Exam Quizzess
Exam Quizzess
Exam Quizzess
Both quantitative and qualitative methods have a place in nursing research, and can inform nursing practice as
long as the steps of the research process are followed carefully and the researcher is careful to adhere to
standards expected to assure rigor. Select one:
The findings from in-depth qualitative research are typically grounded in the real-life experiences of people
with first-hand knowledge of a phenomenon. Select one:
Quantitative research conducted in the positivist paradigm has sometimes been accused of a narrowness and
inflexibility of vision, a problem that has been called a _______ of the world that does not fully capture the
reality of experiences.
Sedimented View
The positivists paradigm assumes that knowledge is maximized when the distance between the inquirer and
the participants in the study is minimized. The voices and interpretations of those under study are crucial to
understanding the phenomenon of interest, and subjective interactions are the primary way to access them.
Select one:
Quantitative studies tend to look at things like internal and external validity
and reliability. Similar constructs to assess rigor in qualitative studies may include credibility, transferability,
dependability, and confirmability. Select one:
Through an inductive process, naturalistic researchers integrate information to develop a theory or description
that helps explicate the phenomena under observation. Select one:
This is an information that begins at the bottom of the levels of evidence pyramid. This is where ideas and
laboratory research takes place. Ideas turn into therapies and diagnostic tools, which then are tested with lab
models and animals.
These are the techniques researchers use to structure a study and to gather and analyze information relevant
to the research question.
Research Methods
This is also sometimes called hierarchy of evidence and are assigned to studies based on the methodological
quality of their design, validity, and applicability to patient care. These decisions gives the "grade (or strength)
of recommendation.“
Levels of evidence
Give an example of an information that has not been critically appraised. This Research Design is considered
This type of research usually occurs in a natural setting with a small number of research participants who are
willing to share their information about a phenomenon in a narrative format.
Qualitative Research
This is a systematic review that uses quantitative methods to summarize the results.
For the naturalistic inquirer, reality is not a fixed entity but rather a construction of the individuals participating
in the research; reality exists within a context, and many constructions are possible. Select one:
When authors have systematically searched for, appraised, and summarized all of the medical literature for a
specific topic, this is called a ______?
Systemic Review
Evidence for a study in the positivist paradigm is gathered systematically, using formal instruments to collect
needed information. Select one:
These studies are typically designed to collect numerical data, which are statistically analyzed to study research
questions or hypotheses.
Within the naturalistic paradigm, much research activity is directed at understanding the underlying causes of
natural phenomena. Select one:
Nurses act as principal investigators, members of research teams, identifiers of researchable problems,
evaluators of research findings, users of research findings, patient/client advocates during
studies, and subjects/participants in research. Select one:
Quantitative research is an important way for nurses to better understand human experiences and processes
and it has fewer participants and produces richer data that is more subjective in nature than quantitative
research. Select one:
The highest level of evidence includes both a background information and an expert opinion. Select one:
Researchers in naturalistic traditions emphasize the inherent depth of humans, their ability to shape and create
their own experiences, and the idea that truth is a composite of realities. Select one:
The lowest level of evidence includes both a systematic review and a meta-analysis. Select one:
Because of their belief in an objective reality, positivists seek to be objective. Their approach involves the use
of orderly, disciplined procedures with tight controls over the research situation to test hunches about the
nature of phenomena being studied and relationships among them. Select one:
Give an example of a Research Design that have gone through a rigorous evaluation process. This Research
Design has been "filtered."
Interpretive methods, such as laboratory experiments and survey research, are aimed at theory (or
hypotheses) testing, while positivist methods, such as action research and ethnography, are aimed at theory
building. Select one:
The following are considered steps in the qualitative research process, except?
The method commonly used in basic research in the pure sciences (e.g. biology, physics, and chemistry) is ___.
Related literature are published and unpublished studies that are sources of materials and which have direct
similarities or bearing to the present study being conducted. Select one:
Related studies are written works collectively, especially those that are of enduring importance, exhibiting
creative imagination, and artistic skill which are written in a particular period, language and subject. Select one:
The research on “The Health Science Vocabulary Proficiency of Freshmen Nursing students in relation to certain
variables is typical of what method of research?
Descriptive-correlation survey
The research method that best meets intended purpose of the study should be used.
Review of literature
The data gathering procedure narrates how the researcher will go along the research legwork. Select one:
To improve the delivery of nursing care and enhance the quality of patient care.
The research design shows the research method/s to be utilized in a study. Select one:
Ex post facto design is a quasi-experimental study examining how an independent variable, present prior to the
study in the participants, affects a dependent variable. Select one:
Which statement best describes qualitative research? Select all that apply.
A. Studies are conducted in natural settings. B. Data are collected from a large number of subjects.
A, D
Basic research, also called pure research or fundamental research, is a type of scientific research with the aim
of improving scientific theories for better understanding and prediction of natural or other phenomena. Select
Methodology consists the research design, the research locale or the description of the research environment,
the description of respondents or subjects, the research tool or the instruments to be used, the data gathering
procedure, and the statistical or treatment of data. Select one:
Research is one of the roles of a community health nurse in the improvement of the health care delivery
system. A community health nurse conducts a study on the prevalence of HIV infection. What research design
is appropriate to use in this study?
For which of the following research questions would qualitative methods be most appropriate?
The summary of findings must be brief as possible, but must include a clear presentation of all the important
information concerning the findings. Select one:
The statistical/treatment of data includes the classifications made, the tallying, and the statistical tool used in
the study.
Select one:
The related studies are distinct from the related literature in that the former are the results of investigation.
