Review Article
Review Article
Review Article
Review Article
Review of Physical Based Monitoring Techniques for
Condition Assessment of Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete
Copyright © 2013 Y. Lei and Z.-P. Zheng. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Monitoring the condition of steel corrosion in reinforced concrete (RC) is imperative for structural durability. In the past decades,
many electrochemistry based techniques have been developed for monitoring steel corrosion. However, these electrochemistry
techniques can only assess steel corrosion through monitoring the surrounding concrete medium. As alternative tools, some
physical based techniques have been proposed for accurate condition assessment of steel corrosion through direct measurements on
embedded steels. In this paper, some physical based monitoring techniques developed in the last decade for condition assessment
of steel corrosion in RC are reviewed. In particular, techniques based on ultrasonic guided wave (UGW) and Fiber Bragg grating
(FBG) are emphasized. UGW based technique is first reviewed, including important characters of UGW, corrosion monitoring
mechanism and feature extraction, monitoring corrosion induced deboning, pitting, interface roughness, and influence factors.
Subsequently, FBG for monitoring corrosion in RC is reviewed. The studies and application of the FBG based corrosion sensor
developed by the authors are presented. Other physical techniques for monitoring corrosion in RC are also introduced. Finally,
the challenges and future trends in the development of physical based monitoring techniques for condition assessment of steel
corrosion in RC are put forward.
on embedded steel. As alternative tools for monitoring 𝐹(𝑚, 𝑛), respectively [6]. The characters “𝑚” and “𝑛” rep-
steel corrosion, some physical based techniques have been resent the circumferential displacement and the sequential
proposed [4, 5]. Compared with the electrochemistry based order of the mode, respectively.
approaches, these physical approaches can not only pro- The displacement is symmetrical corresponding to 𝑚 = 0,
vide supplemented tools for monitoring steel corrosion, but where as 𝑚 = 1, 2, 3, . . . refers to asymmetrical displacements.
also conduct more accurate condition assessment of steel Longitudinal modes that propagate in the steel rebar only
corrosion. However, there are still many challenges and have two types of displacement, namely, radical displacement
difficulties of these physical based monitoring techniques 𝜇𝑟 and axial displacement 𝜇𝑧 . Considering the boundary
for practical application of condition assessment of cor- condition 𝜎𝑟𝑟 = 𝜎𝑟𝑧 = 0 (𝑟 = 𝑎), the Pochhammer fre-
rosion in reinforced concrete because the reinforcements quency equation can be achieved by solving the following
are typically embedded inside concrete. Therefore, it is still wave equation [6]:
imperative to investigate effective monitoring techniques for 2𝛼 2
early detection of corrosion in steel embedded in concrete. (𝛽 + 𝑘2 ) 𝐽1 (𝛼𝑎) 𝐽1 (𝛽𝑎) − (𝛽2 − 𝑘2 ) 𝐽0 (𝛼𝑎) 𝐽1 (𝛽𝑎)
Among the proposed physical based monitoring techniques, 𝑎
techniques based on ultrasonic guided wave (UGW) and fiber − 4𝑘2 𝛼𝛽𝐽1 (𝛼𝑎) 𝐽0 (𝛽𝑎) = 0,
Bragg grating (FBG) have many advantages for monitoring (1)
corrosion-related damage in reinforcing bars, so they gained
popularity among researchers in the past decades. This where 𝛼2 = (𝜔2 /𝑐𝐿2 ) − 𝑘2 , 𝛽2 = (𝜔2 /𝑐𝑇2 ) − 𝑘2 , 𝜔 is the angular
paper reviews some physical based monitoring techniques velocity, 𝑘 is real wave number, 𝑐𝐿 and 𝑐𝑇 are the velocity of
with emphases on the UGW and FBG based monitoring longitudinal and transverse waves in media, 𝑎 is the radius of
techniques for the condition assessment of steel corrosion the cylinder, and 𝐽 is Bessel function, respectively. Equation
in reinforced concrete in the last decade. The challenges (1) is a transcendental equation with independent variables 𝜔
and future trends in the development of physical based and 𝑘. Thus, a single frequency 𝜔 has more than one solution.
