image smaller arteries that supply blood to
sins. Thus the “missionary position” to one who is dissatisfied with being tissue, including the penis).9 Viagra-like
nomenclature, which was referred to obese, or to the psyche of someone drugs work by prolonging the dilation
by Shakespeare as the “beast with two who is normal weight but lacking (opening) of those small vessels,
backs.” This was not always so. The muscular development due to a supporting the blood flow necessary
Talmud and many other sources refer sedentary job or lifestyle, or even to to “get it up.” A well-developed and
to Lilith (apparently the first women, the psyche of someone who is fit but ripped midsection and a fit core
created alongside Adam) as a sexually has a negative self-perception. These strongly suggest that the conditions
voracious woman who would defile negative emotions can be amplified by leading to vasculogenic erectile
men with her sexual dominance. She interaction when seeking approval or dysfunction are NOT present. Also, as
left, or was cast out of, the Garden acceptance. A negative self-image can visibly apparent abs are some the “last
of Eden for refusing to “lie beneath also cause insecurities in a relationship, to appear” and “first to go” muscles, it
Adam,” a reference often interpreted as leading to unhealthy distrust, jealousy is a sign that you follow a lifestyle that is
relating to the “missionary position.” or a constant need for reinforcement.4 not likely to dissipate. For the doubters,
Author EL James brought sexual So, though it seems superficial, a study published in 2012 reported
exercise in men under 40 is associated
with better erectile function.10
A SIX-PACK, RIPPED ABS OR V-TAPER— HOWEVER YOU WANT TO REFER Beyond that, abs may indicate that
you have an endocrine system that is
TO THE “LOOK”— IS A SIGN THAT ALL SYSTEMS SHOULD BE “GO.” in balance, with a strong testosterone
presence. The muscular development
notable in the core, and hopefully with
exploration into the spotlight with being in shape can support a full-body symmetry, indicates that
the success of the 50 Shades of Grey healthy mental state by preventing testosterone activity is fully expressed.
trilogy. Again, a story revisited instead dissatisfaction relating to a negative Certainly, erectile function is
of being creative or innovative. Sexual self-image, reduce concern about dependent upon testosterone’s actions
exploration exists in some of the most competitive males, express a (as well as its metabolites). However,
ancient texts, such as the Kama Sutra stable mood and enable a trusting this occurs at a concentration that is
or the writings of the Marquis de Sade, relationship. Abs, in and of themselves, well below what is necessary for bone
and it continues in pulp fiction today. are not a sure thing in regard to mental and muscle mass maintenance.11,12
Clearly, the need for a strong core is a health. In some cases, it can be an Showing that you can develop muscle,
necessity if exploring some of the more indication of narcissism, obsession, have a waist circumference that
acrobatic positions. eating disorders, drug abuse or just provides a V-taper and are comfortable
Getting down to the “meat of the being a “diva.”5,6 However, all else with your physical image … the sum
matter,” sexual intercourse involves: being equal, a nice taper and set of total is pretty much a visual guarantee
being able to develop desire and abs can promote mental health and that you are capable of performing
arousal (mental health); intact erectile boost confidence in receiving others’ sexually.
function (circulatory and endocrine approval and acceptance. OK, you attract your partner
health); physical strength, endurance who anticipates that you have the
and flexibility to perform sexually GOOD HEALTH, goods. Mission accomplished? No,
(musculoskeletal and cardiovascular GREAT ABS AND of course not— there is still the main
health); ejaculation (sexual function) BETTER SEX event. Sexual intercourse, which
and post-coital bonding (relationship You just can’t develop a great set of of course depends upon desire,
and social health). abs without being physically active and comfort, foreplay and a multitude of
A six-pack, ripped abs or V-taper— consuming a nutritious diet (most of other underappreciated factors, is
however you want to refer to the the time). Avoiding abdominal obesity a physically strenuous act or series
“look”— is a sign that all systems greatly reduces the risk of metabolic of acts. In fact, sexual intercourse is
should be “go.” Let’s call the “look” syndrome, and physical activity recognized as an important risk factor
ripped abs, just for simplicity sake. helps promote insulin sensitivity.7,8 for a heart attack.13 So, spend a little
Though most people of all shapes and The metabolic syndrome includes time on the treadmill, men, if you want
sizes are mentally healthy, maintaining hypertension, high cholesterol, to survive heated moments of passion.
a healthy and aesthetic physique abdominal obesity, insulin resistance Sex does burn calories, but the effect
is often a reliable sign of a mature and other maladies. By avoiding is less than other forms of exercise,
and stable personality, as well as a the onset of metabolic syndrome— like riding a bike.14 So, enjoying
balanced lifestyle in adults. Of course, thought by many to be preceded by sex frequently might have a limited
many young people benefit from their insulin resistance and obesity-related conditioning effect, but it would need
age in being able to develop abs inflammation— vascular functions are to be discussed with your physician
through their youthful metabolism and well maintained. It should be noted that first, just like any diet or exercise
the physical nature of much of their certain conditions affecting vascular program.

58 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE? chronic lower back pain, which can
Most sexual positions and motions be prevented or reduced with core
involve pelvic motion of variable but strengthening, suffer twice as many
considerable force and frequency. complaints of sexual dysfunction—
For the more vigorous, a man may including erectile dysfunction, loss
be supporting some or all of his of libido and painful intercourse
bodyweight; possibly that of his positions.16,17 In observance of the risk
partner as well. Frankly, the frightening of back pain, a study compared three
possibility of a sex-gym franchise is sexual positions for spine motion. All
not outside the realm of marketing three depended upon spinal flexion
creativity. However, it is more important (abdominal strength), as opposed
for immediate needs of the partners to extension (lumbar erectors).
involved that muscular strength is Quadruped (doggy-style) involved the
already present in the abdominal, most rapid movement, with side-lying
pelvic and gluteal muscles. Developing being the slowest; missionary style
the abs for looks will provide the was the third position. Interestingly,
cross-benefit of increasing the strength the most “back-friendly” for the
of these muscles as well. If your man is doggy-style, with the woman
partner is attracted to a fit physique, supporting her weight on her elbows.18
this will provide visual, tactile and For the woman, the same position but
functional sensation during an event raised to rest her weight on her hands
of heightened desire and arousal. A is most comfortable.19 Again, only three
woman experiences more frequent positions were noted, with variations—
and intense orgasms if she views her and the goal was to seek back comfort,
partner as attractive— more so if her not sexual stimulation.
friends find her partner attractive.15 A well-defined core, in a mentally
Self-confidence (improved with a healthy man, is a sign of sexual function
positive self-image in the male) and and potential prowess when viewed
financial wealth also play a factor. by prospective partners. Great abs
Sadly, doing crunches and leg lifts demonstrate an adherence to a healthy
are not a proven road to becoming lifestyle, physical attractiveness,
independently wealthy. metabolic health, vascular function,
The importance of core strength hormonal (testosterone) sufficiency,
and integrity in sex can be seen when strength and structural integrity— strong
it is absent (e.g., back injury) or by indicators that proclaim to an interested
appreciating the dynamics of the party that you are capable of providing a
repeated thrusting that characterizes satisfying sexual relationship.
penile-vaginal intercourse, and other Hard to imagine a more motivating
variations. Men who suffer from reason to work the core.

REFERENCES: Metab 2015 May 22. [Epub, ahead of print]

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motivation moderates the relationship between skeletal muscle strength and function: the HORMA
exercise frequency and positive body image. Body trial. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2011;66:122-9.
Image 2014;11:101-8. 13. Culić V. Acute risk factors for myocardial
4. Mitchell KR, Orr FE. Heterosexual social infarction. Int J Cardiol 2007;117:260-9.
competence, anxiety, avoidance and self-judged 14. Chen X1, Zhang Q, et al. Cardiovascular effects of
physical attractiveness. Percept Mot Skills 1976;42:553- sexual activity. Indian J Med Res 2009;130:681-8.
4. 15. Gallup GG Jr, Ampel BC, et al. Do orgasms give
5. Bruno A, Quattrone D, et al. Unraveling exercise women feedback about mate choice? Evol Psychol
addiction: the role of narcissism and self-esteem. J 2014;12:958-78.
Addict 2014;2014:987841(6 pp). doi: 10.1155/2014/987841. 16. Nikoobakht M, Fraidouni N, et al. Sexual function
6. Nieuwoudt JE, Zhou S, et al. Symptoms of and associated factors in Iranian patients with chronic
muscle dysmorphia, body dysmorphic disorder, and low back pain. Spinal Cord 2014;52:307-12.
eating disorders in a nonclinical population of adult 17. Bahouq H, Fadoua A, et al. Profile of sexuality
male weightlifters in Australia. J Strength Cond Res in Moroccan chronic low back pain patients. BMC
2015;29:1406-14. Musculoskelet Disord 2013;14:63-8.
7. Phillips LK, Prins JB. The link between abdominal 18. Sidorkewicz N, McGill SM. Male spine motion
obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Curr Hypertens during coitus: implications for the low back pain patient.
Rep 2008;10:156-64. Spine 2014;39:1633-9.
8. Khoo J, Dhamodaran S, et al. Exercise-Induced 19. Sidorkewicz N, McGill SM. Documenting female
Weight Loss is More Effective Than Dieting for spine motion during coitus with a commentary on the
Improving Adipokine Profile, Insulin Resistance and implications for the low back pain patient. Eur Spine J
Inflammation in Obese Men. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc 2015;24:513-20. S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5 FITN ESS R x for MEN 59


physique! How Physique Olympia Champion
Jeremy Buendia Plans to Keep His Title
This is a question that has been debated endlessly. For many
decades, competitive bodybuilding was the venue to determine the
answer. Mr. Olympia champions like Arnold, Frank Zane and Lee Haney
represented the ideal male physique as decided by a panel of judges.
As the years went by, pro bodybuilders became ever larger and
strayed from the older ideals of dramatic V-tapers with broad shoulders
and tiny waists, perfect shape, symmetry and proportion. Eventually, a
new division was created called Men’s Physique (called MPD for short)
that embodied all those attributes. It wasn’t about the biggest or the
freakiest physique— it was about the best physique.
In 2013, Men’s Physique was added to the Olympia Weekend. That
year, 22-year-old Jeremy Buendia from California was runner-up to the
fledgling sport’s first world champion, Mark Anthony Wingson. A year
later, it was Jeremy whose hand was raised in victory. He was and is
the epitome of what MPD stands for. Buendia’s physique is athletic and
muscular, yet still functional. Powerful delts, pecs, lats and arms are set
off by a waspish 27-inch waist with tight abs and chiseled obliques. This
is how most men wish they looked, and it’s why this new division has
skyrocketed in popularity in a remarkably short time.

“It’s a more attainable look than bodybuilding,” Jeremy explains.

“A lot of guys, like myself, were athletes in high school and want to
continue competing and challenging themselves. Most aren’t interested
in trying to become extremely massive. Men’s Physique provides an
arena for them to challenge themselves, and there’s no doubt social
media has also given them a platform to share their journeys and be
part of something.”