Therefore, they involve a problem and research design; they have findings, conclusions, recommendations.
Select one:
The recommendation in a research paper can be defined as a critical suggestion regarding the best course of
action in a certain situation. The whole idea of a recommendation is to provide a beneficial outcome. Select
The introduction is the general orientation of the study and it consists of statements on what led the
investigator to promote the study. Select one:
Information from anecdotal and opinion articles is usually included in research literature reviews. Select one:
In conducting a subject search in an electronic database, you would most likely initiate the search by typing in:
A topic or keyword
In a qualitative research report, the thematic analysis of the data would be presented in the:
Results section
A well-written literature review is characterized by numerous quotations directly from primary-source research
Select one:
When doing a literature review, the type of information in which a researcher undertaking a new study is least
interested is:
The literature review section should conclude with a critical evaluation of knowledge on the problem of
Select one:
Paraphrasing, rather than directly quoting from an article, is a common flaw in literature reviews. Select one:
In a quantitative research report, a review of prior research on the problem under study is most likely to be
found in the:
It is systematic in nature.
The literature review will be different depending on the way it is to be used: dissertation, research proposal, or
a review for EBP. Select one:
A published literature review article would be considered a primary source for a person doing a literature
review on the same topic. Select one:
One major purpose of a literature review is to learn what research has already been done in the area. Select
The method section of a research report generally includes information about the sample, study design, data
collection, and study procedures. Select one:
The process of studying published research and the written review outlining what literature was
"Research has suggested that cigarette smoking is a cause of lung cancer" is an appropriately worded
statement for a literature review. Select one:
Which of the following sentences best conforms to the generally acceptable form of a research literature
Studies have found that the Lamaze method of childbirth reduces the amount of post-delivery pain
medication required by mothers.
A good literature review includes the researcher's opinions on the issues being investigated. Select one:
Clinical expertise
The method commonly used in basic research in the pure science like biology, physics, and chemistry is:
The research question “what is the decision-making process among intensive care unit nurses who decide to
assist terminally ill patients to die?” is:
The aggregate of those to whom a researcher wishes to generalize study result is the:
Arrange in correct sequence the following steps of the research process. A. Formulate problem information B.
Review related literature C. Analyze research data D. Determine research design E. Make conclusions and
Which of the following limits the power of the scientific method to answer questions about human life?
Which statement best describes qualitative research? Select all that apply. A. Studies are conducted in natural
settings. B. Data are collected from a large number of subjects. C. Data collected tend to be numeric. D. The
research design is subjective.
For which of the following research questions would qualitative methods be most appropriate?
The overall plan for answering the research question is called the:
Research design
Determining the feasibility of a research question includes all the following considerations except:
A research hypothesis:
Review of literature
All of the following are activities that a quantitative researcher might do during the planning phase except:
The research method that best meets intended purpose of the study should be used.
A researcher’s expectations about the outcomes of a quantitative study are generally expressed in the form of
A systemic review of many studies is important when deciding on an EBP procedure because:
Nurse Traecy Meanne strongly believes elevating the head of the bed of the patient in mechanical ventilation is
effective in preventing pneumonia. This is based on her years of practice as a staff nurse in the medical ward of
Callang General Hospital. Which source of evidence is she utilizing?
Clinical experience
Research refers to a systematic and disciplined inquiry that seeks to answer questions and solve problems
using a structured series of steps the goal of clinical nursing research is to:
Which of the following strategies for research utilization is most amenable too adoption by nursing students
and clinical nurses?
To improve the delivery of nursing care and enhance the quality of patient care
A nurse who reads research articles and incorporates research findings into nursing practice would
demonstrate which of the following research roles?
Which of the following terms is not typically used by quantitative researchers to refer to people who
participate in a study?
Research utilization begins with empirical findings for consideration in practice settings, while EBP begins with:
A search for the best possible information for addressing a clinical problem
The source of evidence is based on the statements and responses of someone who is specialist or expert in a
specific field:
The research question “should voluntary tubal ligations be performed on women without children?” is:
Not researchable
Florence Nightingale is most noted for which of the following contributions to nursing research?
Literature reviews
The research tradition that focuses on understanding phenomena within a cultural context is:
Which of the following is not a research tradition widely used by qualitative nurse researchers?
You are working in an allergy clinic and notice how difficult it is for many children undergo allergy scratch tests.
You wonder if there is an intervention to help allay children’s fears about the skin tests they get when they are
being tested for allergens. This is an example of:
The research question “Does maternal stress during the first semester of a pregnancy affect infant birth
weight?” is:
Acceptable as stated
-The incidence of urinary tract infections will be greater in patients whose Foley catheters are irrigated
frequently than in those whose Foley catheters are irrigated less frequently.
-The incidence of urinary tract infections will not differ between patients with or without Foley
Based on the hierarchy of research evidence, which among the following studies is considered as having the
highest level of evidence?
Cross-sectional studies
Which of the following journals would most likely contain the highest number of primary sources for a research
literature review?
In a qualitative research report, the thematic analysis of the data would be presented in the:
Results section
The convention of confidentiality is upheld as a means to protect the privacy of all persons, to build trust and
rapport with study participants, and to maintain ethical standards and the integrity of the research process
(Baez, 2002). Confidentiality of study participants can be increased by:
This is a technique designed as being especially effective for capturing information about social norms and the
variety of opinions or views within a population.