monitoring techniques for condition assessment of corrosion This phenomenon corresponds well to the fact that many
in reinforced concrete are also put forward. The structure of modes exist at a single frequency, indicating the multiple
the rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews the UGW modes property of UGWs.
based techniques for corrosion monitoring of RC, which Phase and group velocities are two fundamental param-
contains some important characters of UGW, mechanism eters that describe the characteristics of wave propagation.
of monitoring corrosion and feature extraction based on Phase velocity is defined as the speed of the phase of the
UGW, monitoring corrosion induced deboning, pitting, and wave propagation in the waveguide, whereas group velocity
interface roughness, respectively, and monitoring combined corresponds to the speed of the wave packet propagation.
effects in actual corrosion and so forth; Section 3 reviews FBG The curves that depict the relationships between frequency
for monitoring corrosion in RC, which contains mechanism and phase velocity and group velocity are called dispersion
of the FBG based corrosion sensor, design of FBG corrosion curves. All waveguides, both symmetrical and asymmetrical,
sensor proposed by the authors, and application of the have special dispersion curves, which can be obtained via
designed FBG corrosion sensors in Xiamen Xiang’an Subsea numerical calculation [7, 8]. Other characters of guided wave
Tunnel in China; Section 4 introduces some of other physical propagation can be obtained in many textbooks, for example,
techniques for monitoring corrosion in RC. Finally, the chal- [9–15].
lenges and future trends in the development of physical based For a typical steel bar in air, in which the diameter of
monitoring techniques for condition assessment of corrosion the bar is 22 mm, density is 7932 kg/m3 , compression lon-
in reinforced concrete are summarized in the conclusions. gitudinal velocities is 5960 m/s, and transverse velocity is
3260 m/s [7, 16]; the dispersive curves of phase and group
velocity are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
2. UGW Based Techniques for Based on Figures 1 and 2, the following characters of
Corrosion Monitoring of RC UGW are drawn.
2.1. Some Important Characters of Guided Waves. In an (1) More than two modes exist corresponding to a single
infinite isotropic solid medium only two types of indepen- frequency. The number of modes increases with the
dent wave propagation exist, that is, compression and shear increasing of the frequency.
waves. When geometry constraints are introduced and the (2) Dispersion occurs in all modes, indicating that phase
dimensions are close to the wavelength, the wave becomes velocity or group velocity changes with frequency.
dispersive and is called a guided wave. The propagation of (3) Cut-off frequency is common in all the modes except
guided waves is in accordance with the elastic theory in
for 𝐿(0, 1) and 𝐹(1, 1). In other words, only 𝐿(0, 1)
elastic media, whereas they follow the viscoelastic theory in
and 𝐹(1, 1) modes can be excited when the frequency
nonelastic media. Pipes, anchor molts, rails, and steel rebar
is lower than 87 kHz. This feature is very important
are typical waveguides.
to select the excitation frequency of the guided wave
There are three types of propagating waves in a cylindrical
waveguide: longitudinal, torsional, and flexural waves due
to complex effect of boundaries and they have frequency- Therefore, guided waves have some important characters,
dependent properties with notations of 𝐿(𝑚, 𝑛), 𝑇(𝑚, 𝑛), and such as, the capability of testing over long distances with
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3
10.0 F(1,4) component energy (WDI) value which is based on the wavelet
8.0 L(0,3)
component energy. The experimental results show that the
L(0,4) technique is effective to detect the single bond loss. The DI
Vph (m/ms)
L(0,2) F(1,5)
6.0 F(1,2)
value increases when the debond length increases but the
L(0,1) F(1,3)
Figure 3: Two types of guided wave modes A and B can propagate from the transmitter T to the receiver R. From Miller et al. [33].