60 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5 SEPTEMB ER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 61
Jeremy’s father was an avid bodybuilder, though he never chose to having even entered an amateur show in that
compete. As a fitness instructor at California State University, Chico, training division, and I was predicting I would be the best
was his vocation. He had his own weights at home, so you could say Buendia in the world. It sounded crazy. But less than two
has been around them his entire life. years later, it had come true.”
“I used to wake up to the sound of weights clanging on many a morning,” He was clearly destined for greatness in
he laughs. “He instilled discipline and a love for training in me at a very young MPD, as evidenced by the fact that he won four
age. My dad was my idol, and I wanted to have big muscles just like him.” Overalls in a row, with the fourth earning him
By age 12, he was lifting, himself, as an adjunct to baseball and football. His professional status. And again, the beauty of MPD
older brother had been a Division 1 football prospect at 6’1”, but Jeremy knew is that it isn’t a “bigger is better” competition.
a possible future in NFL wasn’t in the cards once he himself topped out at 5’8”. “In fact, I was the lightest man in the top five last
But his competitive drive and spirit never faltered, and just three weeks after year at the Olympia when I won,” he explains.
graduating high school, Jeremy entered his first bodybuilding contest. He “But in terms of aesthetics, symmetry, shape and
would go on to do nearly 10 of them, winning a couple teenage shows along proportions, I had the best package up there.”
the way, before discovering the path he was meant to take.
PHYSIQUE: WHERE JEREMY WAS DESTINED TO SHINE It’s been two years of Olympia Men’s Physique
In 2012, Jeremy entered three regional bodybuilding events in California Showdowns, with two champions so far. Jeremy
as a 170-pound middleweight, and took second at all three. “I saw that the Buendia has no intention of allowing a new man
best middleweights were all two to four inches shorter than me,” he says. “For to earn the third annual title. “There are a lot of
my height, I would have had to put on something like 15-20 more pounds of excellent competitors out there who all want what
muscle to be competitive at the national level.” I have now, and they are all improving,” he says.
At the same time, Buendia began paying a lot more attention to the new “In the end it comes down to who wants it the
Men’s Physique division, realizing he essentially resembled the prototype most and who will put in the work, and no one is
for what it was looking for. Hearing that the first professional contests for going to out-work me.”
MPD would be held in 2013, culminating at the Olympia in Las Vegas, Jeremy
told his trainer at the time that he was going to turn pro and win the Olympia
Men’s Physique title. “He laughed out loud,” Jeremy relates. “Here I was, never

62 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

Meal 1: 1 cup egg whites
3 oz. top sirloin
½ cup oats
¼ cup blueberries
1.5 scoops Cell K.E.M
Meal 2: 6 oz. chicken breast, boneless,
1 cup brown rice
Meal 3: 6 oz. tilapia
6 oz. sweet potato
Pre-workout: 1.5 scoops EVP
1.5 scoops Glycoject
Meal 4
(Post-workout): 6 oz. chicken breast, boneless,
¾ cup white rice
1 scoop Glycoject
1.5 scoops Cell K.E.M.
Meal 5: 6 oz. tilapia
3 oz. sweet potato
“There are a lot
Meal 6: 8 oz. top sirloin
7 oz. asparagus of excellent
All supplements by
Evogen Nutrition
out there who
Wide reverse-grip lat pulldown
Seated cable row, underhand grip
4 x 8-15
4 x 8-15 have now, and
Dumbbell bent row
Superset with
4 x 15* they are all
Dumbbell deadlifts 4 x 15 improving,”
Close reverse-grip lat pulldown 4 x 8-15
Straight-arm pullovers with rope 7 x 15**
Hyperextensions 4 x 25
*Jeremy does not go heavy on these two
movements, using no more than a pair of 40- or
50-pound dumbbells. Instead, he performs the reps
slowly and with control, focusing on contracting his
lower lats and spinal erectors.
**These 7 sets are done in Hany Rambod’s FST-7
style, with only 30 seconds rest between. The aim is
to finish off the target muscle with an extreme pump.


Incline dumbbell press
Warm-up: 2 x 12-15
Sets: 4 x 8-15
Cable chest presses 4 x 8-15
Quad set:* (done three times)
Standing cable press 1 x 10
Cable crossover 1 x 10
Standing cable press 1 x 10
Cable crossover 1 x 10
Incline dumbbell flye 3 x 12
Superset with
Incline dumbbell close press** 3 x 12
Smith machine incline press 7 x 10-12
(FST-7 style)
*Jeremy alternates cable presses with cable
crossovers/flyes twice for 10 reps, meaning he does
40 reps total. This “quad set” is repeated three times.
**On this variation of incline dumbbell presses,
Jeremy keeps the dumbbells together throughout the
entire movement to focus on his upper, inner pecs. SEPTEMB ER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 63


Key to maintaining his tight waistline has been avoiding

certain movements that stress and can thicken the core,
such as heavy squats, deadlifts and barbell rows.
Buendia has also taken the past year to add quality mass, per
the advice of the judges. “I’m starting my prep about 12 pounds JEREMY’S TRAINING SPLIT
heavier than I did last year, and leaner at this weight, too,” he notes. Day 1: Chest and abs
“My delts were an area I wanted to bring up a bit, and I did that. The Day 2: Back, rear delts, and abs
added size gives me more of a 3-D look, and I have an even better Day 3: Legs
shoulder-to-waist ratio now.” Day 4: Shoulders
Key to maintaining his tight Day 5: Arms
waistline has been avoiding Day 6: Rest, repeat
certain movements that stress
and can thicken the core, such JEREMY’S CONTEST CARDIO ROTATION
as heavy squats, deadlifts Day 1: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
and barbell rows. “It’s funny, Day 2: StepMill 25 minutes steady state
because some of my fellow Day 3: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
competitors like to give me Day 4: OFF
crap about that on social Day 5: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
media,” he laughs. “That’s fine, Day 6: StepMill 20 minutes HIIT
let them go ahead and keep Day 7: Plyometrics, varies
doing them. We’ll see who looks
better onstage when it’s all said JEREMY BUENDIA STATS
and done, who has kept his Birthdate: October 10, 1990
waist small and who hasn’t.” Height: 5’8”
One aspect of being the Weight: 170 pounds (contest); 187 pounds
reigning champion that Jeremy (off-season)
wasn’t quite expecting was Birthplace: San Jose, California
the extensive travel schedule Current residence: Roseville, California
representing both himself and Strongest lift: Bench press of 425 at 175 pounds
his sponsor, Evogen Nutrition. Favorite quote: “If success becomes your only option, failure
“I’ve been on the road non-stop,” he states. “This year alone I’ve becomes irrelevant.”
been to Kuwait, Australia and all over the USA. From February to
June, I was only home three weekends.” TOP TITLES:
Yet through it all, Jeremy steadfastly maintained his clean eating 2013 NPC Junior USA Class B and

and hard training day after day no matter what. “I’m very focused on Overall
my goals, and I have that discipline and work ethic, the mindset of 2013 IFBB Greater Gulf States Winner
a champion, that my father passed on to me,” he says. “Everybody 2013 IFBB Sacramento Pro Winner
wants to be a winner. Not everybody is willing to do what it takes to 2013 IFBB Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown Second place
win, and keep winning. The only person who can stop me is me,” he 2014 IFBB San Jose Pro Winner
says, “and that’s not going to happen.” 2014 IFBB Olympia Men’s Physique Showdown Winner
Instagram: Jeremy_buendia

64 FI TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

Jeremy trains damn hard, as should be
obvious with one look at him, but he doesn’t
worry about training super heavy as he once
did. “Now it’s much more about using perfect
form, really engaging the target muscle
and getting the absolute best mind-muscle
connection I can,” he explains. “The goal any
time I train is to get the best pump possible in
that muscle group, and you’re never going to do
that just slinging heavy weights around.”
He also keeps his rest periods between
sets fairly short, and is a big fan of supersets
and “quad sets,” doing four sets back to back.
Jeremy also employs “Sevens,” a technique
made famous by his coach Hany Rambod,
in which seven sets of an exercise are done
in rapid succession, resting just 30 seconds
between. “The pump is critical to muscle
growth, even more so than simply lifting heavy


—The Film
Just before Jeremy heads to Las Vegas
to defend his title, a film titled “The Perfect
Physique” will premiere at the Toronto Film
Festival. This documentary directed by Kandice
King offers a glimpse into the world of top
physique competitors and models and also stars
Sadik Hadzovic, Jason Poston, Matt Christianer
and the late Greg Plitt.
“I spent a week shooting it, and learned so
much from the other guys,” he tells us. “It was
an amazing opportunity to learn from some
veterans how to make the most of your career in
the industry, and the many avenues available on
the business end.” He wasn’t allowed to speak
in detail about the film until after its release, but
is excited to see how it’s received and how it will
raise awareness and interest in Men’s Physique. SEPTEMBER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 65




68 86









What Is the M.A.X.

Ideal Rep MUSCLE
66 F I TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

A Tabata interval is a high-
intensity interval training protocol
originally created by Japanese

TO DO BURPEES researcher Dr. Izumi Tabata.

Each Tabata interval consists
of 20 seconds of high-intensity
(as hard as you can go) exercise
followed by 10 seconds of rest.
This is repeated for eight rounds,

PLUS FAT-BURNING, BODYWEIGHT totaling four minutes time.

Contrary to popular belief, the

INTERVAL WORKOUT original Tabata interval training

study does not measure fat loss.
There was no mention of fat loss
in the paper at all.1 Secondly,
Most trainers and fitness
in the study, Tabatas were done
enthusiasts— of all varieties,
on a bike and performed at
not just CrossFit athletes— per-
170 percent of VO2 max. If you
form the burpee exercise with
don’t know, VO2 max is defined
less-than-optimal form. What do
as the highest rate of oxygen
I mean by this? By going down
consumption attainable during
with their feet together and
maximal or exhaustive exercise.
back bent over, they make the
As exercise intensity increases, so
movement both less safe and less
does oxygen consumption. That
metabolically demanding than it
said, a point is reached where
could be.
exercise intensity can continue
So what’s the solution? Per-
to increase without an associated
form your burpees less like a
rise in oxygen consumption.
squat and more like a sumo dead-
With this reality in mind,
lift. This moves the stress from the
even if Tabatas are effective
back to the hips and legs, which
for fat loss and conditioning,
also enables you to work harder.
which other scientific evidence
on interval training tells us that
HERE’S HOW TO they probably are due to their
PERFORM THE high-intensity nature,2,3,4 using
BURPEE 2.0: resistance training or bodyweight
Set up: With your feet slightly training modalities to perform
wider than shoulder-width apart, them likely won’t enable you to
hold your arms straight in front reach 170 percent of VO2 max on
of your body so they’re hanging every set, if at all. So, sequences
between your feet. that use resistance training or
bodyweight training, like the
Action: With your knees one provided in this article, are
slightly bent and your hips “technically” not a true Tabata.
forward, place your hands on Instead, they are “Tabata-
the ground with your wrists inspired” because they use the
directly underneath your same interval framework of 20
shoulder and jump your legs seconds of high-intensity (as hard
• Each time you jump your feet up to the outside
backward so you end up in a as you can go) exercise followed
of your hands, be sure to drop your hips down into a
Photos by Nick Tumminello Model: Paul Christopher

push-up position. Jump your feet by 10 seconds of rest, repeated

squat-type position before you stand up tall.
up to the outside of your hands for eight rounds, totaling four
Of course, you can add a push-up at the bottom of
and return to the tall standing minutes time.
each burpee, if you’d like.You can also add a jump at
position to complete the rep. Also, traditional Tabatas
the top of each burpee if you’re looking to make this
consist of one exercise: the bike.
exercise more dynamic, and want to further increase
COACHING TIPS: However, when performing a
the metabolic demands.
• Make sure that your body Tabata-inspired circuit using
Now that you understand a better way to perform
forms one straight line and that resistance training or bodyweight
the burpee, we can talk about how to use this exercise
you do not allow your hips to training, there are three reasons
as a part of a great Tabata-inspired metabolic
sag toward the floor each time why better options allow you
bodyweight sequence. But first, we must clear up some
you’re in the push-up position. to rotate between multiple
confusion about Tabata training.