As classically defined, this consist of concepts and a set of propositions that form a logically interrelated
system, providing a mechanism for deducing hypotheses from the original propositions. This can also help to
stimulate research by providing both direction and impetus. A set of logically interrelated propositions is
associated with a:
Classic theory
c. Management of diseases and conditions (individual care; end-of-life care; management and decision-
Before entering a chat room, he or she should notify the list owner
Correlational studies are used to show the relationship between two variables. Unlike experimental studies,
however, correlational studies can only show that two variables are related they cannot determine causation
which variable causes a change in the other. Correlational research can most clearly demonstrate:
Functional relationships
Research for health covers the full spectrum of research, which spans the following generic areas of activity:
c. Developing solutions or interventions that will help to prevent or mitigate the problem
d. Evaluating the impact of these solutions on the level and distribution of the problem
The research design for a quantitative study involves decisions with regard to all of the following except:
This type of qualitative research subsumes a group of approaches that in turn rely on the written or spoken
words or visual representation of individuals. The type of qualitative research in which stories are center stage
Narrative analysis
Discussion section
It is systematic in nature
When vulnerable individuals or groups are considered for recruitment in research, researchers and research
ethics committees must ensure that specific protections are in place to safeguard the rights and welfare of
these individuals and groups in the conduct of research. Vulnerable subjects would include:
Pediatric clients
This is a condition in which the identity of individual subjects is not known to researchers. Most human subjects
research requires signed documentation of consent. The safeguard mechanism by which even the researcher
cannot link the participant with the information provided is called:
b. Need for new knowledge about social, political, economic and environmental determinants of health
c. Need for new knowledge about local contexts, conditions and health priorities
d. All of the above
Ethnographic research is a qualitative method where researchers observe and/or interact with a study's
participants in their real-life environment. Ethnography was popularised by anthropology, but is used across a
wide range of social sciences. Ethnographers strive to:
The method of having a team composed of specialists in the fields of cultural diversity, ethics, pediatrics, and
women's health develop a case summary of families after examining transcripts relating to the full family unit is
known as:
Investigator triangulation
In a quantitative research report, a review of prior research on the problem under study is most likely to be
found in the:
Conducting in-depth interviews is one of the most common qualitative research methods. When conducting
qualitative research, the researcher must make a commitment to:
The nurse-theorist Roy developed this model. The prominent nursing theory aims to explain or define the
provision of nursing. In her theory, Roy's model sees the individual as a set of interrelated systems who strives
to maintain balance between these various stimuli.
Adaptation Model
A case study is a research method common in social science. It is based on an in-depth investigation of a single
individual, group, or event. The greatest strength of a case study is its ability to:
Obtain depth
b. Disease prevention and promotion of well-being (interventions to modify behavior, promote well-
being or alter physical, biological and environmental risks)
a. Absence of effective treatments for diseases in low-income countries such as dengue fever
b. Growing microbiological resistance in, for example, diseases like tuberculosis and malaria
a. The success of a research project is highly dependent on how potential problems have been
identified and resolved before data collection begins
c. Research concepts and methodologies are dynamic and a good researcher should always be open to
new ideas, concepts, and new ways of doing things
d. Research is not for the highly sensitive, onion-skinned and proud persons
Prior to providing any intervention, an outcome measure provides baseline data. The initial results may help
determine the course of treatment intervention. A pretest is to a posttest as:
Which of the following sentences best conforms to the generally acceptable form of a research literature
Studies have found that the Lamaze method of childbirth reduces the amount of post-delivery pain
medication required by mothers
In conducting a subject search in an electronic database, you would most likely initiate the search by typing in:
A topic or keyword
Quantitative researchers specify a research design before collecting their data and rarely depart from that
design once the study is underway. In qualitative research, the design typically evolves over the course of the
study. Which of the following design features can apply to both a qualitative and quantitative study?
In relation to the major considerations in formulating the research design, this refers to the extent to which
various types of biases are controlled in the study like comparability of subjects, measurement bias and others.
Internal Validity
Informed Consent is a voluntary agreement to participate in research. It is not merely a form that is signed but
is a process, in which the subject has an understanding of the research and its risks. Informed consent is
essential before enrolling a participant and ongoing once enrolled. Informed consent is not obtained when:
Informed consent
The major similarity between theories and conceptual models is that both:
Research for health covers the full spectrum of research, which spans the following generic areas of activity:
b. Developing solutions or interventions that will help to prevent or mitigate the problem
c. Understanding the diverse causes or the determinants of the problem, whether they are due to
biological, behavioral, social or environmental factors
When existing data from records and/or specimens are used, the researcher may omit informed consent when:
The nurse-theorist Orem developed this theory. In her theory, the said model is the performance or practice of
activities that individuals initiate and perform on their own behalf to maintain life, health, and well-being.
Self-Care Model
All of the following are issues that a qualitative researcher attends to in planning a study except:
This is a technique designed to elicit a vivid picture of the participants perspective on the research topic. It is a
useful and effective method to use when the objective is to elicit individual experiences, opinions, feelings as
well as when addressing sensitive topics.
The term ethnoscience describes a methodology and a field of substantive investigation. As a methodology,
ethnoscience refers to research protocols that developed within US ethnosemantics of the 1960s, in which the
objective was to use strict elicitation techniques to produce a cultural grammar. The research tradition known
as ethnoscience has its roots in the discipline of:
Provision 1 of the Code of Ethics for Nurses calls us to practice with compassion and respect for the inherent
dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person. Individuals forfeit many of their rights when
incarcerated. If a researcher unobtrusively studies interactions among patients in a psychiatric hospital, which
ethical principle may be violated?
Right to self-determination
When ethnographers study their own culture or group, they are conducting a(n):
In a nonexperimental study, which of the following questions would not be addressed in designing the study?