(2) Severe pitting is caused by corrosion and the disconti- Loss of bond between steel and surrounding concrete could
nuity in steel bar affects the guided wave propagation be detected and evaluated by this method.
characters. Wu and Chang [38, 39] used the piezoelectric discs as sen-
sors and actuators to detect debonding in reinforced concrete
(3) Corrosion eventually causes delamination or sepa-
structures. A set of reinforced concrete square beam spec-
ration of steel rebar from the concrete affecting the
imens with various bond levels were built and tested using
strength of the propagating wave due to delamination.
guided mechanical waves at lower frequencies. The concrete
Based on the above mechanism and feature extraction, specimen was 508 mm long with a 19 mm diameter bar. A
most of the proposed UGW based techniques for monitoring PVC pipe was wrapped in the middle portion of the bar to
corrosion can be categorized into four groups as: (1) mon- simulate debonding damage.
itoring corrosion induced deboning, (2) monitoring pitting He et al. [40] used frequencies between 1 and 2 MHz to
corrosion, (3) monitoring corrosion induced interface rough- relate the effect of debonding on signals in cylindrical spec-
ness, and (4) monitoring combined effects in actual corro- imens. Specimens simulating 0%, 25%, 33%, 50%, 75%, and
sion. The following sections review the above four groups 100% debonding were created. Bond was inhibited between
of UGW based monitoring techniques for monitoring cor- the steel and concrete by surrounding the rebar with high-
rosion reinforced concrete including numerical simulation density polyethylene for the necessary length prior to embed-
and signal processing. The influence effects such as loading ment.
condition and surface geometry of steel bar are also discussed. Li et al. [41] used five-cycle sinusoidal signals with
120 kHz central frequency to investigated the UGW energy
attenuation on the different debonding levels between steel
2.3. Monitoring Corrosion Induced Deboning. It has been bar and concrete in both time-domain and frequency-
reported by Miller et al. [33] that there are two possible types domain analyses. Delamination was simulated by using PVC
of energy profiles inside the bar that can be observed in pipes.
propagating guided wave modes as the wave energy travels All the above test results indicated that both in time
through a steel bar from transmitter T to receiver R and these domain and frequency domain, the received waveform is
two types are denoted as modes A and B shown in Figure 3. less attenuated with the increase in debonding for both low
For mode A, the energy profile is such that most of the energy and high frequencies. However, the lower frequencies showed
propagates near the circumference of the rod; it is a surface- more sensitivity to the change in bond. There was no sig-
seeking mode and is chosen to assess the interfacial changes. nificant change in the waveform arrival time reported. The
For mode B, the energy is confined near the core or central location of debonding is not discernible through pulse trans-
axis of the rod, it is a core-seeking mode and is suitable for mission as reported by Evin et al. [42, 43].
detecting pitting corrosion for its low attenuation and large Wang et al. [44] conducted the debonding damage
range of detection. Once the interface condition between assessment in RC structures by numerical simulations. They
steel bar and concrete changes, the energy propagation may developed a concrete-steel spectral element in the frequency
change as well. domain to analyze wave propagation along a steel rebar in
Na et al. [34] used both high (1 MHz) and low frequencies concrete. Scalar damage parameters characterizing changes
(150 KHz) to study the effect of various bond levels by sur- in the interface (i.e., debonding damage) were incorporated
rounding the rebar with a PVC pipe in RC beams and the into the formulation of the spectral finite element that is
effect of debonding location on the received waveforms. They used for damage detection of reinforced concrete structures.
in the same way conducted a comparison of steel concrete A reinforced concrete beam with embedded piezoelectric
interfaces and glass fiber polymer-concrete interfaces using elements was carried out to verify the developed spectral
the guided waves [35, 36]. element method (SEM) for modeling wave propagations.