68 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

1. When you only use one exercise such as
squats for the entire Tabata, the legs gradually
fatigue with each working set. This centralized
leg fatigue reduces the overall intensity of the
2. Using more than one exercise prevents
centralized muscle fatigue and helps you
maintain the same high level of intensity in
each round.
3. Mixing in more than one exercise boosts
the overall metabolic demand because it
involves more muscles. Put simply, more
muscles worked means greater energy
demand, which in turn means faster fat loss.
Plus, doing the same exercise eight times
for four minutes straight is just plain boring.
The workout is already challenging, why make
it monotonous, too?


The following circuit uses four different exercises
performed two times each.

20 seconds Speed Squat (perform the

reps as fast as possible)
10 seconds rest
20 seconds Burpees
10 seconds rest
20 seconds Mountain Climber
(keep neutral spine)
10 seconds rest
20 seconds Speed Skips (in place)
(lift knee above hip)
10 seconds rest
20 seconds Speed Squat (perform the
reps as fast as possible)
10 seconds rest
20 seconds Burpees
10 seconds rest
20 seconds Mountain Climber
(keep neutral spine)
10 seconds rest
20 seconds Speed Skips (in place)
(lift knee above hip)

You can use this Tabata-inspired circuit up

to three times per week as a “finisher” after
strength training.

Nick Tumminello is the owner of Performance University in Fort

Lauderdale, Florida. He’s also the author of the book Strength Training
for Fat Loss and the DVD by the same name. For more information visit

1. Tabata, I., et al. Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and
high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1996 Oct;28(10):1327-30.
2. Perry, Christopher G.R.; Heigenhauser, et al. (December 2008).
“High-intensity aerobic interval training increases fat and carbohydrate
metabolic capacities in human skeletal muscle”. Applied Physiology,
Nutrition, and Metabolism 33 (6): 1112–1123.
3. Laursen, P.B.; Jenkins D.G. (2002). “The Scientific Basis for
High-Intensity Interval Training: Optimising Training Programmes and
Maximising Performance in Highly Trained Endurance Athletes”. Sports
Medicine 32 (1): 53–73.
4. Talanian, Jason L.; Stuart D. R. Galloway, et al. (2007). “Two weeks
of high-intensity aerobic interval training increases the capacity for fat
oxidation during exercise in women”. Journal of Applied Physiology 102
(4): 1439–1447



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It’s easy to let abdominal training
slide in favor of mass-building
exercises. But let’s face it— smooth,
razor-sharp abs are essential for a fit
physique. Even if you can deadlift a
lot of weight, this is not going to make
ripped abs pop out from above your
belt— you will need an exercise that
tightens (but does not overstretch)
the entire abdominal wall.

The rectus abdominis is the primary
vertical muscle of the anterior abdominal
wall.1 The two halves of the rectus
abdominis begin on the center of the
pelvic bones of the hip girdle, and insert
into the xiphoid process at the base of
the sternum and a few rib cartilages
near the sternum. The short fibers of the
rectus abdominis run between tendinous
intersections that create the grooves
(“six-pack”) when they are tensed. When right portions of the internal oblique
both right and left halves of this muscle contract together, as is the case with INCLINE BOARD
contract, the trunk is flexed forward so
that the head and chest move closer to the
sit-ups.3 The internal oblique twists
the body toward the right if only the
hips and legs during sit-ups.2 right side contracts.1 1. Position your feet under the pads of an
The external oblique is a large, flat The transversus abdominis is the incline board. Bend your knees to reduce the work
abdominal muscle that begins along the deepest anterior abdominal muscle.1 of the iliopsoas muscle and increase the work for
lower half of the ribs.1 Its fibers run from The fibers of this muscle run parallel the abdominal muscles.4
lateral to medial, to attach on the pubic from the rib cartilages, the vertebral 2. Lie down so that your middle and lower
and iliac bones of the pelvis. When both column and the iliac crest of the hip back make contact with the slant board. Place
sides of the external oblique muscles to the sheath of the rectus abdominis. your hands on your hips. You can also fold your
contract, they flex the trunk so the head This muscle helps to pull the arms across your chest.
will move toward the feet. If only one side abdominal wall in during a “vacuum,” 3. Curl your shoulders and head forward to-
contracts, the trunk will flex (twist) toward when trying to suck in the abdomen. ward your chest, and tense your abdomen as you
the opposite side.1 The psoas major and iliacus begin the upward movement. This will guarantee
The internal oblique muscle is deep muscles function as a single muscle that you are activating the upper rows of the
rectus abdominis.5
to the external oblique muscle. It begins (hence the name “iliopsoas” muscle).
4. Continue to sit upward, and do not forget
on a thick, connective tissue called the The iliopsoas is one of the strongest
to curl your shoulders forward. Raise your upper
thoracolumbar fascia, and also from the hip flexors, and is very active when
body as high as you can.
iliac bone of the hip.1 Its fibers run toward sitting up from a supine position.4 5. From the top position, reverse the move-
the head, at right angles to the external The psoas major is located beside ment and control the descent of your body. Do not
oblique muscle, and attach on the lowest the thoracic and lumbar vertebral un-curl your shoulders until you hit the starting
three or four ribs.1 Similar to the external column, while the iliacus muscle sits position2 and then immediately go into the next
oblique muscle, the internal oblique will over the iliac bones of the hip. The repetition, starting with curling your chin and
flex the trunk at the waist and move the fibers of the iliopsoas attach via a shoulders toward your chest
head toward the feet, if both the left and tendon to the femur bone of the thigh.

72 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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If you fail to curl your shoulders

forward, or if you curl with your
feet anchored while your knees
are too straight, most of the upward
force will come primarily from
the iliopsoas muscle and thigh
muscularture6 instead of the
anterior abdominal wall.3 Thus,
do not tense your thighs, and try
to avoid strongly tensing your hip
flexors to complete each repetition
(do not try to pull with your thighs
or legs).3
It is a good idea to eliminate
holding your breath during any
sit-up7, since this increases the
intra-abdominal pressure and
prevents the abdominal fibers
from shortening as much (although
it might feel easier to do a sit-
up while holding your breath).
If anything, it is good to either
exhale as you are doing the sit-up
or even better, exhale before the
contraction— and then concentrate
on achieving a maximal shortening
of the fibers during the exercise.
Either of these approaches will
strongly activate the fibers of the
transversus abdominis, and ensure
that the fibers of the anterior
abdominal wall are not stretched
during the exercise.
Of course, you cannot expect
that the negative effects of five daily
trips to McDonald’s can be offset
by a single exercise. However, with
a careful diet and some aerobics to
accelerate fat loss, adding four sets
of 14-20 repetitions of sit-ups on the
incline board can be an important
key to building razor-sharp abs. ■

1. Moore KL and Daley AF. Cinically Oriented
Anatomy. Lippincott Williams & Williams, Baltimore, 4th
Edition pp. 1999. 178-187.
2. Szpala A and Szpala A. Electromyographic
muscle activity in curl-up exercises with different
positions of upper and lower extremities. J Strength
Cond Res 2010;24:3133-3139.
3. Burden AM and Redmond CG. Abdominal and
hip flexor muscle activity during 2 minutes of sit-ups
and curl-ups. J Strength Cond Res 2013;27:2119-2128.
4. Workman JC, Docherty D, Parfrey KC, et
al. Influence of pelvis position on the activation of
abdominal and hip flexor muscles. J Strength Cond Res
5. Szpala A, Rutkowska-Kucharska A and Drapala
J. Electromechanical delay of abdominal muscles is
modified by low back pain prevention exercise. Acta
Bioeng Biomech 2014;16:95-102.
6. Parfrey KC, Docherty D, Workman RC, et al.
The effects of different sit- and curl-up positions on
activation of abdominal and hip flexor musculature.
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2008;33:888-895.
7. Uber-Zak LD and Venkatesh YS. Neurologic
complications of sit-ups associated with the Valsalva
maneuver: 2 case reports. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 83:
278-282, 2002.

74 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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One of the age-old fitness questions is whether a powerlifting-type routine can build as much muscle as a body-
building-type routine. On the surface, it would seem that the bodybuilding routine has a clear advantage in this re-
gard. After all, it’s no secret that bodybuilders are generally bigger than powerlifters. If low reps and long rest intervals
were the key to increasing muscle, then every bodybuilder would be training like a powerlifter, right?

While this premise might seem logical, science tells us either 1) a powerlifting-type routine using low reps (2-4 per
that logic doesn’t always translate into practice. In order to set) and long rest intervals (three minutes between sets), or
accurately assess which type of training packs on the most 2) a typical bodybuilding-style workout with moderate reps
lean mass, it’s necessary to carry out controlled research (8-12 per set) and shorter rest intervals (90 seconds between
where variables are strictly controlled. Only then can you sets). Total volume-load (reps x sets x load) was equated
draw a true cause-effect relationship on results. between groups to ensure that any differences would not
be confounded by the amount of work performed. Thus, the
THE RESEARCH powerlifting group performed seven sets per exercise while
Several previous studies have investigated this topic in a the bodybuilding group performed three sets. All sets were
controlled fashion. Some did indeed show better results with performed to the point of momentary concentric muscular
bodybuilding-type training compared to powerlifting-type failure. Training was carried out three times a week for eight
training3,8, while others found no differences between the weeks.
two.1, 2 A big limitation of these studies is that they were all The results might surprise you. While both groups sig-
carried out using untrained subjects. It’s common knowl- nificantly increased muscle mass, there were no differences
edge that newbies respond to virtually any training stimulus; noted between groups. In other words, both groups gained
heck, even cardio produces hypertrophy in those who are approximately the same amount of muscle over the course of
sedentary! Consistent training causes alterations in anabol- the study, regardless of rep range! Interestingly, while both
ic intracellular signaling4 along with altered acute protein groups significantly increased their one-repetition maximum
synthetic9,12,14 and transcriptional responses5 that indicate a (1RM) in the squat and bench press, there was a slight edge
blunting of hypertrophic adaptations. Thus, you can’t neces- to the powerlifting group in terms of strength gains.
sarily extrapolate results from the aforementioned research On the surface, these findings might lead you to conclude
to experienced trainees. that, from a hypertrophy standpoint, it doesn’t matter wheth-
A recent study from my lab11 sought to provide clarity er you train like a powerlifter or bodybuilder. After all, the
on the topic in well-trained men (4+ years average lifting study provides compelling evidence that as long as sufficient
experience). Subjects were randomly assigned to perform volume is performed, you’ll achieve similar increases in mus-

