Telecom Sector in India: MARS & Partners
Telecom Sector in India: MARS & Partners
Telecom Sector in India: MARS & Partners
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Telecom Sector In
й 2010 MARS & Partners. All
Rights Reserved
International Legal
Telecommunications services are a global market
worth over US$ 1.5 trillion in revenue
With a growth rate of
45%, Indian telecom industry has the highest
growth rate in the world
MARS & Partners
Historical Background
o Section 2 (1)k TRAI Act
service of any description (including
electronic mail, voice mail, data services,
audio text services, video text services,
radio paging and cellular mobile
telephone services) which is made
available to users by means of any
transmission or reception of signs,
signals, writing, images and sounds or
intelligence of any nature, by wire,
radio, visual or other electro-magnetic
Till 1990
New Economic Policy
Steady Growth
Mobile revolution
MARS & Partners
Legal and Regulatory Framework
MARS & Partners
Telecommunication Laws
Indian Telegraph Act, Indian Wirele
1885 ss Act, 1933
• Power to the Central • Main objective to regula
Government regarding possession of wireless ap
establishing, maintaining and
working telegraphs
• Supplementary to the Te
• Granting of license
• Prohibits any person fro
possessing wireless teleg
• Special power in public interest apparatus except under
accordance with a licens
under this Act
• 2004 Amendment: Universal
Service Obligation
Telecommunication Laws
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997
TelecomRegulatory Telecom Disputes Se
Appellate Tribunal
Authority of India
• Amendment in 2000
• Primary regulatory entity
• To adjudicate disputes an
• Composition: 1 Chairman, 2
whole appeals
time members, 2 part time • Between a between a licen
licensee; between two or mor
• Functions
providers between a service p
Recommendation to
government and a group of consumers.
Enforce compliance
Investigation and issuing
Governmental Policies
o National Telecom Policies
1994 and 1999
Broad policy guidelines
Aims: over all development
of licensing system
Present Scenario
MARS & Partners
Spectrum Scarcity
• Spectrum Restrictions
Foreign Investment
o Attractive avenue for foreign
investment since 1990.
o 20.7% growth, revenues of Rs.1,
57,542 crore in 2008-09.
o Reasons
Fastest growing sector
(including indirect
49% automatic route
Licensing requirements
o Security Requirements
Some officers and majority of
directors to be Indians
Restriction on transfer of
network coverage in a
geographically vast country as
helps in reducing the risk
factors for
the telecom companies
DoT Guidelines
Legal Services
for Telecom Sector
o LEGAL advice pertaining to the licensing and
regulatory requirements concerning the
various telecommunication services.
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