Reis et al. [37] used the fundamental flexural mode below Effects of the debonding damage and material properties
250 kHz for estimation of corrosion damage in steel rein- were also studied to evaluate the effect of different damage
forced mortar. Debonding defects were simulated by wrap- scenarios on wave propagation in the reinforced concrete
ping a tape around the rebar. Waveform energy that is indica- structures. The results showed that the modeling can be
tive of attenuation was used to relate to corrosion damage. used to predict the wave propagation along the steel bar in
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5
concrete with complex interaction between the steel rebar of flight of this echo, the location of the damage can be
and concrete. computed by (2). It was observed that the amplitude of notch
Lu et al. [45] evaluated simulated corrosion in a form of echo increased with the increase in the notch dimensions,
partial removal of material from the rebar embedded in the However, the notch echo peak did not rise perceptibly even
concrete by attaching rectangular piezoelectric zirconate- at 20% damage. Thus, its discernibility to small notches is not
titanate transducer (PZT) patches at the exposed ends of the very high due to the nature of the mode 𝐿(0, 7) used for test-
rebar. In consideration of the inevitable discrepancies in dif- ing. As the energy of the mode is concentrated at the centre
ferent concrete beams due to specimen preparation and sen- of the bar, the mode is not sensitive to surface irregularities.
sor installation, principal component analysis (PCA) based However, the notch location is not discernible through pulse
on statistical parameters extracted from wave signals was transmission, but as the percent of damage increased from 0%
applied to highlight the difference between benchmark and to 60%, the magnitude of the transmitted peak reduces. This
damaged rebar. The results showed that PCA is capable of is because as the notch dimensions increased, more energy
reducing the dimension of a complex set of original data, is reflected back and less of it travels through the bar to
whose characteristics can be represented and highlighted by reach the other end. Hence, relative signal attenuation of the
the first few mapped principal components. The different transmitted pulse can relate to the extent of the damage in the
rebar conditions can be classified with the assistance of PCA, bar.
in terms of the existence of damage and its corresponding Precise measurement of time of the flight (TOF) of the
severity. propagating signal plays a pivotal role in structure damage
localization. Dai and He [50] applied a time-frequency anal-
2.4. Monitoring Pitting Corrosion. Valor et al. [46] presented ysis method, Wigner-Ville Distribution (WVD), to calculate
two Markov chain models to simulate pitting corrosion. The the TOF of signal based on its excellent time-frequency
first model describes the time evolution of pit depths. The sec- energy distribution property. Experiments for damage local-
ond Markov chain pitting corrosion model gives account for ization of one-dimensional and two-dimensional structures
the maximum pit depths. Both models have been developed have been studied. The results showed that the WVD-based
and validated using experimental pitting corrosion data. method has better performance on the accuracy and the sta-
In the technique of pulse echo, when there is an interface bility of damage localization in one-dimensional structure in
such as a crack, void, or flaw in the wave path, part of the comparison with traditional Hilbert envelope and Gabor
energy is reflected back from the interface and received by the wavelet transform methods.
same transmitting transducer. From the display, the time of As an incident guided wave is hitting an obstacle such as
flight between the excitation and reflected pulse is measured. pitting in the steel bar due to corrosion, not only the same
Knowing the group velocity of the excited longitudinal wave type of wave is reflected and transmitted but also mode con-
mode in the steel bar, the location of the defect can be version occurs at discontinuities. This mode conversion is
calculated as follows [47]: quantified in terms of reflection and transmission, or, scatter-
𝑉𝑡 ing coefficients. Gaul et al. [51] analyzed reflection and trans-
𝐷= , (2) mission of guided waves at arbitrarily shaped discontinuities
in the cylinders using finite element and boundary element
where 𝐷 is the distance of defect from transducer end, 𝑉 is methods. The numerical results were confirmed with a series
the group velocity of excited mode, and 𝑡 is time of flight. of laser-based ultrasound measurements. There was a good
Pavlakovic et al. [48] conducted the monitoring of local- agreement between numerical and experimental results.