76 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5


cle, regardless of rep range. And higher training volumes correlate

given that strength was greater in with greater muscle growth, at least
the powerlifting group, a case can up to a certain point.7,10,13 Because of
be made that it’s best to train like a the long rest periods and additional
powerlifter and get the best of both sets needed to equate volume in
worlds, right? the powerlifting group, our study
Well, not so fast. was only able to include three total
Here’s the rub: Total training time exercises per session for a limited
in the powerlifting group was about number of muscle groups (back,
70 minutes, while that of the body- chest and thighs). That’s simply not
building group was just 17 minutes. sufficient to maximize whole-body
So from a time-efficiency standpoint, hypertrophy.
bodybuilding-type training pro- Achieving complete muscular
duced similar hypertrophy (as well development and symmetry re-
as nearly similar strength increases) quires working all the major muscle
in about a quarter of the time as the groups from different angles and
powerlifting routine. planes of movement. A true hyper-
What’s more, exit interviews trophy routine needs to focus on
with participants in the powerlifting specific muscles (and aspects of
group indicated that they were fried muscles) such as the middle and
by the end of the eight-week study. posterior delts, the hamstrings and
Virtually all said they had sore joints the calves.6 The large time com-
and complained of being mentally mitment associated with powerlift-
fatigued from the constant grind ing-type training makes it virtually
of performing heavy, low-rep sets; impossible to accomplish this goal
two of the subjects in the group in the context of a well-rounded
dropped out from overuse injuries. routine. And even if you are one of
Had the study gone on any longer, the lucky guys who have all day to
I’m certain these lifters would have do nothing but work out, training
become overtrained and ultimately
seen a regression in results. On the
exclusively with low reps still isn’t
a feasible strategy for maximizing
other hand, those in the bodybuild- hypertrophy. All that grinding on the MAXIMIZING MUSCLE MASS IS
ing group reported feeling fresh.
They were eager to get back in the
joints and overtaxation of the neu-
romuscular system would ultimately
gym, with many expressing a desire wear you down. You’d rapidly end up OF LOW AND MODERATE REPS.”
to increase training volume and fre- overtrained, with nagging injuries
quency. and diminished performance. Not a don’t hold exclusively to such training. Adding in
good recipe for continued gains. some heavy-load sets in the 1-5 RM range helps
HIGH VOLUME to maximize strength, which ultimately allows the
ISN’T PRACTICAL THE BOTTOM LINE use of heavier loads during moderate-rep lifting.
So here’s the take-away message: All things considered, the best And lifting heavier without compromising the
While it appears that muscle growth approach to maximizing muscle number of reps increases mechanical tension in
can be similar with both heavy and mass is to train with a combination muscles— a primary driving force for lean mus-
moderately-heavy loads, provided of low and moderate reps. The cle growth. ■
that volume is equated, it just isn’t typical “bodybuilding rep range”
Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., CSCS, FNSCA is widely regarded as one of
practical to constantly train with should form the basis of a hypertro-
the leading authorities on training for muscle development and fat loss.
high volumes and heavy loads over phy-oriented routine as it allows the He has published over 60 peer-reviewed studies on various exercise-
time. Understand that there is a clear performance of a greater amount and nutrition-related topics. He is also the author of the best-selling
dose-response relationship between of volume without overtaxing the book, The M.A.X. Muscle Plan, and runs a popular website and blog at
volume and hypertrophy whereby neuromuscular system. That said,

1. Campos GER, Luecke TJ, et al. Muscular adaptations in response to three different resistance- after heavy resistance training. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 79: 347-352, 1999.
training regimens: specificity of repetition maximum training zones. Eur J Appl Physiol 88: 50-60, 2002. 9. Phillips SM, Tipton KD, et al. Resistance training reduces the acute exercise-induced increase in
2. Chestnut J, and Docherty D. The effects of 4 and 10 repetition maximum weight-training muscle protein turnover. Am J Physiol 276: E118-24, 1999.
protocols on neuromuscular adaptations in untrained men. J Strength Cond Res 13: 353-359, 1999. 10. Schoenfeld BJ. The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance
3. Choi J, Takahashi H and Itai Y. The difference between effects of “power-up type” and “bulk-up training. J Strength Cond Res 24: 2857-2872, 2010.
type” strength training exercises: with special reference to muscle cross-sectional area. Jpn J Phys 11. Schoenfeld BJ, Ratamess NA, et al. Effects of different volume-equated resistance training
Fitness Sports Med 47: 119-129, 1998. loading strategies on muscular adaptations in well-trained men. J Strength Cond Res 28: 2909-2918,
4. Coffey VG, Zhong Z, et al. Early signaling responses to divergent exercise stimuli in skeletal 2014.
muscle from well-trained humans. FASEB J 20: 190-192, 2006. 12. Tang JE, Perco JG, et al. Resistance training alters the response of fed state mixed muscle
5. Gordon PM, Liu D, et al. Resistance exercise training influences skeletal muscle immune protein synthesis in young men. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 294: R172-8, 2008.
activation: a microarray analysis. J Appl Physiol (1985) 112: 443-453, 2012. 13. Wernbom M, Augustsson J and Thomee R. The influence of frequency, intensity, volume and
6. Helms E, Fitschen PJ, et al. Recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: mode of strength training on whole muscle cross-sectional area in humans. Sports Med 37: 225-264,
resistance and cardiovascular training. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2014. 2007.
7. Krieger, JW. Single vs. multiple sets of resistance exercise for muscle hypertrophy: a meta- 14. Wilkinson SB, Phillips SM, et al. Differential effects of resistance and endurance exercise in the
analysis. J Strength Cond Res 24: 1150-1159, 2010. fed state on signalling molecule phosphorylation and protein synthesis in human muscle. J Physiol
8. Masuda K, Choi JY, et al. Maintenance of myoglobin concentration in human skeletal muscle 586: 3701-3717, 2008. SEPTEMBER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 77


T he entire core is a collection of muscles that create a critically important frame from which all of your body movements take anchor.
As a result, developing a strong core is an important step that is needed by every trainer who seeks to realize the potentials to ex-
perience huge gains in strength and power, or acquiring the proficiency in most skilled athletic challenges. Although there are many
good exercises that fit this need, pikes on a stability/Swiss ball are among the leaders in activating and coordinating a host of core
muscles1,2 while also strengthening, providing improved control and balance into this network we describe as the “core.”

The core is most frequently thought of as including
the abdomen and lower back, but a lot of muscles are
part of the core network. In fact, superficial and deep
abdominal muscles along with the erector spinae and
middle and deep back muscles can be considered
part of the body’s core. Pikes on a ball represent a
challenging core exercise that includes activation of
the anterior, middle and deep abdominal muscles,
spinal erector, shoulders and triceps muscles.
The muscles of the abdominal wall are strongly
activated by pikes.1,2 The superficial rectus abdom-
inis provides the six-pack look when your body
fat is low. When both halves of the rectus abominis
contract, the head and trunk are moved toward your
hips,3,4 as is the case in the pike movement. The
laterally positioned fibers of the external oblique
muscle are angled in the same direction that your
fingers would point if you were to put your hands in
your pockets.3 The deeper internal oblique muscle
connects to the iliac bone of the hip and its fibers
run around the side of the trunk at right angles to
the external oblique muscle and attach to the lowest
three or four ribs.3 Both the external oblique muscle
and the internal oblique muscles flex the trunk at the fibers of this muscle attach to the lumbar vertebrae and along the iliac fossa
waist and move the head toward the feet during the on the inside of the hip girdle. They attach by a tendon to the inside of the fe-
pike movement. The transversus abdominis muscle mur bone near the hip joint. The iliopsoas helps to flex the thighs and brings
is the deepest of the anterior abdominal muscles. It the feet closer to the torso in the pike exercise.3,5
begins on the lower five and six costal cartilages of Several postural spine muscles, which together are called the erector
the ribs and they terminate in the rectus sheath that spinae,3 are strongly activated in the pike movement on a ball.6,7 From lateral
surrounds the rectus abdominis muscle.3 This muscle to medial, the iliocostalis, longissimus and spinalis muscles run from the iliac
contracts to compress the ribs and the abdominal crest of the hip-bone, to the ribs and from vertebrae to vertebrae to create
cavity (sucking in the stomach), thereby providing a strong spinal column of muscle fibers.3 The multifidus is deep to the lon-
core stability through the ribs, spine to the hips. gissimus and generally spans three vertebrae segments with fibers that run
The iliopsoas muscle is a deep hip flexor that is from lateral to medial. The erector spinae muscles extend the spine and the
made up of the psoas major and iliacs muscle.3 The multifidus helps to stabilize the spinal units during movement.3

78 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5


The three-headed triceps brachii muscle is

contracted throughout the pike to support the upper
body by extending the elbow joint. The triceps fibers
begin on the scapula (shoulder blade) just inferior to
(below) the head of the humerus bone at the shoul-
der joint and along the posterior side of the humerus
bone of the arm.3 The fibers join the triceps tendon
that crosses the elbow joint posteriorly and attaches
on the ulna bone near the elbow.3 Space limitations do
not allow us to describe other muscles (e.g., deltoids,
pectoralis, middle back muscles, trapezius, etc.) that
are activated by pikes.

1. Place a Swiss (stability) ball on the floor and give
yourself enough room so that you won’t run into anything
during the exercise.
2. Lie on your stomach (prone) in front of the ball. Lift
your feet and place them on the ball. If you become serious about your abdominal training as part of your core
3. Position your hands on the floor beneath your emphasis, you must elevate your metabolic rate to help consume the adipose
shoulders and extend your elbows as if you have com- (fat) tissue that has taken up residence on your waist. It also helps to add exer-
pleted a push-up. Start with your body in a straight line cises like the pike that include a complex group of muscles and not just work
(hips and knees straight). the muscles in isolation. Reinforcing your core is important because it can be
4. Flex your hips but keep your knees straight so that like laying one steel beam next to another— with enough building, you have
the ball rolls toward your head. Control the ball move- a structure that is able to improve your endurance, strength and balance, and
ment and keep the toes in contact with the ball. provide the pillars of power that will protect you from injury and propel you to
5. Your buttocks will move up toward the ceiling as greater physical heights. ■
you flex your hips to take on the pike or jackknife posi-
tion. Your triceps and shoulders will assume more of your
bodyweight as you move the ball forward. Keep under 1. Escamilla RF, Lewis C, Bell D et al: Core muscle activation during Swiss ball and traditional abdominal exercises. J
Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40:265-276.
control at all times to avoid losing your balance. 2. Escamilla RF, Babb E, DeWitt R et al: Electromyographic analysis of traditional and nontraditional abdominal exercis-
6. Slowly reverse the movement so that your body es: implications for rehabilitation and training. Phys Ther 2006;86:656-671.
3. Moore, K.L. and A.F. Dalley. Clinically Orientated Anatomy. 4th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, P.J. Kelly, Editor.
is straightened to the starting position, then repeat the Baltimore, Philadelphia. 1999;180-186, 299-300, 432-474, 720-724.
movement. Keep the elbows extended throughout the 4. Nelson GA, Bent-Forsythe DA, Roopchand-Martin SC: Electromyographic activity of the rectus abdominis during a
traditional crunch and the basic jackknife exercise with the Ab Lounge. J Strength Cond Res 2012;26:1584-1588.
exercise and do not rest your chest on the floor until you 5. Maeo S, Takahashi T, Takai Y et al: Trunk muscle activities during abdominal bracing: comparison among muscles
have completed the set. and exercises. J Sports Sci Med 2013;12:467-474.
7. Inhale as you are stretching out, and exhale as you 6. Ekstrom RA, Osborn RW and Hauer PL: Surface electromyographic analysis of the low back muscles during rehabili-
tation exercises. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2008;38: 736-745.
are moving into the pike positon. You should work up to 7. Guo LY, Wang YL, Huang YH et al: Comparison of the electromyographic activation level and unilateral selectivity of
three sets of 20 repetitions. erector spinae during different selected movements. Int J Rehabil Res 2012;35:345-351. SEPTEMBER 2015 FITN ESS R x for MEN 79


Many people can lose weight for a few months, but
many struggle to maintain that weight loss over longer
periods of time. One explanation for the inability of
long-term weight loss is that dieting initiates homeo-
static mechanisms that reduce energy expenditure
within the body, ultimately promoting a positive
energy balance that results in a return to previous
weight levels. Of course, reduced energy expendi-
ture from low caloric intake also makes it difficult
for anyone trying to exclusively gain lean muscle
mass, as depleted energy expenditure also inhibits fat
loss. Consequently, the capacity to blunt this diet-in-
duced reduction in energy use should enhance the
ability to decrease body fat and keep it off, too.