An important consideration when nurses choose to use animals as research subjects is that the nurse:
Researchers of this approach try to account for people's actions by focusing on the main concern that their
behavior is designed to resolve; a procedure in this approach called constant comparison is used to develop
and refine theoretically relevant concepts and categories. Which of the following approaches involves the use
of a procedure known as constant comparison?
Grounded theory
In a correlational study, as compared with an experimental study, the researcher forfeits control of:
In relation to the major considerations in formulating the research design, this refers to the extent to which the
study results can be generalized to a larger population. It covers issues related to sample selection and sample
External Validity
Strategies that qualitative researchers use to enrich and strengthen their studies in the data-gathering phase
Audiotaping interviews
Research that uses qualitative methods for one phase and quantitative methods for the next phase is known
Mixed-method research
What type of comparison is implied in the following research question: Are teenaged women less likely to
breastfeed their infants than older women?
Human beings, environment, and health are three of the four concepts central to models of nursing, with
nursing being the fourth, as opposed to nutrition. These conceptual models have been defined and linked in
diverse ways to emphasize the relationship among them. Which of the following is not a central concept in
conceptual models of nursing?
Social support
When doing a literature review, the type of information in which a researcher undertaking a new study is least
interested is:
A researcher wants to study the process by which people make decisions about seeking treatment for
infertility. The researcher's paradigmatic orientation most likely is:
Quantitative research is different from qualitative research in all the following ways except:
Quantitative research is based on numerical and narrative data, while qualitative research is based on
objective and statistical inputs
The level of measurement that classifies and ranks objects in terms of the degree to which they possess the
attribute of interest is:
This is a key feature of quantitative research which involves assigning numbers to objects to represent the
amount of an attribute that is present, using a specified set of rules.
Which of the following would be the least appropriate title for a study?
Report of a Nursing Study That Investigated the Preventive Health Care Practices of a Group of
AdolescentsB) Report of a Nursing Study That Investigated the Preventive Health Care Practices of a
Group of AdolescentsC) Single Fathers' Perception of the Parent-Child RelationshipD) Children's
Reactions to Cast RemovalB) Report of a Nursing Study That Investigated the Preventive Health Care
Practices of a Group of AdolescentsC) Single Fathers' Perception of the Parent-Child RelationshipD)
Children's Reactions to Cast Removal
Instruction: Shade the letter of choice in the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED
1. Which of the following is generally true 7. You want to study the effect of sleeping habits of students on
concerning the knowledge base for nursing? their academic performance. What type of descriptive
A. Most of the knowledge that has been used by nurses research would be the most applicable?
was developed by nurses A. Longitudinal research C. Case Study
B. Most of the knowledge that has been used by nurses B. Causal research D. Evaluation research
was developed by members of other disciplines 8. Which of the following is an example of a continuous
C. Nurses have used knowledge developed by nurses and variable?
of other disciplines in fairly even proportions
D. Knowledge and skills applied in nursing practice are A. Religion C. Patients
product of continuous study and scientific investigation B. Staff nurses D. Blood pressure
2. Which of the following types of research probes the unknown
for a specific goal or reason such as solving a problem or 9. If the nurse studies the effect of Nifedipine in lowering blood
developing a program or a product? pressure among hypertensive patient admitted at
A. Basic research C. Action research Brgy.Pinagbuhatan Quezon City, Nifedipine can be
B. Applied research D.Operations research considered as which of the following types of variable?
3. In this type of research, researchers wanted to determine a
certain problem and come up with a solution to that A. Dependent variable C. Compounding variable
problem. The findings are limited to settings actually B. Independent variable D. Alternative variable
studied. This is exemplified by which of the following types 10. A portion of the population to represent the entire
of research? population is which of the following?
A. Basic research C. Action research A. Accessible population C. Sample
B. Applied research D. Operations research B. Target population D. Participants
4. The following are examples of basic research, which is NOT 11. The small group selected from a larger group to participate
included? in the study is known as which of the given options?
A. The relationship of stress to the number of working hours A. Study population C. Sample
of the nurse B. Sample population D. Element
B. The grieving process of the caregivers of terminally ill 12. Which of the following is not a type of non-probability
cancer patients sampling?
C. The effectiveness of banana leaves in the prevention of
A. Snowball sampling C. Convenience Sampling
decubitus ulcers
D. The factors affecting the recovery of stroke patients B. Systematic sampling D. Quota sampling
5. The type of research study in the study of typhoid fever if
relationship has to be established 13. Which sampling involves participants that are selected
based on the proximity to researcher’s residence?
between sanitation practices and the occurrence of typhoid A. Cluster C. Convenience
fever is which of the following? B. Purposive D. Quota
14. The study is province wide in Zamboanga del Norte. Two
A. Exploratory C. Historical
cities were chosen namely Dipolog and Dapitan Cities.
B. Descriptive D. Experimental Four municipalities each within the two cities were
selected next, then four barangays per municipality were
6. The nurses would like to study whether the auscultatory picked for the study. Which of the following represents this
method is effective in determining the patency of the sampling method?
nasogastric tube (NGT). This type of approach in research A. Theoretical C. Multistage
where it progresses through systematic and logical steps to B. Purposive D. Systematic
be able to collect data and involves analysis using 15. What sampling involves participants that are selected
statistical procedures is referred to as? based on the researcher’s knowledge about the
A. Applied research C.Quantitative research population?
B. Qualitative research D.Operations research A. Probability C. Random
B. Purposive D. Quota
16. In conducting a nursing research, the researcher needs to
know the criteria of selecting a research problem. Which of
the following is the most important criterion in the selection questionnaires to their participant and do not ask them
of the research problem? to write their names.