ized corrosion in the reinforcement by creating 2 mm and
4 mm deep saw cuts (perpendicular to the bar axis) in a solid
bar 8 mm in diameter and then casting in grout. A pulse- 2.5. Monitoring Corrosion Induced Interface Roughness. Mil-
echo arrangement was used for the saw cut reinforcement ler et al. [52] corroded rebar specimens to different levels to
specimens, with the discontinuity located 450 mm away from simulate the general corrosion, which were conducted by
the transmission site. A longitudinal guided wave at 3.75 MHz impressed current, removed some of the corrosion using
was transmitted, with the results showing that wave reflec- sandpaper or wire brush, and then embedded into concrete.
tions are clearly detectable from both saw cuts. The diameter of the steel rebar was 22.23 mm and the spec-
Di Scalea et al. [49] created a 2 mm saw cut in a seven- imen size was 12.7 cm × 12.7 cm × 60.96 cm. Two corroded
wire steel strand specimen located in an anchored region steel rebars removed some of the corrosion by 100-grid sand-
undergoing tensile loading. By using a through transmission paper to simulate the “medium corroded sample”. Another
test setup, it was found that the attenuation of the waveform two rebars were simulated as “least corroded sample” by using
increased for the saw cut specimen as compared to an undam- the wire brush to further remove the corrosion. Tone-burst
aged specimen. pulses were invoked at 1 MHz. The results indicate that the
Sharma and Mukherjee [47] used 𝐿(0, 7) mode at 1 MHz wave is more attenuated as the corrosion level increases. This
frequency to monitor notch defect in steel bars in concrete was attributed to better bonding between the corroded steel
simulating pitting phenomena caused by corrosion. Both surface and concrete, allowing more energy leakage.
pulse echo and pulse transmission techniques were used to Gaydeck et al. [53] embedded a 7 mm steel wire into a
monitor corrosion. Appearance of notch echo indicated pres- concrete mix with a 4% calcium chloride solution added
ence of notch in the embedded bar. By knowing the time to induce corrosion. The reinforced concrete specimen was
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
cylindrical, with an outer diameter of 150 mm and a length of which effect is stronger at that time, therefore a change in the
1 m. The steel wire was exposed on either end of the concrete signal strength does not necessarily always imply increasing
to allow for transducer coupling. After the concrete had ini- corrosion. To avoid the perplex problem, Miller et al. [33]
tially cured, a transducer with a 200 kHz resonance was used proposed a new guided wave-based technique to monitor
to invoke a longitudinal wave (single-cycle pulse). Six months corrosion in reinforced concrete by studying the change in
later, after slight corrosion occurred, another wave was sent the time of flight (TOF) of propagating wave in loaded rein-
into the specimen. The higher frequency content was most forced concrete structures at various levels of corrosion. RC
affected (i.e., loss in signal strength) by the corrosion product beam specimen was conducted by accelerated corrosion and
accumulation. This was attributed to the corrosion pressure subjected to bending loads at different corrosion levels. The
creating better acoustic coupling at the interface between the results showed that the degree of corrosion is related to the
steel and concrete, thereby allowing more energy leakage. change in the TOF of propagating waves as the RC beam
is loaded laterally. The main advantage of the proposed
2.6. Monitoring Combined Effects in Actual Corrosion. approach is that the test result is independent of energy
Sharma and Mukherjee [54] studied the different modes of propagation of guided waves. In addition, it is not affected
guided wave in the steel bar embedded in concrete. The dis- by the bonding condition between the sensors and structure.
persion curves show that the 𝐿(0, 1) mode at a low frequency
of 100 KHz is of the significant amount of axial displacement 2.7. Influence Factors of UGW Based Monitoring for Corrosion
at the steel/concrete interface, so it is a surface-seeking mode in RC. Effect of loading conditions, temperature, concrete
and is chosen to assess the interfacial changes. It also shows strength, reinforcing ribs, and anchorages on the guided
that the energy of 𝐿(0, 7) mode at a high frequency of 1 MHz is waves has been reported.