Attempts to advance weight loss, and weight-
loss maintenance, by increasing energy expen-
diture have recently embraced the use of sev-
eral naturally occurring compounds, including
capsaicin, which is the agent in chili peppers that
provides the hot and spicy flavor. Capsaicin has
been shown to potently increase energy expenditure
by stimulating a process known as thermogenesis.1
Although the mechanism of action is not completely
understood, some of the details include capsaicin
activation of the TRPV1 receptor found within the oral
cavity, and gastrointestinal tract, which triggers the
release of noradrenaline. The release of noradrenaline
then increases energy expenditure and fatty acid oxi-
dation within brown adipose tissue (BAT) by stimulating
thermogenesis, which uncouples the normally linked
process of fatty acid oxidation with cellular energy
production in the form of ATP. As a result, instead of the
energy from fat being used to synthesize ATP, which
requires active processes like muscular contraction to
increase energy expenditure, energy is instead directly
converted into heat, increasing energy expenditure.
The ability of capsaicin to curtail the decreased
energy expenditure caused by dieting should improve
the ability to shed, and maintain the loss of, unwanted
body fat for considerable periods of time. Furthermore,
thermogenically induced energy expenditure is not
inhibited by caloric restriction like many other ener-
gy-consuming processes that are turned down by the

80 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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previously mentioned homeostatic mechanisms. This, of course, production. According to a study by Llhan et al.4, capsaicin
means that no matter how hard you diet, capsaicin will still boost accomplishes this by reducing production of the peptide hor-
energy expenditure. In fact, the more severe the diet, the more mone ghrelin, which is normally secreted by an empty stomach
likely you are to benefit from capsaicin— as greater levels of to tell the brain to increase hunger and promote food intake. It
caloric restriction more potently diminish metabolic rate, giving turns out that ghrelin also inhibits the production of testoster-
capsaicin a greater opportunity to supplement this deficiency in one, meaning that low-caloric diets— that naturally increase
energy expenditure. production of ghrelin, because the stomach is more likely to
be empty— also decrease testosterone production. In fact, this
REIGNITE A SLUGGISH METABOLISM study clearly shows that a dose of capsaicin lowered ghrelin
In order to see if capsaicin could, in fact, diminish the levels in the testosterone-producing cells within the testes of
reduced energy expenditure brought on by dieting, a recent rats, resulting in a large increase in testosterone.
study by Jannsens et al.2 looked at the influence that capsaicin This study also showed, somewhat surprisingly, that cap-
had on energy expenditure levels in test subjects who con- saicin actually increased serum levels of ghrelin throughout
sumed 75 percent of their normal caloric intake, with or without the rest of the body, which would suggest that capsaicin intake
capsaicin. The results of the study showed that the group taking would decrease testosterone production— which, as previously
capsaicin had an effective negative energy balance of 20.5 mentioned, did not happen in this study. So, in rats, it appears that
percent, meaning they had a reduction in energy expenditure ghrelin influences testosterone production through an unknown
of 4.5 percent, while the group mechanism that may involve the
that did not consume capsaicin direct regulation of the testos-
showed an effective negative terone-producing cells within
energy balance of 19.2 percent, the testes. On the other hand, in
or a reduced energy expendi- humans, it seems as if capsaicin
ture of 5.8 percent. So, the group has a more systemic effect, as
consuming capsaicin had a 1.3 capsaicin intake has been shown
percent higher energy expendi- to decrease serum ghrelin levels5
ture relative to the control group, and increase testosterone levels.6
clearly demonstrating that cap- In closing, the unique ability
saicin increased energy expen- of capsaicin to increase energy
diture while dieting. In addition, expenditure and boost testos-
the group taking capsaicin also terone levels while consuming a
showed a significant increase low-calorie diet makes capsaicin
in fat oxidation, while there was a perfect choice when one is
no significant increase in fat ox- CAPSAICIN CAN REVERSE trying to shed as much body fat
idation in the control group. The THE NEGATIVE IMPACT THAT as possible without losing any
increased fat burning induced
by capsaicin will likely enhance
HYPOCALORIC DIETS HAVE ON lean muscle mass. Capsaicin also
represents a very effective way
body composition by promoting TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION. to lose weight and keep it off,
a reduction in fat mass. as many dieters today typically
This study by Jannsens et al. also demonstrated that the yo-yo back to their original weight, in large part because their
effects of capsaicin on energy expenditure and fatty acid metabolic rate becomes so sluggish, which promotes a positive
oxidation require several days of capsaicin intake, at a dosage energy balance that brings back those unwanted pounds that
of 2.6 milligrams per day. This study clearly showed that energy were so hard to lose in the first place. ■
expenditure and fatty acid oxidation did not increase in the first
day, but did increase after a few days of capsaicin intake— and For most of Michael Rudolph’s career he has been engrossed in the exercise world
that consuming an amount of capsaicin lower than 2.6 milli- as either an athlete (he played college football at Hofstra University), personal trainer
or as a research scientist (he earned a B.Sc. in Exercise Science at Hofstra University
grams per day had no influence on energy expenditure or fat and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Stony Brook University). After
burning. earning his Ph.D., Michael investigated the molecular biology of exercise as a fellow at
Harvard Medical School and Columbia University for over eight years. That research
ELEVATE TESTOSTERONE WHILE DIETING contributed seminally to understanding the function of the incredibly important cellular
In addition to caloric restriction promoting a sluggish energy sensor AMPK— leading to numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals
metabolic rate, caloric restriction also has the capacity to including the journal Nature. Michael is currently a scientist working at the New York
Structural Biology Center doing contract work for the Department of Defense on a
reduce testosterone production3, which likely contributes to the project involving national security.
unwanted loss of lean muscle mass typically seen while dieting.
The reason for this effect has to do, in part, with the low energy REFERENCES
levels that come with caloric restriction, which slows down 1. Whiting S, Derbyshire E and Tiwari BK. Capsaicinoids and capsinoids. A potential role for
weight management? A systematic review of the evidence. Appetite 2012;59, 341-348.
many biochemical processes that are not absolutely essential 2. Janssens PL, Hursel R, et al. Acute effects of capsaicin on energy expenditure and fat
for survival. Regrettably, one of the non-essential processes oxidation in negative energy balance. PLoS One 2013;8, e67786.
turned down while dieting is the production of testosterone, 3. Houston ME. Gaining weight: the scientific basis of increasing skeletal muscle mass. Can J
Appl Physiol 1999;24, 305-316.
meaning testosterone levels typically decline after extensive 4. Ilhan T and Erdost H. Effects of capsaicin on testis ghrelin expression in mice. Biotech
caloric restriction. Histochem 2013;88, 10-18.
5. Smeets AJ and Westerterp-Plantenga MS. The acute effects of a lunch containing capsaicin
Fortunately, there may be a solution to this dieting dilemma, on energy and substrate utilisation, hormones, and satiety. Eur J Nutr 2009;48, 229-234.
as it has recently been shown that capsaicin can reverse the 6. Begue L, Bricout V, et al. Some like it hot: testosterone predicts laboratory eating behavior of
spicy food. Physiol Behav 2014;139, 375-377.
negative impact that hypocaloric diets have on testosterone

82 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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In the “dietary fat is evil” 1990s, we were practically spoon fed low-fat and fat-free foods by the truckload.
Americans took the advice to heart and dutifully cut down on eggs, shrimp, full-fat dairy and other higher fat
foods while turning to fat-free cookies, bagels and fat-free butter-like spread. Despite following this advice, our
nation kept getting fatter. And then a plethora of movies hit the theaters to show us how our food is produced
and why we are fat. When food companies started taking the fat out, they often replaced it with sugar while total
calories stayed the same or increased.
As journalists started digging through dietary research age American diet is high in calories as well as nutrients and
and interviewing experts, a story started to unfold about pol- foods that contribute to adverse health effects. According to
itics, food lobbying and dietary recommendations; the three the DAGC, Americans are consuming too much sodium, satu-
are so intertwined some have suggested our government rated fat, refined grains, sugar-sweetened beverages (drinks
couldn’t possibly make non-biased recommendations about with added sugars), sweets and desserts.
nutrition and health. If you too are tired of conflicting nutrition The Scientific Report of the 2015 DAGC suggests a diet
advice and not sure who to believe, it’s time to take an in- including less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, yet
depth look at the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, why we they dropped previous recommendations for those with heart
have them and what they mean for you. disease to decrease sodium intake even further to 1,500
Every five years, the Dietary Guidelines for Amer- milligrams per day, citing there is no evidence that it is nec-
icans are updated by an advisory committee to provide essary or beneficial to decrease sodium intake below 2,300
science-based recommendations to the public to promote milligrams. The Scientific Report also recommends avoid-
health and reduce risk for chronic diseases. In addition, ing partially hydrogenated oils since trans fat intake from
the Dietary Guidelines influence federal food and nutrition partially hydrogenated oils is associated with increased risk
policy as well as education initiatives. The Scientific Report of cardiovascular disease. In addition, less than 10 percent
of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee of total calories should come from saturated fat and foods
(DGAC) kept two facts in mind while combing through the high in saturated fat should be replaced with unsaturated fat,
literature on nutrition and health: approximately two-thirds particularly polyunsaturated fats.
of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, which increases their Research shows this strategy can help reduce total and
risk of developing certain chronic diseases, and about half of LDL cholesterol. Here’s an example: take butter or shortening
all American adults have one or more preventable, chronic and swap it out for soybean, corn or safflower oil. The Sci-
diseases. Overconsumption of calories, poor diets and lack entific Report cites several research studies that collectively
of physical activity are considered the primary causes of indicate reducing saturated fat or total fat and replacing it
becoming overweight and obesity, as well as chronic disease. with any type of carbohydrate is not an effective strategy for
And therefore, all are preventable and the Dietary Guidelines reducing risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, low-fat
are intended to steer Americans in the right direction. In diets that replace fats with refined carbohydrates such as
addition to these two overarching themes, the DGAC took a cookies, candy and white bread are also bad for cholester-
close look at what Americans are eating and what nutrients ol and blood lipids (since refined carbohydrates increase
are missing from our diets. triglycerides and lower HDL cholesterol). And therefore, total
fat shouldn’t be the focus but instead choosing better sources
We are an overfed yet undernourished nation. The aver- Also, the Scientific Report recommends consuming a max-