A. Limitation of the researcher B. The researchers who want to conduct a study about the
effectiveness of bladder training, give relevant
B. Availability of the research Instruments information to their subjects and give them enough
C. Novelty of the research problem time to make a decision
D. Significance of the study C. The researchers who want to conduct a study about the
new treatment method to cancer patients, reviews and
17. In the Pavlovian Theory, the dependent variable is also compares the possible side effects and potential
referred to as which of the following? benefits of the treatment
A. The organism C. The outcome
B. The stimulus D. Subject D. The researchers informed the participant that the study
18. “Infants born to heroin addicted mothers have the same may include invasive questions or procedures
birth weight as infants born to non-heroin addicted mother”
is a n example of a research hypothesis, while “infants 22. Which of the following exemplifies a scale ordered from
born to heroin addicted mothers do not have the same more to less?
birth weight as infants born to non-heroin addicted A. Interval Scale C. Nominal Scale
mothers” is an example of statistical hypothesis. Based on B. Ratio Scale D. Ordinal Scale
the statements given above, what is the difference 23. What is the basic assumption of the Naturalist paradigm?
between research and statistical hypothesis? A. The natural world is objectively knowable
A. Research hypothesis are statements of expected B. Reality is constructed by individuals
relationships between variables while statistical C. The researcher is independent from those being
hypothesis states that there’s no significant studied
relationship that exists between the variables. D. All events in the natural world have antecedent causes
B. Research hypothesis is referred to as the null 24. In the research process, which phase involves the
hypothesis, on the other hand statistical hypothesis is following: defining the problem to be studied, doing a
also known as the alternative hypothesis. literature review, engaging in clinical fieldwork for clinical
studies, developing a framework and conceptual
C. Research hypothesis states that there’s no significant definitions, and formulating hypotheses to be tested?
relationship between the dependent and independent A. Conceptual phase C. Empirical phase
variables, while the statistical hypothesis states the B. Design and planning phase D. Analytic phase
expected relationships between variables 25. “There is no significant relationship between job satisfaction
and job performance of staff nurses in private and
D. Research hypothesis specifies clearly the government hospitals in Iloilo City.” is an example of
characteristics or qualities of the variables being which of the following?
investigated, while statistical hypothesis merely A. Simple Null Hypothesis
predicts the type of relationship but does not predict B. Complex Null Hypothesis
the extent of the relationship C. Simple Research Hypothesis
D. Complex Research Hypothesis
19. A researcher would like conduct a study about the
26. "There is a difference in the level of anxiety of students who
behaviors of ER nurses assigned in the night shift. If a
received final coaching before taking the board exam than
researcher will be covert participant he/she might violate
those who do not receive suchInstructions." This
what right of a research subject?
formulated hypothesis is an example of which of the
A. right to anonymity and confidentiality
B. right to protection from harm
C. right to withdraw from the study A. Non-directional hypothesis
D. right to informed consent
20. When you want to standardize the responses of your B. Null Hypothesis
sample respondents in order to measure the variables in
numerical terms, what would be the best research C. Complex Hypothesis
instrument to use to gather your data? D. Directional Hypothesis
A. Closed-form questionnaire C. Observation
B. Open-ended questionnaire D. Interview 27. Miss Santos remembers one study submitted by a student
21. In which of the following situations best exemplified the risk- was “The Intelligence Quotient and Milk Feeding of
benefit ratio? selected School Aged Pupil of School X.” This kind of
research could be an example of which of the following?
A. The researchers who are conducting a study about the
effects of smoking to pregnancy distribute A. Correlational C. Exploratory
B. Experimental D. Historical A. 1,4,6 C. 1,3,5,6
28. Which among the following research question is using the B. 1,2,5,6 D. 2,3,4
Solomon Four Group Design?
A. “Health teachings on patients with urinary
B. “Effects of Genetic Counseling and Pre natal
Supervision on the incidence of Maternal
Complications in High Risk Women.”
30. To obtain mothers of children with cystic fibrosis, a
C. “Effects of Touch and Music Therapy on the Heart researcher contacted one such mother who lived in her
Rates and respiratory Rates of Premature and Full neighborhood and asked her if she knew any other
Term Newborn” mothers of children with cystic fibrosis. Which of the
D.“Effectiveness of the Use of Guava leaves for External following represents the type of sampling method used?
Flushing to Post Partum Patients to Prevent Infection.” A. Probability sampling C. Convenience sampling
29. Independent variables are also called by which of the B. Snowballing sampling D. Purposive sampling
1. experimental 4. Treatment
2. criterion 5. effect
3. response or outcome 6. causal or stimulus
c. Selected Demographic and Social Factors and its Effects on A. In qualitative analysis, the main organizational task is to
Stroke Patients categorize and code the data.
d. Stroke Patients and their Selected Demographic and Social B. Units of qualitative materials (e.g., paragraphs) often include
Factors material for several coding categories.
7. Scope of the research would mean the following EXCEPT: C. Qualitative researchers usually develop a categorization
A. Limitations C. Setting system before data are collected
B. Target population D. Time frame
D. Category systems often need to be modified once coding
8. An influence producing a distortion in study results in which
has begun.
of the following?
A. Extraneous variables C. Halo effect 14. “Quasi-statistics” are most likely to take which of the
B. Hawthorne effect D. Bias following forms?
9. Which of the following correlation coefficients indicate the
strongest correlation? A. Standard deviations C. Correlation coefficients
a. -0.7 b.0.5 c. -0. 2 d.