concentrated in the central core of the bar. Hence it is a core- Wu and Chang [38, 39] investigated tension test on the
seeking mode and is suitable for detecting pitting corrosion rebar to determine whether loading would have any effect on
for its low attenuation and large range of detection, as shown the guided wave characteristics. The results showed that the
in Figure 2. applied load does not affect the wave amplitude for the fre-
Furthermore, the different progressions of rebar corro- quency range and mode tested. However, the time of arrival
sion in concrete in chloride and oxide environments were of the waveforms did change once yielding occurred due
conducted respectively by the surface- and core-seeking to the rapid increase in length. They also investigated how
guided wave modes [2, 54]. The above two modes were used guided wave characteristics are affected by bending. Lon-
to monitor beams undergoing accelerated impressed current gitudinal modes were invoked using 5-cycle tone bursts,
corrosion. The results showed that pitting and nonuniform primarily around 90 kHz. As the load was increased during a
area loss were highlighted by severe signal attenuation in four-point bending test, a crack, perpendicular to the axis of
chloride corrosion with core-seeking mode. With surface- the reinforced concrete specimen, formed in the tension zone
seeking mode, the signal strength of chloride corrosion ini- and extended up towards the neutral axis. The results showed
tially rises followed by the drop. This indicates that chloride that as the applied loads and cracking of the surrounding
concrete matrix increased, the amplitude of the waveform
corrosion starts with delamination followed by local loss of
material. In oxide corrosion, the rate of corrosion is slow and
Li et al. [41] used Ansys software to simulate the propaga-
localized marked by initial drop in signal due to pressure tion of guided waves in the rebar and explore the characteris-
buildup by formation of corrosion products and then slow tics of ultrasonic guided wave in the steel rebar waveguide.
bond deterioration as depicted by gradual rise in signal Then two-dimensional fast Fourier transform was used to
strength in surface-seeking mode. Thus effective combination process the numerical results and to evaluate the debonding
of surface-seeking and core-seeking of guided wave modes damage. The results showed that both the group velocity and
can relate to the differences in corrosion mechanisms and the amplitude of longitudinal modes were not very sensitive
rates in the two environments in RC structures; however, the to stress and temperature variations. However, the received
simulation of chloride corrosion as delamination is not real- UGW signal energy decreased with the increasing concrete
istic. A judicious combination of notching and delamination strength.
would be more effective for simulating chloride corrosion. For the effects of reinforcing ribs and anchorages, it was
Ervin and Reis [42] and Ervin et al. [55] used both low concluded that [56] (1) wave propagation is largely unaffected
(<200 KHz, 𝐿(0, 1) mode) and high [2–9 MHz, 𝐿(0, 9) mode) by the presence of surface features when the ratio of the wave-
guided longitudinal modes for monitoring corrosion in length to the surface feature dimensions is large, and there
reinforced mortar by the accelerated corrosion experiments. was particular sensitivity to diagonal rib patterns compared
It was found that surface-seeking modes were sensitive to the to an orthogonal axisymmetric rib pattern; (2) specimens
combined effect of bond deterioration and mortar stiffness without stirrups had stronger waveform amplitudes than
reduction while core-seeking modes related well to change in specimens with stirrups.
cross-sectional area of the reinforcement.
During the corrosion progression, both phenomena 3. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) for
of increasing surface roughness and increasing separation
between steel and concrete can occur simultaneously or at dif-
Monitoring Corrosion in RC
ferent stages of corrosion. Their contribution to energy prop- Fiber optic sensors have a number of advantages over conven-
agation of guided waves is opposite to each other, so the net tional sensors, such as high sensitivity, immunity to electro-
signal strength may either increase or decrease depending on magnetic interference, corrosion resistance, small-volume,
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7
Wire netting
Polished surface
Bonding point
Optical fiber
Figure 4: Optical fiber grating bound on surface of steel cylinder. Steel bar
Installation site the change in resistance of probes so as to achieve the test pur-
pose [68, 69]. Although applications of these probes in con-
Installation site Installation site crete are relatively rare, the results have proved that they
can accurately determine the cumulative corrosion damage
of steel in cementitious materials [70]. Consequently, reli-
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 14: Photographs of field application.
(a) (b)
Figure 15: Photographs of testing in situ.
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