84 F I TNE S S R x for ME N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5 ww
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imum of 10 percent of total calories from added sugars while Some congressional representatives, particularly those
low-fat and nonfat foods high in refined grains and added from states where many cattle farms reside, are pushing back
sugars should be avoided. Foods and beverages high in added against sustainability recommendations by suggesting that
sugars should be replaced with healthy options, including environmental concerns may distract the public and doing
water, as opposed to foods and beverages that contain low-cal- so detours from the purpose of the Guidelines. In addition,
ories sweeteners. This makes sense— if you normally drink the meat industry is up in arms because the suggestion to
soda, replace this with sparkling or tap water. decrease animal-based foods, including red meat, doesn’t take
In addition to overconsuming certain nutrients, many into account the nutrition value of lean cuts of beef. Beef is not
Americans are not meeting their dietary requirements for only rich in protein— and animal-based proteins generally
specific vitamins and minerals. These shortfall nutrients in- contain more of the amino acids necessary for building and
clude vitamins A, C, D, E, folate, calcium, magnesium, fiber and retaining muscle— but also lean cuts of beef contain several
potassium. In addition, iron is recognized as a shortfall nutrient other nutrients and can be enjoyed while still staying within
for adolescent females and premenopausal women— the the saturated fat guidelines. The meat industry has also zoned
two groups that are most likely to be deficient in this mineral. in on iron, given that many women are not consuming enough
Because low intake of these nutrients could lead to adverse of this mineral.
health effects, the Scientific Report encourages foods that are For the first time ever, coffee and caffeine intake will be
good or excellent sources of these nutrients— vegetables, addressed in the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The
fruits, whole grains and dairy. DAGC found no association between moderate consumption
The DGAC also identified three healthy eating patterns that of coffee (up to 400 mg of caffeine per day or the amount
meet the nutrition goals for most nutrients. Healthy U.S.-Style in three to five cups) and long-term health risks in healthy
Patterns are nutrient-rich versions of current food consumption individuals. In addition, coffee consumption is associated with
patterns in the United States. Healthy Vegetarian Patterns will a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease,
be based on what vegetarians eat and include more legumes, while some evidence also suggests regular coffee/caffeine
processed soy products, nuts, seeds and whole grains com- drinkers have lower rates of Parkinson’s disease. Children
pared to the Healthy U.S.-Style Patterns while and adolescents should limit or avoid caffeine
leaving out meat, poultry and seafood. Calcium
levels are highest in this pattern because it
THE AVERAGE due to a lack of caffeine research in these age
not only contains dairy but also tofu, which is AMERICAN
typically made with calcium. Healthy Mediter- SHOULD YOU FOLLOW IT?
ranean-Style Patterns will be based on Mediter- DIET IS HIGH IN Few people would disagree with the DAGC
ranean diet patterns and include more fruit and
seafood and less dairy than Healthy U.S.-Style
CALORIES AS WELL assessment of the typical American diet. Many
people are getting too many calories while
Patterns. Because this diet includes less dairy, it AS NUTRIENTS eating nutrient-poor foods. As a result, a good
also includes lower amounts of calcium.
AND FOODS THAT portion of the population is falling short on
certain vitamins, minerals and plant-based
KEEPING THE FOOD SUPPLY CONTRIBUTE TO compounds necessary for good health and
SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE disease prevention while overconsuming nutri-
The Scientific Report also addresses the im- ADVERSE HEALTH ents and foods that may contribute to adverse
pact of food and beverages on the environment
from farming to waste disposal. Focusing on the
EFFECTS. health effects. And, years of research show that
primarily plant-based diets are associated with
effect our food intake has on the environment a decreased risk of certain cancers, cardiovas-
helps ensure a safe and sustainable food supply now and for cular disease and lower bodyweight.
future generations. And, because the average U.S. diet requires In addition, a recent study found that a vegetarian diet with
a tremendous amount of resources including land, water and fish (pesco-vegetarian diet) was more effective than both a
energy to produce, food production accounts for 80 percent of vegan diet and lacto-ovo vegetarian diet (including milk and
deforestation, more than 70 percent of freshwater use and up eggs) for lowering the risk of colorectal cancers, the second
to 30 percent of human-generated greenhouse gas emissions. most deadly cancer in the U.S. And though it isn’t entirely clear
In addition, overcrowded fisheries and fully tapped wild if the link between vegetarian diets and a reduced risk of cer-
caught fisheries may make it a challenge to produce enough tain cancers such as colorectal cancer is the result of cutting out
safe seafood at an affordable price for Americans. meat or increasing plant intake, it is very clear that this dietary
According to the Scientific Report, a sustainable diet is pattern is associated with improved health. And therefore, even
higher in plant-based foods, including vegetables, fruits, if you disagree with parts of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for
whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and lower in ani- Americans, keep in mind there are a variety of effective dietary
mal-based foods. In addition, a sustainable diet is a healthy approaches depending on a person’s main goal (weight loss,
diet that can be achieved through the three recommended di- reduction in IBS symptoms, etc.). However, when taking the
etary patterns. Moderate consumption of seafood is associated current science on dietary intake and disease risk into account
with health benefits and an important component of two of the and combining it with typical American eating patterns and nu-
three dietary patterns, and though seafood contains organic trient intake, the Dietary Guidelines provide a sound approach
pollutants as well as mercury, both of which are associated for decreasing and maintaining a healthy weight while also
with health concerns, the Scientific Report suggests what nu- lowering one’s risk of chronic disease. ■
trition experts have been saying for years: the health benefits
of seafood far outweigh any potential health concerns. If you’re R
interested in finding out which fish are best for your health and The State of Obesity. Robert Woods Johnson Foundation.
good for the Earth, check out the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.
Seafood Watch program at

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Our bodies build muscle in response to hours of
pounding in the gym and attention to recovery outside
the gym. Training literally beats us down. Training puts
our bodies in a catabolic state, breaking down glyco-
gen, muscle and fat. With the right behaviors in the
kitchen and the shaker cup, we can reverse this de-
structive process and grow from our efforts.
Nature inherently wants to entiating whether or not there THE “KEY” TO TURN
conserve energy, and building are nutrients available to build
muscle takes lots of energy. Mus- muscle. Since our bodies can
cle is heavy, and metabolically make glucose from particular SYNTHESIS THROUGH
active. If there’s no fuel available, amino acids and fats, glucose DIRECT AND INDIRECT
nature says we can’t afford to isn’t a great way to sense whether ACTIVATION OF THE
build muscle. Our bodies have to nutrients are available in our
be able to sense whether there is environment in order to grow. In MTOR PATHWAY.
enough fuel in our environment other words, we need a better
to build muscle. signal, a “key” if you will, to be converted to carnitine for fat shuttling, and its uptake is
It was once thought that insu- build muscle other than glucose, easily inhibited by leucine; thus, leucine wins! Leucine is
lin was the driving force behind because our bodies already the anti-kyrptonite!1 It can’t become glucose, it stimulates
muscle growth. If sugar calories auto-regulate blood glucose to insulin release and it builds muscle as metabolic currency!
were available, muscle could feed the brain. Science supports that there’s a threshold in our diets
grow, right? Boost insulin and that must be met in order to turn on muscle protein syn-
build muscle, right? Wrong! The THE ANTI-KRYPTONITE thesis. One study demonstrated that distributing protein
existence of plenty of sugar (glu- THAT BUILDS MUSCLE evenly throughout meals in the day was more effective
cose) in our system only tells the We need the “anti-kryptonite.” than the typical “skewed” American diet.2 Most Americans
body that we don’t need to break It would make sense that the nu- eat very little protein at breakfast, a little more at lunch and
down muscle for energy. Thus, in- trient signal from our food would a lot more at dinner. When scientists put equal amounts of
sulin’s main role is to store those come in the form of an essential protein in each meal with the same daily total as a skewed
nutrients and avoid breakdown of nutrient that our bodies can’t diet, the equally partitioned meals resulted in better mus-
what was stored. make and can’t become glucose. cle protein synthesis.
Insulin encourages the body There are essential amino acids, Further, when balanced protein is fed to those dieting
to store glucose in muscle, liver essential fats, but no essential with four meals per day, they maintain muscle better than
and fat. It clears toxic sugar out carbohydrates. Since the essen- when they follow a skewed protein pattern.3 This probably
of our blood.Yes, sugar is toxic. tial fats play a structural role and isn’t news to you, as most fitness enthusiasts understand
Sugar caramelizes our insides combine with a glycerol back- the importance of preparing high-protein meals evenly
in a reaction with proteins that bone that can be converted into spaced throughout the day. Just like any other “stimulus,”
makes them foreign to our glucose, this leaves the essential whether lifting for a body part or eating a meal, the system
immune system. The subsequent amino acids as a potential “key” needs some downtime to restart growth.4 It is presumed by
inflammation from sugar leads to to turn on our nutrient sensor. this research on skewed diets that a threshold for turning
further tissue damage, insulin re- In particular, the essential on muscle protein synthesis wasn’t being met by the low-
sistance and an inability to repair amino acids that our body can’t er-protein meals (breakfast and lunch).
muscles after exercise.1 Sugar is convert to glucose (i.e., non-glu- Science has suggested that the threshold for turning on
KRYPTONITE! It makes us weak! coneogenic or purely ketogenic), muscle protein synthesis is met by the leucine content of a
In fact, it only makes sense lysine and leucine, make the protein. Our bodies sense the leucine content of our meals
that nature would have a non-in- most sense as a nutrient to turn through complex molecular mechanisms. Simply, leu-
sulin-dependent way of differ- on muscle. However, lysine can cine acts as the “key” to turn on muscle protein synthesis

86 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

through direct and indirect activation of When scientists put leucine in the drink-
the mTOR pathway.1 Moreover, it does ing water of rats, despite the constant
this in a manner that doesn’t depend on leucine stimulus, they failed to build
the presence of insulin.5 Thus, the leucine more muscle. When there is a “de-syn-
content of a meal could affect a meal’s chronization” in the leucine stimulus
ability to build muscle after training. and availability of essential amino acids,
Despite the confusion created by we fail to achieve the goal of turning on
the Recommended Dietary Allowance muscle growth.8
(RDA) for protein requirements of 0.8 In addition, leucine may act as a
grams per kilogram of bodyweight per signal to limit food intake by acting on
day, sports science shows that this is mechanisms in the brain.9 Leucine says,
highly inadequate for strength-training “Quality food has been eaten, and we
athletes. Furthermore, the RDA doesn’t can stop eating now.” This is great if
say “high-quality proteins.” All proteins your goal is to lose weight and starve
are not created equal in their ability to yourself, but if you stop eating without
support metabolism and build muscle. having eaten a good blend of essential
Studies show that it takes 30 percent aminos from food, your muscle won’t
more soy protein to have the same effect grow. The moral of the story is that
on muscle protein synthesis as whey pro- leucine is nature’s way of knowing that
tein.6 It just so happens that whey protein high-quality protein has been eaten and
has 30 percent more leucine, gram for we can build muscle. You shouldn’t take
gram, than soy protein. leucine supplements by themselves to
build muscle.
OUR BODIES RESPOND My suggestion, as explained by my
WITH MUSCLE GROWTH book Leucine Factor Diet (available
Regardless of all this science, we, as November 2015) and App (available at
humans, are definitely made to respond the App Store), is that you should shoot
to leucine with growth! Whey is the for optimizing the leucine content of
protein richest in leucine. Whey and the proteins you eat. All proteins have a
casein make up the milk proteins. Cow’s different percentage of leucine. Shoot to
milk contains 80 percent casein and 20 optimize your muscle metabolism and
percent whey. However, human milk insulin sensitivity with the anti-kryp-
contains 60 percent whey and 40 percent tonite effects of leucine. ■
casein. Mother’s milk contains nearly 10
percent leucine, similar to whey protein Dr. Victor Prisk is a board certified orthopaedic sur-
concentrates. When we are growing our geon and IFBB professional bodybuilder in Pittsburgh,
PA. Dr. Prisk is an active member of the GNC Medical
most, as infants, nature has decided that Advisory Board and creator of the “G.A.I.N. Plan.” He
we need more leucine. If you want to is an NCAA All-American gymnast, champion swing
grow, you need to focus on the leucine dancer and NPC Welterweight National Champion.
content of your meals.
Some feel that once leucine has REFERENCES
reached a minimum threshold, often 1. Prisk V. The Leucine Factor Diet, Ulysses Press 2015
around ~2 grams in a meal, muscle (in Press).
2. Mamerow MM, et al. J Dietary protein distribution
protein synthesis is maximally turned on positively influences 24-h muscle protein synthesis in
and extra leucine won’t have a greater healthy adults. Nutr 2014 Jun;144(6):876-80.
3. Murphy CH, et al. Hypoenergetic diet-induced
effect. However, a study in relatively reductions in myofibrillar protein synthesis are restored with
young, active-duty military personnel resistance training and balanced daily protein ingestion
in older men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2015 May
demonstrated that 3.5 grams of leucine 1;308(9):E734-43.
mixed with essential amino acids was 4. Atherton PJ, et al. Muscle full effect after oral protein:
more effective in turning on muscle time dependent concordance and discordance between
human muscle protein synthesis and mTORC1 signaling.
protein synthesis than 1.87 grams of Am J Clin Nutr 2010;92:1080-8.
leucine with the same amino acids.7 Be- 5. Bennet WM, et al. Inability to stimulate skeletal
muscle or whole body protein synthesis in type 1 (insu-
sides, the older we get, the less sensitive lin-dependent) diabetic patients by insulin-plus-glucose
we become to leucine’s signal to make during amino acid infusion: studies of incorporation and
turnover of tracer L-[113C]leucine. Diabetologia 1990;33:43-51.
muscle.8 6. Norton LE, et al. Leucine content of dietary proteins
One thing is for certain— you can’t is a determinant of postprandial skeletal muscle protein
just chew on leucine all day and expect synthesis in adult rats. Nutr Metab (Lond) 2012 Jul
to grow lots of muscle. Leucine is the key 7. Pasiakos SM, et al. Leucine-enriched essential
to turn on the car (so to speak), but you amino acid supplementation during moderate steady state
exercise enhances postexercise muscle protein synthesis.
need fuel to keep it running, which also Am J Clin Nutr 2011 Sep;94(3):809-18.
requires intermittent rest stops. Leucine 8. Dardevet D, et al. Muscle wasting and resistance
of muscle anabolism: the “anabolic threshold concept” for
acts as a switch to turn on muscle growth, adapted nutritional strategies during sarcopenia. Scientific
but if the essential amino acids found in World Journal 2012;2012:269531.
complete proteins aren’t available, there 9. Cota D, et al. Hypothalamic mTOR signaling regu-
lates food intake. Science 2006;312:927-30.
are no materials to build the muscle.