B. Frequency counts D. Means
10. Ms. L is a member of the Nursing research group in the 15. Community Health Nurse Becka is going conduct a
College of Nursing. She was task to conduct a study about The research regarding family planning in the municipality of
Effectiveness of the Enhancement Program as a Preparation Marikina. She decided to get her sample population in every
for the Local Board Exam. As a novice researcher, she has to 4th family representing the total population of the said
review the research process. Which of the following topics community. What is the type of sampling method utilized in the
conforms to the priorities to be considered in developing such said research?
A. Stratified Sampling C. Cluster sampling
A. Topics about study habits of students
B. Incidental Sampling D. Systematic Sampling B. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
16. Which of the following is a quantitative research? C. The Cochrane Collaboration Model
A. A beginning students’ definitions of nursing. D. The Stetler Model
22. One of the functions of this type of research is to describe a
B. Determining the characteristics of patient’s requesting phenomenon of interest and may be retrospective, prospective,
abortion. cross sectional, or longitudinal. This type of research is which
of the following?
C. An analysis of the concept of loneliness among the elderly.
a. Phenomenological
D. The process of recovery from a suicide attempt.
b. Correlational
17. The researcher used the following codes to measure
marital status: 1 = married, 2 = separated or divorced, 3 = c. Descriptive
widowed. The researcher is using which of the following levels
of measurement? d. Historical
C. Request the raw data from the researchers so that the nurse
can analyze the statistic again.
42. Mikai conducted a study entitled “Needs and Functioning of
Schizophrenic Patients living in an Assisted Facility”. This is an
example of which type of research? 48. The following are universal assumptions except:
b. Basic d. Library Research b. Breast milk is the best food for infants.
c. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to health.
43. Danielle will be conducting a study that will determine the d. Nursing care influences the recovery of patients.
relationship of continuing professional education and nurses’
competency. She will likely be implementing what type of
research? 49. “There is a significant increase in the rate of healing of
decubitus ulcer among subjects who receive regular application
a. Correlational Studies c. Comparative Studies of topical insulin than in those who do not” is an example of
b. Case Studies d. Content Analysis which type of hypothesis?
a. Non-directional hypothesis c. Directional hypothesis
44. Studies designed to collect data at more than one point in b. Null hypothesis d. none of the above
time over an extended period uses what design? 50. The hypothesis, “Cancer patients on music therapy
a. Cross-sectional c. Longitudinal experience less pain episodes, decrease anxiety, improve
psychosocial outcome than those who receive routine care”, is
b. Evaluation d. Experimental an example of which of the following?
45. Which of the following statement are true regarding a. Simple, Directional hypothesis
positivist and naturalistic paradigms?
b. Simple, Non-directional hypothesis
a. In naturalistic paradigm, reality exists and the real world is
driven by natural causes c. Complex, Directional hypothesis
Concerning the major considerations in formulating the research design, this refers to how various types of biases are
controlled in the study, like comparability of subjects, measurement bias, and others.
a. Comparability
b. Generalizability
c. Internal Validity
d. External Validity
A code of ethics is an essential resource for the decisions that must be made at work. Primary ethical principles include
all of the following except:
a. Respect for human dignity
b. Justice
c. Beneficence
d. Negligence
It consists of six sections: Introduction or Rationale, Statement of the Problem or Purpose and Objectives, Statement of
Null Hypotheses, Scope and Limitations, Significance of the Study, and Definition of Terms.
a. Chapter II
b. Chapter IV
c. Chapter I
d. Chapter III
Concerning the major considerations in formulating the research design, this refers to how the study results can be
generalized to a larger population. It covers issues related to sample selection and sample size.
a. Comparability
b. Internal Validity
c. Generalizability
d. External Validity
The crudest level of measurement is:
a. Ordinal
b. Interval
c. Ratio
d. Nominal
It is a summary of the paper, allowing readers to review the main points and purpose of the paper quickly. It should
include a one-line introduction, objectives, problems, methodology, findings, general conclusion/implication.
a. Dedication
b. Abstract
c. Appendices
d. Acknowledgment
All the following activities occur during the conceptual phase of a study except:
a. Defining a framework
b. Formulating research questions
c. Developing intervention protocols
d. Doing a literature review
When vulnerable individuals or groups are considered for recruitment in research, researchers and research ethics
committees must ensure that specific protections are in place to safeguard these individuals and groups' rights and
welfare in the conduct of research. Vulnerable subjects would include:
a. People who do not speak English
b. Women hospitalized for a mastectomy
c. Pediatric clients
d. Members of a senior citizens group
Degrees such as Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate correspond to measures on which of the following
a. Ordinal
b. Nominal
c. Interval
d. Ratio
The aggregate of those to whom a researcher wishes to generalize study results is the:
a. Gatekeepers
b. Sample
c. Population
d. Consumers
This is a crucial feature of quantitative research, which involves assigning numbers to objects to represent the amount of
an attribute present, using a specified set of rules.
a. Statistics
b. Evaluation
c. Table of Specifications
d. Measurement
An infant's birth weight is measured on a:
a. Interval scale
b. Ratio scale
c. Nominal scale
d. Ordinal scale
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Legally, informed Consent involves three elements: capacity, information, and voluntariness
b. Every researcher has the responsibility to protect participants in a research study, including obtaining
Consent, ensuring protection from harm, and protecting the privacy
c. Informed Consent ensures that each participant has a complete understanding of the purpose and methods
used in the study, the risks involved, and the demands of the study
d. All the statements above are correct
This is a sequential listing of all significant parts of the research with corresponding page numbers.
