Portfolio: Learning Assessment 2 Educ 13
Portfolio: Learning Assessment 2 Educ 13
Portfolio: Learning Assessment 2 Educ 13
Educ 13
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My greatest learning from the subject is that the saying “naa raka sa tumoy
sa ballpen sa maestra” is definitely not true, because the learners are the one
making their grades. The teachers are only there to calculate the results from
the learners’ assessment. And the assessment is, well planned, made and
agreed both from the teacher and the learner.
My Teachers’ Philosophy
Accomplished Activities
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authentic Assessment
Process Oriented
Time Intensive
Product oriented
Authentic Practical
Individual Reliable
feedback Summative
Formative Foster Extrinsic
Foster Intrinsic Valid
Motivation Content
Valid Impact
Chapter 3
1. Obersavation-based Assessment Tool
An assessment involve obtaning evaluative information though
direct observation.
A Checklist.
Leadership Checklit
The learner will send a 1 minute dance presentation about the lesson.
A classroom debate.
Chapter 4
Analytic Rubric Holistic Rubric
Each criterion is evaluated All Criterion evaluated
separately simultaneously.
Advantages Advantages
- Diagnostic information - Socoring faster
- Gives formative feedback - Good summative
- Links instruction assessment
- Adaptable Disadvantages
- Ability to combine scores - Does not communicate to
Disadvantage what improve
- More time to evaluate when - Not good informative
scoring multiple items.
Task designing was part of this chapter in which it serves as a guide for
teachers on how to design a task product oriented performance. The
concepet presented in this chapter were all of great use in the designing,
planning, assessing, scoring rubrics, criteria setting in relation to performance
based assessment.
Chapter 6
Criteria Yes No
a. I have included methods for ALL of the
experiments performed
in this lab
b. I have included complete chemical names,
c. volumes or masses used, lot numbers,
chemical suppliers
d. I have included the names of all types and
e. models of equipment
f. I have described experimental conditions such
as temperature,
incubation times and conditions, gel running
times and voltages,
Centrifuge spin speeds and times, etc.
g. I have discussed any special safety equipment
of practices
h. I have written this section in paragraph form
i. I have written this section in past tense
j. I have separated separate protocols and
provided headings such
as “Bacterial transformation”, “Preparation of
competent cells”,
“Restriction digestion” etc.
k. I have written consistently in either first
person, or third person
l. passive voice, depending upon the directions
of my instructor
There were three (3) domains identified in the Blooms Taxonomy. (1)
Cognitive domain (2) Affective domain and (3) Pyschomotor domains. In this chapter
the affective domain was emphasized since this is where we have to address a
feeling, an emotion or a degree of acceptance or rejection so for me it is important
that I have to understand better the affective learning competencies to cater the
needs of the learners.
Since the affective domain is difficult to state an objective because they often
refers to feelings and internal processesof mind and body that cannot be tested and
measured using traditional methods. Terms were simplified so that it would be
measured, translated in quantitative terms. So it made easy for us to understand this
particular domain as one of the learning competencies.
Chapter 7
The different types of portfolio gives me an idea on what’s the best type to
implementin the learning process. Let me qoute Paulson and Meyer (1991, p.63)
Portfolio offers a way of assessing student learning that is different from the
traditional method. Assessment provides the teacher and students an opportunity to
observe students in a broader context to make judgments about their own
Chapter 8
Direction: indicate which type of marking and reporting system best fits
each statement listed below.
1. Provides for two-way reporting.
2. Provides most useful learning guide to student
3. Provides least information concerning learning
4. Most preferred eby college admissions office
5. Maybe too complex to understood by parents.
6. Most widely used method of reporting in highschool.
LEARNING GOAL: Distinguishes between desirable and undesirable practices in
asigning relative letter grades.
1. The grades should reflect the learning outcomes specified for the
2. To give test scores equal weight in a composite score the cores
should be simply added together.
3. If it is decided to assign different wweighs to some scores, the
weighting should be based on the maximum possible score on the
4. Grades hould be lowered for tardiness or misbehavior.
5. Grading typically should be based on the normal curve.
6. Pass-fail decisions should be based on an absolute standard of
This chapter simplified the tas and minimizing the complexities by describing
the various types of marking and reporting system and providing guidelines for
effective use. It is made clear the function of grading and reporting system were
discussed and presented in this chapter.
Chapter 9
The ideas presented in this chapter would lead me to the idea of being careful
and specific and consider the importance of the topic discussed.