For many years, the fats in our diets were vilified. The politics and misguided
policies of the ‘80s resulted in a fat-free fad where all of the palatable fats in our
inflammation.2 In one group of mice, the re-
searchers replaced 15 percent of the fat with
foods were replaced by sugars. We are now realizing the political and econom- EPA to see if it improved their physiologic
ic follies of our ways. There’s a crisis of the metabolic syndrome that includes function. Amazingly, the EPA-treated mice
obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and insulin resistance that now drains our showed significantly reduced bodyweight
medical systems and tax dollars. and adiposity or “fatness,” while decreasing
Unfortunately, sports nutritionists still believe that carbohydrates are the driv- the size of fat cells and reducing the amount
ing force behind athletic performance. As a result, the essential nutrients that of inflammation, compared to the high-fat
can really boost our performance are treated with benign neglect by the nutri- fed controls. Furthermore, when the mice
tion policymakers and demonized by the media. The reality is that the essential that became fat were given EPA, they re-
amino acids from protein and the essential fats are critical to our well-being and versed their fat cell size and reduced inflam-
lean muscle potential. mation. Mechanistically, EPA also improved
It is clear that the omega-3 fatty acids are especially important in our health. the fat cell’s ability to burn fat and utilize
Initial interest in the cardiovascular benefits of fish oils was incited by the finding oxygen.
that Eskimos and other populations that consume diets rich in these fatty acids
have extraordinarily low incidences of cardiovascular diseases. The effects of IMPROVED EXERCISE
these fatty acids appear to be on many different physiological processes, includ- PERFORMANCE
ing a reduction of inflammation, improved blood flow, positive changes in lipid Although some of the literature is con-
metabolism and the list goes on.1 flicting between endurance training and
strength training, there appears to be a net
FISH OILS FOR FAT BURNING beneficial effect to using omega-3 fatty
Over the past 30 years, there’s been significant interest in the therapeutic acids from fish oils to improve exercise per-
potential of fish oils for a variety of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, formance.1 It appears that the anti-inflam-
inflammatory bowel diseases and asthma in humans. Fish oil, rich in omega-3 matory effect reduces muscle damage and
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), exerts anti-inflammatory and immune-mod- delayed-onset muscle soreness, and the im-
ulatory effects, making them useful as a nutritional combatant to exercise-in- proved blood flow brings in more nutrients
duced inflammation and immune suppression resulting from intense training. to grow. You must remember, though, that the
The long-chain omega-3 PUFAs eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahex- omega-3 fatty acids used in these studies
aenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil appear to have additional anti-inflammatory are the long-chain fatty acids, especially
properties, primarily through their effects on the neutrophil and macrophage EPA, derived from fish oil. The omega-3 fatty
constituents of the inflammatory response. These acids from foods like flaxseed oil have to
are white blood cells that attack infections and be elongated by enzymes in your body that
help rebuild tissues. FISH OIL-DERIVED are very inefficient at doing so. So suck it up,
New data suggests that the types of macro- OMEGA-3S and slurp down some cod liver oil. Just kid-
phages in our fat changes as we go from lean to ding— take the pills … it’s easier.
fat. Initially, we have healthy macrophages that
CANNOT ONLY Because fish oils have such profound
produce mediators that reduce inflammation ENHANCE effects on our muscle and fat metabolism,
and improve the metabolic function of our adi- MUSCLE PROTEIN a particular area of research interest is the
treatment of complications related to ag-
pose tissue. As we get fatter, inflammation builds
up and unhealthy or “bad” macrophages come
SYNTHESIS, ing. Our sensitivity to leucine decreases as
in and perpetuate metabolism-crushing inflam- BUT CAN ALSO we age— and thus our ability to maintain
mation. Since EPA from fish oil is particularly PREVENT THE and grow muscle becomes more difficult.
known to have strong anti-inflammatory effects, CATABOLIC We must make a concerted effort to eat
it was hypothesized by scientists that supple- leucine-rich foods. Furthermore, as we age,
mentation with EPA could help limit the damag-
PATHWAYS THAT we experience more tissue breakdown and
ing effects of bad fat.2 BREAK MUSCLE inflammation in our bodies that we can com-
Scientists fed mice a high-fat, calorie-rich diet DOWN. bat with omega-3s. After age 50, we can lose
with the goal to make them obese and induce more than one percent of our muscle mass

88 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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per year, and lose more than two percent the omega-3 supplementation not only
of our strength as a result. This even occurs improved the low IGF-1 levels in these
in the diehard exercisers. The result is patients with cardiovascular disease, but
falling and hip fractures, which can lead to it also increased the bioavailability of the
death in 50 percent of those over 80. IGF-1 by decreasing levels of the IGFBP-3.
Studies on patients wasting away from Now, although omega-3 supplemen-
cancers and inflammatory problems like tation was able to increase IGF-1 in a
rheumatoid arthritis have demonstrated chronically lowered state, this data does
that fish oil supplementation can signifi- not suggest that healthy individuals with
cantly reduce the decline in muscle mass normal IGF-1 levels will experience a
seen from these conditions.3 Thus, doc- rise in IGF-1 above normal. However, in
tors decided to experiment with feeding chronically stressed states like overtrain-
the elderly Lovaza, a prescribed fish oil ing and lack of sleep, your IGF-1 levels
supplement containing 1.86 grams of may be too low to build the muscle you
EPA and 1.5 grams of DHA, and observed want. Those who are training with great
their muscle mass and function over a intensity may also have exceedingly high
six-month period. The amount of fish oil levels of inflammation in their bodies,
provided was equivalent to the amount which could lead to metabolic dysfunc-
one might find in seven to 14 ounces of tion in both muscle and adipose tissue.
salmon. Amazingly, this simple inter- This dysfunction could lead to a failure to
vention significantly increased muscle build muscle and mobilize fat for burn-
mass and strength in this population of ing. According to the studies presented
70-year-olds. Laboratory data supports in this article, omega-3s could help you
that fish oil-derived omega-3s cannot to restore normal physiology to this
only enhance muscle protein synthesis, bug-laden system.
but can also prevent the catabolic path- I will admit that I am a huge proponent
ways that break muscle down.3 The au- of supplementing your body with the
thors reported that although their fish oil essentials. Whether it’s a multivitamin,
intervention wasn’t quite as effective as a leucine or a conditionally essential nu-
resistance-training routine, it was at least trient like creatine, supplements help
equally if not more effective than results you achieve your training goals. Your
achieved from testosterone, growth hor- body can make creatine— however, if
mone and DHEA treatment studies. you are weight training, you need to get
more from your diet. If you aren’t eating
MUSCLE GROWTH at least one pound of fish per day, you
AND METABOLISM need to get some extra fish oil through a
Another omega-3 science update in supplement. I used fish oil at two to four
2015 suggests that omega-3 supplemen- grams per day throughout my gymnastics
tation may express some of its benefit and bodybuilding careers. Now I use fish
through modulation of insulin-like growth oil to keep the muscle I built, reduce the
factor-1 (IGF-1).4 IGF-1 is a protein hor- joint pain I caused and keep my heart
mone that travels in the bloodstream, healthy for the long haul. Besides, with
bound to other proteins called IGF- my work schedule and stress, I need the
binding proteins (IGFBP). When released most IGF-1 boost that I can get. ■
by these proteins, the IGF-1 can exert
its effects on muscle growth and metab- Dr. Victor Prisk is a board certified orthopaedic
olism. IGF-1 is mainly released by the surgeon and IFBB professional bodybuilder in
Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Prisk is an active member of the
liver in response to growth hormone, but GNC Medical Advisory Board and creator of the
can also be released by other tissues like “G.A.I.N. Plan.” He is an NCAA All-American gymnast,
muscle, to act locally. champion swing dancer and NPC Welterweight National
Patients with cardiovascular disease Champion.
have chronically low levels of IGF-1.
Statistics suggest that reductions in serum REFERENCES
levels of IGF-1 correlate to increased risk 1. Mickleborough T, Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
of heart failure and mortality from heart in Physical Performance Optimization. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc
Metab 2013;Feb;23(1):83-96.
disease. Since omega-3 fish oils are capa- 2. LeMieux MJ, et al. Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces
ble of limiting mortality in heart disease, adipocyte hypertrophy and inflammation in diet-induced
obese mice in an adiposity-independent manner. J Nutr 2015;
scientists explored whether omega-3 Mar;145(3):411-7.
supplementation could be having an ef- 3. Smith GI, et al. Fish oil-derived n-3 PUFA therapy
fect on the IGF-1.4 They performed a ran- increases muscle mass and function in healthy older adults. Am
J Clin Nutr 2015;May 20. [Epub, ahead of print]
domized, placebo-controlled trial of eight 4. Gholamhosseini S, et al. Omega-3 fatty acid differentially
weeks where they supplemented sub- modulated serum levels of IGF1 and IGFBP3 in men with CVD:
a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study. Nutrition
jects with 720 milligrams of EPA and 480 2015;Mar;31(3):480-4.
milligrams of DHA per day. Amazingly, 5. Prisk V. The Leucine Factor Diet, Ulysses Press 2015.