a. Table of Contents
b. Acknowledgment
c. Abstract
d. Dedication
If a researcher is administering a questionnaire to a highly disadvantaged population, it is sometimes advisable to?
a. Determine the readability level of the questionnaire
b. Use mostly open-ended questions in the questionnaire
c. Collect data about the study participants' reactions to the study
d. Pretest the questionnaire with a less disadvantaged sample
This describes the setting of the study and justifies why the study was undertaken in this particular locale. (i.e., particular
conditions relevant to or necessitate the conduct of the study).
a. Significance of the Study
b. Theoretical / Analytical Framework
c. Definition of Terms
d. Research Environment
Religious affiliation is measured on the:
a. Ratio scale
b. Nominal scale
c. Ordinal scale
d. Interval scale
The measure of variability that takes into account the actual score values is the:
a. Standard deviation
b. Range
c. Median
d. Semiquartile range
Which statement best describes qualitative research?
a. The research design is systematic and subjective
b. Data are collected from a large number of subjects
c. Studies are conducted in laboratory settings
d. Data collected tend to be numeric
In selecting an instrument for a research project, the primary consideration is?
a. Whether the instrument has a good reputation
b. Whether the instrument is familiar to the researcher
c. Whether the instrument captures the conceptual meaning of the phenomena of interest
d. Whether the instrument is costly
This section of the first chapter contains a statement of why the researcher needs to define such terms. Terms must be
alphabetically arranged, italicized, indented, conceptually / and or operationally defined. Definitions must be
appropriately referenced.
a. Significance of the Study
b. Definition of Terms
c. Theoretical / Analytical Framework
d. Scope and Limitation / Scope, Delimitation and Limitation
Informed Consent is a voluntary agreement to participate in research. It is not merely a form that is signed but is a
process in which the subject understands the research and its risks. Informed Consent is essential before enrolling a
participant, and ongoing once enrolled. Informed Consent is not obtained when:
a. The study is determined to be exempt from Institutional Review Board review
b. The researcher collects information covertly
c. The risk/benefit ratio is low
d. The researcher pays a stipend to study participants
Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. Capacity is a person's ability to acquire and retain knowledge
b. Consent to participate may not be given by an adult, a parent, guardian, or another agent legally authorized
to act on a person's behalf
c. Information must be presented so each participant can completely and fully understand it
d. Voluntariness ensures each participant's ability to exercise the power of free choice without the intervention
of force, fraud, deceit, duress, or other forms of coercion
Which of the two variables, the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or weight in kilograms, uses a higher measurement
a. Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
b. Both are the same.
c. There is insufficient information to decide.
d. Weight in kilograms
All of the following are activities that a quantitative researcher might do during the planning phase except:
a. Recruiting subjects for the study
b. Developing methods to control extraneous variables
c. Developing a questionnaire
d. Coding subjects' responses
Research instrumentation involves the use of various tools to gather research data. Which of the following describes the
appropriate use of a checklist?
a. Identifying the acceptable level of performance opposite the observed behavior on a list.
b. Asking another observer if the behavior was similarly observed.
c. Asking the person being observed if he/she mastered the behavior.
d. Giving scores on the behavior observed.
Data collection protocols
a. Vary only marginally from one study to the next
b. Specify a standard set of procedures used to collect the research data
c. Are developed after research staff are trained
d. Are especially important in qualitative research to minimize subjectivity
This part shows the theoretical foundations of the research and how the research should proceed. This part justifies the
rationale for the investigation. It cites the theories on which the study is premised based on the authors' ideas to
establish the relationship among the variables of the study.
a. Definition of Terms
b. Theoretical / Analytical Framework
c. Scope and Limitation / Scope, Delimitation and Limitation
d. Significance of the Study
Keeping a record of the fluid intake, in ounces, of a postsurgical patient is an example of which level of measurement?
a. Interval
b. Ratio
c. Nominal
d. Ordinal
The overall plan for answering the research question is called the:
a. Research design
b. Proposal
c. Problem statement
d. Sampling plan
Which of the following is the final step of the research process?
a. Interpret the findings.
b. Communicate the findings.
c. Analyze the data.
d. Utilize the findings.
In a research report, limitations of the study are typically discussed in the:
a. Methods section
b. Discussion section
c. Results section
d. Introduction
This part presents the list of all references quoted in the construction of the research paper.
a. Dedication
b. References
c. Appendices
d. Abstract
Arrange in correct sequence the following steps of the research process. (Write the letter of the first step up to the last
step.)A. Formulate problem informationB. Review related literature C. Analyze research dataD. Determine research
designE. Make conclusions and recommendation
a. A, B, D, C, E
b. A, B, C, D, E
c. A, E, B, C, D
d. A, D, B, C, E
Which of the following statements below is incorrect?
a. Data collected in qualitative studies are interpreted
b. When a sample of convenience is chosen, the study is qualitative
c. Qualitative studies explore phenomena
d. Qualitative studies explore the meaning of human experience
A researcher's expectations about the outcomes of a quantitative study are generally expressed in the form of a:
a. Hypothesis
b. Framework
c. Conceptual definition
d. Research question
It is not meaningful to calculate an average with data from which of the following?
a. Ordinal measures
b. Nominal and ordinal measures
c. Nominal measures
d. None of the above
The level of measurement that classifies and ranks objects in terms of the degree to which they possess the attribute of
interest is:
a. Nominal
b. Ratio
c. Ordinal
d. Interval
This refers to the data gathering tools (e.g., questionnaires, tests, etc.) used in the study. Herein, the researcher should
discuss who made the instrument, what it measures, how the instrument/s was developed, scored, and interpreted.