90 F IT N E SS R x for MEN SEPTEMB ER 2015


change generations of Gregorys

for what I achieve in this life.” Sim-
ply put, I want to motivate genera-
tions that carry the Gregory name
down the line, while also helping
teach them to do the same wherev-
er their passion may lie.
The same ideas can be applied
to your life, whether it’s training,

get a lot of questions from a lot of business or family. I’ll reinforce
different people on a huge number of the idea that balance and trying to
topics, and a great deal of them center succeed in all three isn’t easy, but
on training. But there’s one I get a lot from a it goes back to your “Why.” If it’s a
different demographic— one that includes strong “Why” and you have a seri-
fathers— and it really encompasses a vari- ous amount of discipline and work
ety of aspects of life. It’s “How do you do it?” ethic to match it, you can continue
My initial response is usually,“Do what?” to reach new levels.
and it usually moves back to them asking As Eric Thomas said, “When
how I’m able to have goals in the gym and you want to succeed as bad as
show enough willpower to get ripped and you want to breathe, then you’ll be
lean, all while still being a “normal” human successful.” I tell my son Alex, who
being, father and husband. is now 10, that Gregorys show up
First, let’s make one thing clear— I’m when it’s time to shine. We prepare
definitely not normal. But in relation to this, and work for big moments, and
there are a number of factors in play and then deliver when those arrive.
each one is extremely important. It may sound like that only
I have a huge support system at home applies in sports, but I want that
and that’s absolutely necessary in making same mentality to carry over from
all of this— training, magazine covers, sports into life. Deliver when the
running a successful business— possible. big moments arise and make sure
My wife, Rachael, bought into this since you maintain balance in your life.
day one, which happened to be more than I’ve always had big dreams, but
16 years ago. She knew my vision and she they become much more special
jumped on board, and that’s been a major when you have someone to share
factor in putting this all together. I can hon- them with. I thank my wife and
estly say I wouldn’t have been able to do kids for dealing with my craziness
this without her support. and big dreams, but it’s because of
I will be the first to admit that I need them that I get to live those dreams
help in finding the proper balance in my out each day. ■
life. In this business, you are constantly
trying to build. But that’s not just the fitness BIOGRAPHY
industry. In any business, you are trying to Cory Gregory co-founded MusclePharm
grow and it’s easy to fall into the mindset of with Brad Pyatt in 2008 and serves as Exec-
work, work, work and neglect your family. utive Vice President. A former underground
Believe me, the balance is very tricky. coal miner, Gregory worked diligently to
save money to realize his dream of opening
So how do you find that balance? Well, there are a couple of things you can do to help you
his own gym by the age of 20. In the last 15
reach your fitness goal or any other ventures you may have: Do them while everyone else is years, he has gained extensive experience
asleep, sleep less and sleep faster. and has received a number of accolades
The “sleep faster” part I especially love, and it’s something I got from Arnold. He refer- within several aspects of the fitness industry.
ences the “sleep faster” approach frequently, which means five to six hours of sleep is all you Obtaining an Exercise Specialist certificate
need when you are excited about life. That may come as a shock and may seem like a daunt- from Columbus State, Gregory is also NESTA
nutrition coach certified and Westside Barbell
ing challenge to some of you, but I assure it can be done and can make a huge difference in
certified. In addition to his in-depth knowledge
balancing everything when it comes to business, fitness and family. of bodybuilding and nutrition, he is a CrossFit
Believe me, I wouldn’t have been on the cover of FitnessRx if I didn’t get up at 4 a.m. Level-1 trainer further helping MusclePharm’s
every day, plain and simple. It 100 percent wouldn’t have happened. But since I get up at 4 athletes and ambassadors achieve their
a.m.— since I sleep faster— I made the time. This 4 a.m. time period is the only time I have fitness goals. Gregory prides himself on em-
the chance to go after my personal goals, whether it’s powerlifting or fitness. That’s the choice bodying the MusclePharm culture, as he has
been featured on the cover of top fitness mag-
I made and it’s been beneficial in a number of areas. I may get less sleep, but it allows me to azines, including FitnessRx. Weighing just 208
train and reach those goals, which in turn leads me to have time to run a successful business pounds, he has achieved a powerlifting total
and still be a dad and husband. of 1,755 pounds, culminating in a career-best
Is it easy? Of course not, but anything worth achieving isn’t going to be easy, no matter 700-pound squat. Most recently, Gregory
what aspect of life it falls under. The thing that drives me daily is my “Why.” I get up with every was added to the Arnold Schwarzenegger
Fitness Advisory Board.
intention of living out this statement— “I will be the most impactful person in my industry and

92 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5



A LEGEND IN THE INDUSTRY sugar levels stable. Each packet contains
21 grams of the highest quality carbo-
MET-Rx is a true legend in the sports
supplement industry. They have been hydrates to keep you going and going,
around for more than two decades, even when your body says no. This way
making them one of the true pioneers in you won’t hit the wall halfway through the
creating the most innovative products year event.
after year. I clearly remember when their
flagship MRP came out when I was just HOLD ON, THERE IS MORE
a teenager. I drank them every day, they Not to be forgotten is the delicate elec-
were that good. Even after all this time I trolyte balance that must be maintained
still use them as part of my supplement for optimal performance. Without key
program. Their revolutionary R&D team electrolytes constantly being replenished,
was and is known for formulating only the your health and performance can suffer
best products engineered for bodybuild- greatly. This is where your muscles cease
ers and athletes. This has led them to glob- up and cramps kick in, only to dwindle
al dominance in the supplement world your performance into a downward spiral.
with other companies consistently trying MET-Rx’s Electrolyte Energy Gummies
to copy their formulas. They are truly the are just what you need in a time like this.
cream of the crop and have stayed ahead They provide 40 milligrams of potassium
of the pack with the highest quality ingre- and 75 milligrams of sodium per serving.
dients and formulations that far exceed They provide your body with a fast-acting
the competition. energy source to keep your body’s stores
topped up when you need it most. This
TOUGH MUDDER TEAMS UP provides the best fuel source to hungry
MET-Rx has recently teamed up with hard-working muscles, helping to sustain
Tough Mudder, the premier high-paced the intense workload that is commonplace
adventure obstacle series that has taken with a Tough Mudder competition. This
the world by storm. It was founded in one-two punch provides your body just
2010 by Guy Livingstone and Will Dean. what it needs to get through the task at
This competition is considered one of hand and make sure you come out a win-
the toughest hardcore competitions ever ner. They are also gluten free, so for those
created. They hold more than 60 events with celiac disease or those who may be
gluten sensitive, consuming them is not an
each year in countries all over the globe.
This partnership provides Tough Mudder issue in the least. ENERGY GUMMIES
competitors the best sports supplements • Fuels your body with what you need fast
to help fuel them through this grueling BE YOUR BEST WITH MET-RX • Provides the right energy to hard-working
obstacle course event. As you can see, this unique and tasty muscles
supplement will help propel your perfor- • Loaded with 21 grams of high-quality
MET-RX TO THE RESCUE mance to a whole new level. It provides carbohydrates
One of the most popular products your body with an unlimited fuel source to • Increases energy without the bloating of
that contestants have fallen in love with is keep your hard-working muscles strong sports drinks
from start to finish. MET-Rx’s continued • Its unique electrolyte matrix keeps you going
their Electrolyte Energy Gummies. When
innovation and dedication to the sports non-stop
you put your body though such intense
supplement industry has helped thou- • Contains 75 milligrams of sodium and 40
physical exertion, it is critical to provide
sands of athletes from all over the world milligrams of potassium per serving
the body with the optimal fuel sources to • Helps prevent cramping while training
be able to continue at such a high-paced surpass their goals in both their physiques
in the heat
event. When you are putting your body and performance. This is why MET-Rx will
• Gluten free
through a beating, especially in the heat, continue to provide you with the most cut-
• Amazing taste and texture
it is imperative that you constantly supply ting-edge supplements and elevate your
• Perfect for competition and event training
an energy source that can keep your blood performance time and time again.

94 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5

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Reserve your Space...Call 1-800-653-1151 SEPTEMBER 2015 FITNESSRx for MEN 97


Q: Hey, Joe I have been following you on social media for the last
three years now and I have really learned a lot in regard to fitness. I am
a personal trainer at a local fitness center in my town and I have really
used a lot of your advice on fitness and nutrition for my clients. I have
done many of your workouts and have even enjoyed my nutritional
intake so much more since I started following you in 2012. Most impor-
tantly, though, I have been able to change many lives based on the tips
that you have given through your social media. That rocks!
However, I do find that many prospective clients (those who may
impulse buy on a gym membership or those who buy training sessions
but are impossible to get in touch with through text, call and email) tend
to just lose motivation after a few months. I al-
ways attempt to relay to them what keeps me
motivated, such as a will to prove to myself “PERSONALLY, I DO
that I can and will not only reach my goals NOT GO INTO THE GYM
but also achieve even greater goals than I
had originally set. This is probably a recur-
ring question, but what is it that keeps you so PHYSIQUE. I GO INTO
motivated? What keeps you going at such a THE GYM WITH THE
high level that you tend to keep getting better
as you age? How do you manage to consis- IDEA THAT TODAY I AM
tently train with such intensity, despite your GOING TO ATTEMPT THE
multiple business ventures, which have you
working 16- to 18-hour days regularly?

A: Thank you for your question and ing the fire burning in others is to focus on can I push past my mental limitations in
your kind words; I am truly humbled. intrinsic motivation. Quite simply, intrinsic order to hit my true physical failing point?
Motivation is one of the most commonly motivation is your internal drive to con- Working out is not life, however I use it as
misunderstood theoretical constructs. stantly improve— whether it is seeking a metaphor on how to live life. The gym, if
Motivation can be divided into two differ- further knowledge, improving your craft you will, is my laboratory where my work-
ent theoretical constructs: intrinsic, which or skill, or simply to improve something outs are my experiments, and the results
is internal motivation, and extrinsic, or as trivial as your physique. Personally, I are the behavioral characteristics I devel-
external motivation. do not go into the gym looking to better op through grueling efforts, which apply
Quite often in life we are motivated my physique. I go into the gym with the to every other area of my life.
by external factors.We want to make idea that today I am going to attempt the There is no way that I could work
more money to buy the nice house, the improbable— that I am going to punish the hours that I do, manage the ventures
nice cars, sometimes to impress others. myself physically in order to gain mental before me, if I had not taken the time to
Extrinsic motivation is the most common strength and real self-confidence. develop true intrinsic motivation. If you
type of motivation when it comes to fit- I design my workouts with the idea cannot be intense for 90 minutes in the
ness. People want to get in shape for the that despite my absolute best effort and gym, how can you expect to have any in-
summer, a vacation, a show or some other performance, I am likely to fail. It is this tensity about life? Focus simply on today’s
fixed period in time. The problem with constant challenge to best yesterdays ef- effort; build slightly on the day before.
extrinsic motivation is that once that goal fort, to constantly improve, that keeps my If you can make that your daily goal, the
is achieved, motivation tends to radically motivation at its peak, and has for years. physical goals we desire in the mirror will
dip or completely drop off altogether. I play head games within my workouts. now become a side effect of your daily
The key to staying motivated or keep- How far can I push my body? How far efforts. ■

Follow Joe on Instagram @JoeDonnellyfit, or his online training and nutrition website at

98 FI TNE S S R x for M E N S E P T E M BE R 2 0 1 5


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