a. Research Instruments
b. Research Environment
c. Significance of the Study
d. Definition of Terms
Conducting in-depth interviews is one of the most common qualitative research methods. When conducting qualitative
research, the researcher must commit to:
a. Complexity
b. Contradiction
c. Researcher-driven inquiry
d. Absorption and diligence
Qualitative research reports almost always include:
a. Excerpts from the measuring instruments
b. Evidence of reliability
c. Raw data
d. Statistical analyses
The methods section of a study contains which of the following?
a. The sampling design
b. The names of the statistical tests that are going to be used
c. The discussion including recommendations for future research
d. The review of the literature
It discusses briefly the method of research used in the study. It also explains why and how the design was used.
a. Significance of the Study
b. Theoretical / Analytical Framework
c. Research Design
d. Definition of Terms
Which of the following phrases would be found in a report of a quantitative study?
a. The phenomenon studied was
b. Researchers sought to explore the meaning of the hospital experience
c. Data were analyzed and interpreted
d. A convenience sample was chosen
Research is one of the roles of a community health nurse in improving the health care delivery system. A community
health nurse conducts a study on the prevalence of COVID-19 infection. What research design is appropriate to utilize in
this study?
a. Phenomenological research design
b. Quasi-experimental research design
c. Descriptive research design
This is a technique designed as being especially useful for capturing information about social norms and the variety of
opinions or views within a population:
a. Face-To-Face Interaction
b. Focus Group Discussion
c. Intrapersonal Communication
d. In-Depth Interviews/Key Informant Interviews
If a variable were measured on a nominal scale, the most appropriate measure of central tendency would be the: A
a. Median
b. Mode
c. They are all equivalent.
d. Mean
A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and have the
competence and the work-plan to complete it. Broadly the research proposal must address the following questions
regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose: What you plan to accomplish, why do you want to do
it, and how are you going to do it. Strategies to help prepare a successful proposal include:
a. Excluding any preliminary work or pilot study
b. Selecting a team with at least seven members
c. Writing what is truly important to you and your staff
d. Selecting a problem with clinical or theoretical significance
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. The main objective of a questionnaire in research is to obtain relevant information in the most reliable and
valid manner
b. All the statements above are correct
c. The accuracy and consistency of survey/questionnaire form a significant aspect of research methodology,
known as validity and reliability
d. A questionnaire is one of the most widely used tools to collect data, especially social science research
At what point does a qualitative researcher typically make many decisions about data collection and the research
a. While the study is in progress in the field
b. During the development of a research proposal
c. While reviewing the literature
d. After a pilot study has been conducted
This is a condition in which the identity of individual subjects is not known to researchers. Most human subjects'
research requires signed documentation of Consent. The safeguard mechanism by which even the researcher cannot
link the participant with the information provided is called:
a. Confidentiality
b. Informed Consent
c. Anonymity
d. Right to privacy
The measure of central tendency that is most stable is the:
a. They are all equivalent.
b. Mean
c. Median
d. Mode
In a qualitative research report, the thematic analysis of the data would be presented in the:
a. Results section
b. Introduction
c. Methods section
d. Discussion section
At what point does a qualitative researcher typically make many decisions about data collection and the research
a. While the study is in progress in the field
b. During the development of a research proposal
c. While reviewing the literature
d. After a pilot study has been conducted
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. The rule of thumb regarding risk factors is when in doubt, ask for permission
b. Particular care should be taken with participants who are characterized as vulnerable to harm, such as people
with disabilities, children, or older individuals
c. All the statements above are correct
d. The essential concern in all research is that no individual is harmed by serving as a participant in a study
This chapter presents the data gathered and the information obtained from the study participants, which is in the form
of figures, tables, graphs, and texts. The researchers should discuss the facts of the results and analyses to present its
principles, relationships, differences, and generalization.
a. Chapter IV
b. Chapter III
c. Chapter II
d. Chapter I
The standard deviation is an index of:
a. Variability
b. Skewness
c. Central tendency
d. Bivariate relationships
This is a technique designed to elicit a vivid picture of the participant's perspective on the research topic. It is a useful
and effective method to use when the objective is to elicit individual experiences, opinions, feelings as well as when
addressing sensitive topics:
a. Face-To-Face Interaction
b. In-Depth Interviews/Key Informant Interviews
c. Focus Group Discussion
d. Intrapersonal Communication
A parameter is a characteristic of:
a. A nominal level measure
b. A site
c. A sample
d. A population
This is referred to as the extent to which an instrument's content adequately and comprehensively captures the
construct being measured:
a. Criterion-related validity
b. Sensitivity
c. Content validity
d. Face validity
The type of data that is least likely to be used in qualitative studies is?
a. Documents and artifacts
b. Self-reports
c. Observational data
d. Biophysiologic measures
Data analysis is to be done, and the nurse researcher wants to include measures of variability. These include the
following EXCEPT:
a. Standard Deviation
b. Variance
c. Range
d. Mean
In a quantitative research report, a review of prior research on the problem under study is most likely to be found in the:
a. Discussion section
b. Introduction
c. Methods section
d. Results section
The first step in the development of a data collection plan in a quantitative study is?
a. Locating existing instruments for key constructs
b. Developing suitable forms for data collection
c. Identifying and prioritizing data needs
d. Pretesting data collection instruments
Which level of measurement permits the researcher to add, subtract, multiply, and divide?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Ratio
d. Interval